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Showing posts with label D&D. Show all posts

August 23, 2017

Outrider Detachment +1CP (Chaos - Daemons) [29 PL, 540pts]

  • HQ [4 PL, 78pts]

    • The Masque of Slaanesh [4 PL, 78pts]

      Daemonic Ritual

      DaemonicUnits with this ability have a 5+ invulnerable save.
      Dazzling AcrobaticsThe Masque of Slaanesh can Advance and/or Fall Back and still charge in the same turn.
      Locus of BeguilementYour opponent must subtract 1 from any hit rolls that target a DAEMONETTE unit within 6" of this model in the Fight phase.
      Quicksilver SwiftnessSLAANESH DAEMON units with this ability always fight first in the Fight phase, even if they didn't charge. If the enemy has units that have charged, or that have a similar ability, then alternate choosing units to fight with, starting with the player whose turn is taking place.
      The Eternal DanceAt the beginning of each Fight phase, choose an enemy unit within 1" of this model. For the rest of the phase, add 1 to any hit rolls that target the chosen unit.
      The Masque of Slaanesh8"2+2+434586+
      Piercing clawsMeleeMeleeUser-11Each time you make a wound roll of 6+ for this weapon, that hit is resolved with an AP of -4 instead of -1
  • Troops [12 PL, 192pts]

    • Daemonettes [12 PL, 192pts]

      Daemonic Ritual
      Alluress [7pts], 25x Daemonette [175pts], Instrument of Chaos [10pts]

      DaemonicUnits with this ability have a 5+ invulnerable save.
      Graceful KillersIncrease the Attacks characteristic of each model in this unit by 1 whilst it contains 20 or more models.
      Instrument of ChaosA unit that includes any Instruments of Chaos adds 1 to their Advance and charge rolls.
      Quicksilver SwiftnessSLAANESH DAEMON units with this ability always fight first in the Fight phase, even if they didn't charge. If the enemy has units that have charged, or that have a similar ability, then alternate choosing units to fight with, starting with the player whose turn is taking place.
      Piercing clawsMeleeMeleeUser-11Each time you make a wound roll of 6+ for this weapon, that hit is resolved with an AP of -4 instead of -1
  • Fast Attack [13 PL, 270pts]

    • Chaos Furies [3 PL, 60pts]

      Daemonic Ritual
      5x Chaos Fury [60pts], Mark of Slaanesh

      DaemonicUnits with this ability have a 5+ invulnerable save.
      Prey on the WeakRoll a D6 each time an enemy unit fails a Morale test within 12" of any Chaos Furies. On a 4+ an additional model from the same unit is slain.
      Quicksilver SwiftnessSLAANESH DAEMON units with this ability always fight first in the Fight phase, even if they didn't charge. If the enemy has units that have charged, or that have a similar ability, then alternate choosing units to fight with, starting with the player whose turn is taking place.
      Chaos Fury10"4+-431266+
      Daemonic clawsMeleeMeleeUser01-
    • Seekers [5 PL, 105pts]

      Daemonic Ritual
      Heartseeker [19pts], Instrument of Chaos [10pts], 4x Seeker [76pts]

      DaemonicUnits with this ability have a 5+ invulnerable save.
      Instrument of ChaosA unit that includes any Instruments of Chaos adds 1 to their Advance and charge rolls.
      Quicksilver SwiftnessSLAANESH DAEMON units with this ability always fight first in the Fight phase, even if they didn't charge. If the enemy has units that have charged, or that have a similar ability, then alternate choosing units to fight with, starting with the player whose turn is taking place.
      Unholy SpeedThis model can Advance and charge in the same turn.
      Lashing tongueMeleeMelee401After this model makes its close combat attacks, you can attack with its mount. Make 2 additional attacks, using this weapon profile.
      Piercing clawsMeleeMeleeUser-11Each time you make a wound roll of 6+ for this weapon, that hit is resolved with an AP of -4 instead of -1
    • Seekers [5 PL, 105pts]

      Daemonic Ritual
      Heartseeker [19pts], Instrument of Chaos [10pts], 4x Seeker [76pts]

      DaemonicUnits with this ability have a 5+ invulnerable save.
      Instrument of ChaosA unit that includes any Instruments of Chaos adds 1 to their Advance and charge rolls.
      Quicksilver SwiftnessSLAANESH DAEMON units with this ability always fight first in the Fight phase, even if they didn't charge. If the enemy has units that have charged, or that have a similar ability, then alternate choosing units to fight with, starting with the player whose turn is taking place.
      Unholy SpeedThis model can Advance and charge in the same turn.
      Lashing tongueMeleeMelee401After this model makes its close combat attacks, you can attack with its mount. Make 2 additional attacks, using this weapon profile.
      Piercing clawsMeleeMeleeUser-11Each time you make a wound roll of 6+ for this weapon, that hit is resolved with an AP of -4 instead of -1

