February 27, 2016

Bernie Supporters: Don't get sad. Get mad.

Mad at the DNC. Mad at the Democrat party for the s*** they're pulling right now.

Is this okay with you? Is it really okay with you that every rule in the book is being bent and broken so that another Clinton can get into the Whitehouse? That big Pharma, Wal-Mart and Wallstreet are cheering Hillary on as she destroys the only honest politician in Congress?

I'm not okay with this. And asking me to suddenly have a change of heart and reward this insidious behavior is ridiculous. I don't care who I upset. I won't let them win. I won't let this story play out the way they think. I fully intend to do ANYTHING I have to do to wipe the s***-eating grins off of this oligarchy.

And don't kid yourself, Goldman Sachs, the Clinton Family, the DNC, these are all parts of the establishment. The establishment that never gave hope a chance in the first place.

If I have to put a mad man in the pilot seat to break this spell, so beat it. Trump 2016.

February 25, 2016

Feminism and Islam will work together for equality

Just like other alliances have taken place for solidarity leading to equality, this is a union that is going to progress us by leaps and bounds. More Islamic and Feminist role models aren't enough, we need to get them into positions of power to ensure the teeter totter of power is level.

Not wanting to follow through with this initiative makes you intolerant and narrow minded...and that is a problem.

We are going to divide this nation into 2 camps.......one group that wants to live in trump world, complete with a wall....and another divine group of beings that are going to get our gender neutral bathrooms and subsidized housing.

It's a very exciting time to be an American, but also............very problematic.

I can't wait until the government takes care of some of these PROBLEMS.

February 24, 2016

"why dont you eat inside where its warm"

"forced" to take my grandfather's M6 to school stop at the mcdonalds

I used to work at manager i worked with sees me in the drive thru we hate each other she asks how did I obtain the car I ask for a hamburger, she gives me a hamburger I raise it to my lips and take a bite. My eye twitches involuntarily. Across the street a father of three falls down the stairs I swallow and look down at the hamburger in my hands. She gives me a hamburger I swallow and look down at the hamburger in my hands. I cannot swallow. There are children at the top of the stairs a pickle shifts uneasily under the bun. She gives me a hamburger I look at her face, and she is pleading with me. The children are crying now I raise the hamburger to my lips, tears stream down my face as I take a bite she gives me a hamburger. I am on my knees.

I plead with her to go across the street. She hears only children's laughter she gives me a hamburger I am screaming as I fall down the stairs. She is my child. I cannot see anything I take a bite of the hamburger the concrete rushes up to meet me I awake with a start in my own bed. My eye twitches involuntarily she gives me a hamburger as I kill her, I do not make a sound she gives me a hamburger...

February 17, 2016

GBP meets the queen

Oh, hello wagie didn't see you there. Just got back from subway actually, got a nice ham and cheese sandwich and washed it down with some nice sprite.

Oh yeah, as I was saying are you coming to the cinema tonight? I've been going everyday now just eating junk food and watching the newest movies, on a Wednesday night you say? yeah it's quite nice going to the evening screenings with hardly anyone there, you can get really comfy in those big chairs you know? oh wait...you don't know that feeling do you. I wish you could be able to come wagie but I forgot that you have to be at work at 6am tomorrow, damn that really sucks. I better hurry this up huh I forgot you only have a short lunch break.

I have just been walking around in the woods today, really feels nice to be free of everything and just take some time out for yourself you know? oh wait I forgot again you don't know that feeling do you.

Well wagie I better be off soon, as I was saying I'm going to a late night screening where it will just be me in the cinema, very comfy wouldn't you say? Sorry wagie I forgot you're in a rush I better hurry this up.

Maybe you can come when your off work huh wagie? oh but I forgot your going to have kids kicking your chair when you go, you're going to have packed seats with normies shouting with their girlfriends, you're going to have fat shits taking up all the chair room and lastly you only get to see one movie however I get to see them all whatever time and whatever day I feel like.

Cya wagies, tick tock.

February 15, 2016

wile e coyote and the racist

Gay rights activist Peter Tatchell has been called 'racist' and 'transphobic' by a student union officer ahead of a debate the pair were both invited to speak at. Fran Cowling, the lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender (LGBT) representative for the National Union of Students(NUS), has refused to appear at Canterbury Christ Church University tomorrow, unless Mr. Tatchell does not attend. Ms. Cowling stated in emails to event organizers that she would not share the stage with Mr. Tatchell, because he signed an open letter in the Observer last year supporting free speech and against no-platforming, the practice by some universities to ban speakers because of their views. Speaking to the Observer, Mr. Tatchell, who will soon celebrate 50 years of campaigning for gay equality, called the incident another example of 'a witch-hunting, accusatory atmosphere' at university campuses today.

