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- Nintendo 3DS
- Advance wars
They couldn't figure out how to add relationships to the series. I'm completely serious about that.
Wow I cant believe that people dont even care about what I think and ignorin me, this is just really sad.-The_Orignal
Uh welcome to the real world?-psprulz2007 |
Poor sales; other priorities regarding resource allocation; The New World Order shut them down to cover up the development of an actual Neo-Tank.
And the Lord [...] drive out the inhabitants of the mountain; but could not drive out the inhabitants of the valley, because they had chariots of iron.
ThatSageGuy posted...
They couldn't figure out how to add relationships to the series. I'm completely serious about that. Come on... f***ing relationships? Since when has advance wars been about relationships? |
Iceylemon posted...
ThatSageGuy posted...They couldn't figure out how to add relationships to the series. I'm completely serious about that. Ever since waifus saved Fire Emblem.
FC: 5112-4220-0277
SymphonicGlory posted...
Ever since waifus saved Fire Emblem. They are assuming waifus had anything to do with Awakening's success, but I'd rather argue it was simply a matter of getting the game out at the right time, along with a remarkably fluid set of battle animations filled with a slick color palette. I would assume any Fire Emblem game with these 3D models would have had the exact same success at this very point in the 3DS history.
And the Lord [...] drive out the inhabitants of the mountain; but could not drive out the inhabitants of the valley, because they had chariots of iron.
Iceylemon posted...
ThatSageGuy posted...They couldn't figure out how to add relationships to the series. I'm completely serious about that. since IS are a bunch of f***ers. and cause DoR bombed like hell...I think it was only released in Japan as a Club Nintendo award...that's how bad it did :( I miss the series dearly. Still play AW:DS semi-regularly
Chris Bores exposed: http://youtu.be/IYnM9hexHdA?list=UUR_z6hgtpjuvrr1lQj19dFQ. Nothing but a big cry baby
Ever since waifus saved Fire Emblem. They didn't save Fire Emblem. Their bulls*** story is that Awakening needed to sell 250k, which both DS remakes did. Fire Emblem was never in danger. But we did send Nintendo a message they didn't receive when remakes sold better than Sacred Stones, PoR, and RD..... And now it doesn't matter because Awakening and Fates sold over 1.5 million. Joy.
I may not agree with what you have to say, but I will fight to the death for my right to fight you to the death. -Stephen Colbert
IrateGameFAQer posted...
and cause DoR bombed like hell...I think it was only released in Japan as a Club Nintendo award...that's how bad it did :(Actually, it did better than Dual Strike. It's just that they gave up on releasing it in Japan, and I guess since it wasn't in Japan, it wasn't worth continuing in their minds. But yeah, they outright said that they weren't making another one yet because they couldn't figure out how to make relationships work. Disgusting, isn't it?
Unity begins with you. We have to admit, "I am in the middle of this, I have to meet halfway."
And in the end, you'll see why. |
BlanketPI posted...
But yeah, they outright said that they weren't making another one yet because they couldn't figure out how to make relationships work. Disgusting, isn't it? Link please
What I can't get over is how she ripped one testicle off..~Frogstir
I can't read your topics without expecting Bel Air now.~KensaiBlade |
Starwars4J posted...
Chris Bores exposed: http://youtu.be/IYnM9hexHdA?list=UUR_z6hgtpjuvrr1lQj19dFQ. Nothing but a big cry baby
Days of Ruin was a somewhat of a commercial bomb despite the good critical reviews. Fan reaction was generally good, although the diehard purists hated the nerfs for Commanding Officer units not being overpowered like the old games. It was a step in the right direction and the story was honestly good.
Days of Ruin should've had a followup in the 3DS era but alas Nintendo needed a homerun and not another OK-sales wise scenario. Lin's best girl from Days of Ruin.
Haru is best waifu in Persona 5.
Thought the story was eh...taking it "darker" was so-so...I mean, if I want a "darker" war game, there's other franchises I turn to...not AW...I liked how previous AW's took a more lighthearted approach...it made war fun.
