Showing posts with label RK9. Show all posts
Showing posts with label RK9. Show all posts

August 11, 2017

RK9 goes to Biz

Is it even possible to turn your life around past the age of 23?

>college drop out
>kissless, handholdless, contactless virgin
>no job experience
>no friends
>masturbate to cuckold, raceplay, wmaf porn everyday
>no drivers license
>no skills
>no hobbies
>brainlet who can barely stay focused on reading for more than 10-15 minutes
>spend at least 8-10 hours a day on 4chan, minimum
>no cryptos
>haven't held a conversation with anyone in the past 5 years that lasted more than 30 seconds

tired of living such a pathetic "life". how can i fix myself?

sorry man
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you study become doctah
>>3005810 (OP)
>no cryptos
>no cryptos 
no hope
>>3005810 (OP)
Do you speak any asian language?
become a police officer

i was a kissless virgin at 23 too, only fucked 1 girl but kissed 2 and im 25 so yea bruh
>>3005810 (OP)
where do you live?
Don't be stupid, dumb millennial. Life isn't a race. 23 years old is literally the infancy of adulthood. Losing hope at that stage is like giving up on passing a course because you missed the first day.
They only want degree holders

When I see a wh*te girl, I can only imagine her getting bl*cked

no they don't, where do you live? i don't have a degree
>using /int/ memes
You don't fucking realize missing the first day of a course, the prof drops you, in other words, failed.
I think you mean seppuku idiot
So you can always do some freelance translation if all else fails. You'll make at least some money.
About the social skills part, not much I can say, really. Just be yourself and find someone with interests similar to yours. You won't turn it around unless you actually do something.
>>3005810 (OP)
>learn python/django for 1/2 years, you will get a job
>run every day of the week 
>/r/nofap I'm not kidding 
>delete social media 

After one year working and making money with Python go after a CS degree, and please stop jerking off to porn, it fucks you up.
>>3005810 (OP)
Toaster in the bath tub and post it for us yea?
I tried nofap before but it got so bad I ended up having wet dreams
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Holy shit what the fuck, do you newfags just literally come here straight from reddit or something. Why is this board so fucking bad, why is there no quality control?
>>learn python/django for 1/2 years, you will get a job

Wtf comes to 4chan for quality control
Start again you faggot, this is the most damaging action that you are doing
what's wrong with Python and Django anon ? Python has ton of good applications.
What? Not good enough for you?
You're not going to get a job like that lmao
you're not wrong indeed, but at least it will keep him busy for a while.
If you make one or two websites for a portfolio in python, I bet my dick that he can get a job receiving at least 2k/month, in a third world country you could live like a king
>I bet my dick that he can get a job receiving at least 2k/month

consider your dick gone because that is not happening senpai. Literally any neet from r9k could do that.
>>3005810 (OP)
Get your shit together f a m
1. Read a book on time management. Yes, youve been wasting too much fucking time but you're about to fix that.
Google Alan Lakein "How to Get Control of Your Time and Your Life" pdf and read it from cover to cover. Do what this book says.

2. Now that you realize youve been a piece of shit, hopefully you can convience your folks to let you go to college again. BEFORE going to college, google and read your year's material. Force yourself if you have to. So you have a leg up.

3. Learn to talk and touch females. As friends first - sign up for activities where you HAVE to interact and touch them. Dancing is one, salsa/tango is good. Yeah its gonna suck a lot at first.

4. Get a gf. Don't let your fears hold you back, girls will not judge you as harsh as you judge yourself. She's out there craving for dick, movies and cuddling.

5. Get an office wagecuck job.

6. Make a kid or two

7. Enjoy your limited time on this planet, we'll all return to stardust eventually.

Good luck my yellow friend
I get your point, what I'm saying is that it's possible, I did get a job doing something similar to this, but I already knew a lot about Linux and shit
>>3005810 (OP)
Get on Zoloft, it will not cure you of the underlying depression but it lessen your anxiety substantially. This will allow you to follow through on goals and you will slowly sort yourself out.

I'm a pharmafag and most of my adult life I was a loser. I literally got on Zoloft and had a more productive year than the rest of my adult hood combined.

I now have a decent job, girlfriend, car, closing on a house at the end of this month and about made about 9k in crypto that I only put 2k in.