Australian-born Tatchell, 64, first sprang to fame as a left-wing Labour candidate, when he lost the party’s once safe Bermondsey seat in 1983. During the 1990s, he campaigned for LGBT rights through the direct action group he co-founded, OutRage! The group grabbed the headlines by outing establishment figures it claimed were homophobic in public and homosexual in private. In 1999 and 2001, he attempted a citizen's arrest of Zimbabwean President Robert Mugabe for his anti-gay stance, the latter resulting in a vicious beating by Mugabe's thugs. Six years later in 2007, Mr Tatchell was among dozens of people assaulted by Russians shouting 'death to homosexuals' against protesters demanding the right to hold a gay pride parade in Moscow. The veteran campaigner says both these incidents have left him with lasting brain injuries.

Unafraid to put across his point of view, Mr. Tatchell said he would share the stage with Ms. Cowling at tomorrow's event, despite their difference of opinion. He said: 'I'm prepared to share a platform with people I profoundly disagree with, precisely in order to challenge and expose them.' The NUS said Tatchell had not been 'no-platformed' by the entire union and that Ms Cowling's decision whether to appear is her own.

February 13, 2016

BLM Arguments

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Please Stop Telling Me That All Lives Matter

When I say "Black lives matter," it is because this nation has a tendency to say otherwise. Racial discrimination does affect all minorities but police brutality, at such excessive rates, does not.

A black person is killed extrajudicially every 28 hrs, and Black men between ages 19 and 25 are the group most at risk to be gunned down by police. Based on data from the Center on Juvenile and Criminal Justice, young Blacks are 4.5 times more likely to be killed by police than any other age or racial group.

African-Americans have comprised 26 percent of police shootings though we only makeup 13 percent of the U.S. population, based on data spanning from 1999 to 2011.

In the 108 days since Mike Brown was killed by Darren Wilson and left on display in the middle of the street for four and a half hours, at least seven Black males have been shot and killed by law enforcement officers.

Officers are provided the unrestricted right to use force at their discretion -- and will not hesitate to do so -- and Black bodies are more susceptible to greeting the business end of those state-issued firearms.

Multiple factors such as clothing, location and individual behavior determine who gets stopped by the police and when, according to Jack Glaser, an associate professor at University of California-Berkeley's Goldman School of Public Policy.

"The way the process works ... is if you take two equivalent people -- a young white man and a young black man -- who are dressed identically, the black man would still have a greater chance of being stopped," Glaser said. "And it's because his race is a basis of suspicion and it interacts with those other qualities in a way that makes them all seem more suspicious because it biases the judgment of everything."
Granted, extrajudicial killings have dropped 70 percent in the last 40 to 50 years. Nearly 100 young black men were killed annually by police in the late 1960s, and these young men also comprised 25 percent of police killings between 1968 and 1974.

Shootings fell to 35 per year in the 2000s though the risk is still higher for Black Americans than it is for whites, Latinos and Asians. My people are killed at 2.8 times the rate of white non-Latinos and 4.3 times the rate of Asians.

I say all of this to say, though it has become less prevalent, police brutality has never affected another racial group like it affects us.

Race brings on individual issues for each minority group. Saying "all lives matter" causes erasure of the differing disparities each group faces. Saying "all lives matter" is nothing more than you centering and inserting yourself within a very emotional and personal situation without any empathy or respect. Saying "all lives matter" is unnecessary:

"#AllLivesMatter because I don't see race ️" Erasure is not progressive. This isn't something to be proud of.

— rosemary l'étrangère (@whoisroseama) November 25, 2014
Non-black kids aren't being killed like black kids are. Of course I'd be just as pissed if cops were gunning down white kids. Duh, but they aren't. White assailants can litter movie theaters and bodies with bullets from automatic weapons and be apprehended alive but black kids can't jaywalk or have toy guns in open carry states?

There is seemingly no justice for Black life in America. An unarmed Black body can be gunned down without sufficient reasoning and left in the middle of the street on display for hours -- just like victims of lynching.

