Showing posts with label Amibo. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Amibo. Show all posts

May 24, 2017

Content locked behind amiibos is incredibly stupid and unfair

  1. Boards
  2. The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild
  3. Content locked behind amiibos is incredibly stupid and unfair.
Melfiice 1 week ago#1
Why should I be punished for not playing previous entries/consoles?
Gamertag: L GUT5 L
DiogenesKC 1 week ago#2
Welcome to the world of idiots.
yab 1 week ago#3
DiogenesKC posted...

Entitlement, nothing to see here
In all seriousness, I would probably buy a couple of amiibos if they decided to restock them lol
Refrigerator raider
Melfiice 1 week ago#5
I meant to say accessory. I haven't owned a Nintendo since snes
Gamertag: L GUT5 L
snake_5036 1 week ago#6
Except for the Twilight Bow, how is it unfair for non-amiibo owners when everything amiibo owners get is identical or inferior to what's already in the game?
You felt your sins weighing down on your neck.
captain_stew 1 week ago#7
Why shouldn't you be punished for not playing previous entries/consoles? When I fell behind in my playing, I was punished, severely! So I got with the program and started playing all the previous entries/consoles to atone for my past transgressions against Nintendo.
Melfiice 1 week ago#8
It's content that is not achievable for me and that's BS. I have a family I can't afford to blow money on toys.
Gamertag: L GUT5 L
DiogenesKC 1 week ago#9
Melfiice posted...
It's content that is not achievable for me and that's BS. I have a family I can't afford to blow money on toys.
video games are toys
Welcome to the world of idiots.
Melfiice 1 week ago#10
DiogenesKC posted...
Melfiice posted...
It's content that is not achievable for me and that's BS. I have a family I can't afford to blow money on toys.
video games are toys

an object for a child to play with, typically a model or miniature replica of something.

Google it
Gamertag: L GUT5 L
Melfiice posted...
DiogenesKC posted...
Melfiice posted...
It's content that is not achievable for me and that's BS. I have a family I can't afford to blow money on toys.
video games are toys

an object for a child to play with, typically a model or miniature replica of something.

Google it

Amiibos definitely aren't for children to play with. Their collectibles. And toys aren't even just for children.
She can't be emo! Her parents came here on the Mayflower!!!
DiogenesKC 1 week ago#12
Melfiice posted...
an object for a child to play with
yes a video game is that
Welcome to the world of idiots.
Melfiice 1 week ago#13
I'm baffled I have zero support here... 

Stick it to the man guys!
Gamertag: L GUT5 L
Melfiice posted...
I'm baffled I have zero support here... 

Stick it to the man guys!

There are plenty of people who think amiibos suck. You're just being a dumbass.
She can't be emo! Her parents came here on the Mayflower!!!
honiberri 1 week ago#15
There's room for an argument to be made about Wolf Link, which requires not just that you buy the toy, not just that you buy another game, but that you buy an entirely different console.
+++ Out Of Cheese Error +++ MELON MELON MELON +++ Redo From Start +++
Stryyder 1 week ago#16
1) Saying "They are punishing me" is arrogant, entitled and incorrect. Those who chose to collect amiibo (i.e. support Nintendo) were rewarded with bonuses for doing so.

2) The content in the amiibo is equal or worse than any content in the game itself, meaning there is nothing to be missed gameplay-wise. You are missing out on aesthetics, nothing more. Even the Twilight bow is BARELY a step up from the Phrenic Bow.

3) If you don't want to buy the amiibo, there are dozens of people selling NFC chips. You can get an action replay spoof device. Hell, if you have an android phone you could buy some NFC chips and make some yourself.

tl:dr - you are not a beautiful and unique snowflake. we are the all singing, all dancing crap of the world.
Stryyder 1 week ago#17
honiberri posted...
There's room for an argument to be made about Wolf Link, which requires not just that you buy the toy, not just that you buy another game, but that you buy an entirely different console.

Argument went out the window in January when they released Wolf Link in solo packaging. Having 20 hearts isn't necessary.
Stryyder posted...
1) Saying "They are punishing me" is arrogant, entitled and incorrect.

Totally agree with you here. But....

Even the Twilight bow is BARELY a step up from the Phrenic Bow.

No. Phrenic Bow has an attack power of 10 with 40 range. Twilight Bow is at 30 with 8,000 range. Have you gotten the Twilight Bow yet? It's f***ing awesome. No other bow in the game, aside from the Light Bow, compares to it.
JMLSP 1 week ago#19
Stryyder posted...
1) Saying "They are punishing me" is arrogant, entitled and incorrect. Those who chose to collect amiibo (i.e. support Nintendo) were rewarded with bonuses for doing so.

2) The content in the amiibo is equal or worse than any content in the game itself, meaning there is nothing to be missed gameplay-wise. You are missing out on aesthetics, nothing more. Even the Twilight bow is BARELY a step up from the Phrenic Bow.

3) If you don't want to buy the amiibo, there are dozens of people selling NFC chips. You can get an action replay spoof device. Hell, if you have an android phone you could buy some NFC chips and make some yourself.

tl:dr - you are not a beautiful and unique snowflake. we are the all singing, all dancing crap of the world.

Yep. I don't have any amiibo, the last Nintendo console I owned before the Switch was the Nintendo 64and yet I really don't think I could say I am being punished by not using amiibos.

