Internet giant latest to embrace totalitarianism, moves to fully censor non-PC content
by Edmund Kozak | Updated 02 Aug 2017 at 3:34 PM
Video-sharing website YouTube seems to be systematically purging conservatives and others who challenge politically correct orthodoxy from its platform.
Free speech activists across the internet were shocked on Tuesday after YouTube appeared to suspend the account of noted psychology professor Jordan B. Peterson. “I cannot post new YouTube videos, including last week’s Biblical lecture. No access. At least — for now — the videos are still up,” Peterson tweeted on Tuesday morning.
A backlash quickly ensued, and before the end of the day, and indeed shortly after The Daily Caller published a story on the shock suspension, Peterson’s account was reinstated. But Peterson is not the first to fall victim to YouTube’s efforts to censor politically incorrect free speech, nor will he be the last.
The Google subsidiary announced in a blog post published Tuesday that it is taking new steps to combat what it referred to as “terrorism content” and “hate speech” — steps critics assert are little more than efforts to censor conservative thought.
Greatly reinforcing this perception is YouTube's own admission that it is partnering with far-left organizations to decide what exactly constitutes hateful or "terrorist" content. "Over the past weeks, we have begun working with more than 15 additional expert [non-governmental organizations] and institutions through our Trusted Flagger program, including the Anti-Defamation League, the No Hate Speech Movement, and the Institute for Strategic Dialogue," YouTube said in the blog post.
"This is terrifying in an Orwellian way," said Dan Gainor, vice president of business and culture at the Media Research Center. "Organizations that don't support free speech, like the ADL, are being used to monitor it. The ADL has clearly lost its way and become just another left-wing pressure group in recent years," Gainor told LifeZette.
YouTube's reliance on partisan organizations to police "hateful" content is troubling enough, but "YouTube's insistence on telling us how to live our lives and what words we can use is even more distressing," said Gainor.
"The plan to have a 'playlist of curated YouTube videos that directly confront and debunk violent extremist messages' sounds positively like 1984. YouTube apparently doesn't believe its customers are smart enough to know what they want to see," Gainor continued. "Unfortunately, billions of people have turned over their free speech rights to companies that increasingly don't believe in free speech."
(This article has been shortened due to message size limits)
(Topic Creator)18 hours ago#2
"As a private company I believe YouTube should be free to do as it pleases," said Harris-Qunniey. "However, what we have seen in recent years is a stark decline in the reach and profitability of establishment media, and I suspect the more YouTube curtails, the greater their loss will be."
protection of free speech does not apply to private entities
They shouldn't block those videos, for the sole reason that people can see what being wrong looks like.
"I'm an atheist too but still believe in hell. That's where you're headed pal." - Mr_Karate_II
The problem is that Youtube is working with left-wing groups exclusively. Debunking the many falsehoods and other bigotry promoted by SJWs will be seen as hate speech by ADL.
(Topic Creator)18 hours ago#6
LightningAce11 posted...
They shouldn't block those videos, for the sole reason that people can see what being wrong looks like.
I don't think they're blocking them in that way (like deleting them), but instead they're making them...well, almost unlisted.
Needless to say they can do whatever they want with their business and the free market will work around it, but a group like ADL is hardly trustworthy.
AlternativeFAQS posted...
protection of free speech does not apply to private entities
That's probably not as cut and dry as you think it is.
honestly as long as people like Black Pigeon Speaks, Sandman, and AiU are still on youtube I really don't believe there's a vast conquest to purge right-wingers
youtubers have been sharing concerns over "potential" censorship ever since the atheist-religion conflict of the late 2000s, but nothing ever really came of it. Nothing has been as bad as youtube's brief stint with banning profanity entirely in terms of actual censorship and the recent move to pull advertisers has affected everybody across the political spectrum.
(Topic Creator)18 hours ago#9
Zero_Destroyer posted...
and AiU
AiU is absolutely not right-wing - I've met him (not familiar with the others, but if they're as right-wing as AiU.....)
-Gavirulax- posted...