Super-Heavy Auxiliary Detachment (Chaos - Daemons) [23 PL, 460pts]

  • Lord of War [23 PL, 460pts]

    • Zarakynel [23 PL, 460pts]

      Arch-daemonic Ritual
      Hysterical Frenzy, Symphony of Pain

      Aura of Exquisite DespairSubtract the penalty shown in this model's Damage table from the Leadership of enemy units within 6" of Zarakynel.
      Daemon LordThis unit has a 4+ invulnerable save.
      Dance of SerpentsAdd 1 to any save rolls made for Zarakynel against Melee attacks.
      Emissary of the Prince of ExcessYou may use this model's Leadership for friendly SLAANESH units within 6" of this model when Morale tests are taken.
      Lissom TerrorZarakynel can both Advance and/or Fall Back and still charge in the same turn, in addition, its charge distance roll is not affected by terrain.
      Quicksilver SwiftnessSLAANESH DAEMON units with this ability always fight first in the Fight phase, even if they didn't charge. If the enemy has units that have charged, or that have a similar ability, then alternate choosing units to fight with, starting with the player whose turn is taking place.
      NameWarp ChargeRangeDetailsRef
      Hysterical Frenzy818"If manifested, select a single friendly SLAANESH DAEMON unit within 18" of the psyker that is within 1" of an enemy unit. That unit can pile in and attack as if it were the Fight phase.
      Smite518"Smite has a warp charge value of 5. If manifested, the closest visible enemy unit within 18" of the psyker suffers D3 mortal wounds (pg 181). If the result of the Psychic test was more than 10 the target suffers D6 mortal wounds instead.
      Symphony of Pain618"If manifested, the nearest visible enemy unit within 18" of the psyker is struck by unbearable pain. Your opponent must subtract 1 from all hit rolls made by this unit until the start of your next Psychic Phase.
      NameCastDenyPowers KnownOtherRef
      Psyker33Smite and two powers from the Slaanesh discipline
      Slicing clawsMeleeMeleeUser-2D6Each time you make a wound roll of 6+ with this weapon, that hit is resolved with an AP of -4 instead of -1.
      Souleater bladeMeleeMelee+1-43Each time you make a wound roll of 4+ with this weapon, it inflicts 3 mortal wounds instead of its normal damage against the target unit.
      NameRemaining WCharacteristic 1Characteristic 2Characteristic 3Ref
      Zarakynel-MALd Penalty

Selection Rules

Arch-daemonic Ritual: If your Army contains a unit with the Arch-daemonic Ritual rule, they may instead of being deployed normally be summoned like other Daemons to the battlefield, although with greater risk to the summoner as befits their power and perilous nature. The usual rules for Daemonic Rituals apply with the following alterations:

When attempting an Arch-daemonic Ritual, the summoning player must first declare which unit they are attempting to summon by name beforehand, and only characters with the same Mark of Chaos as the unit you wish to summon can be userd to summon the unit.

When attempting to summon a unit using an Arch-daemonic Ritual, roll up to nine dice - this is your summoning roll. You can summon one new unit with the Arch-daemonic Ritual ability to the battlefield that has a Power Rating equal to or less than the total result so long as it has the same Chaos God keyword as the summoning character. This unit is treated as reinforcements for your army and can be placed anywhere on the battlefield that is within 12" of the summoning character and is more than 9" from any enemy model. If the total rolled is insufficient to summon any unit, the ritual fails and no new unit is summoned.

If yourArch-daemonic Ritual summoning roll included any doubles, your summoning character then suffers a mortal wound. If it contained any triples, then the summoning character is slain instead (note that the summoning can still be successful, even if the summoning character perishes in the attempt).
Daemonic Ritual: Instead of moving in their Movement phase, any Chaos Character can, at the end of their Movement phase, attempt to summon a Daemon unit with this ability by performing a Daemonic Ritual (the character cannot do so if they arrived as reinforcements this turn, or if they themselves have been summoned to the battlefield this turn).

If they do so, first choose one of the four Chaos Gods - Khorne, Tzeentch, Nurgle, or Slaanesh. A Character who owes allegiance to one of the Dark Gods can attempt to summon the units of their patron - for example, a Khorne Character could only attempt to summon Khorne Daemons.

Roll up to 3 dice - this is your summoning roll. You can summon one new unit with the Daemonic Ritual ability to the battlefield that has a Power Rating equal to or less than the total result so long as it has the same Chaos God keyword you chose at the start (in the case of units that have the choice of allegiance, such as Furies, the unit when summoned will have this keyword.) This unit is treated as reinforcements for your army and can be placed anywhere on the battlefield that is entirely within 12" of the character and is more than 9" from any enemy model. If the total rolled is insufficient to summon any unit, the ritual fails and no new unit is summoned.

If your summoning roll included any doubles, your character then suffers a mortal wound. If it contained any triples, it instead suffers D3 mortal wounds.