Showing posts with label Globalism. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Globalism. Show all posts

September 4, 2017

What is 'globalism' and why are some people so afraid of it?

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  3. What is 'globalism' and why are some people so afraid of it?
byron 23 hours ago#1
pretty sweet
NINExATExSEVEN 23 hours ago#2
Poor people moving into rich people's countries to use their success for themselves with no regard to how they're negatively affecting said countries.
Listen to my story... This... May be our last chance...
Dubstep song of the week
Swagnificent119 23 hours ago#3
NadYobWoc 23 hours ago#4
It's a codeword for Jew

NINExATExSEVEN posted...
Poor people moving into rich people's countries to use their success for themselves with no regard to how they're negatively affecting said countries.

"f*** you, I got mine". Truely the worst of humanity here on CE.
Cowboy Dan's a major player in the cowboy scene
Esrac 23 hours ago#5
Globalism, as far as I can tell, is basically the gradual degradation of strong national borders. Think the EU and how permeable the borders between member states are. 

Arguments against it typically involve things like poor, unskilled people migrating into states with strong welfare systems in numbers that those states can't really support. 

Another criticism is the deportation of labor to countries with much lower standards of living. Where corporations can get their products made for very low labor costs and with fewer safety and environmental regulations. 

And the more conspiracy-minded folks will sometimes attribute this kind of thing to "the jews".
NINExATExSEVEN 23 hours ago#6
NadYobWoc posted...
It's a codeword for Jew

NINExATExSEVEN posted...
Poor people moving into rich people's countries to use their success for themselves with no regard to how they're negatively affecting said countries.

"f*** you, I got mine". Truely the worst of humanity here on CE.

Just because you become successful doesn't mean that the rest of the world is entitled to it.
Listen to my story... This... May be our last chance...
Dubstep song of the week
Antifar 23 hours ago#7
The term used by right wingers who want to criticize capitalism's disregard for national borders without actually criticizing capitalism.
kin to all that throbs
ZMythos 22 hours ago#8
NINExATExSEVEN posted...
Just because you become successful doesn't mean that the rest of the world is entitled to it.

But your success is, to some measurable degree, owed to a system outside of yourself, so that system is entitled to some of the benefits to foster more successful people
Rainbow Dashing: "it's just star wars"
AutumnEspirit: *kissu*
ArchiePeck 22 hours ago#9
Nationalism - learning to hate people you've never met and take pride in achievements you had nothing to do with.
NINExATExSEVEN 21 hours ago#10
ZMythos posted...
NINExATExSEVEN posted...
Just because you become successful doesn't mean that the rest of the world is entitled to it.

But your success is, to some measurable degree, owed to a system outside of yourself, so that system is entitled to some of the benefits to foster more successful people

Are you telling me that Japan should let in massive amounts of low skill immigrants into their country because Japan's success as a first world country is in part due to trade from other countries?

Is anybody on the planet right now entitled to Japan besides the Japanese?
Listen to my story... This... May be our last chance...
Dubstep song of the week
(edited 21 hours ago)reportquote
ZMythos 21 hours ago#11
NINExATExSEVEN posted...

Are you telling me that Japan should let in massive amounts of low skill immigrants into their country because Japan's success as a first world country is in part due to trade from other countries?

No. I'm saying that if a country like Japan or the US shut its borders entirely it would be unethical because of their reliance on foreign commerce in their developing stages.
Rainbow Dashing: "it's just star wars"
AutumnEspirit: *kissu*
Lorenzo_2003 21 hours ago#12
ArchiePeck posted...
Nationalism - learning to hate people you've never met and take pride in achievements you had nothing to do with.

Are you implying that globalism will prevent people from hating others they've never met and that it will somehow keep people from feeling pride in achievements they did not personally accomplish?
Deadpool_18 21 hours ago#13
NINExATExSEVEN posted...
Poor people moving into rich people's countries to use their success for themselves with no regard to how they're negatively affecting said countries.

It's hard to care about how it affects others when the wealthy demonstrate daily how they couldn't give a s*** less about lower classes.
We're whalers on the moon, we carry a harpoon, but there ain't no whales, so we tell tall tales, and sing our whaling tune.
A_Good_Boy 21 hours ago#14
NadYobWoc posted...
It's a codeword for Jew

NINExATExSEVEN posted...
Poor people moving into rich people's countries to use their success for themselves with no regard to how they're negatively affecting said countries.

