Is Angry Joe your hero? - Results (67 votes)
Yeah totes malotes! Guy is a hero telling me what I want to hear about video games!
Nah I think he is a douche
So yeah Angry Joe is Angry because the fans wont support his new content, basically wants to make trailer reaction videos because it is less effort than giving an opinion on a video game and because this new format is doing poorly he blames the fans saying stuff like "I gave them 9 years of free content, more than 1,135 videos and I can't get any love on my own channel to produce additional content I want." - Angry Joe 2017 Apparently forgetting that he has a donation box on his twitch, youtube and personal website where fans can give him more money on top of the already large amount he gets from advertisers, t-shirt sales, twitch subscriptions and other various deals. So yeah do you think the fans owe him views on top of the donations they already give or is Joe being a little bit silly?
"Behold, I shall corrupt your seed, and spread dung upon your faces" Malachi 2:3, The Bible
Im surprised anyone over the age of 15 still watches his s***.His videos still show up every now and again.I clicked on a movie review not too long ago for s***s and giggles and it was basically him giving his bad opinions while his friends agreed with every word he said.
I stopped watching Angry Joe when it turned into pretty much a movie channel. Good guy, but lost his way.
What's a knockout like you doing in a computer-generated gin joint like this?
His fans are entitled and whiny, he isn't missing much by disabling comments. They constantly complain about the content he's putting out on HIS channel.
Personally I don't care about Joe, he and a few others have become really annoying over time and this crybaby mode Joe goes into all the time when something doesn't go his way is why I stopped watching him.
My youtube channel:
I like the guy but when you start a channel that reviews games with funny skits and then suddenly moves to boring sat down movie reviews and trailer reactions you cant get mad when people dislike it.
Its like MS suddenly deciding that they want to leave the software market and start selling d****s.
HOLY ****! What is this? Forged in Gods very flames! Do mine eyes tell me lies? A new Elder Scrolls game?
Time is nigh, I must fly, Venture forth on my quest! |
agentspoon posted...
I like the guy but when you start a channel that reviews games with funny skits and then suddenly moves to boring sat down movie reviews and trailer reactions you cant get mad when people dislike it. Lol.
"My dad owns a dealership!"
I always found Joe vaguely annoying but could respect his reviews, which always followed the general consensus but had displayed examples of plusses and minuses.
Then Other Joe and/or Delrith were in every video, then actual reviews dried up to a trickle, in lieu of "Angry Impressions" and "Angry Reactions". I can't remember the last time I bothered to check his channel.
Recent-ish art MVC Infinite Edition:
If he wants to review movies/trailers then he should do the smart thing and make a new channel and let people that wanna migrate have the choice.
Don't ride off the success of his main channel for such a huge change.
HOLY ****! What is this? Forged in Gods very flames! Do mine eyes tell me lies? A new Elder Scrolls game?
Time is nigh, I must fly, Venture forth on my quest! |
He hasn't had very many game reviews this year, dude got lazy.
He skips popular games people want reviews for. Expected/ 10
We are the observer, the judge and the jury; thus we are our own biggest obstacle to truth.
He doesn't ask for money so he can do what he wants. If fans want to give him donations then that is on them. It's not a subscription like patrean where expect perks. He does what he loves so let him do it. Stop watching if you don't care. I enjoyed his Justice League reaction and I'll watch or not watch whatever he decides. If he decided to leave YouTube I wouldn't lose sleep over it.
Fans aren't entitled to nothing on his channel, just move on or don't.
*Browncoats* "I aim to misbehave" - Malcom Reynolds
AJ used to have some fun reviews.He was thorough and enjoyable.His channel is garbage now.No reviews and when they do come its like pulling teeth from him and it shows,its basically very very bad movie reviews and another stupid reaction channel now.
Whats worse is hearing his pals suck up readily to agree even before he gets finished making any point.Plus he is a horrible movie reviewer.
Gamefaqs,you will never find a more wretched hive of scum and villainy.
I hate his reviews. They are unnecessarily long.
30 minutes for a videogame review? f outta here.
<cite>Metallix87 posted...</cite>
"Nintendo is an animal" |
He honestly should've made a new channel for his movie reviews. Know your audience and what they're there for. If you want to take a break from game reviews so be it, but don't mix your audiences.
I'm learning when it comes to YouTube, 100% transparency is key. A few years ago he should've announced what type of changes he had planned for the format, made a separate movie review channel, and go from there. I see where he's coming from, but at the same time I understand where his subscribers are coming from too.
"XBone: not for soldiers or Japanese. or astronauts. didn't you know?" - Vorzal
Flamer_Blue posted...
