December 6, 2020

Roxborough4ever; The Final Chapter

Ladies and Gentlemen, it is with great sorrow I present too you the final post to ever be made here on the BIWC archives; The obituary of Roxborough_Park, better known as Roxborough4ever.

Showing up on the Gamefaqs landscape in 2003, Roxborough had a handful of screen names before he found his true handle. After losing the original handle for advocating a shotgun for home defense, he found success on Roxborough4Ever where he amassed over 1900 Karma and made it to the level of Idol, he provided value to the boards with his own brand of posts that always brought a new thought to the table.

Always something interesting to add to the conversation, he was not fenced in by boundaries.

After 4 years of saying how much we hated the orange man, the final nail in the coffin for this unique user was suggesting that Trump supporters needed to be pursued by those who perpetuated the lust for anger. 

The forces that be felt the shift in his momentum and needed silence what was soon to trend.

Put down in his prime. he is moving on. 

It was a fun 10 years, but besides using the FAQS.....there is no need to return.

There is no need for X for Y but Z happen topics....there is no need to circle jerks, and echo chambers.

A new pursuit is on the horizon.

It was a beautiful part in his life, posting with all of you......but he is moving on.

Will he return? In the same form, unlikely.

But much like when you look to the blue skies and see the heavens,
He looks to the top of his browser task bar....yearning to see that beautiful gamefaqs blue.

His is still out there, yearning, learning....posting.

He will become the greatest XYZ of his generation.

Here in this place; a fortune will be amassed,
a data center will be purchases,
and URL will come under control.

Remember; Those are Shermans boards, and you are just posting on them.

You feast on red herring, because it is your birthright.

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