Strange fruit still hangs from our nations poplar trees. Lynching underwent a technological revolution. It evolved from nooses to guns and broken necks to bullet wounds.
Police brutality is a BLACK issue. This is not an ill afflicting all Americans, but that does not mean you cannot stand in solidarity with us. But standing with us does not mean telling us how we should feel about our community's marginalization. Standing with us means being with us in solidarity without being upset that this is for OUR PEOPLE -- and wanting recognition for yours in this very specific context.

Telling us that all lives matter is redundant. We know that already. But, just know, police violence and brutality disproportionately affects my people. Justice is not applied equally, laws are not applied equally and neither is our outrage.
Police brutality is a BLACK issue. This is not an ill afflicting all Americans, but that does not mean you cannot stand in solidarity with us. But standing with us does not mean telling us how we should feel about our community's marginalization. Standing with us means being with us in solidarity without being upset that this is for OUR PEOPLE -- and wanting recognition for yours in this very specific context.

Telling us that all lives matter is redundant. We know that already. But, just know, police violence and brutality disproportionately affects my people. Justice is not applied equally, laws are not applied equally and neither is our outrage.
>>668715504 (OP)
I don't owe you shit nigger
all lives matter, scumbag
What the fuck did you just fucking say about me, you little bitch? I’ll have you know I graduated top of my class in the Navy Seals, and I’ve been involved in numerous secret raids on Al-Quaeda, and I have over 300 confirmed kills. I am trained in gorilla warfare and I’m the top sniper in the entire US armed forces. You are nothing to me but just another target. I will wipe you the fuck out with precision the likes of which has never been seen before on this Earth, mark my fucking words. You think you can get away with saying that shit to me over the Internet? Think again, fucker. As we speak I am contacting my secret network of spies across the USA and your IP is being traced right now so you better prepare for the storm, maggot. The storm that wipes out the pathetic little thing you call your life. You’re fucking dead, kid. I can be anywhere, anytime, and I can kill you in over seven hundred ways, and that’s just with my bare hands. Not only am I extensively trained in unarmed combat, but I have access to the entire arsenal of the United States Marine Corps and I will use it to its full extent to wipe your miserable ass off the face of the continent, you little shit. If only you could have known what unholy retribution your little “clever” comment was about to bring down upon you, maybe you would have held your fucking tongue. But you couldn’t, you didn’t, and now you’re paying the price, you goddamn idiot. I will shit fury all over you and you will drown in it. You’re fucking dead, kiddo.
>>668715504 (OP)

All lives matter
>>668715504 (OP)
Maybe if black people acted white instead of being savages, we'd care.
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some stats for you to mull over

blacks commit more murder / rape per capita. fact

[Murder in 2012](https://www.fbi.gov/about-us/cjis/ucr/crime-in-the-u.s/2012/crime-in-the-u.s.-2012/tables/43tabledatadecoverviewpdf)__[Demographics of the usa](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Demographics_of_the_United_States#2013_birth_data_by_race) sources

* 0.001% percent of all whites were murderers

* 0.010% percent of all blacks were murderers

**ten times more likely to murder**

Rape in 2012

* 0.004% percent of all whites were rapists

* 0.011% percent of all blacks were rapists

**nearly three times more likely to rape**
You misspelled niggers
I'm sorry, please don't hurt me:'(

About sums up how I feel.
>>668715504 (OP)
Stop being criminals. How come none of those black men killed were innocent? Why were they assaulting a police/citizens or running down the street with a knife or high on drugs?
Lemme guess, dindu nuffin?
Well, about 2,000 seconds ago I told you faggots I was in line to win a 15 dollar lawsuit against my cat who molested me when i was a fetus. After 75 years of legal shit and sucking dick for smokes. It's official. I am the richest person on /b/. A lot of you were begging for shit from the last time, but i may make some ones day right now. First person to roll trips gets $0.01 via paypal.
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>>668715504 (OP)
no they dont they are willing to kill/die for whatever s in a 7/11's cash drawer

the world will be a better place without them but the kikes are to blame as well
>>668715504 (OP)
I'm happy to be considered part of the problem by racist idiots such as yourself.
Are you assuming that I think black lives are worthless?