I'm missing wolf Link and a few nice armor sets, that's all.
GT: JMLSP Pawn: Marina lvl 200 strider; Alt: HopedBeef41 Pawn: Yvar lvl 200 warrior; Alt: WifelyTrain0711 Pawn: Aeariel lvl 200 sorceress
Frosti1icus 1 week ago#20
I paid $75 for LoZ OoT almost 20 years ago. They have to make up some of the money due to the price of a standard game being almost inflation proof.
PSN= Frosti1icus
Current favs: Nioh, Yakuza 0, DQ XIII
GeneraLight 1 week ago#21
Just hex edit them in for free.
Melfiice posted...
It's content that is not achievable for me and that's BS. I have a family I can't afford to blow money on toys.

So, you can't blow like $14 on a toy, but you can waste $350 for a gaming system and a game?
I only play in Ubers and Anything Goes
Don't complain if you lose when using OU or lower tier pokemon. You handicapped yourself. Your fault.
yab posted...
DiogenesKC posted...

Entitlement, nothing to see here

pretty much what was thinking about tc, the amiibo content is not even that good besides the extra random stuff
AC New leaf Dream adress: 6D00-0011-18C5
shinyspheal 1 week ago#24
Melfiice posted...
I'm baffled I have zero support here... 

Stick it to the man guys!

Lol, this guy.
3DS FC 3711-7972-2938
Didn't know you were on this board, Mel.

Lol@ people taking you seriously
"If your dead Turok Shadowbaby got a ticket speeding to buy Burnout 2, we'll pay for the ticket."
PSN: wormdirt1
Servare 1 week ago#26
yab posted...
DiogenesKC posted...

Entitlement, nothing to see here

It is pretty lame.
Fons sapientiae, verbum Dei.
"You Can Always Count On Me." - Abacus AmIRighta
bladexdsl 1 week ago#27
than don't buy them they add little or nothing really that important anyway except a new costume and wolf link which you don't even need
(message deleted)
Pretty pathetic to force your playerbase to buy dolls to get content in a game you paid 60$ AND A season PASS for, but even dumber are the kids willing to buy said dolls in such great quantity as to make them a staple in all Nintendo games. Who's to blame, the greedy ones or the enablers?

Same as the microtransaction hell most MP games are being reduced to by greedy ps4/xb1 publishers. At least Amiibos are a cool shelf decoration for your kids. You can spend 100$ on cod points and get nothing but duplicates of digital paintjobs you already owned. This is 100% legal. Nintendo is the lesser of the two evils, but give them time, they're always a few years behind.
jaoman69 1 week ago#30
oh no you cant access pointless irrelevant content, whatever are you gonna do.
bladexdsl 1 week ago#31
jaoman69 posted...
oh no you cant access pointless irrelevant content, whatever are you gonna do.

Complain online, what else. At least we have a valid reason to want to incite discussion, unlike you salty fanboys hopping in to defend a conglomerate that doesn't care about you and will never see your valiant attempt.
Go buy 20 NFC tags for less than a single amiibo's MRSP and use that as amiibos. And go be a whiny brat somewhere else. It's one thing to point out business practices, bad or not, and another to act like an entitled, spoiled brat who thinks world owes them something for being a self-claimed god's gift to this world.

Also, an educated customer would know that there is amiibo-exclusive content, so if you are one, I hereby point you to my sig. If not, then
go be a whiny brat somewhere else.

DankHillPropane posted...
Complain online, what else. At least we have a valid reason to want to incite discussion, unlike you salty fanboys hopping in to defend a conglomerate that doesn't care about you and will never see your valiant attempt.

"Waaah, I want stuff that other people pay to get for free!" ego-focused posts are not a way to spawn proper discussion. Keeping it so personal is what makes it impossible to take TC seriously.
You have absolutely no right to complain about a decision you decided to support with your money. Be smart and vote with your wallets!
(edited 1 week ago)quote
Darth, you're a poor troll. Refine your skills before you come at me. I suggest a less obvious approach.

I mean, only a developmentally disabled child would fail to see TC and my own's entire point is that nobody should be forced to buy dolls to acquire 100% of a games content. That content's details are irrelevant. A poor business model is a poor business model.

I guess its possible that you are a taxpaying adult who owns a s***load of said dolls, and are embarrassed and furious at being insulted about them, in which case your anger clouding your reading comprehension would be understandable.
DankHillPropane posted...
Darth, you're a poor troll. Refine your skills before you come at me. I suggest a less obvious approach.

I mean, only a developmentally disabled child would fail to see TC and my own's entire point is that nobody should be forced to buy dolls to acquire 100% of a games content. That content's details are irrelevant. A poor business model is a poor business model.

I guess its possible that you are a taxpaying adult who owns a s***load of said dolls, and are embarrassed and furious at being insulted about them, in which case your anger clouding your reading comprehension would be understandable.

I own precisely zero amiibos. I don't consider them worth their price, especially after scalper "tax". However, I don't go to online boards to whine about how it's so unfair to me and I should be given stuff for free because I have it so hard in life.
You have absolutely no right to complain about a decision you decided to support with your money. Be smart and vote with your wallets!
LinkPizza 1 week ago#36
DankHillPropane posted...
Darth, you're a poor troll. Refine your skills before you come at me. I suggest a less obvious approach.

I mean, only a developmentally disabled child would fail to see TC and my own's entire point is that nobody should be forced to buy dolls to acquire 100% of a games content. That content's details are irrelevant. A poor business model is a poor business model.

I guess its possible that you are a taxpaying adult who owns a s***load of said dolls, and are embarrassed and furious at being insulted about them, in which case your anger clouding your reading comprehension would be understandable.

Except the rest of the content you get isn't stuff you need. And to be honest, it's better than paying money for DLC costumes. At least with these, you might have already had them before the game came out. The good thing about Amiibos is they usually work on many, many games.

