June 30, 2016

Female Link, Parody of Himself

But TC, that is a question that needs to be asked. All of this this to be done by people who need to be paid. Games already have wildly overblown budgets, there has to be a limit. There has to be a point of cut-off. That is the reality, someone is ALWAYS going to be left out. That's the true nature of anything made or built by man or nature. Someone will be the exception, someone will have a preference unlike anyone else. There are roughly 7.4 billion people on the planet, and each and everyone one of them are different in both large and small ways. It. Is. Not. Possible. to accomidate all of them in anything, because you would need that many variants of everything in existence. 

For games, that's simple not possible. You can create the most open ended game in the world, and people will still not agree on the content. Minecraft and Skyrim and near countless character mods created and many varients and styles because there is no universal rule for character creation. 

It's just not possible, either timewise, cost or physically, to make a character creation system that accounts for everything. Not to mention the near infinite storyline and character interaction varients brought about by them. And if changing the characters race and gender had no effect of story or character interaction, then they weren't well written in the first place.

This is the truth, and the best reason why the choice to put characters custimization in particular games is best left to the developers themselves. Only they can decide how much to spend on it, if they even want to. How they want the story and character to flow, and ultimately their vision of the final product.

You know, if you open a follow up sentence with the word "but", everything that stood before it is worthless.

You say you understand but you don't cause you just question everything over.

If you want to change, raise founds or something so Nintendo can't have the "it's too expensive excuse" or whatever... stop whining with phrases like "it wouldn't hurt".

If the developers don't want to tell the story with female link then so be it. If they tell it with a white and not a black link so be it.

You could go to every Story and be like needs more Females, Black, Cripples, Kids, Teenagers or whatever you feel is lacking.

But I tell you this: if you were to write a story, and would envision it with a white Woman with Red-Hair, and someone told you to change it to a blonde or black woman... would you say "your right it so much better like this." or "It's my Story, I'm doing it my way."

The latter is what Nintendo is doing and people are all "but why". Sometimes it's just like that not everyone NEEDS to explain the reason.

Are you being dead serious, TC, or is this a "parody" topic? Because we get like three of those per week.

My stance is that it wouldn't kill us to have a female incarnation of Link, and it could even be a nice change of pace. I don't have anything against a black Link either, it's already established that there are black Hylians. But on the other hand, there's no reason Link needs to be anything different than what he always has been. It's the developers' creative vision, they don't owe us any explanation for why they make things the way they do. There's plenty of room for more diverse protagonists in future Nintendo IP's, so why impose a diversity quota on a cherished, decades-old franchise?

But usually threads like these trigger the knee-jerk fanboys into bull-headed circlejerking, and paranoid fantasies of SJW's. Which annoys me to no end, and when that happens I always end up defending the concept of female Link. Because there really is no in-canon reason it couldn't happen, and it's something that actual Zelda fans have been asking for long before the whiny feminist internet craze was a thing.

At the end of the day, I can't deny a girl Link wold work out well from a design standpoint:

Oh no im really sorry i guess i forgot about it with all these accusations about me that got me all rifled up haha, im really sorry your post was also quite nice!

Regarding your post, i dont think it really matter sthat there havent been many non-white Hylians. In fact, thats alll thr more reason for there to be more! Hylians are the 'normal people' in the zelda universe, so why shouldnt people of colour be apart of them?

As for implementing a girl, I dont think its ever too late for them to add something that could be so beneficial for girls (and guys) who actually want to play as a girl. I see no harm being done by adding it. And for the people saying 'but Link is meant to be adude', ???where does it state that? ?? link is simply a reincaration of the hero, so it can reincarante as a boy or a girl, its never explicitly stated it has to be a man.

I love seeing these pathetic topics beating a dead Epona whining about Link not being female. I have not seen a single valid argument supporting these claims so what's bad about playing the character as the creators intend?

Shigeru Miyamoto created the series and it is the intellectual property of Nintendo. If Nintendo wanted the player to be able to choose the gender, they would have included the option to begin with. Before you bring up the BS Zelda versions, those did not include Link but male and female avatars, literally Mascot (Male) and Mascot (Female) and in BS Zelda: Ancient Stone Tablets, Mascot arrives after Link has left Hyrule.

