Showing posts with label MGTOW. Show all posts
Showing posts with label MGTOW. Show all posts

May 15, 2017

thoughts on the MGTOW movement

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  3. thoughts on the MGTOW movement
Trayvon 1 day ago#1
a lot of them don't seem really content 'going their own way' since they still whine about chicks and stuff.

probably would betray their whole movement for the next who would hook up with them
Menardi 1 day ago#2
It's a great source of entertainment. Also, a great red flag indicator.
Wouldn't be surprised if most of them have a trench coat and a full arsenal.
Posted with GameRaven 3.2
People do all kinds of mental gymnastics to feel empowered and in control of their life. People do this to try and feel better. Almost everyone does this on one level or another .

If they're not infringing on others, who cares. If they are, that's on the individual, not on whatever movement they happen to identify with.
Trayvon posted...
a lot of them don't seem really content 'going their own way' since they still whine about chicks and stuff.

Isn't a big reason why they're going their own way based on being upset about their past dealings with women? I don't see why it would be surprising that they'd have negative views to vent once in a while. They still claim to be moving away from relationships as much as possible.
Xeno14 1 day ago#6
Trayvon posted...
a lot of them don't seem really content 'going their own way' since they still whine about chicks and stuff.

pretty much. like 90% of their talk is just about women and not about doing actual stuff to enrich their lives
Nukleen 1 day ago#7
Mgtow is perfectly logical
they're the male equivalents of Tumblrinas who swear off men, but continue to b**** about male dating standards which no longer apply to them...
le Moo
Esrac 1 day ago#9
Primarily bitter, but harmless men who've been soured by poor, alienating interactions with women.
donkeyjack 1 day ago#10
Nukleen posted...
Mgtow is perfectly logical

Of course.

Esrac posted...
Primarily bitter, but harmless men who've been soured by poor, alienating interactions with women.

You are right. If things don't go your way you leave because it ain't benefitting you. You guys are just simps and it is hilarious.
FFVII isn't top 50 today LMAO. FFVI and CT are THE G.O.A.T.
For the people who just want to do their own thing on their own terms, perfectly legit.

The people that run too hard with the whole "counter-culture/red pill" angle are kind wtf though.
PSN: kazukifafner
donkeyjack 1 day ago#12
Xeno14 posted...
Trayvon posted...
a lot of them don't seem really content 'going their own way' since they still whine about chicks and stuff.

pretty much. like 90% of their talk is just about women and not about doing actual stuff to enrich their lives

Who do you watch? They are not just one MGTOW. They are different levels to this s***. Man, you guys don't know what you are talking about.
FFVII isn't top 50 today LMAO. FFVI and CT are THE G.O.A.T.
donkeyjack 1 day ago#13
Trayvon posted...
a lot of them don't seem really content 'going their own way' since they still whine about chicks and stuff.

probably would betray their whole movement for the next who would hook up with them

"One bj away from from being blue pill." Is one of our catchphrases.
FFVII isn't top 50 today LMAO. FFVI and CT are THE G.O.A.T.
> Men need to be more open about their feelings.
> Men need to stop being whiny bitterbeards.
Do unto others what your parents did to you.
CruorComa 1 day ago#15
Popular perception of online MGTOW, redpiller/PUA and MRA communities is hilarious to me. The only thing they have in common is they're the only spaces where men come together to b**** about relationships. Completely different approaches, priorities and solutions, but scorned all the same because men complaining about their relationship experiences is bad. 
The concensus seems to be a man should either be successful in this domain or shut up about it.
If you have a problem with potheads, throw your computer out the window. Why should you be able leech off the creativity of those you condemn?
Pathetic tbh
I do drawings and stuff
redpillers are a better source of comedy
Enjoy movies and television? Check out my blog! I do reviews and analyses. (The Force Awakens spoiler review up!)
EdgeMaster 1 day ago#18
Not even sure what the difference is between redpill, mgtow and whatever else there is anymore...

From the little I've browsed on mgtow it's just lol to me. Some guys really dig their own grave. One guy was bitter because he dropped $100 on a girl for a dinner date and later she told him she was busy and started avoiding him.