Chris Bores exposed: http://youtu.be/IYnM9hexHdA?list=UUR_z6hgtpjuvrr1lQj19dFQ. Nothing but a big cry baby
I wasn't the biggest fan of the darker setting of DoR. I mean, the story and characters were fine, but literally the darker art style was just so gloomy. In spite of it being a war game, the series was always zany, colorful and lighthearted before that.
Honestly, I think they should have done the waifu thing with the series if they had to if it meant getting more attention for the series. But, unlike with FE, where you can break the game in a fun way, you can't really do that with AW and have it still be fun -- I mean, it's all about the strategy. Either way, it's criminal that we got nothing for the system. They let IS squander time and money on a game (Code Name STEAM) no one asked for and few people ended up caring about, rather than giving fans what they did ask for and want with a series that already had at least some traction and could have finally been a break-out series like FE. But hey, that's Nintendo's typical M.O. -- screw what the fans want, they can take what we want to give them... (yes, totally salty)
"The hardcore you've been waiting for!"
My 3DS FC: 1418-6769-0538 |
I wouldn't say they squandered time/money on STEAM...nothing wrong with trying out new IPs, despite fans yearning for a sequel to a franchise. It had/has potential.
STEAM wasn't bad at all, not groundbreaking by any means, but a solid game. I mean the way I see it, people b**** and moan that companies don't make new IPs, but when they do, they don't even try to support them..and then wonder why all we get are sequels.
Chris Bores exposed: http://youtu.be/IYnM9hexHdA?list=UUR_z6hgtpjuvrr1lQj19dFQ. Nothing but a big cry baby
kislev posted...
Waifus are the best part about fire emblem No...no, they're not. But it was a fun and clever way to push the series along. And honestly, it made sense for the series, considering past stories and characters.
"The hardcore you've been waiting for!"
My 3DS FC: 1418-6769-0538 |
BlanketPI posted...
But yeah, they outright said that they weren't making another one yet because they couldn't figure out how to make relationships work. Disgusting, isn't it? No, everyone else likes relationships and it has contributed to FE becoming massively popular. |
GeekyDad posted...
kislev posted...Waifus are the best part about fire emblem Most people buy the game for the waifus, don't kid yourself
We need a new Final Fantasy Tactics
kislev posted...
Most people buy the game for the waifus, don't kid yourself You can't really accurately back that up.
Disgaea LP (latest episode): https://youtu.be/gWIA3a4f8X0
Super Mario World LP (latest episode): https://youtu.be/tofVxTEKl0M |
Sacred_Arfaid posted...
kislev posted...Most people buy the game for the waifus, don't kid yourself That's why you're supposed to ignore comments like that.
3DS (2294 6040 1182) NNID (Calkubo) |
ThatSageGuy posted...
They couldn't figure out how to add relationships to the series. I'm completely serious about that. real answer was due to the game's difficulty curve led people to not play the series. Heck, I still can't beat the first game
3DS Friend Code: 0387-9017-6003 DC:5400-2358-7574 NID:TheChoujinVirus
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8mQScjlXbBE #torentialdownpour in a nutshell |
that's what makes the game fun. the later campaign levels of the series are intense.
I'll admit I "Cheat" in AW:DS for like mission 22 or whatever the one is w/ the clone Drake...I use the sammi capture technique to beat it. Beat it once legit...needless to say it was a long battle...but fun as hell
Chris Bores exposed: http://youtu.be/IYnM9hexHdA?list=UUR_z6hgtpjuvrr1lQj19dFQ. Nothing but a big cry baby
kislev posted...
GeekyDad posted...kislev posted...Waifus are the best part about fire emblem Even if that were true, which I'm prepared to believe it helped the series greatly in terms of sales, it's not the best part of FE (IMO, of course). But that's why I said earlier, I would have been fine with them doing something similar with AW, as I also believe it would have boosted sales for the series. I'm not against it, either. I enjoyed it in Awakening. Was already a little played out with Fates, but whatever. I still love both series and would like to keep playing the games, so sure, bring on the waifus. That being said, you don't have an army of individual characters in AW games, just commanders, so how would that even work with AW?
"The hardcore you've been waiting for!"