You have to care enough to at least try different things, SSRIs are amazing for anxiety.
What kind of asian are you?
That's because you associate stress with masturbation after habitually doing it so much. Even our dicks have ADD now. You should though, or face ED.
Your fucking lazy. 23 no job experience or license. 8-10 hours on 4 chan but not 1 single hour on indeed. Fake ass post i dont beleive it.
Take a martial arts class. You will automaticly be asked questions from every non asian in your class and will be treated like an expert
It's impossible to get a job on indeed lol
Name of girl?
lol, yes.

>learned to drive at 33
>first job at 34

youtube tutorials are worth their weight in gold.

learn how to discipline yourself. decide on a goal then do it and pay plenty of attention to the mental resistance and work around that. takes plenty of failing however.

good luck, fellow hikki.
I have had my fair share of jobs from indeed. Op you can also visit your local unemployment office they have state run job websites and tons of opppurtunities
Indeed is a scam. I've literally never gotten an interview from that jewrun website.
You proboly have a shit resume, a stupid ugly name, and your named searched on google results weird porn sites and your dumb goofy facebook profile picture
Minimum wage jobs are easy as shit to get with indeed. If its impossible then it would not exist. Your doing somthing wrong. I bet its your lame resume.
This. Find what you like doing, and find a way to monetize it. Or at least come close. For example, you like 4chan, do what that biz vlog guy is doing. Hes at least making something. You can turn your life around, but you must work towards it.
It's probably because im retarded. How can I fix the resume tho?
>>3005810 (OP)

Every day you wake up it's possible to turn it around.
>>3005810 (OP)
Dude. At 23 you still have lots of time. I'm barely 40 and have completely reinvented myself twice. Early 20ies kind of sound like you. Decide fuck it. Outgoing people seem to have more fun, friends and get more pussy. Become outgoing. It's not easy brah but I just decided that I wasn't going to let fear of...something keep me from doing anything. Start talking to fucking anybody, anywhere, anytime. Watch some stand up comedians and see how they do it. You can too and if somebody you've never met before and will probably never see again things you're an ass, who gives a shit. But be polite. Reinvented myself again after I got laid off during the Great Recession. Decided to start my own business instead of working for some company with zero loyalty. But because I was outgoing I didn't have much trouble bringing customers from my previous company over and getting those customers to recommend me. Not gonna lie. Both times I've reinvented myself were/are scary AF but wouldn't change a minute.
Put a bit more effort in and learn java & you'll make a lot more
True dat. Work sucks but you have to put in the time. Funny thing though, you put in time and effort and it usually pays off.
>>3005810 (OP)

If you're in a white country. The problem is... you don't belong there. You're not in your natural habitat. You were not genetically made to be around so many people that are physically different from you. You'll be happiest where your genes say you're supposed to be.
So like a poltard being in biz?
wtf who writes wtf for who the fuck.
Nah I'm not pol. I was born as an Asian - American myself. I'm not saying he has to leave, he can stay if he wants. I'm just saying it's unnatural. There will always be this "other-ness". If you go live with your own people, you're just another person. If you live with other races you'll be "that asian guy". You're already psychologically damaged from this from childhood from being somewhere you're not really supposed to be.
Ur life has jut begone...
jesus christ fuck off please
my dad, aged 61 has changed career 3 times in the last 10 years
he fully trained to be a mortgage adviser to find out he doesn't like it
you have a lot of time
I turned my life around at 33. So yeah, you can do it.

Start with focusing on the job part. Get ANY job.
I sent literally hundreds of resumes, got 2 interviews. Did great on the second one. The I got a girlfriend, lost weight, I exercise a lot and make a lot of money and I'm not lonely anymore.
Also just bought a house.

5 years ago I was super fat lonely and poor.
>>3005810 (OP)
1: Realize how much you fucked up and you need to do something about it
2: Realize that statistically you still have more than 2/3 of your life left, some people turn their lives around at their 50's sometimes so you are still in that prime age.
3: Stop valuing yourself by how many vaginas you penetrated, that is some millennial bullshit, there is countless losers with girlfriends and countless successful people with girlfriends so no, having a girlfriend is not a measure of success.
4: Stop being a fucking coward, get the fuck out of your comfort zone, if you want to improve you have to change your habits, eliminate porn, eliminate 4chan.
5: Try to learn a new skill (FROM ZERO), there is many many free college courses online (coursera etc) which you can learn from.
6: You did not mention any physical disabilities or serious mental illnesses or that you are facing financial difficulties (I assume you still live with your parents which is an insane advantage). Therefore you have absolutely no excuse, at all.
its not too late its never too late. However the longer you wait thae harder it will be to change. Start trying to be social dont fear rejection and take risks. Set realistic goals and stick to it!
Read: As a Man Thinketh by James Allen. It's free and it will take you one hour to read but if you keep reading this book you will understand why you have failed and what you need to do to fulfill your desires.