"As a private company I believe YouTube should be free to do as it pleases," said Harris-Qunniey. "However, what we have seen in recent years is a stark decline in the reach and profitability of establishment media, and I suspect the more YouTube curtails, the greater their loss will be."
thats why capitalism is great, it can be the ultimate nullifier to fascism
AlternativeFAQS posted...
protection of free speech does not apply to private entities
This. You want a conservative website? Stop crying and make a conservative website
Was it the ADL that made pepe the frog a hate speech? If so, they are the least competent people I would want to decide what is considered hate speech.
"Yare yare daze" ~ Jotaro Kujo
"Children are pure, they know who's the strongest." ~ MaskDeSmith
-Gavirulax- posted...
Zero_Destroyer posted...
and AiU
AiU is absolutely not right-wing - I've met him (not familiar with the others, but if they're as right-wing as AiU.....)
could've fooled me with his race baiting s*** lmao
Though even as I made that post I'm fully aware he's distantly more to the left than the other two I mentioned.
(Topic Creator)18 hours ago#14
Lightsasori posted...
Was it the ADL that made pepe the frog a hate speech? If so, they are the least competent people I would want to decide what is considered hate speech.
Yes lol.
Zero_Destroyer posted...
-Gavirulax- posted...
Zero_Destroyer posted...
and AiU
AiU is absolutely not right-wing - I've met him (not familiar with the others, but if they're as right-wing as AiU.....)
could've fooled me with his race baiting s*** lmao
I'm unfamiliar with what you're talking about (short of "facts are racist").
I am Kaname_Madoka
3DS Friend Code: 4682-8964-8708
First, they come for the racists, then they come for the conservatives. Soon, they will come after you when you voice an opinion someone doesn't like.
Zero_Destroyer posted...
He's like me. More left than right, but calls out the left's bulls*** a lot.
DirkDiggles posted...
First, they come for the racists, then they come for the conservatives. Soon, they will come after you when you voice an opinion someone doesn't like.
You mean like how a punk singer got denied entry into the US for mocking Trump
Yeah that's already happening >_>
Isn't AiU a doxxer or a SWATTER or something? I remember there being a s***storm about that a while back.
Axiom posted...
DirkDiggles posted...
First, they come for the racists, then they come for the conservatives. Soon, they will come after you when you voice an opinion someone doesn't like.
You mean like how a punk singer got denied entry into the US for mocking Trump
Yeah that's already happening >_>
Yeah, I'm sure there's more to the story.
(Topic Creator)18 hours ago#21
Axiom posted...
DirkDiggles posted...
First, they come for the racists, then they come for the conservatives. Soon, they will come after you when you voice an opinion someone doesn't like.
You mean like how a punk singer got denied entry into the US for mocking Trump
Yeah that's already happening >_>
Never heard of that before, but Trump's laughable thin skin is also something to point and laugh at (preferably while wearing an Impeach the Orange shirt).
My parents think Pepe is hate speech cause CNN told them it was.
(Topic Creator)18 hours ago#23
NibeIungsnarf posted...
Isn't AiU a doxxer or a SWATTER or something? I remember there being a s***storm about that a while back.
I'm not sure, I met a couple of people in the skeptic community and only heard rumbling of that (as if they didn't want to talk about it).
I believe there is some nasty history with AiU and KrautandTea (German guy obviously, does a lot of similar videos actually).
However I like both their videos,
Yeah I think it was a bad idea to hinge "people having a voice" on the whims of a massive corporation. Also, I would note that I'm skeptical of claims that this is happening exclusively to conservatives.
Unless or until Net Neutrality goes down in flames (and ISPs and their favored content providers are granted special privilege to abuse their monopoly power over public rights-of-way), this is categorically not a 1A free speech issue. YouTube is not the government. Digital internet services exist in a competitive market for the time being. YouTube can do as they like and you're free to criticize and/or boycott them if you don't like it.
BKSheikah owned me so thoroughly in the 2017 guru contest, I'd swear he used the Lens of Truth to pick his bracket. (
NibeIungsnarf posted...
Isn't AiU a doxxer or a SWATTER or something? I remember there being a s***storm about that a while back.
