Showing posts with label finance. Show all posts
Showing posts with label finance. Show all posts

August 17, 2017

Financial Advice 2017A

Just a monthly reminder not to ruin your financial future by having a child with a black swan.
>>3103233 (OP)
>>3103233 (OP)
what the hell happened man?
Pic of the mom?

From her good days, censor her face if you need to.

Just curious.

(((("Family")))) court happened.


Sorry to hear that. In TX it's 20% of your paycheck.
At least try to be in the child's life. Children from single mothers turn out all sorts of fucked up and its a very strong indicator of failure in later life is this one variable.
>>3103233 (OP)
sorry to hear
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You're absolutely right.

It doesn't help that the mom is only interested in the check and there is no government agency any father can go cry to in order to get assistance. Sure, can go cry to a lawyer, but $250 an hour to a measly $16 an hour would put anyone under.


Not wanting pity, wanting males on this board to see it can put a huge dent in your financial future and worst of all there is a 85% chance of you never being involved and there is nothing you can do.
There's no help from society for males at all, father or just single.

Everything is designed for these cunts to live as comfortably as possible, with men footing the bill

Do you believe there will be a non-profit or government agency in the near future to deal with this injustice?
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ofc not, all the women will be against that agency and virgin cucks will support them
>>3103233 (OP)
Pic related
>government agency to help males 
Not going to happen. If they can force government dependency, welfare, and welfare through men then they'll forever have women as democrat voters and as a separate class. They steal resources from men and then continually need the state help which enforces a big government to allocate the resources and tax base. Good fuggin luck. Enjoy the "but think of the childrens and women" platitudes when you try to peel back any of this shit that rests on men being disposable.

May 16, 2017

Avocado Toast

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How fucking deluded is this guy
It's a joke chill bruh
Avocados are overrated, guac sucks.
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reduce frivolous spending
>>2091305 (OP)
It's true. A $4 coffee + A $19 avocado toast every day of the year = $8395. Can't waste money like that if you want to own a home especially in Sydney.
This is the 2017 equivalent of "kids these days just need to have the newest $600 flat screen TV and $30 per month netflix subscription! Thats why they cant afford a 500k house!
yeah i dont buy into this trend either, just not very good

supposed to have a lot of fiber which is good but there are better tasting options
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>>2091305 (OP)
avocados cause most of the world's problems.

It's proven scientific fact like gender being a spectrum (XX, XY, etc., etc)
if $8395 Is a lot of money to you, you can't afford a house
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stop eating
This is like the scenario of the interviewer telling a guy that if he didn't drink a 6 pack of beer every day then he could have a ferrari by now, and he asks the interviewer where there ferrari is then. This guy didn't become a millionaire by not eating avocados.
The guy is an idiot. Fair enough he managed to turn 34k investment into 500mil but he was given a leg up from his family by being handed the 34k which back when it was handed over in the early 2000s, it was sufficient money to cover a deposit.

Now days, lets assume that we have a partner and are saving for a house deposit. Purchase 1 $4 (wtf who pays $4 for a coffee) a day, 5 days a week and 1 $20 Smashed avo on the weekend.

5x4 = 20 + 20 for the avo.
$40 a week in singles, 80 a week for couples.

Lets assume they do this for the whole year
$2080 for a single, $4160 for a couple.

Lets put $4160 into a Term deposit for 12 months and assume what 2.7%, hell lets say 3% and all you walk away with is $31.20 in interest.

Sorry but in the 12 months, the houses at least 1 hour outside of Sydney will increase well above that.

But hey stop drinking coffee and having smashed avo and you'll be sweet.
are you wearing mankeup?
>>2091305 (OP)
that fucking guy there turned a small 30k loan into a fucking half a billion


I feel like I may have gone full retard with this, but you tell me:

I converted the 11 ETH I bought at about $85, sold it at $89, and went all in on DGB.

I have about 562k DGB at the moment, and my reasoning is this:

Sure, ETH is probably a slow and steady increase, but after reading all about DGB and seeing how XBY shot to the moon, I realized that the risk to reward ratio made converting my ETH to DGB a no-brainer.