My 3DS FC: 1418-6769-0538 |
Rygon posted...
BlanketPI posted...Please define "everyone." It's definitely not the definition I learned of "every single human being alive" because I'm a counter-example, and I sure ain't the only one.But yeah, they outright said that they weren't making another one yet because they couldn't figure out how to make relationships work. Disgusting, isn't it?No, everyone else likes relationships and it has contributed to FE becoming massively popular. Regardless, while I agree that that stuff boosted Fire Emblem's sales (although by how much is debatable, given the huge boost in advertisement), that doesn't mean every game needs that stuff. I mean, I get them wanting to put it in (even if I think the idea of "sex sells" being... dangerous territory, plus it actually can scare people away, as with GoDaddy, for example), but refusing to make an Advance Wars game without it? That's not "Relationships make it better," but "If it doesn't have relationships, it isn't worth it."
Unity begins with you. We have to admit, "I am in the middle of this, I have to meet halfway."
And in the end, you'll see why. |
I don't really even know if Intelligent Systems currently has the ability to make another Advance Wars game.
Just stick to Lightning Strike + Victory Marching on the original game.
Blog... --> http://tdnshumi.blogspot.com/
Currently: Monster Hunter XX (3DS), The Alliance Alive (3DS), Radiant Historia (3DS) |
BlanketPI posted...
Rygon posted...BlanketPI posted...Please define "everyone." It's definitely not the definition I learned of "every single human being alive" because I'm a counter-example, and I sure ain't the only one.But yeah, they outright said that they weren't making another one yet because they couldn't figure out how to make relationships work. Disgusting, isn't it?No, everyone else likes relationships and it has contributed to FE becoming massively popular. I said everyone else, so you were not included. Anyway, I don't mean all people without exception. What I object to is you presenting something popular, that you know is popular, as something obviously undesirable like you have the common opinion. |
Well, hey, as long as we don't get more of the same idiotic level design as Rivals AC that the likes of the Advance Wars subreddit actually cheer for:
Master Knight DH at your service.
http://www.youtube.com/user/MasterKnightDH |
@RoyalDroneX posted...
ThatSageGuy posted...They couldn't figure out how to add relationships to the series. I'm completely serious about that. Nah, it's because of the lack of waifus. http://www.eurogamer.net/articles/2017-05-30-whats-keeping-nintendo-from-making-a-new-advance-wars Some of the maps can get tedious, but most of them aren't that bad.
Wow I cant believe that people dont even care about what I think and ignorin me, this is just really sad.-The_Orignal
Uh welcome to the real world?-psprulz2007
(edited 1 month ago)quote
Rygon posted...
I said everyone else, so you were not included.Touché. Anyway, I don't mean all people without exception. What I object to is you presenting something popular, that you know is popular, as something obviously undesirable like you have the common opinion.However here you missed the point. My complaint wasn't the thought of them adding those. That I'd live with as long as it weren't too egregious (especially in terms of what it'd do to the gameplay). The disgusting part is that they refused to make an Advance Wars without it, to the point that they are making no such game at all.
Unity begins with you. We have to admit, "I am in the middle of this, I have to meet halfway."
And in the end, you'll see why. |
BlanketPI posted...
However here you missed the point. My complaint wasn't the thought of them adding those. That I'd live with as long as it weren't too egregious (especially in terms of what it'd do to the gameplay). The disgusting part is that they refused to make an Advance Wars without it, to the point that they are making no such game at all. What do you expect from modern Intelligent Systems? Some actual care in gameplay? There's a persistent problem in narcissism from developers. Just look at the Wargroove developers showing shallow bias and indifference that favors the Advance Wars subreddit members, and you'll see what I mean. And for the record, it's something a friend pointed out to me, before you claim I'm being a hypocrite on count on my username.
Master Knight DH at your service.
(edited 1 month ago)quote
ThatSageGuy posted...