He's that, too, and the fact that he still exists in spite of his doxxing activities says a lot about Youtube's supposed dedication to curbing activity. I'm referencing race-baiting content of his from 1-2 years ago where he tended to present statistics and imply the context didn't matter. I can't dig up videos on him in particular because
1: They might be deleted
2: They're old at this point and would be hard to find
...But, I'll retract my association of him with the other two, since I don't really think that's fair.
(Topic Creator)18 hours ago#27
Zero_Destroyer posted...
He's that, too, and the fact that he still exists in spite of his doxxing activities says a lot about Youtube's supposed dedication to curbing activity.
He did get banned.
He just....made another account (well actually he just changed the name of one of his backup channels) and they didn't do anything.
They have no obligation to uphold freedom of speech. YouTube basically does whatever its advertisers say.
If youtube was a physical company would it be considered a monopoly? I feel like it pretty much is and that to some extent that interferes with the idea that a private company can do whatever it wants.
What conservative viewpoints are in danger of censorship exactly?
(Topic Creator)18 hours ago#31
NibeIungsnarf posted...
If youtube was a physical company would it be considered a monopoly? I feel like it pretty much is and that to some extent that interferes with the idea that a private company can do whatever it wants.
Well the only real competition (and I can't even call them that) I think of with Youtube is like....DailyMotion (does that still even work) lol.
YouTube shut down free speech a long time ago. The advent of video advertising made sure of that. This is hardly exclusive to right-wing political opinions. Unless you think only right-wingers support video game violence and music videos. Advertisers have always wanted sterile environments and they will do it to a out-of-touch-with-reality fault.
(Topic Creator)18 hours ago#34
I don't agree with the headline for the record (it's basically conservatives crying wolf over not being heard, as usual), I just wanted to post any article which would stir discussion.
Well, there's a reason Vimeo is popular. It's due to all the s***ty decisions YouTube has made over the years.
To reference my point, BPS went on a 20 minute tirade against women, making a variety of incredibly shaky, statistically dubious, or downright nonsense arguments in an attempt to prove women are everything wrong with society:
People have torn this apart/dissected it, the guy sources a women-hate website full of user-submitted content at one point in the video to back one of his points, and it's overall an offensive mess of nonsense that seems like it'd be a good target for deleting by a youtube censorship force.
To be clear - I think, in spite of him being objectively wrong, in spite of his viewpoints being actually misogynistic, in spite of him being an actual racist based on some other things he's said - he should be allowed to maintain his channel and make videos at his leisure. I don't think youtube should suppress people like this. It's a self solving mechanism - morons make slick-if-wrong content, other youtubers refute them and gain an audience.
But that's the thing. Why wouldn't a censor-happy Youtube hit this kind of content? This video has 1M views and the guy has a respectable subscriber base.
Similarly, Sandman makes the claim that women are pretty much literally sucking life force out of men during sex:
...A claim that many refuted by pointing out his dubious sources. he's less popular than the user above, but again - 86k subs isn't small. It's enough to attract bigger channels and larger attention if they make a stupid video. This kind of content would be prime censorship bait if Youtube was really dedicated to purging right wingers.
Then there's the whole recent Race Realism debacle. People seem to base this on "science" that was never peer reviewed or even submitted for peer review (The Bell Curve) but RageAfterStorm, despite referencing Daily Stormer and other dubious websites in her video, deleted her content of her own accord.
I think Youtube wants to maintain the optics of being serious but I've been around the website long enough to know that this is them blowing smoke and that it's unlikely any will be effected. Sargon (not right wing, but often mistaken for it) has survived despite no real corporate backing and a giant s***storm at VidCon, and he's somebody the Censor Police would probably love to get rid of if they could. But... he's still there, making anti-SJW content.
AlternativeFAQS posted...
protection of free speech does not apply to private entities
Maybe not in Australia though.
(Topic Creator)17 hours ago#39
Zero_Destroyer posted...
People have torn this apart/dissected it, the guy sources a women-hate website full of user-submitted content at one point in the video to back one of his points, and it's overall an offensive mess of nonsense that seems like it'd be a good target for deleting by a youtube censorship force.