If DGB even gets to $0.15, I'll have made about 8 grand. If it impossibly hits $1 a year from now, I'll have 562 fucking grand.

If I kept the grand in ETH, it would most likely go up a few times, but over a longer period.

Basically, the coin is so cheap, it's one I actually like and believe in, and the moon potential is there. I missed out on every moon mission thus far, so let's fucking do it, I want financial freedom.

Time to play the waiting game, hold me and tell me it's going to happen DGBros.
Just put a hundred into DGB today.

First day trading crytpo's, but from what I can tell ETH seems to be pretty huge. Do you think its worth it to diversify and buy into ETH or have I already missed the train?
>>2084846 (OP)
I'm seriously considering pulling out of this coin just because of all this shilling.
Buying into ETH is absolutely still worth it. Loads of potential, BTC is weakening because it can't keep up with its own growth, and very useful dapps are already in the works using ETH.

I'm going to still hold some of it, just because I can see it growing like BTC has over the past few years.
>>2084846 (OP)
It'll happen anon.

Just hold long enough.

If it hits 15 cents you'll have like 84 thousand dollars.
I'm actually not shilling, it's my first time making a thread on /biz/.

Just excited and wanted to talk about it. People talk about things they're interested/invested in. /v/ over-uses the term shilling too.

Just because something's popular doesn't mean everyone that has something positive to say is a shill.
>>2084846 (OP)
>11 ETH I bought at about $85
>tfw bought 50 ETH when it was $20

So this is what looking at Earth from space is like...
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>BTC is weaking
just few weeks ago it hit all time high
Which caused the current downtrend.

Its marketcap is also below 50% for the first time ever.

And the devs still can't decide how to fucking expand its capacity. Literally the only thing carrying bitcoin is the name right now. I can't see a single good reason it still makes a good investment at the moment, at least until they get their shit together.
holding 500k here.

my major concern is that there doesnt seem to be much activity from the devs. no news and i cant find a roadmap for future projects

if theres anything that can 'moon' though its this. great tech already proven to work. very quick and safe. definitely a long term hold
just wait senpai.

more exposure will come soon.
>great tech already proven to work
you guys are fucking retarded
This, there are not enough reasons to put more than 1k into this.

because we're buying a fuck ton of coins for less than a penny?

and if it reaches 1 cent I'll have 10,000 dollars?
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If it reaches .25 I will buy a house with 20% down
.50 I will buy a house with 50% down
1 I will buy house with cash
Nice fellow anon.

I will be able to buy over 800 Bugatti Veyrons if we reach 1$.

I hope the best for everyone.
Jesus how many do you have
I'd rather not say.>>2085168
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>DGB still stagnating at 100 sat
>made 300% profit already on XBY

feels good making the correct choice again
and if it reaches the price of btc which is possible we are in the deep space with one gozillian lambos
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If it reaches .25 for me, I'll take half of it and get a down payment for a bigger place other than this studio for me and the fiance.

The other half will go right back into holding and diversifying crypto investments.

If it actually reaches $1, I'll do the same, but in addition to getting a bigger place, quit work, spend time working on our business, and take a nice, long vacation traveling the world before settling back down, hopefully with more crypto gains by that point.

All I really want to do in life is travel and see the world. I have no work related passion. I guess my ideal life would be to just travel, keep a journal, experience the world.
It is not possible for it to reach the price of BTC.

The devs want it to have a 1000:1 ratio with BTC.
>>2084846 (OP)
How would I make money from DGB, say it hits higher, would i conv to USD or another currency?
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I'll see you there.
This is me too desu. I have $3000 tied up in asshole LTC though, might cut my losses on that and just dump into DGB
Hey guys, so I transferred the DGB to my core wallet, then encrypted it. After reboot though, it's stuck on "Loading block index..." How long should this take, and should a password window pop up or something?
Thank god nevermind, it popped up finally and all's good.

What's the best way to back it up? Just keep a copy of the Digibyte folder in Program Files?
it should have created a .dat file

keep a copy of that on a usb
how do i use sgminer for digibytes?
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I almost bought in just now, but look at the fucking order books.