Nah, it's because of the lack of waifus. from the interview, it more comes off as they can't find ways of making the advance wars cast likeable rather than just romance. Remember, the Fire Emblem cast was more than just waifus, it was their personality that people liked about them
3DS Friend Code: 0387-9017-6003 DC:5400-2358-7574 NID:TheChoujinVirus
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8mQScjlXbBE #torentialdownpour in a nutshell |
they're all pretty likable as is though. We might not know much about the CO's but they aren't unlikable or terrible.
Chris Bores exposed: http://youtu.be/IYnM9hexHdA?list=UUR_z6hgtpjuvrr1lQj19dFQ. Nothing but a big cry baby
GeekyDad posted...
I wasn't the biggest fan of the darker setting of DoR. I mean, the story and characters were fine, but literally the darker art style was just so gloomy. In spite of it being a war game, the series was always zany, colorful and lighthearted before that. Look into Advance Wars sales. They aren't pretty. There are fans asking for a new entry, but not as many as you seem to think. How can you fault them for trying out a new IP? IS has been making Fire Emblem, Paper Mario, and Advance Wars for decades and only Paper Mario sold well. They finally got Fire Emblem off the ground, I think it was a good time for them to experiment and try to expand their lineup.
"De edu sud tovouk General Scales!" - General Scales, Star Fox Adventures
StarD86 is forever my hero! |
Although its not exactly the same, Ghost Recon Shadow Wars is a pretty decent turn based tactical game.
FC: 1221-0777-4703
Know what Needs More Love? Battalion Wars:
Master Knight DH at your service.
http://www.youtube.com/user/MasterKnightDH |
AW was the surprise hit of 2001, it was the game that sold the GBA to me. When I got my GBA I had to have Advance Wars. Its a great game.
AW2 was even better. AW:DS was the game that sold me on the DS. DoR was good, but the darker tone was only ok. It got critical love but many AW fans just didn't care for it seems as it sold really poorly compared to the other 3. I want a 5th game, whether it follows the earlier games tone or DoRs.
Political correctness is the fascism of the 90s-Roger Ebert
Iceylemon posted...
MasterKnight75 posted...Know what Needs More Love? Battalion Wars: Yeah, it just sucks Battalion Wars got the short end of the stick. Even though the worst level of BOTH Battalion Wars somehow manages to be a showcase of how well Battalion Wars' mechanics hold up through the test of time.
Master Knight DH at your service.
(edited 1 month ago)quote
I totally skipped BW, is it worth dusting off the Wii to check out?
Chris Bores exposed: http://youtu.be/IYnM9hexHdA?list=UUR_z6hgtpjuvrr1lQj19dFQ. Nothing but a big cry baby
kislev posted...
Most people buy the game for the waifus, don't kid yourself what a nice meme.
FC: 1977 - 0616 - 0040
Gallant was here |
IrateGameFAQer posted...
I totally skipped BW, is it worth dusting off the Wii to check out? Definitely. Watch this for a good level in BW2 being done with good efficiency: ![]()
Master Knight DH at your service.
http://www.youtube.com/user/MasterKnightDH |
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ULP73ijGDZ4&t=33m18s Streamed some Days of Ruin yesterday. Seriously, though, why hasn't the AW communities provided a way to play Days of Ruin multiplayer without somebody else without something stupid like TeamViewer?
Master Knight DH at your service.
http://www.youtube.com/user/MasterKnightDH |
MasterKnight75 posted...
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BCF3w5XYWz4&t=2m47s Man, my rose tinted glasses gleamed when I watch that. That also convince me to buy an n2dsxl to replay this and the Starforce series again.
3DS fc: 3995 7857 4043 Meo
GT/NN: WaLuigiTails |
invertedlegdrop posted...
AW was the surprise hit of 2001, it was the game that sold the GBA to me. When I got my GBA I had to have Advance Wars. Its a great game.Actually, Dual Strike sold the worst, not Days of Ruin. The GBA ones sold better, though. But still, it shows that the series has the potential to make a comeback. It's just that it's not enough for them, especially since Japan isn't the main consumer of the games.
Unity begins with you. We have to admit, "I am in the middle of this, I have to meet halfway."
And in the end, you'll see why. |
BlanketPI posted...