The point being, the Zelda series and its characters are the property of Nintendo and the players are not entitled to have that character altered to suit their own desires. Nintendo has made it clear that while the option to allow gamers to play as a female protagonist has been explored, gender bending Link is not the direction they would take.

I understand what your saying but why is it wrong for repesenattion for all preferences, genders, etc?

Because it is completely irrelevant to the game. If people need "representation" based on their own gender, ethnicity, religious beliefs, whatever then they must have an incredibly small list of games they are willing to play. Why can't I change Mario from an Italian plumber into a Scotsman wearing a kilt? Why can't I play as Maria and Luigina instead and have her rescue Prince Nectar? If Mario and Luigi are plumbers, why don't they both have a plumber's crack?

The Legend of Zelda is fantasy and a video game and people do not need nor are they entitled to "equal representation" in a video game about Link facing off against the evil force threatening Hyrule or whichever setting a particular game takes place. None of us are forced to buy the game and we are each capable of independently deciding whether or not we want to invest in the game or not. If people are put off that the protagonist is Link, they have every right to not buy the game. They do not have the right to demand that Nintendo's IP be changed to suit their own agendas.

June 29, 2016

Hetero Enemies

just because you are right doesn't mean the opponents to that hegemony are to be followed or have rational positions. historically speaking, radical groups that take over from one hegemony to another tend to ruin the shit out of everything because their contrarianism and biases ruin their ability to create a logical social system that will fascilitate their goals

See the soviet union. They where for socialism and lack of government interference (in principle, we all know otherwise, that they used that as an excuse for political power a lot, which will be the same with sjws in power, but that isn't the main point here). Socialism was born in a time when it was needed, it was the soviet stigma that harmed its progress, as radicals fought against supreme injustice of capitalist exploitation, we're talking millions dead from rampant disease because the rich where not interested in putting money to build adequate sewage systems or raising the regulations against the free market to break abuses and monopolies. It got so bad that it gave rise to communism. Communism was about equality and every man being equal rather than fascism or capitalism. But the problem was that because they rejected those two things, they also rejected a lot of important stuff due to the political baggage. Survival of the fittest and social darwinism was synonymous with evolution and because of the soviets distaste for this fact of reality they ended up ruining their entire agrarian system, causing food shortages and starvation, as well as a lack of medical supremacy that continues to hinder them to this day. 

the patriarchy cannot be challenged by the sjws and have the public come out the victor. the only winners will be the radical group. Every one will lose if they are successful. The only way forward is through generational persuasion and culture shift. trying to force things just makes people pissed off.

June 27, 2016

In my 27 years as a supermarket owner, I have never had a day this bad.

Just today this f***ing a****** barges into my store saying that he's a representative for a new product, "Brand X" (ever heard of it? I googled it and I couldn't find any info). Breathing down my neck, he claims that my customers would love Brand X. I said that we didn't have any space at the moment, so he would have to wait a few weeks so we can make room for this product. He laughed in my face and said "I'll make space." He then headed over to the chips section, grabbed the nearest bag of chips he could find and stomped on it. I asked him why he did this, since it was a perfectly good bag of chips. He gets into my face and says "SURVIVAL OF THE FITTEST, LEONARD!"

Should I sue Brand X for vandalism and possibly emotional damage? I'm visibly shaken from the experience and I have been crying for the past three hours non-stop.

June 26, 2016

Driving While Black

Ft. Lauderdale, FL. — A local man was ticketed Wednesday night for what he calls "being too black to drive."

A driver called 911 sometime before 7 p.m. to report a car driving northbound on I-595 with no visible driver, according to trooper Roger Smith.

Trooper David O'Brien stopped the Honda Accord at the 84 St. exit in Ft. Lauderdale, and when he approached the vehicle he realized that there was, in fact, a man driving the vehicle.

The 44-year-old man admitted to driving a car with poor visibility, but said that his dark complexion was something that could not be helped.

"As many people know, I am a huge Amiibo collector," said O'Brien, who called the man's actions "unsafe."

He wrote the man a $136 ticket for driving with poor visibility.