Actually I do seem to recognize that voice, so I guess I have heard him before, mustn't have liked it though because I certainly don't know him by name.
P4wn4g3 posted...
Well, there's a reason Vimeo is popular. It's due to all the s***ty decisions YouTube has made over the years.
Well, I wish it were a whole lot more popular, and if they become huge that they won't sell out for once.
Gojak_v3 posted...
AlternativeFAQS posted...
protection of free speech does not apply to private entities
Maybe not in Australia though.
Don't think too hard, will you. <3
When are we going to whip out the American burkas?
On top of all of the deranged "Muh wimminz" content makers, you have:
-Steven Crowder calling the AIDs epidemic a hoax. Is he banned? Nope.
-Alex Jones and literally everything InfoWars related.
-All of the independent content calling the Holocaust a hoax.
Unless we see some purge in the next 2-3 months I don't believe there's any attempt on Youtube's part to suppress right wing channels. Hard, hard right wing channels, too - veering into conspiracy-level s***. These channels maintain solid audiences & viewership for their niche.
In fact, the most popular liberal commentators are people critical of censorship movements. TJ Kirk, Sargon, Jeff Holiday, Kraut, like, a s*** ton of people - all critics of conservatives when they get the opportunity - are all the same people that these censor squads would love to get rid of since they're all still anti-SJWs.
Center-left and rightwards content makers are the people who get popular. There just aren't many popular neo-progressives, and I think Youtube isn't going to make an attempt to silence the current crop of political commentators since it obviously draws in a ton of viewers and revenue.
(Topic Creator)17 hours ago#42
Zero_Destroyer posted...
-Steven Crowder calling the AIDs epidemic a hoax. Is he banned? Nope.
I haven't heard of this, do you have a video of it?
I don't doubt it (I'm not exactly a fan of his), but would like to hear it.
lot of statistically dubious claims but this is the norm for Crowder LUL
Zero_Destroyer posted...
lot of statistically dubious claims but this is the norm for Crowder LUL
Wow I hate that put-on voice he's doing in the video
(Topic Creator)17 hours ago#45
Zero_Destroyer posted...
lot of statistically dubious claims but this is the norm for Crowder LUL
Sigh now I know what I don't listen to him.
This also highlights a problem I have with the skeptic community (including people like Sargon), they won't ever call out this s***....but they'll happily call out TYT....uh huh.
-Gavirulax- posted...
Zero_Destroyer posted...
lot of statistically dubious claims but this is the norm for Crowder LUL
Sigh now I know what I don't listen to him.
This also highlights a problem I have with the skeptic community (including people like Sargon), they won't ever call out this s***....but they'll happily call out TYT....uh huh.
all these f***ing shills have an agenda. cant trust any of em
Ammonitida posted...
Zero_Destroyer posted...
He's like me. More left than right, but calls out the left's bulls*** a lot.
Nevermind. I was thinking of someone else. I looked up this "Aiu" and he is a typical far right personality who is obsessed with Muslims and terrorism.
-Gavirulax- posted...
Zero_Destroyer posted...
lot of statistically dubious claims but this is the norm for Crowder LUL
Sigh now I know what I don't listen to him.
This also highlights a problem I have with the skeptic community (including people like Sargon), they won't ever call out this s***....but they'll happily call out TYT....uh huh.
I find bashing videos of TYT and Anna Sarkisian to be extremely boring.
-Gavirulax- posted...
LightningAce11 posted...
They shouldn't block those videos, for the sole reason that people can see what being wrong looks like.
I don't think they're blocking them in that way (like deleting them), but instead they're making them...well, almost unlisted.
Needless to say they can do whatever they want with their business and the free market will work around it, but a group like ADL is hardly trustworthy.
They consider Peppy The Frog a "hate speech". Which... Is extremely laughable.
Anytime you use the boost to scoot, or do a barrel roll. You are now contributing to hate.
It's far better to be alive than to be dead
And yet flat earthers are running rampant on youtube.