I find that very offensive
Well if you abide by laws and don't nig out with this black lives matter shit and don't try to record and be smartasses then this shit wouldn't be happening I hate niggers with this shit so much -nignog
Yes for pork rinds
>>668715504 (OP)
far more Natives are killed in police brutality than niggers, so why do black lives matter more than red ones?
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>>668715504 (OP)
Did you ever stop to think that maybe if niggers stopped committing crime they would be getting fucked by thepolice. Learn to be a part of sociaty or take your ape ase back to africa...
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>Is your hog on drugs? 
>How would you know? 
>How could you tell? 
>Look for these here warnin' signs. 
>Sudden weight loss. 
>Euphoria leadin' to paranoia. >Stealitization of your thangs. >And jibbery-style oinkery what make no sense a 'tall. 
>Warn your hog about the dangers of meth a 'fore it's too damn late.
in the US, 82% of black civilians who die from gunshots were shot by other black civilians
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>>668715504 (OP)

>From 2003-2012 _-_ **595*** alleged offenders were identified in connection with law enforcement officers feloniously killed.

>Of those offenders, the following characteristics are known:


>White 304

0.0001% percent of all whites were cop killers

>Black 259

0.0006% percent of all blacks were cop killers

blacks six times more likely to murder cops **per capita**


wonder why the cops treat them differently...
>>668715504 (OP)
Black lives don't matter. The world would be better off without black people. Mexicans are hard workers and Asians have contributed almost as much as whites to society.
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>>668715504 (OP)
>excessive rates
>killed extrajudicially every 28 hrs

And when compared to black on black violence, it equates to nothing. Obvious bait thread but still, the fact that people in the real world believe this shit and can't see that the biggest threat to blacks is themselves and their anti-intelligence norms.
chink asians or designated shitting asians?
If black lives matter, then don't go fucking steal and rape and rob and riot, niggers.
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the truth of the matter is BLACK LIVES DONT MATTER. They have never contributed anything to humanity...not one goddamn thing. in the great scheme of things blacks where only useful when they were fucking slaves. they are inherently a slave race, left to their own devices they rape loot and kill. the only decent blacks in the world are ones who have adapted to WHITE culture. Blacks have never made a leap forward in technology, they have never discovered a medical breakthrough, they have never made an ACTUAL work of art or written a symphony.Blacks have done nothing for the human race. Enslave them all or kill them then and only then will they be of some use.
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The leading cause of death for colored folks in America is abortion.
It's higher than that
>>668715504 (OP)
fuck you goddamn nigger. your race should be extirpated by this filthy planet, you're vermin leeching whatever good was done by other human races in the last centuries.
You generally avoid being shot by the police when:

a) you don't break the law
b) you obey the police if they tell you to stop

These are pretty hard rules I know.
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>pretty hard rules
For niggers, they are.
I'm a white in south Florida, I am a minority. Fuck you and your shitty movement.
Designated shitting Asians built the foundations of mathematics. It's possible we could have come up with it separately, but considering we already had systems in place it likely would have taken a long time. We honestly owe pretty much all technology to them.
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racism gets people hot and bothered and the news knows this so thats all we see on tv cuz it makes money.
fuck the news. theyre the reason the US is shit.
>>668715504 (OP)
I see no citations.
But despite that I mostly meant eastern Asians - "chinks" and "gooks"
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>>668715504 (OP)
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>>668715504 (OP)
If you can show me one instance where they were acting like a decent human being, and were shot anyway I'll believe it. But from what I see down here in new Orleans the guy getting shot normally does something to provoke that response from the officer. The problem is instead of teaching those fools you just bark at white people to "quit being racist"
Black people were intentionally forced to live in the economically weak parts of the cities in the 1960es. It was perfectly legal for landlords to deny blacks houses because of their color back then. Also, as many ex-slaves came from the rural south to the industralizing north to work in factories, they often lived around the centre of the town, where the factories were located. Whites feared black people, moved to the suburbs and denied any rich blacks entry, which forced them to stay in the "poor" part of the town. In scientific terms: Their social mobility was based on the color of their skin, not their education or success.
So all blacks were forced to live near the factories, which closed eventually. So now they had a bunch of poor people in the poorest part of town with no social mobility and no job. I wonder why most of these people can't bring up the resources to move to the suburbs too.
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I lost.
> blacks commit more murder / rape per capita. fact
Then proceeds to post *arrest* data
Doesn't know that commit and arrest are 2 seperate things
please go back to your echo chamber of geniuses on stormfront and skew and misuse more stats please.
Need update on those URLS.
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It has fuck all to do with living in the suburbs or near factories for fuck sake, i talking about globally. the ENTIRE HUMAN RACE. Every single fucking race has contributed something except blacks. the only time they contributed anything was when they were slaves. stop actng like you are all just victims of the evil white man when all the blacks accross the globe have never done anything to advance humainty.....not even spiritually which is just making shit up to make others feel good FFS.