Early reports indicate that BLM members are waiting outside of the police station ready to bloody the officer senseless for his actions. They will be protected by the DOJ and then bused to Philadelphia later next week to interrupt a Bernie Sanders rally. 

The man had an orange safety vest and multicolored wig in the back seat of the car, and before he left, O'Brien made sure that he wore both articles of clothing for increased visibility.

my daughter is acting like a wolf help what do i do

I think my daughter is slowly losing her mind. She's 19, recently quit her job, and is acting very inappropriate.

First off, before all this, she got ok grades. A's B's and C's, was in plenty clubs, had friends over, went to friends, she did her chores, had boyfriends, when she graduated, she didn't want to go to college which was fine since she got a job the summer she graduated. She was a pretty good child and I thought I raised her well.

Year later, she starts acting weird, staying up all night, becoming lazy, won't cut her hair eventually she quits her job, then sleeps for about 2 whole days only getting up to get food or pee. On the third day, she started skipping baths, I told her about it and she told me she'd take in morning, but doesn't. In which I gave her the women speech, telling her basically she shouldn't do things like this.

Skipping ahead about 1 month. She let her hair grow out till it was too her thighs, I told her to cut it, this is my hair, I told her she's in my house, in which she responded that she was not property in this house, she is a living being. About a week later, she stopped combing her hair, she even made two buns that look like animal ears on her head, her hair still to her thighs.

And skipping to the big problem
Reason I made this

Now, she has stopped wearing clothing, I ask her what in the hell is she doing, she responds, "I'm returning to my animal self" and I tell her she ain't an animal and she says we are mammals so technically we are and it only gets worse from there, there is a guy in this house, her step father, so she should not be walking around naked like that, he thinks she needs psychological help, but I doubt there's something like that wrong with her.

Her hair is long enough to cover her butt and occasionally her breast, not that she cares, but I, do not like it. She won't get that, this is my house and it doesn't matter if she's 19. I had to hose her off outside and tell her to clean herself with a sponge because she was starting to smell. I tell her that this isn't right she was so normal last year, what happened, she doesn't have a job or do chores, then that her stepfather was cutting the front yard. So I look outside later she's cutting the back butt naked. In which I just got so upset. This needs to stop.

I haven't mentioned her sister because she's too young, she actually believes her older sister when she says she's a wolf and asks to feed her, ride her older sister while she crawls around the house, pet her. She's being a bad role model.

I don't know what to do, she won't see the docter, she won't see a therapist. And the thing is, she doesn't argue at me or b**** at me, when I tell her to put clothes on, take a bath, get a hair cut, wipe down there again; all she says is, I'm a wolf mother, wolves don't do that, I tell her she is not, It's just who I am. She makes it hard to make her do something from her nice sounding innocent responses...

I just feel like she's going to be in my house till she's 30 doing the same thing. I won't kick her out because I feel like she'll try to live or worse with a pack of wolves. Even when we have people over I have to beg her to wear something, even if it's a long shirt, which she will wear, but takes it off as soon as they leave. So she has common sense, but... I also think she doesn't smell too bad, she has an Oder, but it smells, more like an animal would, how she did it, I don't know, but the fact that I smell her, is too much. She's stopped walking around the house naked so much an started staying in her room watching cartoons or anime cartoons, whatever she calls it. But I still can't take this.

I'm sorry this was so long, I had a lot to get off my chest, I just don't know what to do with her anymore. Please help.

June 24, 2016


I still think that at the very least Golduck ought to be Water/Psychic. And maybe Psyduck, but I'm a lot less insistent on that, considering how a lot of Pokédex entries mention how it can only use its mysterious powers when its headache is at its peak, and that it won't recall having done so afterwards. Then again, one of Psyduck's Pokédex entries goes; While lulling its enemies with its vacant look, this wily Pokémon will use psychokinetic powers. This implies that it just plays stupid to be able to catch its enemies off-guard. And the anime has proven that Misty's Psyduck's usual ineptitude in using Confusion and Disable isn't usual for its kind. And several of Golduck's Pokédex entries do mention its use of psychic power.