There is 545 BTC between the current price and 167 satoshi on Poloniex alone. Can anyone tell me why that would be brought down any time even vaguely in the near future?

>'fellow anon'
>betting on a literal shitcoin reaching a dollar

You're easily the most annoying/ignorant fuck on 4chan ironhandjob.
It doesn't have to reach a dollar to increase my wealth.

>Getting annoyed over a tripcode
>Whining about lexicon

It must be good to have your mom service your every whim via an intercom. I hope one day you can see actual gains but since you are probably a faggot nocoiner keep wagecucking.
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4.4m DGB reporting for duty. Please hit $1
He has 800million. Easy calculus due to veyrons being a mil a pop in people's heads
I don't see why everyone gets stuck on $1 as a goal.

If this hits 10 CENTS I'll be $100,000 richer.

Gains are gains.
And 10 cents is realistic why?
It's just a figure I'm using.

It can go to 1 cent and I'll be happy.
I'm not, I will be holding my coins for a minimum of a year to see what it reaches then reevaluating what I want to do at that point. Realistically if it's 15 cents and stable I'll sell.>>2085509
Mooning right this fucking minute
Why the hell is it mooning so hard I only have 40k :(
it's habbening
Wtf I was still getting more,
I'm gonna wait until it dips
Holy shit this is my day.

I just bought 50k at 118 sats.

Literal minutes later it's up to 140 no problem.

Here we go. I think it's happening.
It has to be bots doing this pumping.
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oh wow another investor pump and dump scam. let me just dump all my fucking money into it
Swapped out my few ETH for this. Minutes later it's happening

I'm also wondering what might be spurring this. It's quite an unusual time out here on the west coast but I suppose people must just be getting off work in China right now.

it seems to be the best way to promote yourself. use bots to pump up your shit and watch the cryptotards come running. shilling your shit so hard because they made a few bucks. and they tell two friends, and they tell two friends.... in a couple days people will be talking about the bubble that popped and duh wah happen?! i thought dis was goin to da moon.
i bought 446k of this shit at 115sat happy rn
In other news, I just earned another months wage off of 4chan shilling.
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We need to get past 148 sats.
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Between this and xby im up 30% today.
>price went up 30% in an hour or some shit

Given how many bots frequent this site to look for copypasta onto their own trading forums, the delay on them,...

Pretty hard not to make a profit on just randomly buying everything with a decent amount of threads and waiting a week.
Dump incoming
>>2084846 (OP)

Keep some ETH. Buy some DGB on the side.
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It's just following TA.

I'm still hodling, we might make it.
Use cgminer to take advantage of your GPU.
get out.
actually nevermind sgminer is the right one. Just follow the instructions your pool provides.
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NOW IT'S 150
still a lot of XBY to go around
tfw just made 300 bucks on my first pump and dump

feels good making a week worth of wages during downtime at work.

gonna buy back in once it goes down tho, im pretty sure this coin will have a lot of pumps.
how? how much did you put in and did you just withdraw it in $?
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It's not over faggot. It will go down and retest the 120-130 sat area and then pump to ~200 sat.
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My fucking heart is broken. How do i manage to fuck upmso much, yet manage to live
If you EVER want a fucking lambo, GET IN NOW. This is literally happening RIGHT in front of your eyes. I swear, you people never listen...

"pump and dump"

This is not a coordinated pump, it is a collective market hivemind under the scope of TA.

People underestimate the power of TA in alts, when everyone uses it, it works, when no one uses it, it doesn't.
To be fair you could easily have tripled your btc value since then.
1 dgb = 1 cent

Could it happen? That's only a 400% increase from the current market cap.
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Buy and HODL. Buy long term, you won't lose sleep and stress over every sat increase. It's not worth your time and energy.
What is a TA?
where are you getting that chart?
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Can you guys stop using Sathoshis as unit, just tell me when it will hit 10 cents, 50 cents, $1
t. big mac with extra cheese

Ive learned my lesson now. :( sold my XBY too at 360. Getting a few grand next month. Just going to find a worthy coin invest and try to forget it exists for 6 months at a time.
it's all good pal, I bought in at 150 and sold at about 250 sats lmfao, still made a profit but I think DGB is where I'm not going to make the mistake again I already hold 152k but I'm thinking about buying another 100k if it dips further enough, so if it ever gets to $1 a coin I'll be able to afford a house after 20% capital gains tax

It's probably not going below 131 for the immediate future.
Well fuck, I was about to buy last night when it was 114 sat, I fell asleep waiting for transaction times, woke up and now it's 136.