They are truely useless.
Exactly. I honestly could care less about black people's shortcomings, but they have no fucking societal accountability and just want to dump all the blame on white people. And every 30 years white liberals forget that black people are just kinda naturally shitty and get outraged about the situation they put themselves in.
>>668715504 (OP)
niggers suck
>Wah! The MAN forces us to be criminals and generally act like retards!
Get fucked.
Well if you're not on the police force, part of judicial system, or any type of governing official.
You really don't. Maybe stop being so insecure and comprehend what you read without letting your emotions get in the way.
>>668715504 (OP)
I don't know if this is bait, BUT:

What separates BLM from civil rights is Rosa Parks. Ms. Parks was a respectable, hard working member of the community that was truly railroaded. It was easy for people of all races to get behind civil rights because Rosa and a majority of blacks were good, hard-working folks that were treated poorly by law.

BLM doesn't have a Rosa. You have Mike Brown and a host of criminals.

If not bait, your culture is broken. You're the problem. BLM will fizzle out.

Tl;dr: fuck off nigger.
Why is everyone overlooking the fact that

Criminals are more likely to be poor, Poor people are more likely to be criminals, black people are more likely to be poor

It's not suprising that socio economic status is the cause here rather than skin colour
Not to mention, they put us all in the exact same catagory. I have a southern drawl and I love decent folk no matter their ethnicity. Yet almost every day someone calls me a racist when I have said nothing in ways of race, or my view points on race. To me, racism is almost exclusively only alive in the minds of liberals, and black folks.
Cause that's a more complicated narrative. It easier to say, "day's racist in shit!"
FTR, racism is hating someone based upon their race.

I don't hate black people. I'm sure most folks don't. I do hate the behavior of some black people. And I really hate the finger pointing and lack of responsibility on behalf of the BLM group.
Okay, have fun when the Muslims take over and make you slaves... apparently it will have no effect on you for generations.

Europe is already dead, won't be long now for America to suffer the same fate.
No. Black people have lower IQs (even when you compare on an income level) so they're more likely to be poor.

Black people have 15% higher testosterone levels so they're more likely to be aggressive and that mixed with a low IQ will always lead to crime.

So, black people are poor criminals because they're black, and trying to force them into the upper echelons society will do more bad to society than it will help them in the long run.
> Not to mention, they put us all in the exact same catagory
Is that not what all racist do?
>Yet almost every day someone calls me a racist when I have said nothing in ways of race, or my view points on race.
That totally happens/s

> To me, racism is almost exclusively only alive in the minds of liberals, and black folks.
Yes thats *to you* because you don't face discrimination for your race, outside of being called a racist for no reason ( cause you din du nuffin right?)
Racist are racist. Racist are idiots. BLM are racist against racist. BLM are idiots and you all are just as fucking stupid.
You don't fight racism with racism.
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difference is we are reaching a breaking point when the muslims push to far and we push bck hard...on the streets. a bit like your chimp out only more organise and with an actual purpose. With cries of freedom and liberation in the air...not cries of "HE DINDU NUFFIN and HE A GOOD BOY"

fuck your women arnt even fuckable, ive slept with 4 black girls and all of them suck. I mean no wonder tyou go after white girls. But surely having fuckable women would be one thing you blacks could contribute but you cant ven handle that.
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Ok I'm concerned here. I've been reading these graphs, and according to them, whites account for the largest number of arrests.
He's right. Everyone from the North instantly assumes someone with a Southern accent is dumb and racist, but that form of blatant prejudice is totally acceptable. As a matter of fact pretty much all forms of prejudice are acceptable unless it's against gays, women, but mostly blacks. Because they're the loudest whiners and can't take any accountability.
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>>668715504 (OP)
now go hang yourself nigger!
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Lol. Learn to statistics retard.

You have to divide by total population to find the rates of arrest.
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Well, not total population, but total population of the specific group you're trying to find the rates for.
How bout blacks stop committing crimes at disproportionate rates. There are many underprivileged and economically strapped individuals in every race, but blacks tend to lash out and have less of a concern for life and limb. They are quicker to resort to violence than any other race. And on top of everyyhing blacks pride themselves on be arrogant, and ignorant criminals.
The Police have a right to defend themselves. If you see a male ages 16-30 with what looks like a gun and he is pulling it out of a waistband, they will engage and incapacitate the threat, in order to know they will go home to their families. The sooner blacks stop committing armed robberies and assaults at disproportionate rates compared to their population, the sooner black lives will matter.