But that's not what I came in here with the intention of saying. No, I think Gligar and Gliscor ought to be Poison/Flying instead of Ground/Flying. They seem to be based off of combinations of bats (which can be poisonous) and scorpions (which are poisonous). They get a good number of Poison moves. Gligar's first move obtained by leveling up? Poison Sting. They get Venoshock, Sludge Bomb, Poison Jab, Poison Tail, and Cross Poison. Hell, the fact that their Hidden Abilities are Immunity and Poison Heal tell us that they're supposed to have an affinity with poison. Obviously said Abilities would need changing should this retype occur, but yeah.

Trying to Rare Candy an 'M to level 100 in Red without letting it evolve. Gave me a newfound appreciation for the Everstone.

Catching Poliwag in Pokémon Pinball mini.

Any level 5 Rescue Mission puzzle in Pokémon Puzzle Collection. Especially Mew.

Trying to beat the other Pikachu in Pikachu's Rocket Start in Pokémon Party mini. It's doable, but you wouldn't think to try it.

There was the time I found a Shiny Ditto in Gold. It was like slow torture- not only did I run out of Poké Balls trying and failing to catch something that had taken on the appearance, types, stats, moves, and catch rate of a freaking Hoothoot, but I couldn't run, so I had to watch it KO itself with Struggle.

HeartGold. Shiny Ekans. Safari Zone. Need I say more?

Two words. Whitney's. Miltank.

June 22, 2016

xb1 problems

Brand new Xbox One makes crackling noise, is it normal?It was making the noise from the start and I thought it was normal but I looked up a video of what a normal Xbox sounds like and it's whisper quiet. I can't find any info on this apart from coil whine which can't be it because it was patched out a while ago and it's also far louder. The noise also continues during game play and when the console is off (on instant on mode). It's not loud and I can live with but my concern is it could lead to an issue later on, so has anybody else had this issue? Or is it normal?

That cracking you hear is Microsoft's xbox wanting to burst out of it's shell and be the xbox it was born to be like the little turtle hatchlings that hatch in the sand the problem is most of the little turtles have a difficult road ahead.

Was Micheal Jordan as hated as LeBron James?

  1. Boards
  2. Sports and Racing - NBA
  3. Was Micheal Jordan as hated as LeBron James?
5 hours ago#1
I was born in 1986 and raised in Chicago then the suburbs of Chicago when I was a kid. So all my life I've been a die hard Bulls fan. I love Michael Jordan, I mean, how could I not? He's one of the best basketball players of all time. LeBron wants to be/beat Michael Jordan because why wouldn't he go after the greatest? With this Cavs championship I'm noticing every one hate on LeBron like crazy. My question is for anyone old enough to remember, did every one who wasn't a Bulls fan hate Micheal Jordan this much too? I'm obviously biased (that's why I'm asking) but other than the NBA Jam thing I don't really remember people hating on Jordan as much as James.
PlayStation: AcetonSkyhigh
Wii U: YallReady4Chris
5 hours ago#2
Until he became the undisputed face of global basketball, he really was. He shot too much, he didn't pass, he was arrogant, etc.
5 hours ago#3
The media shielded him when they decided to make him a pop culture icon instead of just an NBA player.
5 hours ago#4
social media would eat MJ alive just like lebron 

Jordan punching Kerr in practice? 

You see how they rip JR for hitting the club after the finals? Now imagine a guy getting a hangover the morning of a finals game from partying
Stop quoting me you f***ing ninnies
5 hours ago#5
Before Jordan won his first championship he got a ton of hate

- couldn't win the big one
- just a scorer and ballhog who won't play within an offense
- jerk who couldn't get along with any of his teammates
- jerk who got doug Collins fired and clashes with management
- cant get past the pistons physical defense

the internet wasn't what it is now obviously so it didn't blow up as fast before he ended up winning but yeah the media and fans got on him pretty bad for a while
Paul George in a suit dunking a baby - artwork by HBKick18
4 hours ago#6
dont think so, not when he wins and had an automatic shot, epic defence and could close out games and take over. if anything his team would be slammed for not helping him and being rubbish. plus jordan delivered when he talked the talk and even then it wasnt arrogant.