Darth_Kamcio posted...
I own precisely zero amiibos. I don't consider them worth their price, especially after scalper "tax". However, I don't go to online boards to whine about how it's so unfair to me and I should be given stuff for free because I have it so hard in life.

I can't buy from scalplers...
3DS Friend Code: 4742 6214 5315 Add Me because I'll probably add you.
I'm probably the LinkPizza you'll see around. 0001 3388 9537, also.
LinkPizza posted...
I can't buy from scalplers...

Reasons aside... good. That's one person supporting them less.
You have absolutely no right to complain about a decision you decided to support with your money. Be smart and vote with your wallets!
kaz_xenon 1 week ago#38
Seems more of a reward/thank you by Nintendo for fans/collectors who have stuck with Nintendo by buying their Amiibos.

Most of the good stuff are from Amiibos that were released earlier.
For Example: Twilight Bow - SMB Zelda Amiibo, released on Dec 2014

The newer amiibos(Archer Link, guardians etc) generally give quite generic items that you can find in the game without the amiibos.
bladexdsl 1 week ago#39
do you have the wiiu version? well than there is this way... :P
LinkPizza 1 week ago#40
kaz_xenon posted...
Seems more of a reward/thank you by Nintendo for fans/collectors who have stuck with Nintendo by buying their Amiibos.

Most of the good stuff are from Amiibos that were released earlier.
For Example: Twilight Bow - SMB Zelda Amiibo, released on Dec 2014

The newer amiibos(Archer Link, guardians etc) generally give quite generic items that you can find in the game without the amiibos.

That is true. Never really thought about it that way.
3DS Friend Code: 4742 6214 5315 Add Me because I'll probably add you.
I'm probably the LinkPizza you'll see around. 0001 3388 9537, also.
I agree, not because of the stupid reasons you are are saying, but because amiibos themselves are so f***ing stupid and pointless.
Seattle Seahawks: Super Bowl XLVIII CHAMPS! GO HAWKS!
Formerly known as BlueMenace84
I find it unfair i have to pay 170$ + 30$ just to get my wolf link to 20 hearts
3DS Fc: 2595-4672-5367. 3DS Nintendo ID: Dablazinflame
Nintendo Switch FC: SW-7482-3786-0990. Also i Put Capitals Between Most Words so #Dealwithit
(message deleted)
DankHillPropane posted...
Darth_Kamcio posted...
DankHillPropane posted...
Darth, you're a poor troll. Refine your skills before you come at me. I suggest a less obvious approach.

I mean, only a developmentally disabled child would fail to see TC and my own's entire point is that nobody should be forced to buy dolls to acquire 100% of a games content. That content's details are irrelevant. A poor business model is a poor business model.

I guess its possible that you are a taxpaying adult who owns a s***load of said dolls, and are embarrassed and furious at being insulted about them, in which case your anger clouding your reading comprehension would be understandable.

I own precisely zero amiibos. I don't consider them worth their price, especially after scalper "tax". However, I don't go to online boards to whine about how it's so unfair to me and I should be given stuff for free because I have it so hard in life.

Who said it's unfair to me alone? I never said it was unfair at all, only a s***ty practice for obvious reasons. When did i say it should be free? You're obviously mad as f***, making up things and putting words in my mouth. The actions of a true idiot LMAO do you think you sound cool, jumping in conversations and WHINING LIKE A b**** about people voicing their opinions on an open message board?

When did i EVER say anything about how hard my life is? Are you seriously that deranged? Or just lonely? Lmao I'm done responding to you, I learned long ago its pointless trying to argue with people who ignore reality. Doll collecting is obviously a touchy subject around here, lmao

I was referring to TC, you dumbass.
You have absolutely no right to complain about a decision you decided to support with your money. Be smart and vote with your wallets!
bladexdsl 1 week ago#45
Seneca_Wallace_ posted...
I agree, not because of the stupid reasons you are are saying, but because amiibos themselves are so f***ing stupid and pointless.
Hauke 1 week ago#46
Amiibo are not stupid and pointless. There are many people who like like colectables. They exist for nearly every Franchise. There are a lot of figurines of video game characters. Amiibo are just that. Figurines of video game characters. They just give an additional bonus. You don't buy them for the bonus (which is nearly allways inferior to the in game items) but you buy them for the figurine.
maymod 1 week ago#47
I think some people are missing the point amiibos could be classed as toys/collectables or whatever anyone wants it to be. The issue is why lock content behind this why could in game items not be obtainable without the amiibos.
Those who see it as a reward after buying it can say this. Similarly those who see a paywall can also say this. Matter of opinion really.

Well the key question is the line in the middle really and IMHO i do think its ridiculous to buy an amiibo to unlock game content. If it is a collectable then is that not the reward in itself. Or if it is a toy and be played with is that not a reward in itself.
Collectables could also be "dont remove from box" but clearly you will have to for the NFC. Toys i mean did you not play with your toys for fun and not to unlock any game content because it never really did that.
Whats The Point
(edited 1 week ago)quote
Wolf Link. The only useful to me. It was okay, had to pay 30€ for it and have a lot fun with it though he only has three hearts :] 
The other stuff isn't necessary, okay, the Twilight Bow sounds nice but you don't need it. 
The classic Link Tunics I don't even like. And there is the Tunic of the Wild, that's enough for me. 
If you really want that kind of content then buy the amiibo -_- After a while even this game will become boring and you won't care so whatever :D
I'm the jumping annoying Silver Lizalfos you know so well :D
Wes62 1 week ago#49
Melfiice posted...
It's content that is not achievable for me and that's BS. I have a family I can't afford to blow money on toys.

