Showing posts with label World of Warcraft. Show all posts
Showing posts with label World of Warcraft. Show all posts

August 2, 2017

WoW gold currency now worth more than actual Venezuelan currency.

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  3. WoW gold currency now worth more than actual Venezuelan currency.
GOATTHlEF 8 hours ago#1
According to sites that track the value of both currencies, KalebPrime’s math is outdated, and WoW gold is now worth even more than the bolivar.

According to the site, which actively tracks the worth of the bolivar on the black market, the bolivar has dropped to 11,185.95 per dollar since KalebPrime posted .

Meanwhile, according to, which tracks the value of WoW’s in-game currency for sales outside of the game, the lowest sale of 10,000 gold in a real life exchange will get you $1.21.

This drop in the worth of the bolivar is stark compared to its worth just a few months ago. In May, 279 bolivars would net $1, according to CNN Money. In June, the worth dropped to 408 bolivars for every dollar.

The Venezuelan bolivar has continued to see a massive decline in worth over the past few months, becoming essentially worthless. In May, it was reported that inflation within the country was suspected to surge 720 percent by the end of 2017 and a staggering 2,068 percent the following year.

The Venezuelan economy has suffered greatly under President Nicolas Maduro’s socialist regime. The drop in oil prices, combined with the Venezuelan government’s mismanagement of the economy has resulted in a shortage of everything from food to everyday items. The problem is so severe that a February report showed that 75 percent of Venezuelans were losing dangerous amounts of weight.

Furthering the bolivar’s crash was economic sanctions passed by the U.S. on the socialist nation Wednesday. According to the New York Times, the sanctions were a threat from President Donald Trump against Maduro gathering a constituent assembly meant to rewrite the Venezuelan constitution and solidify Maduro’s power over the country.

CNN reported Monday that Maduro proceeded with the assembly, effectively putting the entirety of the Venezuelan government under his control. The Times reported that Trump had warned Maduro on Wednesday that if he carried out the assembly, Trump would push for further sanctions.

Thanks Donald
CE Unleashed! The first of two gamefaqs based magic sets.
iamintents 8 hours ago#2
Spooking 8 hours ago#3
Somewhere in the distance Steve Bannon is celebrating.
Prism Ranger (Red): Isn't it obvious? We don't have any friends!
Disgaea: Hour of Darkness
Transcendentia 8 hours ago#4
Were_Wyrm 8 hours ago#5
WTS [Thunderfury, Blessed Blade of the Windseeker] only 55929.75 bolivar.
I was a God, Valeria. I found it...beneath me. - Dr. Doom
YellowSUV 8 hours ago#6
Did someone say [Thunderfury, Blessed Blade of the Windseeker]
We all live in a Yellow SUV! a Yellow SUV!
ZCheveyo 8 hours ago#7
Wait, all those people who make a living off of WoW were trading 10,000....whatever currency Warcraft uses for $1.21?

How much playing do you have to do to get enough gold to make a wage off of that s***?!
"There's nothing gay about liking a nice feminine penis."
GOATTHlEF 8 hours ago#8
ZCheveyo posted...
Wait, all those people who make a living off of WoW were trading 10,000....whatever currency Warcraft uses for $1.21?

How much playing do you have to do to get enough gold to make a wage off of that s***?!

10,000 doesn't seem like a lot. When I was playing I'd make 1k an hour leveling EASY, and I didn't even take it seriously.

If you farmed old dungeons for cosmetics items and sold them on the auction house you'd make a pretty penny. One of my guildies used to go to the dungeon in the outlands and use a hunter's trap to draw the entire instance to him. Then he'd just wait, kill all the low monsters and pick up the loot. It took him like 10 minutes each time and it gave him a crazy amount of gold and loot for very little work.
CE Unleashed! The first of two gamefaqs based magic sets.
chill02 8 hours ago#9
but a bird told him to run for president
Ave, true to Caesar.
Ulyanyx 8 hours ago#10
there are many doing blast furnace on old school runescape because they can sell the gold for more than a local wage (1m gold is about a dollar, afaik) - maybe some commentary gameplay of vida
current: Cry of Fear, whenever I end up drinking.
ZCheveyo posted...
Wait, all those people who make a living off of WoW were trading 10,000....whatever currency Warcraft uses for $1.21?

How much playing do you have to do to get enough gold to make a wage off of that s***?!

Most people doing it are people in sweatshops in China. They spend 15 hours a day farming gold the most efficient way possible.
My sister's dog bit a hole in my Super Mario Land cartridge. It still works though - Skye Reynolds
3DS FC: 3239-5612-0115
Lol so, is Venezuela f***ed or what? The prez over there rewrote their laws in order to solidify his rule above all others? How are the people not rising against thia guy and murdering his entire family yet? That sounds pretty crazy.

Also, it's a hell of a time to be a Venezuelan WoW currency broker, now isn't it?!?
"To be forgotten is worse than death..." -Freya
--kresnik-- 8 hours ago#13
Trump 2020
chill02 8 hours ago#14
FaytlessHearts posted...
How are the people not rising against thia guy and murdering his entire family yet?

you should read the news >_>
Ave, true to Caesar.
FaytlessHearts posted...
Lol so, is Venezuela f***ed or what? The prez over there rewrote their laws in order to solidify his rule above all others? How are the people not rising against thia guy and murdering his entire family yet? That sounds pretty crazy.

Also, it's a hell of a time to be a Venezuelan WoW currency broker, now isn't it?!?

The Venezuelan government banned firearms for everyone except government officials.
so what you are saying is Venezuela needs a state owner WoW gold farming operation to make their economy grow
sigless user is me or am I?
chill02 posted...
FaytlessHearts posted...
How are the people not rising against thia guy and murdering his entire family yet?

you should read the news >_>

Pulled some stuff up immediately after posting.

Looks like the people need to really make this douchebag and all his minions suffer. Power to the people, governments should fear the people, not people fearing the governments. Regardless of country.
"To be forgotten is worse than death..." -Freya
  1. Boards
  2. Current Events 
  3. WoW gold currency now worth more than actual Venezuelan currency.

September 21, 2010

Relationship On The Rocks, Advice?

I've suspected for some time now that my girlfriend has been having an affair. The usual signs. Phone rings, I answer, someone hangs up. She started going out 'with the girls' a lot recently although when I ask which girls it is always "Just some friends from work, you don't know them". I always look out for her taxi coming home but she always walks down the drive although I can hear a car setting off. As if she has got out of the car round the corner. Why? Is it not a taxi? I once picked her mobile up just to see what time it was and she went berserk and screamed that I should never touch her phone again and why was I checking up on her.

Anyway, I have never approached the subject with her. I think deep down I just didn't want to know the truth but last night something odd happened. She had come over to play WoW and had forgotten to sign off of AIM after she left. It was whilst I was going through her buddy list that I noticed my mage had just been two-shotted by a rogue.

Should I stick with my mage or should I play a class with more survivability?