He never said things like chosen one, not 1,2,3,4 etc. he never blocked footage of a young kid dunking on him. didnt demand media presence for any talks he would make about his contract. james gets it because he tries too much, jordan let his game do the talking and at times when james promises and fails to deliver he has to eat his own words

also what dj said, my comments stand for the 90s era when he got the job done
"Why do you hesitate to extend the power of Macedon - your power"-Alexander The Great \_O__/ >>>> l__O__l "YES"."YES"
(edited 4 hours ago)reportquote
4 hours ago#7
He got s*** on for stupid reasons largely the same as LeBron prior to his title but he also didn't dump gas on the fire like a social dumbass either.
If you torture a stat badly enough it will tell you anything.
-John Hollinger @ 2011 Sloan Conference
4 hours ago#8
everyone has haters
4 hours ago#9
Myst2 posted...
everyone has haters

Well yeah, but like I said I don't remember Jordan getting hated on as much as LeBron.
PlayStation: AcetonSkyhigh
Wii U: YallReady4Chris
4 hours ago#10
In the late eighties when he won his first league MVP, I think 88' and the Defensive Player of the Year award a lot of other players in the league thought he was getting too much praise for not winning anything yet. Throw in the signature shoes and all the endorsements and he was kinda despised. Especially by certain players and fans of the old guard.

Pistons, Celtics and Lakers fans were a little upset because they felt like he was taking some of the shine away from already established greats like Magic, Bird, and Isaiah.

Being around 10 years old at the time I loved him, even though I was and still am a Lakers fan. He had a certain style and "controlled recklessness" I guess that wasn't seen before. Most young people gravitated towards him, older fans took more time to come around.
A.K.A Seldom Seen, A.K.A Master Lurker
4 hours ago#11
dj4242 posted...
Before Jordan won his first championship he got a ton of hate

- couldn't win the big one
- just a scorer and ballhog who won't play within an offense
- jerk who couldn't get along with any of his teammates
- jerk who got doug Collins fired and clashes with management
- cant get past the pistons physical defense

the internet wasn't what it is now obviously so it didn't blow up as fast before he ended up winning but yeah the media and fans got on him pretty bad for a while

Yeah the Bad Boys 30 for 30 was one of my favorites. It had the best ending (Bulls beating the Pistons and going on to start the first 3-peat) and it was narrated by Kid Rock which is hilarious to me.

That being said Pippen was a bigger part of that team than people give him credit for IMO. Without him Jordan wouldn't have been able to do as much as he ended up doing in his career.
PlayStation: AcetonSkyhigh
Wii U: YallReady4Chris
4 hours ago#12
I'm sure you have already(being a big Jordan fan), but just in case you haven't TC for further knowledge on this topic go watch his masterpiece NBA docs:

Come Fly With Me
Michael Jordan's Playground 
Michael Jordan: Airtime
A.K.A Seldom Seen, A.K.A Master Lurker
He wasn't liked by other teams or media because they didn't have him. I've seen him play live in amazing games where he destroyed the home team at the last minute, and as much as it sucked, the crowd was genuinely amazed at his skill.
I'm mobile.
4 hours ago#14
if anyone hasn't read the Jordan rules by sam smith I highly recommend it
Paul George in a suit dunking a baby - artwork by HBKick18
4 hours ago#15
mobilebloechel posted...
He wasn't liked by other teams or media because they didn't have him. I've seen him play live in amazing games where he destroyed the home team at the last minute, and as much as it sucked, the crowd was genuinely amazed at his skill.

Yeah I saw him play when my dad would take me to games at the United Center a handful of times and they never lost. I feel like seeing him in person do some remarkable things is something that I'll always appreciate for the rest of my life.
PlayStation: AcetonSkyhigh
Wii U: YallReady4Chris
4 hours ago#16
Bujubounty posted...
I'm sure you have already(being a big Jordan fan), but just in case you haven't TC for further knowledge on this topic go watch his masterpiece NBA docs:

Come Fly With Me
Michael Jordan's Playground 
Michael Jordan: Airtime

I've only seen the first one. I'll definitely be checking out the others. Appreciate the heads up.
PlayStation: AcetonSkyhigh
Wii U: YallReady4Chris
4 hours ago#17
No, he was beloved, he was in an era where you could control marketing, pre internet in every home.
"Get a life! What? I'm a gamer, I have tons of lives."
4 hours ago#18
dj4242 posted...
if anyone hasn't read the Jordan rules by sam smith I highly recommend it

Just ordered it off of Amazon, lol. Thanks!
PlayStation: AcetonSkyhigh
Wii U: YallReady4Chris
4 hours ago#19
TreGooda posted...
No, he was beloved, he was in an era where you could control marketing, pre internet in every home.