It's superfluous to the game. Stop whining.
bladexdsl 1 week ago#50
maybe if they gave you stuff that was actually worth it they'd be worth getting. what do you get some weapons, wolf link and some extra costumes? not worth it for me.
  1. Boards
  2. The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild 
  3. Content locked behind amiibos is incredibly stupid and unfair.
    1. Boards
    2. The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild
    3. Content locked behind amiibos is incredibly stupid and unfair.
    It is kinda silly especially if they are hard to find. I used my daughter's yoshi toy every once in a while though. Op items like red meat and apples were dropped from it.
    gt/psn: queenofheartz78
    bladexdsl posted...
    maybe if they gave you stuff that was actually worth it they'd be worth getting. what do you get some weapons, wolf link and some extra costumes? not worth it for me.

    If amiibos provided more content, people would be whining even more about the content locked behind them.
    You have absolutely no right to complain about a decision you decided to support with your money. Be smart and vote with your wallets!
    nurlen 1 week ago#53
    Darth_Kamcio posted...
    for being a self-claimed god's gift to this world.

    I keep looking for this statement but I can't find it.
    MaGicBushe 1 week ago#54
    Melfiice posted...
    I'm baffled I have zero support here... 

    Stick it to the man guys!

    I agree with you tc and i know others do as well. Theu had to find some gimmick to milk money out of the wii u.
    (edited 1 week ago)quote
    yab posted...
    DiogenesKC posted...

    Entitlement, nothing to see here


    Did you use the word entitlement when referring to a consumer product?

    That's ok!

    Entitlementbot can help! 

    Start here and try again:
    Currently playing: DQ Heroes
    HeroGod 1 week ago#56
    Someone find this guy's house and go sell all of his video game related stuff and then give him the money. He clearly needs money more than video game for his family.
    The official Badass Wurmple of GameFaqs!
    RekamOiram 1 week ago#57
    It'd have been cool if there was an option to unlock it in game, but meh. Any idea how much money one would have to spend to unlock everything, including Amiibo-only content?
    Print is dead.
    Stanger5150 1 week ago#58
    DankHillPropane posted...
    Pretty pathetic to force your playerbase to buy dolls to get content in a game you paid 60$ AND A season PASS for, but even dumber are the kids willing to buy said dolls in such great quantity as to make them a staple in all Nintendo games. Who's to blame, the greedy ones or the enablers?

    Same as the microtransaction hell most MP games are being reduced to by greedy ps4/xb1 publishers. At least Amiibos are a cool shelf decoration for your kids. You can spend 100$ on cod points and get nothing but duplicates of digital paintjobs you already owned. This is 100% legal. Nintendo is the lesser of the two evils, but give them time, they're always a few years behind.

    Who the f*** are you calling "kids"?

    Most people I know with a Wii U or Switch are in their 30s, including myself.
    NNID/PSN: BlackRain8782
    Now Playing: The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild
    ECH01 1 week ago#59
    Melfiice posted...
    It's content that is not achievable for me and that's BS. I have a family I can't afford to blow money on toys.

    If being able to afford the amiibos is you issue, then you have far more important things you should be worrying about than video games.
    Vermander 1 week ago#60
    The cost and limited production of Amiibos are the real issue
    3DS FC: 4312 - 9992 - 0441
    bladexdsl 1 week ago#61
    rajin_donuts posted...
    Op items like red meat and apples were dropped from it.

    MY god even better than the lynel gear all put together totally worth it!
    (edited 1 week ago)quote
    Ulk 1 week ago#62
    Stryyder posted...
    Even the Twilight bow is BARELY a step up from the Phrenic Bow.

    Thats absolute nonsense. The Twilight Bow has by absolute far the best range. Its only "rival" is the Bow of Light, which also has a range far beyond any other bow in the game. But even the Bow of Light has only 1/16th of the range the Twilight Bow has.

    Providing this part of the player guide is accurate, the Phrenic Bow has a range of 40. That is literally 200 times inferior to the Twilight Bow.
    "Of course there is an explanation, you see... I'm a really terrible person, and I left your daughter in the woods to die.'" - Cruella De Vil
    (edited 1 week ago)quote
    (message deleted)
    Virus66 1 week ago#64
    They are essentially just skinned weapons/armor. You are missing nothing of importance. Dogs take the place of Wolf Link and literally every other weapon or armor in the game is better than the amiibo ones. It only is about what they look like..
    PSN: JVir NNID: Jayvir
    I'm a living contradiction. I own a PS4, a Wii U, a 3DS, a Vita and a gaming PC. And the catch to that? I enjoy them all!
    Ulk 1 week ago#65
    With regard to the actual topic, there is no such thing as "fair" and "unfair". The true question is, does Nintendo get away with it? That, I doubt. Amiibos sell unbelievably well, but is it truly the content that is the selling point of the amiibos? Does that extra content truly convince so many people to purchase an overpriced figurine just to get it? The absolute extreme fans, of course. But I'm talking about those who wouldn't have bought those amiibos hadn't it been for that content. Do those truly come in such a high quantity? I severely doubt there are too many of those. Question here is, did this content go to waste? Would it have generated a higher profit by offering it as separate DLC? Or part of the DLC pack to boost the season pass sales? I mean yes, those who specifically purchase an amiibo for the content and wouldn't have if it didn't deliver it each pay an extremely high sum for it. But the higher the price range, the lower the amount of actual customers. I sincerely doubt attaching that additional content to amiibos could have made more profit than offering each of it as 2-5$ DLC or adding it as a Season Pass addition. Actually I'm quite sure if they used the amiibo content as Season Pass bonus instead of three completely useless items, the Season Pass would have had a much better start.
    "Of course there is an explanation, you see... I'm a really terrible person, and I left your daughter in the woods to die.'" - Cruella De Vil
    (edited 1 week ago)quote
    I had a kid last year pay rent/bills by myself while the wife stays at home and I manage to get a bunch of them. I'm not in W.I.C or get any help from the government besides Medicaid. Get a better job? 