Just lol at dropping more than $7-10 on a girl who isn't your gf.
Just lol, she took a free meal and ran with it, saw the sucker in him and pounced.
Just lol, one bad experience he set himself up for. Not like it was his 3rd marriage, she cheats again and gives him herpes and he pays alimony to 3 different women because he played golf one too many weekends.
If you don't have anything nice to say, say it on the internet.
****poster Extraordinaire
(edited 1 day ago)reportquote
donkeyjack 1 day ago#19
MGTOW is indifferent to women for the most part. You can either love women or understand them.
FFVII isn't top 50 today LMAO. FFVI and CT are THE G.O.A.T.
Newhopes 1 day ago#20
donkeyjack posted...
Nukleen posted...
Mgtow is perfectly logical

Of course.

Esrac posted...
Primarily bitter, but harmless men who've been soured by poor, alienating interactions with women.

You are right. If things don't go your way you leave because it ain't benefitting you. You guys are just simps and it is hilarious.

I've seen what the divorce courts can do to men so ya screw you.
THey are almost as sad as Incels.
when you stub your toes it's the SJWs fualt.
donkeyjack posted...
You can either love women or understand them.


reminds me of the radfems that dehumanize men
Enjoy movies and television? Check out my blog! I do reviews and analyses. (The Force Awakens spoiler review up!)
donkeyjack 1 day ago#23
Newhopes posted...
donkeyjack posted...
Nukleen posted...
Mgtow is perfectly logical

Of course.

Esrac posted...
Primarily bitter, but harmless men who've been soured by poor, alienating interactions with women.

You are right. If things don't go your way you leave because it ain't benefitting you. You guys are just simps and it is hilarious.

I've seen what the divorce courts can do to men so ya screw you.

I know but I am a MGTOW because it has a lot of uncomfort truth about life and I like that. I do not hate women, I am just selfish as a heck and I know for a fact that women love men for what they can do. Why? Because of hypergamy and there is nothing wrong with that.
FFVII isn't top 50 today LMAO. FFVI and CT are THE G.O.A.T.
awesome999 1 day ago#24
Trayvon posted...
thoughts on the MGTOW movement

more women for me
When it's kids, it's "bullying" but if it were adults, it's stalking, harassment, assault, criminal threats and just general abuse. -Tmk
teepan95 1 day ago#25
Dragonblade01 posted...
For the people who just want to do their own thing on their own terms, perfectly legit.

The people that run too hard with the whole "counter-culture/red pill" angle are kind wtf though. - come drop by!
ArchiePeck 1 day ago#26
"We want nothing to do with women, yet are going to obsessively discuss our failures with them and project blame onto an entire sex for our own shortcomings."
(edited 1 day ago)reportquote
Project5Boss 21 hours ago#27
ArchiePeck posted...
"We want nothing to do with women, yet are going to obsessively discuss our failures with them and project blame onto an entire sex for our own shortcomings."

That's a lovely strawman you've created for yourself. I'm MGTOW and I too question the motives of some other MGTOW but you know what that's a good thing. It isn't a hivemind movement. Some MGTOW are monk, others like me still have relations with women(as risky as that is).

However the facts are that modern western women are over-privileged. They get to have all the rights men have while still retaining the "fairer sex" card. A woman can be a CEO yet still expect to be catered to and taken care of by an even more successful man. Women have full control over reproduction, once she's pregnant she has full control over the fate of the kid. She can either kill it or use it to take your money.

Women have full control over sex, I personally have no wish to force sex on women but now they can literally regret sex and accuse a guy of rape which is insanity.

They get lighter sentences for the same crime, female sex offenders aren't seen as the creeps and villains men are. Women are seen as the best care givers of children when women by far commit more violence against children. There's entire channels dedicated to news stories of women murdering or abusing their own children or someone else's.

Stating the facts about a group =/= hating them or blaming them for your own failure. This is a similar problem with the black community anytime someone mentions how dys-freaking-functional we are(I am black). Just like Blacks pissed away all their potential in the 60s when black women hopped on the welfare train. It's the same as how once women got voting rights we got a massive welfare state and are up to our scalp in debt.

However gfaqs is mostly a leftist hellhole devoid of any acknowledgement of social observations so I fully expect this post to either get me modded or attacked by the hordes.
:WutBurter :Hiranopls
legendary_zell 21 hours ago#28
Project5Boss posted...
ArchiePeck posted...
"We want nothing to do with women, yet are going to obsessively discuss our failures with them and project blame onto an entire sex for our own shortcomings."

That's a lovely strawman you've created for yourself. I'm MGTOW and I too question the motives of some other MGTOW but you know what that's a good thing. It isn't a hivemind movement. Some MGTOW are monk, others like me still have relations with women(as risky as that is).