He just seemed more likable to me. To be honest though I don't even know what makes LeBron so "unlikable" honestly. Maybe because Jordan never went to another team in the middle of his career to win championships? I know Cavs fans despised James for doing that even though the obviously are in love with him now.
PlayStation: AcetonSkyhigh
Wii U: YallReady4Chris
(edited 4 hours ago)reportquote
4 hours ago#20
XxGhaleonxX posted...
TreGooda posted...
No, he was beloved, he was in an era where you could control marketing, pre internet in every home.

He just seemed more likable to me. To be honest though I don't even know what makes LeBron so "unlikable" honestly. Maybe because Jordan never went to another team in the middle of his career to win championships? I know Cavs fans despised James for doing that even though the obviously are in love with him now.

I'm quite sure he wouldn't have if he was in Jordan's situation.
"Get a life! What? I'm a gamer, I have tons of lives."
3 hours ago#21
Ray_AP_37 posted...
Until he became the undisputed face of global basketball, he really was. He shot too much, he didn't pass, he was arrogant, etc.

This x 1000

then he retired and everyone realized how great he was
3 hours ago#22
I'm not sure, but I think the 96 Finals was the time when people realized he has to be considered possible GOAT. Numbers, championships, Finals MVPs, and then coming back, breaking records, and winning more titles.
Yes. The haters just didn't have the platform to be heard like LeBron's haters do.
3 hours ago#24
Ray_AP_37 posted...
I'm not sure, but I think the 96 Finals was the time when people realized he has to be considered possible GOAT. Numbers, championships, Finals MVPs, and then coming back, breaking records, and winning more titles.

I just watched highlights from the series against Seattle. I miss 90's basketball so much and not just because the Bulls won most of the championships from that decade.
PlayStation: AcetonSkyhigh
Wii U: YallReady4Chris
3 hours ago#25
no not nearly as much since that was 

1: before 24/7 news and social media
2: before people actually learned their athlete heroes weren't all perfect gods and actually took criticism of them seriously instead of being blind fans 

Jordan today would be absolutely eviscerated beyond anything close to Lebron if he pulled the same crap he did back then
(edited 3 hours ago)reportquote
3 hours ago#26
Michael Jordan sucked ass in that Fantastic Four movie
Cleveland Cavaliers - 2016 NBA CHAMPIONS
The curse is broken.
3 hours ago#27
Also, I think the presence of another cult hero (Kobe) playing for the NBA's largest fanbase, creates a natural hate for anyone who might be a rival for greatest post-Jordan player.
It is pitch black. You are likely to be eaten by a grue.
Rico, YOU know what to DO!
(message deleted)
3 hours ago#29
DoctorPiranha3 posted...
He absolutely ring chased, and made a spectacle of it.

Oh god, people still believe this? You even said that Cleveland's front office was incompetent. Why wouldn't he leave?
3 hours ago#30
The absolute worst s*** Lebron did would look like playthings if the worst s*** Jordan did got public don't even lie

Imagine if Lebron stayed up all night gambling then showed up to a playoff game which he proceeded to lose. And the media had proof and reported it

That story sticks around for an entire year, minimum. But in Jordan's era you only knew about it if you read a random article in the newspaper and the reporters didn't even follow up on it 24 hours later
(edited 3 hours ago)reportquote
pk je3bus 
3 hours ago#31
Social media alone is like x10 the hate.
*Please sign here _____________.*
Ray_AP_37 posted...
DoctorPiranha3 posted...
He absolutely ring chased, and made a spectacle of it.

Oh god, people still believe this? You even said that Cleveland's front office was incompetent. Why wouldn't he leave?