Whites in those statistics also include Latinos.
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Lol the only black people that get killed are hoodlums or criminals. Idgaf if you say your little Tyrone was a precious angel. He smoked that dank shit and robbed people. It's not like he would have been a productive member of society. Worse, he would have inhibited it.

You don't see very many upstanding african americans claiming black lives matter. It's the ghetto trash that's afraid. They should all be forced to take an aptitude test and if they fail they should be sent back to whatever jungle or desert their ancestors came from that they're so proudly attached to.
>As a matter of fact pretty much all forms of prejudice are acceptable unless it's against gays, women, but mostly blacks. 
Notice the common factor between those three, they all have been oppressed.

>Because they're the loudest whiners and can't take any accountability.
Unfortunately, quietly requesting to be treated like a human garner less attention than *loudly whining*.
Take accountability for what? You fucking racist are so hypocritical ( shocker !/s). You get mad when someone assume you're racist because a lot of you are, then turn around and tell black people that aren't criminals to be *accountable for black criminals.
You're no better than feminist associating men with rapist because they have a penis.
I'm done with this dumb shit. Hopefully all you liberal fags and nazi cucks kill each other off
>blah blah blah
Bernie will win, he'll let them in. They'll take over and impregnate your women (we all know white women prefer anything but white males) and the Muslim population will make you a minority in the same country your forefathers murdered millions....
Practice getting up for morning prayers nigga, you gon' need to be praising Allah

We go after white girls as a public service. If we get her pregnant, we've prevented one less white devil from being born. That's God's work son...
Trips = Truth
If you think white people don't get discriminated against you're an idiot. Have you ever tried to get a job in new orleans being white, and having an alabama accent? Didn't think so, come on down to the rebuilt "chocolate" city
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Couple of points nignog:
1. Bernie wont win, he is the last bastion of liberal bullshit and it will come crashing down hard.

2. You cant stump the trump.

3. what happens in America will not effect whether muslims come tomy country, and whilst i may joke about my American Cousins I know they too will kill many Muslims if they tried to take their countryfrom them, soon the race wars will start and niggers will lose, muslims will lose and whites will showyou that once again we are superior in every way.

4. White girlsjust like sluming it from time to time, its the same when you just want to chill,stuff your face, watch TV and let free. Fart and just live in your own filth for afew goddamn hours. Its the same as that. They know blacks ae nothing more then lower class scuym and its exciting to do things that are wrong. the only reason ive stuck my dick in black.

5. What language do you speak? English? the white man tongue? the language also spoken in almost every country n Africa as a second language? Your welcome nigger.

6. only becuase of white people dying and fighting are you no longer slaves, your welcome nigger.

7. Its also only becuase of whites that you are even allowed to argue that black lives matter. its our laws and our countires and our educationprocesses and our technology. you have contributed nothing like the filthy animals you are.
Try factoring in population and also try factoring out the fucking spics that get dropped in the WHITE population....
>>668715504 (OP)
When I can walk my lily white ass through your fucked up shitty neighborhood and not be accosted by some asshole wannabe gangbanger, then black lives will matter. Until then, just a target that is hard to see in the dark.
To remind you of some statistics, the leading cause of death for colored folks is NIGGERS.
>>668715504 (OP)
Maybe if they weren't a small fraction of the population causing a large majority of crime they wouldn't have a problem with police brutality. Quit selling crack and starting fight with everyone you see. Quit acting like rabid dogs and puffing your chest out at everyone. Maybe then people will see you as more than a worthless nigger, but we both know that won't happen. You'll just stay the same gun toting, cop hating, dimwitted nigger you've always been, living off the white mans well fare. Bunch of lazy bottom feeders begging for more and never offering a god damn thing.
Barack Obama knows exactly what hes doing...
Shut the fuck up nigger.
Police fuck with all colors.
President Obama knows EXACTLY what hes doing
>>668715504 (OP)
>1/8 of total population
>3/5 of prison population
I understand the numbers are a tad skewed by racism but it does not make up anywhere near the whole gap
The races are fundamentally different like it or not
So we should give poor niggers free shit, and then they will stop being niggers? Hasn't worked out for us so far.
>>668715504 (OP)
Cop here
> A black person is killed extrajudicially every 28 hrs, and Black men between ages 19 and 25 are the group most at risk to be gunned down by police. Based on data from the Center on Juvenile and Criminal Justice, young Blacks are 4.5 times more likely to be killed by police than any other age or racial group.