    Bunlert 1 week ago#67
    You can't have things you can't afford. Welcome to how life works.

    It doesn't mean you DESERVE something just because you can't afford it.

    "Why am I being punished for not being able to afford a Lamborghini? unfair!"
    FFBE: 761, 400, 256
    FE Heroes: 2223746471
    applejak412 1 week ago#68
    yab posted...
    DiogenesKC posted...

    Entitlement, nothing to see here

    Are you for real? I don't want a stupid action figure. I definitely don't want to spend money on a stupid action figure after I already bought the game. I REALLY don't want to waste time grinding the drops to get the damn armor. I rather them just throw it up on the store for a couple bucks.
    Melfiice 1 week ago#69
    Bunlert posted...
    You can't have things you can't afford. Welcome to how life works.

    It doesn't mean you DESERVE something just because you can't afford it.

    "Why am I being punished for not being able to afford a Lamborghini? unfair!"

    That is literally the dumbest analogy I've ever read on gfaqs. I afforded the game I deserve the content.
    Gamertag: L GUT5 L
    no **** amiibos imo are the stupidest and most anti consumer form of dlc ever its imo even worse then on disc dlc and really the reason why is nintendos attitude of releasing most of their products in such low quantities that they become almost impossible to get at a reasonable price imo content locked behind amiibos should also be available as actual dlc

    i do not get or support amiibos for that very simple fact people are always talking about which dlc is the worst and imo its ******* amiibos
    Cletus Kasady/Carnage Is The Greatest Villain Of All Time
    S'up Im Karnage The Ultimate Cheater I Love to Cheat If You Don't Like It It's Your Problem Not Mine
    Melfiice posted...
    I'm baffled I have zero support here... 

    Stick it to the man guys!

    Why would people do that when they can spend their time calling you a troll for bringing up a very valid issue. 
    These people loving giving their money away for things they have already paid for. I, however, am on your side. Because I have a functioning brain.

    In case they still don't get it... Standing up for DLC and locked content and the concept of having to pay for something again even though you already own it is a huge part of the problem.
    3DS FC: 3797-7047-4981
    TSV: 754
    (edited 1 week ago)quote
    TheDuke2000 1 week ago#72
    Unfair? Excuse me, but you're talking about is a toy for a video game. Both of which are things which by any standards are luxury or recreational consumer items that you have been marketed against in order to elicit this exact reaction. 

    Be very aware that any negative feelings you have towards this issue come from a place of jealously, addiction to new content (that you wouldn't use anyways), and simple entitlement. 

    You are entitled to nothing. Spend the money, or learn to live without.
    At first I didn't mind Amiibo, but now I'm sick of them. I wouldn't mind if you could actually use them without opening them, but now I just want them to die off.
    Melfiice 1 week ago#74
    TheDuke2000 posted...
    Unfair? Excuse me, but you're talking about is a toy for a video game. Both of which are things which by any standards are luxury or recreational consumer items that you have been marketed against in order to elicit this exact reaction. 

    Be very aware that any negative feelings you have towards this issue come from a place of jealously, addiction to new content (that you wouldn't use anyways), and simple entitlement. 

    You are entitled to nothing. Spend the money, or learn to live without.

    Thanks for the psychoanalysis Dr. Phil.
    Gamertag: L GUT5 L
    bladexdsl 1 week ago#75
    Karnage4208238 posted...
    no **** amiibos imo are the stupidest and most anti consumer form of dlc ever

    actually skylanders started it...
    (edited 1 week ago)quote
    TheDuke2000 1 week ago#76
    EpicWingManXIII posted... pay for something again even though you already own...

    But you don't own it. You made a purchase knowing full well the amount of content included. Now, you want more because you feel it 'should' have been included in the first place. 

    Ask yourself this. If the DLC never existed would you still feel satisfied with your purchase? If the answer is yes, then you're just feeling exploited (which is your own demon to face). If the answer is no, then your issue isn't with the DLC at all.
    arcnova 1 week ago#77
    Melfiice posted...
    Bunlert posted...
    You can't have things you can't afford. Welcome to how life works.

    It doesn't mean you DESERVE something just because you can't afford it.

    "Why am I being punished for not being able to afford a Lamborghini? unfair!"

    That is literally the dumbest analogy I've ever read on gfaqs. I afforded the game I deserve the content.

    you did, you afforded the game so you got the content IN the game
    you cant afford the amiibo, so you dont get the content that is essentially IN the amiibo
    soul silver code 
    2021 3448 6610
    paladin33x 1 week ago#78
    Really, though, it's ridiculous that only a select few could have access to one of the best bows in the game. There's only a finite number of 'Miibos available, but if they're going to go down the DLC route then I hope to see some of the exclusive features available. I'd support that much at least.
    ArchSublime 1 week ago#79
    At least the armor sets are garbage lol. I felt a little better when I saw the stats
    Not changing this until KOTOR 3 is released. Likelihood that this never gets changed? Probably 100%
    (message deleted)
    shinyspheal 1 week ago#81
    To 500!!!
    3DS FC 3711-7972-2938
    TheDuke2000 1 week ago#82
    paladin33x posted...
    Really, though, it's ridiculous that only a select few could have access to one of the best bows in the game. There's only a finite number of 'Miibos available, but if they're going to go down the DLC route then I hope to see some of the exclusive features available. I'd support that much at least.