However the facts are that modern western women are over-privileged. They get to have all the rights men have while still retaining the "fairer sex" card. A woman can be a CEO yet still expect to be catered to and taken care of by an even more successful man. Women have full control over reproduction, once she's pregnant she has full control over the fate of the kid. She can either kill it or use it to take your money.

Women have full control over sex, I personally have no wish to force sex on women but now they can literally regret sex and accuse a guy of rape which is insanity.

They get lighter sentences for the same crime, female sex offenders aren't seen as the creeps and villains men are. Women are seen as the best care givers of children when women by far commit more violence against children. There's entire channels dedicated to news stories of women murdering or abusing their own children or someone else's.

Stating the facts about a group =/= hating them or blaming them for your own failure. This is a similar problem with the black community anytime someone mentions how dys-freaking-functional we are(I am black). Just like Blacks pissed away all their potential in the 60s when black women hopped on the welfare train. It's the same as how once women got voting rights we got a massive welfare state and are up to our scalp in debt.

However gfaqs is mostly a leftist hellhole devoid of any acknowledgement of social observations so I fully expect this post to either get me modded or attacked by the hordes.

You act like you have some special social insights or perspective but you're literally just posting various right wing talking points verbatim. Your post could be interchangeable with any post on the cesspool part of reddit, and yet we're the hoarde?
weapon_d00d816 21 hours ago#29
NeoShadowhen posted...
People do all kinds of mental gymnastics to feel empowered and in control of their life. People do this to try and feel better. Almost everyone does this on one level or another .

If they're not infringing on others, who cares. If they are, that's on the individual, not on whatever movement they happen to identify with.

Pretty much how I feel about it.

I really don't care about the personal lives of people.
donkeyjack 20 hours ago#30
awesome999 posted...
Trayvon posted...
thoughts on the MGTOW movement

more women for me

To screw you over to leave broke and wondering if you should into the medicine cabinet or jumping off into a lake where all your problems can go away. 

No MGTOW states to not get a bj or their lady parts from women but not to co-habit or marry them because it has more risks than reward.
FFVII isn't top 50 today LMAO. FFVI and CT are THE G.O.A.T.
my thoughts are its funny as s***
"Everyone gets moody during prolonged cloudiness." - stone
EdgeMaster 20 hours ago#32
Project5Boss posted...
ArchiePeck posted...
"We want nothing to do with women, yet are going to obsessively discuss our failures with them and project blame onto an entire sex for our own shortcomings."

That's a lovely strawman you've created for yourself. I'm MGTOW and I too question the motives of some other MGTOW but you know what that's a good thing. It isn't a hivemind movement. Some MGTOW are monk, others like me still have relations with women(as risky as that is).

However the facts are that modern western women are over-privileged. They get to have all the rights men have while still retaining the "fairer sex" card. A woman can be a CEO yet still expect to be catered to and taken care of by an even more successful man. Women have full control over reproduction, once she's pregnant she has full control over the fate of the kid. She can either kill it or use it to take your money.

Women have full control over sex, I personally have no wish to force sex on women but now they can literally regret sex and accuse a guy of rape which is insanity.

They get lighter sentences for the same crime, female sex offenders aren't seen as the creeps and villains men are. Women are seen as the best care givers of children when women by far commit more violence against children. There's entire channels dedicated to news stories of women murdering or abusing their own children or someone else's.

Stating the facts about a group =/= hating them or blaming them for your own failure. This is a similar problem with the black community anytime someone mentions how dys-freaking-functional we are(I am black). Just like Blacks pissed away all their potential in the 60s when black women hopped on the welfare train. It's the same as how once women got voting rights we got a massive welfare state and are up to our scalp in debt.

However gfaqs is mostly a leftist hellhole devoid of any acknowledgement of social observations so I fully expect this post to either get me modded or attacked by the hordes.


Jk good post, especially the last part lol.
If you don't have anything nice to say, say it on the internet.
****poster Extraordinaire
Nukleen 19 hours ago#33
Nukleen posted...
Mgtow is perfectly logical
Gossipgirl 19 hours ago#34
It seems really petty at first but then you see the guys who identify as MGTOW and it makes sense lol
You know you love me...
DDirtyDastard 19 hours ago#35
I agree with most of the stuff they say, I just enjoy the company of women so much that I can't really bring myself to join their movement.
Lorenzo_2003 17 hours ago#36
Gossipgirl posted...
It seems really petty at first but then you see the guys who identify as MGTOW and it makes sense lol

That's the best you've got? Shaming those dudes for the way they look. JFC, you're part of the problem.
  1. Boards
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  3. thoughts on the MGTOW movement