"f*** you, I got mine". Truely the worst of humanity here on CE.

Considering his own background it's pretty laughable he even has that stance. It's a shame Storm Front got shut down, unfortunately that means he's blessing CE with his presence full time now when he's online.
Who is? I am!
Because it makes the rich richer and the poor poorer.

Same with any scheme that's heavily pushed by the upper class, it's always and forever to their benefit, the rest of the world can rot for all they care.
BignutzisBack 21 hours ago#16
The Catgirl Fondler posted...
Because it makes the rich richer and the poor poorer.

Same with any scheme that's heavily pushed by the upper class, it's always and forever to their benefit, the rest of the world can rot for all they care.

Exactly it's a common sense thing not a liberal or republican thing, f*** globalism
wah_wah_wah 21 hours ago#17
It is seen as a right wing idea to be opposed to globalism, but plenty of liberals and socialists don't like it either. Greece is a good illustration of why the high-minded idealism of "one people, one planet" gets corrupted as slavery to high finance.
Capn Circus 21 hours ago#18
Antifar posted...
The term used by right wingers who want to criticize capitalism's disregard for national borders without actually criticizing capitalism.

Gutting countries by importing floods of people into them and destroying the original heritage and population is not capitalism.
"I think that man will be president right about the time when spaceships come down filled with dinosaurs in red capes" - Tom Hanks
Piersons_Fox 21 hours ago#19
A world order of a monolithic society.
ZMythos 21 hours ago#20
Capn Circus posted...
Gutting countries by importing floods of people into them and destroying the original heritage and population is not capitalism.

It is if it turns a profit.
Rainbow Dashing: "it's just star wars"
AutumnEspirit: *kissu*
The Admiral 21 hours ago#21
NadYobWoc posted...
"f*** you, I got mine". Truely the worst of humanity here on CE.

For some reason, the left thinks "f*** you, give me yours" is a more noble position.

And, this is patently stupid:

It's a codeword for Jew
- The Admiral
RickyTheBAWSE 21 hours ago#22
Never let those intent on misunderstanding you be the narrator to your story!
NINExATExSEVEN 21 hours ago#23
ZMythos posted...
NINExATExSEVEN posted...

Are you telling me that Japan should let in massive amounts of low skill immigrants into their country because Japan's success as a first world country is in part due to trade from other countries?

No. I'm saying that if a country like Japan or the US shut its borders entirely it would be unethical because of their reliance on foreign commerce in their developing stages.

Oh no no no don't misunderstand me. I'm not calling for a complete border shutdown. Just lower the amount of immigration and try to add some more skilled people to the list of immigrants instead of taking absolutely anybody.

There is zero reason that I can think of why America needs 1 million + people yearly, besides for the benefit of cheap labor for big companies/monopolies.

The rich get richer and get to live wherever they want, but the poor get left with the consequences.
Listen to my story... This... May be our last chance...
Dubstep song of the week
Piersons_Fox 21 hours ago#24
The Admiral posted...
NadYobWoc posted...
"f*** you, I got mine". Truely the worst of humanity here on CE.

For some reason, the left thinks "f*** you, give me yours" is a more noble position.

And, this is patently stupid:

It's a codeword for Jew

This is true.
RebelElite791 21 hours ago#25
The Admiral posted...
NadYobWoc posted...
"f*** you, I got mine". Truely the worst of humanity here on CE.

For some reason, the left thinks "f*** you, give me yours" is a more noble position.

And, this is patently stupid:

It's a codeword for Jew

It's patently true. There's a reason it's used so often as a snarl word by people like yourself who tal about "cultural marxism" which is itself an outdated anti-Semitic meme
(edited 21 hours ago)reportquote
NINExATExSEVEN 21 hours ago#26

What about my background? I didn't choose to come to America I was taken here as a kid escaping war.

That's much different than an adult going "hmmm that country is rich...... let me and millions of others go there to benefit off of their success!"
Listen to my story... This... May be our last chance...
Dubstep song of the week
The Admiral 21 hours ago#27
RebelElite791 posted...
The Admiral posted...
NadYobWoc posted...
"f*** you, I got mine". Truely the worst of humanity here on CE.

For some reason, the left thinks "f*** you, give me yours" is a more noble position.