The fact is that you don't want to admit it but the reason why you are where you are in life is because you want to be at that place. Our thoughts lead to thought patterns which lead to actions, actions lead to habits and habits lead to circumstances but it all starts with our thoughts - what we think that's the first chain of the process. We create our own reality. Every person is at the place they are in life is because they want to be there, it might sound harsh and untrue but it is 100% truth and everybody knows it if they truly look back and reflect on their life. Just observe your thoughts/your behavior and you'll see that all your fears have manifested into reality and continue to manifest, the same thought patterns have become habits and are shaping your life as we speak. I know because I have been there. Everything that I feared that would happen, happened. This is how faith works. Your mind is a garden and you choose what to plant in it, you can plant good thoughts which reap good fruit, or plant bad thoughts and reap bad fruit or plant nothing and let your garden run wild. But your mind will produce a harvest and the harvest will be in the quality of your life and your circumstances. Trust me on that. Any person who has achieved anything knows this. We are ALL running on the same law. This is a universal law. Jesus Christ taught us this and many others have taught this throughout history. But it appears everywhere. If you want to see this law in action, listen to Conor McGregor who applies the same principles first hand into his life. 5 years ago he was cashing in $200 welfare cheques and now he's fighting Floyd Mayweather for a $100m+. This doesn't just happen.
Regard alert, he'll still be just as much a lose if he goes to his "home" country, especially if he grew up.
idk desu im in my 20s like you and also a poor virgin neet. the truth is we both lack the will power to stop wallowing in our self pity. we are comfortable being losers and shitposting on this shit hole forum. ive been here for over a decade and its such an ingrained daily habit which is very difficult to shake especially because we are losers no friends, virgin etc and need this basket weaving forum full of autists, to compensate for our lack of neurotypical development . In the end ascended autists /biz/ can provide advice but it is only ourselves who can act on it. im just too comfortable rotting to improve maybe one day we will learn to improve. at least you are sentient enough to admit your faults
think that was the joke you mega dweeb
>>3005810 (OP)
ignore are the clueless idiots with their shit advise in this thread and get yourself checked for AD(H)D
HOLD ON BROTHER! First of all quit fuckin porn and /b/ fuckin tards. go to and in a matter of a month or two your life will fuckin change. hold it. grab it. dont let the faith and hope fade away. ive been there. i did it all. drugs, alco, porn, cigarettes. i did it fuckin everything yet succed to quit.
try this book, it give a huge moral and faith boost into humanity. cheers and hold on ! u can make it
do you mean to tell me that you DON'T get wet dreams even after being on nofap for like 3 months or something? I get them after like 1.5 weeks
>>3005810 (OP)
This not a blog, Chang.
Never, but this is me, and I think it's pretty normal in the begging, you just have to wait
Actually this has some merit to it..
All decent advice.

Basically just get off 4chan and do something/anything
>>3005810 (OP)
I feel you.Chinese cuck here,the only thing that gets me hard is hot girls saying racist things
>no college
>no job
You are a disgrace to your race. Maybe that's why you look at cuck shit?
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>be hafu
>all is relatively good but be too stupid to not get into stocks and crypto for a long time because laughing at memes on /b/ was funnier
>refugee crisis kicks in
>obviously have nothing to do with it or islam for that matter
>still face increasing racism
Well that's just dandy
>>3005810 (OP)
Wtf is raceplay?
>>3005810 (OP)
Of course it is. I started university at the age of 23, and got a job. Since then, thanks to saving/smart-budgeting and receiving education tax credits, I have gone from living paycheck-to-paycheck to have $5,000 in savings. Not much, but it's a lot better than living paycheck to paycheck. My girlfriend and I live together and split bills. I'm a total loser, and aspie with no social skills, yet I was able to land the sweetest most caring girl in the world. She's pretty cute, too. If I can do it, so can you, anon.
We need to have one of those April fools 4chan pranks where /pol/ and /biz/ merge and we discuss monetizing genocide.
>>3005810 (OP)
>brainlet who can barely stay focused on reading for more than 10-15 minutes
>no driver's license at 23
>low motivation
>no job
>can't hold conversation

I know some people will call it a meme, but have you considered seeing a doctor? I'm inclined to believe you might have adult ADHD, and that a prescription might actually really be beneficial for you. Even if you're not, if you could convince them you are based on being unable to focus on reading and a few other things I'm sure you could come up with (class clown growing up? acted out? low motavio in school? leg shaking? poor memory? Compulsive hand fidgeting/finger tapping? etc) you might find that a small prescription might turn your life around.