I hate his reviews. They are unnecessarily long. Kinda agree. 30 minutes is better suited for a retrospective.
"XBone: not for soldiers or Japanese. or astronauts. didn't you know?" - Vorzal
I liked his old Angry Reviews like Ride to Hell and others, but his "new content" is garbage that I won't support
GT: Bumbleoni |
I think he is acting like a child for censoring comments and blocking his like/dislike bar. It's like seriously dude who the hell cares the drama will eventually die down. Also going back on what he said is not right. Imagine if ya worked for a company committing to one thing, then a few months later decide to do less or not strictly work on that one thing then your company will reasonably be ticked.
I understand Joe may not want to do that content entirely, but this goes to anybody DON'T MAKE PROMISES YOU DON'T KEEP! It's not a hard thing to go by. I never make a promise I can't keep, and I encourage anyone to go by that.
PRAISE THE SUN Young Justice Season 3 is HAPPENING!
Flamer_Blue posted...
I hate his reviews. They are unnecessarily long. What's worse is that his fans even complain that some of his reviews are "too short". I rather stick to 30 minutes reviews tbh.. more detailed too.
And honestly.... many of his fans have always been a pain in the ass... seriously.
No matter, even when on the regular times where he reviewed lots of games, people still complain about anything... like he hasn't reviewed their favorite game, the review is too short or too long, disagree with the scores and bashes him, etc. Honestly, i feel bad for him because of the toxic fanbase he has. But at the same time, disappointed how he didn't kept his promise. Again it's his channel, but he shouldn't have promised his fans to stick to the schedule.
(edited 1 hour ago)quote
Marked for off topic.
If you wish to make a topic about Xbox One then do so. What happens with the PlayStation has nothing to do with Xbox - Gamefaqs moderator
I still say the fact that there is a market for youtubers who rant about videogames is pathetic.
Not changing this signature until Ben Simmons plays his first game.
October 2nd, 2016 |
I dropped him like a sack of bricks when he cried
He cried on cam Then he accepted a trip to CDPR to hang and do voice work then had the balls to review the game Let this guy fade away
Free thinkers are dangerous
(edited 1 hour ago)quote
Don't know who he is, and don't want to.
+ | + + | +
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Strav23 posted...
He doesn't ask for money so he can do what he wants. If fans want to give him donations then that is on them. It's not a subscription like patrean where expect perks. He does what he loves so let him do it. Stop watching if you don't care. I enjoyed his Justice League reaction and I'll watch or not watch whatever he decides. If he decided to leave YouTube I wouldn't lose sleep over it. he's not entitled to "get love" from his fans when he changes his format. He's criticized game devs for changing things plenty, now that it happens to him he can't take it. He's a public voice, he's not above criticism, regardless of him "giving free content" - if no one watched his vids he so graciously bestows, he wouldn't make a dime from advertisers. If he thinks he's that damn above everyone, start charging and see how many ppl watch his s***
Yes, I wear glasses. No, I'm not a hipster; I actually need them
axelfooley2k5 posted...
I dropped him like a sack of bricks when he cried Was that when Youtube demonetized his videos? ![]() Or was this a different case?
"Behold, I shall corrupt your seed, and spread dung upon your faces" Malachi 2:3, The Bible
I used to watch his videos way back in the day when he had like 1/8th of the subscribers he has now. But it seemed like the more popular he got the more douchey he became
I haven't watched any of his videos in a long time but I'm not surprised to hear he has become a pre madonna.
(edited 1 hour ago)quote
To say that blowhard is a clown is an insult to clowns.
Posted using GameFlux
Get it now for Android from Google Play! |
Was previously a fan, but can't abide closing comments sections, so voted No.
Hillary For Prison 2017
I still watch his reviews but I prefer Angry Centaur.
I don't care about the altitude, I just want another drink.
Art_Vandalay81 posted...
krazykiwikid posted...Marked for off topic. Explain to me what this has to do with xbox one.
If you wish to make a topic about Xbox One then do so. What happens with the PlayStation has nothing to do with Xbox - Gamefaqs moderator
Joe still does have good opinions, just like Friday the 13th, it's a pretty messy and can be broken from time to time, but it is a ton of fun with friends or a great random group. Oddly enough, F13 does NOT have long ass jokes and are reasonable along with why he did them. But that is a huge issue I have about him. His reviews are about 30 minutes long and sometimes there is literally a 3-minute joke skit I just skip every time.
My YT:
This Gen: FFX/X-2=FFXII: TZA=The Witcher 3>DOOM>Friday the 13th
(edited 2 minutes ago)quote
Except his videos aren't free. You're spending time that could be spend on other, better videos. He should be grateful anyone watches his crap at all.
Shoot first, think never.
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