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- Any other pitbull owners here?
ZCheveyo posted...
<3 Any dog can be dangerous. And pit bulls have so much personality.
15 Transwomen of color have been murdered since 1/1/2017 |
No, I have a golden retriever puppy my daughter's pit bull attacked over food, which was unnecessary, and i no longer trust them.
PSN: KBGiantsfan
My Youtube: http://www.youtube.com/user/kblunt420?feature=mhee |
hollow_shrine posted...
ZCheveyo posted... This. Pitbulls get a bad rep and people that have never been around one automatically assume they're dangerous. Friend had a couple and they were the most gentle dogs ever. Only dog I ever had problems with was a wolf crossbreed |
0AbsoluteZero0 posted...
I hope your biological killing machine never turns on you... You mean dogs in general or just pit bulls? I really think that the latter is just a myth, but certain breeds needs good owners, not people who have zero idea how to train his dog.
What's cooler than werewolf? Wereman!
They are banned where I live, for good reason
my friend has 3 and she has a 5 year old kid. they would never hurt him. he usually hurts himself.
and no one's ever gonna break into her house when they hear 3 pitbulls barking
I could see you, but I couldn't hear you You were holding your hat in the breeze Turning away from me In this moment you were stolen...
Occasionally I'll watch my friend's pitbull for a couple hours; other than that, no.
ZCheveyo posted...
NadYobWoc posted...Dissapointing turnout CE Of course.
15 Transwomen of color have been murdered since 1/1/2017 |
If you just think hurr durr pit bulls are dangerous bad dogs you're terribly misinformed and quite frankly dumb.
How quaint. |
C_Pain posted...
If you just think hurr durr pit bulls are dangerous bad dogs you're terribly misinformed and quite frankly dumb. Yeah, and if you just dismiss pit bulls as not that dangerous, you're quite frankly even dumber. Pit bulls are bred for power and are capable of causing damage that few other breeds can even come close to. While a lot of pit bulls are sweet and well adjusted animals, all it takes is that dog freaking out one time for a horrific attack to occur. Last year, 31 dog related deaths occurred in the US. 22 of those fatalities were caused by pit bulls. And you want to tell me that pit bulls aren't that dangerous? Get real, bro
Organized people are just too lazy to look for things.
![]() this was the picture when the dog was a year old. compared to now it is a 7 year old dog (its really huge) can trust it around people not so much other dogs (i know the risks of the dog aggressive trait). the one thing i hate most of all when correcting a dog is "hitting them" it doesn't work.
Chapped ass sucks. Deliver me sweet release, Kaopectate-.Alucard188
0AbsoluteZero0 posted...
Usually stats like that are padded because they'll consider "pit bull-like" dogs as pit bulls. Basically they'll just group a boxer mix that doesn't have pit blood in them if they vaguely resemble one. Although yeah, dog related deaths are going to come from bigger and stronger dogs. Smaller breeds are more likely to attack but you can just swat them away.
- |
0AbsoluteZero0 posted...
capable of causing damage that few other breeds can even come close to some other breeds have higher bite strength. german shepherds, for one. The Top Crusader posted...
also correlation isn't causation--it's just as likely that the dogs in question were raised as 'guard dogs' because their owner thought 'tough = pit bull' and trained the animal accordingly
And when the hourglass has run out, eternity asks you about only one thing: whether you have lived in despair or not.
Let's play a fun game called:
"What Dog Breed Has Killed The Most People"* https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Fatal_dog_attacks_in_the_United_States *in the US
DawkinsNumber4 posted... I have no right to object to a public citizen in the US exercising their right to attend a court proceeding.
0AbsoluteZero0 posted...
C_Pain posted...If you just think hurr durr pit bulls are dangerous bad dogs you're terribly misinformed and quite frankly dumb. Do you even know what a real American Pit Bull Terrier looks like? Most of these dogs that people say are ABPTs are really bully breed mixes (even among people that say they own "Pit Bulls") or another mixed breed entirely. Pretty much any dog that has short fur, slightly muscular build and box head is considered a Pit Bull or Pit mix and sites like dogsbite.org spreads that kind of misinformation. There are many breeds that are much larger and far more powerful than any Pit Bull or bull breed mix, whereas the latter is much more friendly towards people the former are traditional guardian breeds.
"If you want to move fast, practice slowly...if you want to move like lightning, practice in stillness."
Pit bulls are #1 dog breed as rated by trailer trash monthly magazine
0AbsoluteZero0 posted...
Pit bulls are bred for power Pit bulls were bred so they could take part in events like bull/bear fighting. Just look at the way they look, they look like they're ready for a fight. |
The problem with pitbulls is that you never know when they'll just go nuts and attack you.
A pitbull could seem like the nicest dog for years, and then one you day happen to startle it by brushing up against it and it's instincts take over and it kills you.
"If the day does not require an AK, it is good." The Great Warrior Poet, Ice Cube
DelianSK posted...
Oh look at these "sweet dogs" this is my dog. ![]() i have seen her break a 10 pound rabbit's neck with her mouth. i have seen her defend herself from other dogs that were attacking her, teeth out, and she looked just as terrifying as the ones you linked. she's a sweet dog. you see it in this picture. you'd know it if you ever decided to do the worst thing you can do to a dog--wake her up mid-sleep and rustle her body around. what does she do in that situation? present the belly to give you a better angle. any large dog experiencing a fight response is going to look at least a little scary.
And when the hourglass has run out, eternity asks you about only one thing: whether you have lived in despair or not.
REMercsChamp posted...
DelianSK posted...Oh look at these "sweet dogs" Good lord, if I took a pic of my Cane Corso when she's barking you two would probably think she was one of Ramsay Bolton's dogs. Note: Pit Bulls are not large dogs, the biggest b**** I owned was about 41 lbs. And they're not inherently dangerous or violent. This Pit Bull is so large and violent (when she's only about 40 lbs) ![]() Would you f*** with this German Shepard? Which are larger and stronger than Pit Bulls? ![]()
"If you want to move fast, practice slowly...if you want to move like lightning, practice in stillness."
Had one and now my mom has one. Pretty much the only type of dogs I like. Amazing dogs they are.
No, and you know why I wouldn't mess with that dog?
Because it's number two on the list. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Fatal_dog_attacks_in_the_United_States
DawkinsNumber4 posted... I have no right to object to a public citizen in the US exercising their right to attend a court proceeding.
Taharqa_ posted...
no joke, when mine hears someone walking up to the door she barks at approximately 120dB. it hurts the ears.
And when the hourglass has run out, eternity asks you about only one thing: whether you have lived in despair or not.
hollow_shrine posted...
ZCheveyo posted... But when pitbulls are dangerous things get maimed or killed. That's the difference.
Skye Reynolds posted...
hollow_shrine posted...Any dog can be dangerous. ![]() I'm dying. Pugs and Pitbulls look so quirky and are so expressive.
15 Transwomen of color have been murdered since 1/1/2017 |
weapon_d00d816 posted...
hollow_shrine posted...ZCheveyo posted... That's exactly right. I laugh whenever someone brings out the old argument that little dogs are more aggressive than dogs like pit bulls. While that may be true, small dogs aren't capable of inflicting terrible wounds when they attack
Organized people are just too lazy to look for things.
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- Any other pitbull owners here?