I didn't once blame LeBron, I'm talking about why people hate him. You caught my post before I deleted it (because I didn't want to get into a drawn out discussion) so I'm responding to this.
You will arrive at the gates of Vienna, meaty and packed into a can!
2 hours ago#33
Jordan didn't get nearly the amount of hate due to the lack of social media back then but realistically speaking he was known for being a jerk to his teammates and to his coaches. There was also the whole "allegedly got his dad killed due to his gambling debts" thing
Not changing this sig until the Knicks win the NBA Championship! Started...4/23/2011? Or was it 2010?
2 hours ago#34
SSj4Wingzero posted...
Jordan didn't get nearly the amount of hate due to the lack of social media back then but realistically speaking he was known for being a jerk to his teammates and to his coaches. There was also the whole "allegedly got his dad killed due to his gambling debts" thing

Really? I never heard that theory before... Interesting.
PlayStation: AcetonSkyhigh
Wii U: YallReady4Chris
It could be just a wacky conspiracy theory. Who knows?
Not changing this sig until the Knicks win the NBA Championship! Started...4/23/2011? Or was it 2010?
1 hour ago#36
SSj4Wingzero posted...
It could be just a wacky conspiracy theory. Who knows?

Yeah I thought they killed him because he had a nice car and realized after they had killed him that it was MJ's father.
PlayStation: AcetonSkyhigh
Wii U: YallReady4Chris
XxGhaleonxX posted...
Ray_AP_37 posted...
I'm not sure, but I think the 96 Finals was the time when people realized he has to be considered possible GOAT. Numbers, championships, Finals MVPs, and then coming back, breaking records, and winning more titles.

I just watched highlights from the series against Seattle. I miss 90's basketball so much and not just because the Bulls won most of the championships from that decade.

Nah it was the 98 shot over Russell to win the finals in game 6 I think. Everyone was just like wow he truly IS the GOAT.
58 minutes ago#38
XxGhaleonxX posted...
SSj4Wingzero posted...
It could be just a wacky conspiracy theory. Who knows?

Yeah I thought they killed him because he had a nice car and realized after they had killed him that it was MJ's father.

It appears now that that is the case, but there were rumors flying around back then that Jordan's dad was killed because Jordan owed money to some rather unsavory characters he had been gambling with. He'd have gotten torn up in today's social media.
Not changing this sig until the Knicks win the NBA Championship! Started...4/23/2011? Or was it 2010?
56 minutes ago#39
I think all of the hate on LeBron will be relatively forgotten in 20 years the way Jordan's is. I say relatively because there is a lot more for LeBron, But the hate for LeBron stems from The Decision and associated acts more than anything, along with being stifled in the Finals that year. It's hard to envision Jordan in today's game instead of when he played because that would mean there is no Jordan which has a lot to do with how we see stars today. I will bring up Kobe because while people say the media controlled Jordan's legacy the Kobe treatment this year was one of the largest about-face turns I've ever seen.
44 minutes ago#40
ShotOJameson posted...
XxGhaleonxX posted...
Ray_AP_37 posted...
I'm not sure, but I think the 96 Finals was the time when people realized he has to be considered possible GOAT. Numbers, championships, Finals MVPs, and then coming back, breaking records, and winning more titles.

I just watched highlights from the series against Seattle. I miss 90's basketball so much and not just because the Bulls won most of the championships from that decade.

Nah it was the 98 shot over Russell to win the finals in game 6 I think. Everyone was just like wow he truly IS the GOAT.

Yeah that was great too.
PlayStation: AcetonSkyhigh
Wii U: YallReady4Chris
39 minutes ago#41
The thing about Lebron is that his good human nature is off camera while his bad qualities are full display as maybe the biggest on-court diva ever. Yet him being the one of the best humanitarian athletes is just something you read about.
Panthers, Lakers, Dodgers, Hurricanes, Tarheels.
(edited 38 minutes ago)reportquote
36 minutes ago#42
FinalFantasyIV posted...
The thing about Lebron is that his good human nature is off camera while his bad qualities are full display as maybe the biggest on-court diva ever.

Maybe the space jam 2 movie will change that lol.
PlayStation: AcetonSkyhigh
Wii U: YallReady4Chris