Wespers coin sirs - Post Waves adress for Wespers gibs Anonymous (ID: 8yehD/Mj) 08/10/17(Thu)11:39:03 No.3010717
Dears, do not buy Espers on yobit, is a scam.
Espers is based off 2009 tech, meanwhile wespers is on the latest Waves-Ethereum asset smart skeletor contracting system.
http://wavesexplorer.com/tx/Gf6Bvjh7XudtgiirVpzpb7cqomaA9FEiQy16ygCKHt wB
Anyway, just wanted to test this platform and see if I will invest in waves or not for the long term(someone redpill me on waves plz). No real plans for wespers, if enough of biz gets em, maybe we could make something out of it. if not whatever.
Post your waves for free Wesperscoin for 100% moon mission my dear sires.
>>3010717 (OP)
pls gib kind sir
>>3010717 (OP)
Please send kind anon. Thank you.
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>>3010717 (OP)
P-please send me
someone screengrab this post and sprea #DESUGATE to /pol/
this shit is retarded desu
kinda redpilled though, desu (T B H) is a little bit like "Ghetto speak" and the most times I see this stupid phrase written on social is from stupid people desu.
by changing it to desu, it's kinda like a reminder that by using that ignorant talk you are just a pet of the globalist elite. dare I say there is some redpilled ai bot on here watching us?
What is the use of desu in Japanese?
A copula is essentially a verb meaning "to be". It can be used to show identity (Max is a dog), properties (furry), state (happy), and membership in a set (one of my pets). ... The Japanese copula also has several forms, the most important of which are the plain form だ "da" and the polite form です "desu"
> desu desu, you're probably just fucking crazy and talking to yourself at this point.
Fuck desu
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sirs, you no post a Wesper compliant adress
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>>3010717 (OP)
Yes please sirs may you gib wespers
>>3010717 (OP)
May the shilling commence
>>3010717 (OP)
how do i see them in my wallet?
sent 10 million extra for motivation.
They should just show up in your waves assets tab once the transaction confirms.
I'm working on getting a domain, basic site going so i'll post a contact addy here later on.
if i had to make suggestions for logo design look, something similar to bot waves and espers, keeping the illuminati look of espers but with a more flat simple design look like waves.
Will need an ai/psd/svg of the logo to claim bounty once winning design is picked.
nice, just sent 15 million(10 mill extra for motivation for logo attempt)
on the right track but not quite there, obviously know it's a rough draft.
maybe make it more "W" shaped, if possible make the lines to say "Wespers" also, this kinda could fit that "eye of horus" thing in the middle, the defining off the eye i think is good to keep that espers illuminati look for Wepers. haha
Thank you for that.
>>3010717 (OP)
I'm ready to go to Lambolandsylvania...