I suggest asking about it, at the very least. Godspeed anon
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23 is not too late

i've been insanely depressed and anxious for years myself

i'm 26

baby steps -- literally -- go on a walk in the morning before anyone's awake, get coffee at a coffee shop (i just get it to go so i don't have to hang out there).

vitamin d and caffeine will give you some motivation to face whatever's next. just take it day by day, blood circulation from walking is amazing -- i run a few times a week and it's even better for feeling like shit.

i guess just stack your rpg points, don't unplug and it'll start getting better
>>3005810 (OP)
1. stop posting this thread
2. ???
3. profit
It's normal to feel how you do at your age. You're right on course, bro.

My advice: Every night, write down one thing you can do the next day to improve your situation. It can be as small as buying a new pair of shoes or as big as registering for college classes. The next morning, robotically pick up the piece of paper and do what it says. After one year, you will have done 365 things to improve your situation, which amounts to a lot.
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It's called comedy son, learn it and maybe women will want to be near you too.
>I'm a pharmafag and most of my adult life I was a loser

How old were you before you started to sort shit out?
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>3 years switching between neet and min wage jobs
>Friend gives me a copy of his freelance copywriting portfolio
>Pretend I had been doing this on the side alongside my shit jobs
>Start getting some freelance work myself using his portfolio
>Eventually get offered a full time job 
>List my mate as a reference and he pretends to be a former client 
>Got the job

nice triple bait
that's how its done, and to anyone that thinks this isnt the norm, they're suckers
>>3005810 (OP)
OP, if you are serious about changing your life, I will offer you a chance. No, I won't give you cryptocoins, but I will give you advice. I will mentor you and I will develope myself while helping you turning your life around.

I've been through the same shit, and I am still working to improve my life. But I have come quite a way from where I once was and I wished I had someone to talk to back then.
So there goes.

Drop me a message if you want ( + a timestap of one of your posts if possible, in case everyone's gonna spam me)


>no homo of course
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what if I told you......
Learn discipline, start by cleaning up or fixing something. Get your ass back to school and good things will come.
no one cares about you
>>3005810 (OP)
>cuckold, raceplay, wmaf porn

I love you OP
Treat your life like an RPG.
>assign goals based on personality and physical values (knowledge, charisma, etc)
>keep track of the points in a log
>watching yourself make progress encourages additional progress

I know it sounds autistic but it worked for me. Just don't yell "MY EXPRESSION HAS INCREASED!" after talking to a cute waitress without stuttering.
>>3005810 (OP)
23 is nothing. you can fix it

>no cryptos
sorry about this though
>>3005810 (OP)
Go watch a Jordan Peterson vid or something
What about impotence caused by anti-depressives?
Am 35... Worse problems come
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>>3005810 (OP)
this guy is a fucking gook cuckold
I turned it around at 21. Almost dropped out of college, had a D gpa. kissless virgin. no friend. I got my gpa up to 2.4 senior year and got a job, 5 years out I make decent 100k not including crypto. Been in a relationship for 3 years. Still no friends though. But i've come to accept I generally just prefer to be alone.
grow pot
Oh boy you're a real retard. Knew two retards like you, a guy and a girl. Both went back to HK to "make it" and live with "their" people, came back with their tails between their legs less than a year later and don't spout shit anymore.
>>3005810 (OP)
I'll talk to you, dude
Asian American men have the lowest rate of interracial marriage. It's second only to black women, the least desirable group. If you're not making at least $100k, you better be at least 6ft with a 7in penis because the odds are stacked against you. I'm sorry.
>>3005810 (OP)
> Read "The Game" 
> Watch (torrent it bitch) "The Pickup Artist" 
> Make friends.... topics you like
> Work out
> Stop eating crap... meat/veggies only
> Listen to money making podcasts 24/7
> Limit jerking off to once a week

Follow that and you will be a God among men
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>/Biz/ falling for baitpost this hard
>Not knowing about ironic larp posting
>i was only pretending to be a retard
still?? >>3013196
Uh, I don't know. Maybe get your drivers license, and hobbies, and acquire some skills. This shit isn't hard but it doesn't happen overnight. There's nothing wrong with being Asian either.
>>3005810 (OP)
get some bitcoin at least,
>>3005810 (OP)
second post of people complaining about life, some folks of r9k are showing up here...