Wait for dip back to ~120 or just buy now?

rekt him

i had same dream but then people here reminded me DigiByte has to become 8 Billion dolla market because this is how many of them you have 8,107,031,908 DGB

expected prices would go up to 1000 sitoshi

1$ is just dream
this is so much fucking fun


Where do you get that number from?
Not even kidding, teach me your ways
Read a chart retard. It dipped to 130 very shortly, but I was right. It's way weaker now cause of that but I'm still holding, looking for retest of highs and possible breakout.

Why dont you just go longterm instead of all that stress?
It is literally not worth it
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Because this a garbage coin with garbage fundamentals and you would be a fool not to just ride the waves then get out. Every coin is in a bubble rn and only bitcoin and some alts have real world use. This Minecraft gambling nonsense won't take off.
Good luck friend.God speed.

DGB is supposed to take off in June isnt it?

That's when the Minecraft Miner comes out, yeah.
And every streamer on this fucking planet will be showing their impressionable audience how they're mining coins while playing.
is it safe to keep my DGB on poloniex or should i be withdrawing everything?
>keeping coins on an exchange..

fucking retards on this site!
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200 sat inc!

we will see about that

That looks like an abstract merchant, anon.

Idk how I should feel about this
get DGB wallet then encrypt the wallet and make a backup

nice help you fucking faggot femmy, nice green text you fucking victim of child rape
I guess its time to start stocking up on Auroracoin. It uses the same multi-algorithm POW technology as DGB so its an obvious moon candidate. Also the supply is fixed and the market cap is low.

Why would the two be even tangentially related?
DGB's potential lies in marketing and gaming appeal, the technology behind it is completely irrelevant.
>>2084846 (OP)
put 500 in it the other day, woke up this morning to find i've made 100. Considering selling soon because it looks almost like a pump but i can't tell if it's genuine market interest
If DGB moons its going to draw more attention to multi-algo coins and Auroracoin is really the only other one of note. Verge could be a distant runner-up but it has way too many coins in circulation to moon easily.

Auroracoin also has its own appeal such as a previous high price of almost $100, a fixed coin supply of 21 million and having its own exchange in Iceland. I'm not saying its definitely going to moon but it could happen.
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>get into crypto 3 weeks ago
>listen to /biz/ on best shilled coins
>decide to pick the most shilled ones xby and dgb, not even bothering with anything else since I still have btc to deal with and it takes too much time to manage more coins
>mfw I'm a future millionaire thanks to /biz

These are the only 2 altcoins you need. Talking about mooning missions of course, otherwise all crypto has some potential. For 2 mainstream coins just stick to btc and eth (can day trade between them if you want), otherwise keep pumping and never dumping xby and dgb, these 2 coins are best underdogs.

Where to buy?

Is it like ETH and GNT?

You can actually still mine AUR just like DGB. Sometimes its even more profitable to mine than DGB.

You can also buy it on Bittrex. Personally I just mine it for a slow accumulation. It may never take off but its a reasonable bet. It's actually been creeping up in price since the beginning of the year.

I have no clue how mining works.

I only got an old shit PC with 4GB ram and an Radeon 5870 or something like that

Mining can be lucrative if you mine the right coin at the right time. Not too long ago a relatively old AMD card like an R9 270 could mine one ether per day. Not anymore though.
I got 2xGTX titan x 12gb cards but I have no fucking clue how to mine, I have already given it a go but the ccminer put malware on my pc.... anyone else mining with Titan x or is it even worth the power bill?

That's why I only use Ubuntu to mine. I've never gotten malware by compiling wallets or mining software from source.
Bro, this was over a year ago.

so the official dgb mining website puts malware on your system?
Okay yeah thanks for yet another /biz/ patented worthless hindsight post.