The bunber should be higher but most of them get away. Dont you know everywere in the united states where there is a concentration of black. The crime is higher and police is focused on crime.
There are a shitload of black young animals walking around looking for trouble, easy money and score a deal with drugs. Guns are just a toy they have.
Proove me wrong,, pro-tip ...you cant
>>668715504 (OP)
and the black population is responsible for 80% of crime.
Oh, so now you're going to have your own "chimpout" when another groups tries to oppress you...
>"maybe if you people acted like decent human beings instead of barbaric warmongers, you wouldn't have Muslims fighting back against you."

Victim-blaming is fun. I can see why whiteys like it so much.
Muslims treated us well and black society prospered during Islamic expansion in Africa. It's the black man's true Abrahamic religion. Western cultures are based on greed and war.
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HA sandnigger detected, get the fuck out of this thread muhammed well get to you later this is about niggers vs whies.
Blacks just need to accept that they have a tendency to react violently,and commit violent crimes, which increases their chance of getting shot in the face by a cop doing his job. But who cares? Every time I see a black get killed or shot by a cop I smile... One less Dindu
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>>668715504 (OP)
All u blacks ever look for is a
> free hand out
> kek
UR all worse the beaners at least they work. Have never asked for a hand out and if they got one.
> they would take care of it 
> not brun it 
> then ask whites for help
> dufak
> grow up 
> u here not a slave 
> stop acting like you r 
> get over it
I am a black man who has many black, white Muslim and Arab friends. I respect Muslims more than I respect any western Christian based on character alone.
>>668715504 (OP)
>stat reading pic
But we're focused on the BLACK ones right now, OK?
No. It's not okay. Do I stop reading now?

Also, the grammar is poorly executed.

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Look muhammed you cant blow up this thread, i think theres another chan around that has alot of child porn on there that night be more your speed you filthy muslim. But this is a discussion tha5t has nothing to do with allah.

Thats a hard concept for you to follow i know that but i think if you go on that other chn board and pretend those 9 year olds are little aisha you'll have just as much of a good time.
>>668715504 (OP)

i had a terrible night. C programming hell.

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OyAyPzWmjcc [Embed]

making you watch this and suffer makes me feel better.
You are a fucking retard. All this Afican Islam shit is fucked. Your people were oppressed and enslaved by Arabic Muslims, in order to increase the power of the Muslim faith. Same as the Central Americans were by the Spanish Christians. Non Muslim blacks are still enslaved in certain segments of Africa to this day. If you love the African Muslim faith so fucking much why don't you get off the white mans internet and move to a mudhut in Somalia only to be killed by your Muslim "brothers", or starve to death in Ethiopia thanks to black Muslim warlords.
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>>668715504 (OP)
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because only in america when niggers are involved does a mexican become white
>Police brutality is a BLACK issue.
fuck off no it's not

if I acted like a nigger, I'd get beat up or killed by cops the same as niggers do
good old carman. bet hes in jail for touching kids now
Look at the knowledge and civilisation Islam brought to Africa.
Africans were a simple people who never had grains or cattle indigenous to their land and sense which hindered our ability to manipulate the world freely.
Days were spent hunting and surving as farming was rare Africa. But we never complained and lived a peaceful, simple life.

Two foreign groups come to Africa.
Whites came and immediately went into their "genocide" mode and took advantage of our simpleness.
Muslims came and, simply by treating us as equals, took us beyond simpleness and we progressed to having mega structures and centres of learning and knowledge such as those in Mali.

Who is more noble in character?
And you wonder why the world hates you... I'm rooting for Islam to take over.
>>668715504 (OP)
Okay, but it is important to look at the 2 very different issues here. The first one I will only brush on briefly.

1. America's gun laws are retarded, so it is very reasonable for a cop to assume that every suspect they come across could be armed. This has lead to both shitty training and attitude in the police, because "just shoot the shit out of them, better than finding out they have a gun and getting shot ourselves".

2. This next issue is a little further away from what I think you are getting at anon. The root of this issue is not an angry, racist cop issue. It is a class issue. Maybe 1 in 20 of these cases that blows up over the media is actually a case of "cop shoots minority for no justifiable reason". The other 19 are "hood acts like a fuckwit and gets shot" (largely due to the issue I mentioned earlier at 1.)