    Some good points. This is why digital DLC is more player-centric, and supported more widely. Amiibo's are profit-centric. After all, Nintendo can hardly over-produce and end up sitting on a mountain of devalueing merchandise.
    BravelordSpeedo posted...
    Didn't know you were on this board, Mel.

    Lol@ people taking you seriously

    How did everyone miss this? :P
    nurlen posted...
    Darth_Kamcio posted...
    for being a self-claimed god's gift to this world.

    I keep looking for this statement but I can't find it.

    It's somewhere between the entitlement and calling the whole practice BS just because he can't afford it.
    You have absolutely no right to complain about a decision you decided to support with your money. Be smart and vote with your wallets!
    TheDuke2000 1 week ago#85
    EpicWingManXIII posted...
    But lock certain things away because they want more money from you. Stop being a complete idiot and stop defending things that do the world no good. You are part of the problem.

    And you're touchy, aren't you. 

    I'm not defending anything. I'm a realist. Especially when it comes to consumerism. All I'm saying is that when second someone buys something knowing full well what is restricted or locked out, they give up the right to call it unfair. Your money is your vote, and you've cast it. 

    I'm not for or against DLC in this form. But I'm just sick of the entitlement.
    Stryyder 1 week ago#86
    DankHillPropane posted...
    Pretty pathetic to force your playerbase to buy dolls to get content in a game you paid 60$ AND A season PASS for...

    This, and the continued varied versions of it, is the single worst argument I've ever seen. "I paid money! They owe me!"

    You paid $60 (+20 if you got season pass) for a game that has a hundred hours or more of gameplay, which includes HUNDREDS of items to collect and MORE gameplay coming throughout the year. Whining that "you didn't get your moneys worth" because you didn't get a handful of aesthetically different outfits and weapons is pretty pathetic.
    bcornelia 1 week ago#87
    I can see why some would find it a little crummy since a lot of the costumes are really cool, but it is mitigated by those costumes not having unique properties and also being relatively difficult to upgrade. The special weapons are all pretty much a visual novelty as well save for the Twilight Bow (and while cool, its extra range mostly amounts to a novelty as well considering bows like the Ancient Bow still have a lot of range).

    And if you really want that content but don't want to support amiibos (or scalpers), there are relatively cheap alternatives.
    now 50% nicer
    HeroGod 1 week ago#88
    TheDuke2000 posted...
    EpicWingManXIII posted... pay for something again even though you already own...

    But you don't own it. You made a purchase knowing full well the amount of content included. Now, you want more because you feel it 'should' have been included in the first place. 

    Ask yourself this. If the DLC never existed would you still feel satisfied with your purchase? If the answer is yes, then you're just feeling exploited (which is your own demon to face). If the answer is no, then your issue isn't with the DLC at all.

    This person gets it.

    When you buy a game, you don't own anything of it. You are buying a license to use it. That license says what you can, can't do with and to what content you have access.

    Even if the Amiibo/DLC content is on the disc, it's not part of the license you bought, you get the license for that content when you buy the Amiibo/DLC.
    The official Badass Wurmple of GameFaqs!
    (edited 1 week ago)quote
    Monferno_AQW posted...
    Melfiice posted...
    It's content that is not achievable for me and that's BS. I have a family I can't afford to blow money on toys.

    So, you can't blow like $14 on a toy, but you can waste $350 for a gaming system and a game?

    TC while I feel you on the whole having to work and support a family thing, this may be the main counter argument to your stance though. You can afford the console but you are unwilling to purchase figurines for under 20 dollars?
    XBL and PSN: QUIK305
    "You're on the Halo forums. there's a good chance you smell like piss"-GF user on Halo 4 Boards
    Aegis_Runestone posted...
    BravelordSpeedo posted...
    Didn't know you were on this board, Mel.

    Lol@ people taking you seriously

    How did everyone miss this? :P
    Got a game you love that you don't see talked much about, but want to talk about? Join us here!
    My issue is why not just make all the things you unlock via amiibo purchasable on the eshop? That way people who already have the amiibo get bonuses and those who don't and don't want to get one can still buy costumes, weapons, etc online anyway.
    Aegis_Runestone posted...
    Aegis_Runestone posted...
    BravelordSpeedo posted...
    Didn't know you were on this board, Mel.

    Lol@ people taking you seriously

    How did everyone miss this? :P
    this game gets way too much hype and its not even that good.
    Also Known as IzzyTheWhiner by Bad users!
    - Izzy The Winner, Best GameFaqs User
    Stryyder posted...
    DankHillPropane posted...
    Pretty pathetic to force your playerbase to buy dolls to get content in a game you paid 60$ AND A season PASS for...

    This, and the continued varied versions of it, is the single worst argument I've ever seen. "I paid money! They owe me!"

    You paid $60 (+20 if you got season pass) for a game that has a hundred hours or more of gameplay, which includes HUNDREDS of items to collect and MORE gameplay coming throughout the year. Whining that "you didn't get your moneys worth" because you didn't get a handful of aesthetically different outfits and weapons is pretty pathetic.

    While I think people exaggerate how much this content actually adds to the game. The fact is that this content is IN the game already and only unlocked by using a cheap often poor quality plastic statue to unlock, hell I'd take even an option for a standard dlc pack as scummy as that would be instead of relying on potential stocking issues and limited quantity. Though that issue is another whole thing altogether. The game already has one unlockable other Link outfit, why not more?
    The Official Spider MEN of the MvC Infinite boards
    bladexdsl 1 week ago#95
    EpicWingManXIII posted...
    Here is another one whipping his c*** out at the mention of DLC.

    your killing me LMFAO
    MikeRoss 1 week ago#96
    wow, Nintendo are scumbags. More news at 11.