That's weird. It certainly makes you think ...

Safest thing to do is download the miner source code from github and compile it. On Linux that's real easy to do if you're used to working with source code.
>oh wow another investor pump and dump scam. let me just dump all my fucking money into it
Im new to this but aren't pump and dumps good for making money? If you sell before the dump?
yeh, this isn't a pump and dump tho. The guy who said that is a massive cuck and is probably still letting dirty niggers fuck his fat cunt girlfriend. This is a longterm hold and if you can't invest atleast $500 Into it then don't bother cause it's not worth holding that long to make under 1k profit. if you have 1k, put it all into this coin it's the only decent one with good technology behind it at the moment that is being percieved as a "meme" coin and for any beta cuck that wants to greentext me saying "good technology" look up information on the coin I'm not here to spoon feed you but all the technology is written up on forums all over the internet. Get in now whilst it's still below 200 sats.
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To all the FUD calling our coin a scam
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>>2084846 (OP)
How comes no one compares DGB to GAME?
They are quite the same, aren't they?
Pls tell me what you think guys
minecraft.. 14 year old faggots dont have any money to put in some imaginary internet money. You cant buy crypto with mommy's credit card.. so how exactly is a kids game going to moon this coin? I seriously dont see "GAEMZ" as a selling point.
Because the same shills only want to shill their one coin, you think they actually give care to read up on anything else?
They're both mooning at the same time, and they aren't cannibalizing each other.
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Because were not solely focused on being mined in games? Digibytes is becoming a corporation; gaming isn't our sole selling point.

Think Sony and Microsoft; are they solely known for the Playstation and XBOX?
>ignores Digusign
>ignores the point of saying this is just the beginning of more good news to come
>ignores how getting kids learning about DGB is publicity and all the mined DGB goes to a vendor
Alright i'll try to make up my losses in LTC with this digimon coin
Game looks better
Careful, you might be buying at ATH. I THink that its a good choice because obviously Digibytes is going to be moon to unimaginal heights one day. But just saying, dont be discourage if it falls a little
Isn't that sell wall on polo a little disconcerting?
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>sell wall
Also, every coin has sell walls all the time. Its a fucking market. Is this your first hour trading?
safe entry is 151, thank me later.
yes this is very true, better than xby and I bought XBY at 150 and sold at 250.... xby I don't even want to fucking look at the price that it is at now. but if you think price that DGB is at now is too high, go to your local hardware store, get some rope and fucking kill yourself faggot cause you're not worthy of boarding this train to the land of leather wrapped lambo's you fuckhead cunt

That's the executed trades, not the sell wall you shill
>Try to shill all day
>Don't even know how to read
bought 147k @ 140... too late. Signed up to all the shit, gonna git my bro to bone through LoL and CS to earn some too
>get some rope and fucking kill yourself faggot cause you're not worthy of boarding this train to the land of leather wrapped lambo's you fuckhead cunt

I'm new to all this cryptocoin stuff and I have to say you're not really winning me over with this type of emotionally driven fact free posting.
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this is easy money guys
>went to bed with a buy order at .110 at .2 BTC
>wake up

Basically, if this hits a buck, I missed out on 30k lel.

Still, I wouldn't be shocked if it dipped back to the 20s, gonna try to scoop up more if possible.
the dude who replied to me is a moron, there is a wall at 150 hence the safe entry being 151, just trying to help people with a technical analysis. That inbred is probably gunna lose all his money on POSW
Technical Analysis
mfw I just found out about stop order limits on Bittrex and I could have set it up to buy DGB at 100 sats
Alright gay boys, I just bought 900K DGB at the current prices.
moon mission when
very soon my friend
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>DGB FUDders yesterday
>Digibytes is a scam; not going anywhere
>DGB FUDders today
>Obvious pump and dump going on here. Im especially not buying now!