So in summary, it is all well and good to say "stop being racist", but the real problem is you have a police force that is more or less restricted to offensively handling all suspects due to terrible weapon regulations, and lower classes made up of largely minorities which leads to cops automatically seeing red (so to speak) when they come across said minorities.
You seem to have forgotten my statement that African blacks were FUCKING enslaved by the FUCKING Muslims... How is that more compassionate!!??? So you are happy that they changed the way you did shit for thousands of years, for the personal gain of the Islamic Empire, but vilify White people for doing the exact same thing. Both societies used their superior knowledge and technology to take advantage of the situation. But I guess it's just easier to blame Whitey.
As far as I'm concerned people who focus on just one race are basically racist, and the people involved in the so called "Black Lives Matter" movement are just as racist as the people the claim to oppose. You're all a bunch of fucking hypocrites because ALL races share this earth and ALL races MUST learn to co-exist, find a half way point to agree upon so we can at least get along, respect human beings as individuals, and live side by side. Otherwise just FUCK OFF! You're no better than the KKK!
>>668715504 (OP)
Yes yes, nigger. Black Lives Matter. Nobody minds that, and in fact practically everyone agrees. The problem is how absolutely chimp-tastically retarded the BLM activists are behaving. Cool, calm, civilized is the way to get positive change...not by being cockgoblins--which is how they're acting now. So, until such time as they get their shit together and stop acting like fucking morons, their movement, and thus their lives, are second class, at best.
>>668715504 (OP)
Fuck you, entitled scum bag. It's a poverty issue. The poor are descriminated against. There just happened to be more poor niggers than poor white trash. If you dumb didn't have your heads so far up each others ads holes you'd realize that, but y'all are just a bunch of perpetual victims of your own ignorance. Fuck you.
>>668715504 (OP)
my life matters. that is why I don't do foolish or dangerous things. if Michael brown compiled with the officer he would be alive today. its that simple.
Fuck niggers, fuck Muslims, and fuck you. U just jelly that whites own this planet. And ur kind could disappear tomorrow and it wouldn't make a difference, other than freeing up resources for our consumption.
>>668715504 (OP)
But... OP... black lives DON'T matter.

Niggers gonna nig.
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>>668715504 (OP)
Black lives won't matter to everyone else, until black lives matter to black people. Until then, the #BLM movement is just self-imposed segregation.
Why comply when u can chimpout and hopefully get beat by the cop and get a monetary settlement. Michael Brown was an idiotic criminal and deserved what happened to him. Then the residence of Ferguson vilify the Officer because he's white... Who is the real racist?
>Not knowing what institutional racism is
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>>668715504 (OP)
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Misguided nigger sanctimony and takes the b8 line hook and sinker
>Also nice waste of trips faggot
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>>668715504 (OP)
"But we're focused on the black ones right now, ok?"

No, not ok
>>668715504 (OP)
>muh 108 days s s s seven 
>361 murders in Detroit last year (known)

Muh political divide and conquer
>>668715504 (OP)
Want black lives to matter? Trash that shit urban thug bullshit that is the lynch pin of your culture. Live by the sword, die by the sword. When you mimic violent assholes in manner and dress don't cry to me when people stereotype you as a violent asshole. I have zero problems with black people in general, but I'll be damned if I ever willfully live near large numbers of young black men.
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>>668715504 (OP)

There's no white police in Liberia to keep you down. Your ancestral homeland beckons you.
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im not a muslim but i do know that its whites fault
that muslims fight back
>>668715504 (OP)
Not every life matters, and everyone is having a problem comming to terms with that
>>668715504 (OP)

we say otherwise because blacks kill blacks more than any other group of people by an exceptionally wide margin and you refuse to accept it, you also aren't the demographic that gets shot by cops the most but you act like you are even though your kind commit 52% of all crime in america while being 13% of the population. You will never have our respect until you deserve it.
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>>668715504 (OP)
Why would anyone who is not trolling post this here? Did be suddenly become reddit or some shit?

That said, fuck you. I'm a liberal but I hate all this black lives matter SJW PC bullshit. All that gender fluid CIS pansexual shit can go straight to hell. Thank god and the little baby jesus I graduated from college years ago because it seems like college kids these days are all faggots.
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>>668715504 (OP)
go to bed, claire.
You are part of the problem sir.
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>I'm a liberal but
stopped reading, right there
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Why are you still a liberal if you don't support the primary ideological thrust of their ideals? I was one once, i left, and I'm much happier now that I've come to teh realization that I am now at the very least trying to do my part to protect myself and my race by not buying into the self loathing cuckoldry and hate that white lefties inevitably espouse these days.
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Because white is might and therefore right