    This is just common practice now in the game world thanks to people like these below. We now even have to pay to play online on consoles but why? It makes no sense because when you play online you're connecting to servers that are being run and maintained by the publisher of said game using the money you used to pay for the game itself! So why exactly are Sony or Microsoft blocking that access for a game you already paid for behind a pay wall? Oh yeah, because of people like the ones below.........

    Nabiki_Tendo posted...
    yab posted...
    DiogenesKC posted...

    Entitlement, nothing to see here

    pretty much what was thinking about tc, the amiibo content is not even that good besides the extra random stuff
    (edited 1 week ago)quote
    (message deleted)
    neji721 1 week ago#98
    Melfiice posted...
    I meant to say accessory. I haven't owned a Nintendo since snes

    The heck you complaining troll if you haven't owned Nintendo for so many years? Please complain about dlc while you are at it. This is basically a 1 time buy in for dlc for all of Nintendo's games. This is a better practice than dlc if you ask me.
    Ligeia69 1 week ago#99
    HeroGod posted...
    TheDuke2000 posted...
    EpicWingManXIII posted... pay for something again even though you already own...

    But you don't own it. You made a purchase knowing full well the amount of content included. Now, you want more because you feel it 'should' have been included in the first place. 

    Ask yourself this. If the DLC never existed would you still feel satisfied with your purchase? If the answer is yes, then you're just feeling exploited (which is your own demon to face). If the answer is no, then your issue isn't with the DLC at all.

    This person gets it.

    When you buy a game, you don't own anything of it. You are buying a license to use it. That license says what you can, can't do with and to what content you have access.

    Even if the Amiibo/DLC content is on the disc, it's not part of the license you bought, you get the license for that content when you buy the Amiibo/DLC.

    This is a very valid argument. It doesn't make the whole DLC business moral, though.
    bladexdsl 1 week ago#100
    this is all activisions fault!!
    1. Boards
    2. The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild
    3. Content locked behind amiibos is incredibly stupid and unfair.
      1. Boards
      2. The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild
      3. Content locked behind amiibos is incredibly stupid and unfair.
      Csharpz 1 week ago#101
      LexStorm1998 posted...
      My issue is why not just make all the things you unlock via amiibo purchasable on the eshop? That way people who already have the amiibo get bonuses and those who don't and don't want to get one can still buy costumes, weapons, etc online anyway.

      I agree. I've skipped the Fire Emblem amiibos just because I don't want the figures, just the content.
      Melfiice posted...
      I meant to say accessory. I haven't owned a Nintendo since snes

      Wow! Cry more troll!!
      We watch the shows that you don't want to but you've got to because the condom broke.
      (message deleted)
      Hey TC, I think Amiibos are dumb as hell and would never spend hard earned money on these things. I could also care less about the little unlockables that they provide in Zelda or any other game. In fact whenever I see someone on Mario Kart with their fancy Amiibo helmets, instead of being jealous I just laugh that they wasted money on a stupid toy.
      bladexdsl 1 week ago#105
      dantheman0721 posted...
      Hey TC, I think Amiibos are dumb as hell and would never spend hard earned money on these things. I could also care less about the little unlockables that they provide in Zelda or any other game. In fact whenever I see someone on Mario Kart with their fancy Amiibo helmets, instead of being jealous I just laugh that they wasted money on a stupid toy.
      I'm thinking about dril's candle tweet except it's amiibos lol
      GooberSD 1 week ago#107
      I don't really mind amiibos.

      What bothers me is that Nintendo won't restock them and so if I want them, I have to pay up to $70 online for a single amiibo, because it hasn't been in stock for four years or so.

      It's very frustrating.
      clo24 1 week ago#108
      bait topic and it worked lol
      the outfits doesn't really have that much gains compared to ingame things, Epona might be the outlier. if anything, the only game that forces amiibo is Chibi-Robo if only because if you don't have his amiibo then you lose out on the figure mode and a extra world. but in all honesty, the outrage behind Zip-Lash was just because it was seen as a cheap cash-in that was average at best, compare it to just about every Yoshi game that gets compared to Island.

      God forbid how Hey Pikmin would fare in comparison, since now since they mentioned that Arzest are the developers. who made Yoshi's New Island, Arzest descended from Artoon developers (Yoshi's Island DS, Universal Gravitation) kinda surprised they didn't farm it out to Nd Cube for some amiibo hike spinoff like Amiibo Festival or the newer Mario Parties.
      KoL: Plucky, currently an Disco Bandit, RSN: Plucky9
      ACNL/3DS FC: 5258-3681-6830 Ricky of Farm, FFBE: Plucky, 318,553,820
      westpark 1 week ago#110
      Cant beat gannon without the gannon amiibo!
      If nintendo does it, It's fine. 

      Anyone else, "KILL THEM!" 

      Typical nintendo fanboy. Mario has trained them well.
      Melfiice 1 week ago#112
      neji721 posted...
      Melfiice posted...
      I meant to say accessory. I haven't owned a Nintendo since snes

      The heck you complaining troll if you haven't owned Nintendo for so many years? Please complain about dlc while you are at it. This is basically a 1 time buy in for dlc for all of Nintendo's games. This is a better practice than dlc if you ask me.