But still, it shows that the series has the potential to make a comeback. If the upcoming knockoffs have any market presence, Wars will return. If, however, "relationships" are crammed into it, I'll pass. I don't care about Andy and Sami's feeling for eachother. At all. All I care about is that Sami's enhanced capture is very useful on that map I'm playing on right now, and that Andy lets me get away with a sloppy zergrush on the next one.
(edited 1 month ago)quote
Questionmarktarius posted...
BlanketPI posted...Fast Racing Neo/Fast RMX haven't gotten F-Zero anything (yet, but don't hold your breath). Don't count on the knock-offs encouraging Nintendo to actually make such a game if they don't want to. Again, being unpopular in Japan is a major detriment to their view of things. There aren't many games that they're willing to make that sell poorly in Japan.But still, it shows that the series has the potential to make a comeback.
Unity begins with you. We have to admit, "I am in the middle of this, I have to meet halfway."
And in the end, you'll see why. |
BlanketPI posted...
Actually, Dual Strike sold the worst, not Days of Ruin. The GBA ones sold better, though. But still, it shows that the series has the potential to make a comeback. It's just that it's not enough for them, especially since Japan isn't the main consumer of the games. Had a blast with AW2, but I really didn't like any of the other titles. They were solid, but not as... well designed, I guess? It's hard to put my finger exactly on the issue without carefully analyzing the first 10 maps of each game. I feel the same towards most Fire Emblem titles. 7 (Hector) and Conquest were fantastic, but everything between was Meh or plain bad.
And the Lord [...] drive out the inhabitants of the mountain; but could not drive out the inhabitants of the valley, because they had chariots of iron.
(edited 1 month ago)quote
WaLuigiTails posted...
MasterKnight75 posted...https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BCF3w5XYWz4&t=2m47s Oh, I'm not saying Days of Ruin is balanced, because no, it isn't. That second video proves that much. If Lin's opponent doesn't CO something when they're still setting up, her rush CO Light Tank will utterly junk on any Mech defense. Period. It barely matters at all which terrain the Mechs are on, because non-zone Mechs will NOT defeat the CO Light Tank, and Lin will get free meter as a result. Penny COs a Mech and it just ends up destroyed leaving the Battle Helicopter defenseless. COing the Battle Helicopter wouldn't have done much, because the needed Light Tank to smash the Anti-Air Tank would just be a zone unit that would get munched by the Lin CO Light Tank. In older games, even in matchups like Max/Grimm VS Jess/Grimm, Mechs were all you ever needed to stop a Light Tank rush from spawn camping if the terrain is functional. I posted the math showcasing that in a comment in the 2nd video. Here's something I don't get: why couldn't COing a unit cost the unit's full price instead of half of it? It would still be cost-effective, but at least the following would apply: -Supporting the CO Unit with an immediate follow-up build would no longer happen -The CO Unit/Zone boosts would require some damn effort to use -COs like Lin and Tabitha who trade their base Zones for power would no longer be God damned polarizing at best when they start dealing with higher unit counts -Counter-COing with a mobile hard counter (which is why COing didn't happen in the Tabitha VS Penny match) would be harder You can argue that this would tone up the higher base Zone COs who would get to play it safe, but they would have to pay more money too and it's not like they would have the power that Lin and Tabitha have. Though I'll grant that they could CO into units with high movement-to-cost ratios. Actually, when I think about it, I think the Zone units should also provide only half chargeup rather than full, so as to keep the CO Unit from playing too safe all the damn time. I think instead of relying on something like the CO Zone system, problems like Anti-Air Tank dealing 105% base to infantry rather than something higher to 1HKO through terrain should have been more directly addressed. At least then there would be a metagame worth having any faith in.
Master Knight DH at your service.
http://www.youtube.com/user/MasterKnightDH |
Advance wars is underated. I remember back in the day blockbuster had it for rent. Rented it. Loved it. Maybe a month or so passed they put the only copy they had for sale. I jumped on that. I played it so much when I went to bed a night I saw the troops getting blown away when I closed my eyes. What a game. : )
Psn/Sfv id: ScottasarusRex
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- Nintendo 3DS
- Advance wars