You cant win with these retards.
Its pretty funny that the same retards were probably the guys calling XBY a scam as it went 5x in value over a few days
DGB Steam June 22th
Buy now or regret later
and what was the cause for the increase in value?
Poor ETH-faggot's mad for a reason. DGB is getting bigger every day.
You're so mad that a niche coin backed by gaming GIANTS; Activision Blizzard, Valve, and Riot Games is literally on the edge of mooning. Remember how two of these companies already included real money trades in game? Blizzard loved the RL auction house - wonder how easy it would be for them to introduce it once again, fixing previous issues by basing it on DGB.
Snap back to reality, Slim Faggy - watch how a real coin overtakes an industry.
Not you personally, obviously you hold DGB. This was a reply to every doubter out there.

There is no official partnership with any of those companies. The terms even go out of their way to emphasise they have no connection with Riot.
This is peak shill. NONE of those companies have agreements with DGB. Valve???? Lmao.
How could DGB help with this though? I don't know what the issue was or why RMAH was removed from D3 but how could DGB bring a new solution. RMAH now would probably work compared to launch.
This shit has already gone up 10 times recently. It's already pumped and isn't a serious competitor to the big coins. It doesn't offer anything new. Sorry to those poor crypto newbies, but if you're still holding then you've fallen for pump and dump scamcoin. Sell now to make a good profit, don't get greedy waiting for it to go up more because I can assure you it won't.
somebody wants some cheaper DGB

We all know you want to buy a dip but it just isint going to happen anon. The underdog coin is going to smack yur ass.
The devs are intentionally keeping quiet to avoid accidentally pumping DGB's price.
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Someone please explain an idiotproof way to mine digibyte, I've been wanting to for two weeks but I have no idea how any of this works and I want to fucking kill myself for not having done so, I'd probably have at least 30k by now
1. Download the wallet
2. Download a miner
(I use SGminer 5.6.1-nicehash-51)
3. make an account on TBF
4. Write the bat file for the miner
5. Run bat file, in sgminer set intensity to 'd'
6. wait.
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Guys how much are you meant to get from mining DGB?

Im using ccminer with a 1060 6gb, and it's telling me 250 mh/z average.......... and mining field says that nets a whooping £0.49 a day!

Is mining for chinese farms only? I was thinking I could mine while I go wageslave... but for such pitiful amounts whats the point......

Thanks for advice
Can you change the intensity on CCminer? If so set it to 'd' for dynamic. If not you might want to use sgminer, I'm getting 20mH/s on a 980.
second wave now

regret you cucks
159 sat
its going mental lads
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Holding 65k at 140 sat. Make me proud, /biz/.
77k and still mining, it doesn't have to have started for it to be happening!
>mfw i can't mine dgb because of my oldass gpu

someone please let me be part of the liftoff and spread some joy

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where we at boiz

Holy hell thank you shills. I just more than made up my losses in LTC in one day with these digiman tokens.
not enough to buy a lambo but it'll be a nice little profit
Fuck my ass boys. Bought 18k in at 115 sats, now its at 167. Pls tell me boys it will moon even further

Bud you have no idea where DGB is going.
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You fucking retards, you're backing the wrong coin for this industry. Gaming is already being dominated by GAMEcredits:
tell me, is steam going to adopt gamecredits?
But that mooned already, so meh
175!!!! I held my breath and went in when it was at ATH of 144. I wish I would've sold my fucking ETH and put it in DGB
>figure I have time to get in at 110, maybe 120
>wake up and it's already at 140
>decide to pull the trigger, accept it'll probably dip and I'll just hodl
>rockets instantly
>probably could've retired if I was a day earlier



I can't tell, is this just a whale causing this pump or is it legitimate interest? the market depth is looking kind of weird.
I really hope DGB keeps going. 1.6M at the current price.
tfw only bought 20k at 110
What exchange do you guys use to buy dgb?