And, this is patently stupid:

It's a codeword for Jew

It's patently true. There's a reason it's used so often as a snarl world by people like yourself who tal about "cultural marxism" which is itself an outdated anti-Semitic meme

This is another case where you have no clue what you're talking about. I'm most certainly pro-globalism and pro-Zionism. Globalism does not mean "open borders" to immigrants or whatever dumb nonsense people on the left are trying to impose onto that term.
- The Admiral
(edited 21 hours ago)reportquote
Glass_Phantom 21 hours ago#28
Globalization has helped mankind enormously. Over a billion people worldwide lifted out of poverty, awarded a higher quality of life.

But the biggest beneficiaries haven't been Americans; it's been people in East Asia. (China, Thailand, India, Cambodia, etc.)

As a result, it's become fodder for populists on the left (Bernie Sanders) and the right (Donald Trump) to criticize... To them, globalism is the prime evil of capitalism and "the elite..." It's the robber barons taking jobs away from hard-working Americans and awarding them to undeserving foreigners. "They're taking your jobs and shipping them to China!"

The reality isn't anywhere near that black and white. Globalization has yielded tremendous benefits for people in western countries too... lower prices, faster technology gains, increased markets.

The problem is opacity. People take up arms against globalization, but the truth is they don't know what a non-globalized world would be like, because we don't live in one... The alternative is opaque to them. Which makes it easy for a populist to use it as a springboard to power.

I stand on the side of globalism, free trade, and open borders between developed nations. But I'm one of the few here to do so.
(edited 21 hours ago)reportquote
wah_wah_wah 21 hours ago#29
Glass_Phantom posted...
Globalization has helped mankind enormously. Over a billion people worldwide lifted out of poverty, awarded a higher quality of life.

But the biggest beneficiaries haven't been Americans; it's been people in East Asia. (China, Thailand, India, Cambodia, etc.)

As a result, it's become fodder for populists on the left (Bernie Sanders) and the right (Donald Trump) to criticize... To them, globalism is the prime evil of capitalism, of "the elite" -- the robber barons taking jobs away from hard-working Americans and awarding them to undeserving foreigners. "They're taking your jobs and shipping them to China!"

The reality isn't anywhere black and white. Globalization has yielded tremendous benefits for people in western countries too... lower prices, faster technology gains, increased markets.

The problem is opacity. People take up arms against globalization, but the truth is they don't know what a non-globalized world would be like, because we've never live in one... The alternative is opaque to them. Which makes it easy for a populist to use it as a springboard to power.

I stand on the side of globalism, free trade, and open borders between developed nations. But I'm one of the few here to do so.

Tell a Greek what that bill got em
Glass_Phantom 21 hours ago#30
wah_wah_wah posted...
Tell a Greek what that bill got em

Beats me what you're talking about, but if it's about the Eurozone crisis, I thought Germany handled that whole fiasco pretty damn terribly... There's a difference between globalism and ham-fisted, right-wing, conservative austerity.
(message deleted)
people who b**** about globalism literally believe that lizard people control a "deep state"
"I can i i everything else," Bob reportedly said. Alice replied: "Balls have zero to me to me to me..." (Facebook AIs talking to each other)
NINExATExSEVEN 21 hours ago#33
ImTheMacheteGuy posted...
people who b**** about globalism literally believe that lizard people control a "deep state"

They don't?
Listen to my story... This... May be our last chance...
Dubstep song of the week
NadYobWoc 20 hours ago#34
The Admiral posted...
NadYobWoc posted...
"f*** you, I got mine". Truely the worst of humanity here on CE.

For some reason, the left thinks "f*** you, give me yours" is a more noble position.


And, this is patently stupid:

It's a codeword for Jew

It's literally true. I don't mean to imply they mean the same thing, I'm saying certain people intentionally use globalist as a codeword for Jews.
Cowboy Dan's a major player in the cowboy scene
(edited 20 hours ago)reportquote
Lordsai 20 hours ago#35
How brainwashed do you have to be to believe that globalism is codeword jew.
Lordsai posted...
How brainwashed do you have to be to believe that globalism is codeword jew.

what else would it be?
"I can i i everything else," Bob reportedly said. Alice replied: "Balls have zero to me to me to me..." (Facebook AIs talking to each other)
Lordsai 15 hours ago#37
ImTheMacheteGuy posted...
Lordsai posted...
How brainwashed do you have to be to believe that globalism is codeword jew.

what else would it be?

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  3. What is 'globalism' and why are some people so afraid of it?