I only have 152509 @111sat not sure if I'll hold any further than 700 or do people actually believe it will make 1 dollar eventually? if I could make $150K out of this lmfao that would be great but I don't think it will happen
You want 1000 DGB?
go get some and thank me later
If that 120 BTC sell order at 177 sats disappears you should start worrying.
nah it'll go to like 15 cents by the end of the year, maybe 1 dollar in 2 to 3 years
Hey you could be like me and buy right before the first pump, then sell it for a couple bucks profit. I could have doubled by money. Instead I bought ETC. Kill me senpai.
Okay hang on I will. Remember my generosity in the future. Maybe send me some back if you ever become wealthy(I'm a poor fag).
haha btfo

I'll let you ride my lambo for 1hr
Can't you mine 1k of it a day though? So if it reaches a dollar you can earn 1k a day from playing vidya? Or won't you be able to mine that many later?
will screencap right now and make a thank you post when we hit lamboland my dearest anon
I sent it but Poloniex is fucking retarded so idk if/when you'll get it. Has anyone ever sent DGB through Polo?
what makes you think that?

Alright boys, I'm buying into this shit. Using the chrome wallet. Can someone send me some?
It takes a few minutes, I did it, but I'm holding out for a better price.
literally last week
>Its marketcap is also below 50% for the first time ever. 
are you fucking stupid? That's because ripple went up 50% in two days LOL
Pls screencap for proofs
don't know, will update when it's in my wallet
It just confirmed so it should be there. Use it wisely anon
tfw my core wallet is still 1 year and 40 weeks behind
I've got my DGB on Yobit, should I transfer to polo?
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here it is
you will be remembered
I hate doing this but because I havent verified my paypal account, i cant get BTC and as an extent Digibytes, Here goes nothing:
dgb is cratering
Worrying that it sell moon or drop? Because if a giant sell wall like that disappears, won't it moon?
It means that it's a whale driving this whole pump. Suddenly all the buy orders will disappear and its lose 25% in a few seconds. Its exactly what happened to stellar a few days ago. It lost like 400 sats in 3 seconds and that was without a DDoS.
I would if that same whale wasn't doing the same thing at 150 sats.
Notice how that big buy order just moved to 161 sats? It means someone is pumping it by making people feel more confident that they won't lose their money by buying in the 160's.
My point is that at some point hes going to pull that buy order and the bottom will fall out. And before you say I'm a shill I have 94k DGB and im nervous as fuck.
I feel retarted but I'm new to biz where the fuck can I buy coins? Any good apps for it?
USD-->BTC via coinbase--->Altcoin of choice on exhcange of your choice.
Thanks man I really appreciate it, so you have to buy BTC to buy altcoins?
I would love to see that happen honestly, watched the same exact thing happen with XBY thinking it would the ride would end at like 400 sats
I just sold and took profit. Buying back in when it dips. Too concerned about whale manipulation to stay in at this point.
Kinda, yeah. It's just the generally accepted medium when it comes to cryptocurrencies. Cb will let you buy LTC and ETH too but that really depends on your confidence level.
I think that DGB is shitting their pants before the upcoming MobileGo ICO and are trying to p&d their currency.
Holy shit this has to be a samefag. Never seen anyone actually send coins here
fuck we got a buy with 32m dgb selling at 177. should we be worried if he pulls his sell?
What should I set a limit sell for just to be safe?
I don't really know. So far as I can tell I think MobileGo and DGB have different goals. MobileGo seems to be more focused on acting as an intragaming thing whereas DGB seems to be focused on being a medium of exchange to AND from, rather than within.
It'll go down

color me a big bad bear
It was like 3 dollars worth of DGB lol can't people just be nice?
What happened? NOTHING. Watch the real pump this thursday.
you keep spamming this fake thursday shit for no reason like a faggot at least spam some other day
Still it's first time I've seen this happen I always check the wallets and none of em ever get shit
This is the first pump this coin ever received over the last couple years? wtf
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i am saad maan
I don't see it. is everything contained in the Digibyte folder in Program Files?
Pathetic cuck.
Fuck off street rats
Doesn't any of you think this core wallet might contain malware?
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When this thread was created, DGB was less than 110 satoshi
yoooooo, DGB dropped hard. are we climbing back up?
Of course
fuck me how long do coinbase tranfers take? been stuck at "pending deposit" for 40 minutes
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mine's been pending for like 6 hours
What's a satoshi
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Reddcoin > DGB
Please read on cryptocurrency terms before trying to get into this, thank you.
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too late to buy in?
Was it too late when btc was at $1200?
I wish /biz" had a sticky I would read the shit out of it