      Screaming troll is the worst way you could argue these scummy business practices.
      Gamertag: L GUT5 L
      Melfiice 1 week ago#113
      bladexdsl posted...
      dantheman0721 posted...
      Hey TC, I think Amiibos are dumb as hell and would never spend hard earned money on these things. I could also care less about the little unlockables that they provide in Zelda or any other game. In fact whenever I see someone on Mario Kart with their fancy Amiibo helmets, instead of being jealous I just laugh that they wasted money on a stupid toy.

      I guess this is a good mindset
      Gamertag: L GUT5 L
      Rainierman 1 week ago#114
      It's just bonus stuff.
      Official Rainierman of..! ... eh... Gamefaqs I guess...
      (message deleted)
      Melfiice posted...
      It's content that is not achievable for me and that's BS. I have a family I can't afford to blow money on toys.

      Yet you can afford a Switch and not a 20 dollar toy
      atopp399 1 week ago#117
      It's like DLC but with a physical item. I don't like it either. I hate DLC of any kind. The ability to release patches and content updates is the worst thing about modern gaming to me. Most games all release with a ton of bugs and with much less content than in the past which is then released as DLC.
      Melfiice 1 week ago#118
      johnlucasmck posted...
      Melfiice posted...
      It's content that is not achievable for me and that's BS. I have a family I can't afford to blow money on toys.

      Yet you can afford a Switch and not a 20 dollar toy

      Again someone who doesn't understand the difference between a good purchase and a poor purchase. The switch and Zelda were totally worth it. A 20 dollar figurine for content locked in the game I ALREADY bought is not.
      Gamertag: L GUT5 L
      People should speak more with their wallets. If Nintendo and other gaming companies weren't making money off of these type of practices they wouldn't do it anymore. But consumers give in and here we are.
      Melfiice 1 week ago#120
      LexStorm1998 posted...
      People should speak more with their wallets. If Nintendo and other gaming companies weren't making money off of these type of practices they wouldn't do it anymore. But consumers give in and here we are.

      Exactly. I am speaking with my wallet. I'm still gonna b**** about it because it's wrong of Nintendo.
      Gamertag: L GUT5 L
      Thrasher7170 posted...
      Melfiice posted...
      I'm baffled I have zero support here... 

      Stick it to the man guys!

      There are plenty of people who think amiibos suck. You're just being a dumbass.

      This is pretty much the main and ONLY point to be made in this whole topic, folks.
      3DS FC: 5069-3924-4114
      sew182 1 week ago#122
      The armor is garbage anyway, you're not missing anything.
      solaris32 1 week ago#123
      Hey I support you TC!
      "[Fallout 3] is the kind of game that I think about when I make love to my wife"-Darth_nacho
      (message deleted)
      thatguy181 1 week ago#125
      Just buy a Power Saves for Amiibo from Game Stop.

      Takes a few seconds to change the amiibo on the power disk, but you have access to all amiibos, including the unreleased ones and their content, all for a fraction of the price you'd pay (plus way less storage space issues) if you actually bought all the Zelda amiibos.
      (message deleted)
      Stryyder 1 week ago#127
      HeroGod posted...
      TheDuke2000 posted...
      EpicWingManXIII posted... pay for something again even though you already own...

      But you don't own it. You made a purchase knowing full well the amount of content included. Now, you want more because you feel it 'should' have been included in the first place. 

      Ask yourself this. If the DLC never existed would you still feel satisfied with your purchase? If the answer is yes, then you're just feeling exploited (which is your own demon to face). If the answer is no, then your issue isn't with the DLC at all.

      This person gets it.

      When you buy a game, you don't own anything of it. You are buying a license to use it. That license says what you can, can't do with and to what content you have access.

      Even if the Amiibo/DLC content is on the disc, it's not part of the license you bought, you get the license for that content when you buy the Amiibo/DLC.

      ^This all day.
      Zareth 1 week ago#128
      I wouldn't call the things amiibo usually unlock "content."
      SythisTaru 1 week ago#129
      yab posted...
      DiogenesKC posted...

      Entitlement, nothing to see here

      Guessing you hack/pirate fake Amibos.
      Stryyder 1 week ago#130
      I was wondering when we'd get the "hacking" SJW in this thread. s***post status achieved.
      It's okay Tc i remember when games had all the content avaliable in the game at launch too
      Official Shazam of the injustice 2 board
      3ds friend code- 5129-0716-8002
      yab posted...
      DiogenesKC posted...

      Entitlement, nothing to see here

      Do you even know what "entitlement" means?
      the_doctor1013 posted...
      It's okay Tc i remember when games had all the content avaliable in the game at launch too

      It's okay, I remember when games cut significant content that never saw the light of day in order to make release windows too. WW called, and it could have been way better than it already was if DLC was a thing.
      She can't be emo! Her parents came here on the Mayflower!!!
      Thrasher7170 posted...
      the_doctor1013 posted...
      It's okay Tc i remember when games had all the content avaliable in the game at launch too

      It's okay, I remember when games cut significant content that never saw the light of day in order to make release windows too. WW called, and it could have been way better than it already was if DLC was a thing.

      Not entirely true. The cuts changed how the game flowed and DLC doesn't typically restructure a game and instead adds content on the side.
      Melfiice posted...
      bladexdsl posted...
      dantheman0721 posted...
      Hey TC, I think Amiibos are dumb as hell and would never spend hard earned money on these things. I could also care less about the little unlockables that they provide in Zelda or any other game. In fact whenever I see someone on Mario Kart with their fancy Amiibo helmets, instead of being jealous I just laugh that they wasted money on a stupid toy.

      I guess this is a good mindset

      Kind of a weird mindset honestly. When I see people in Mario Kart with amiibo stuff, I don't really think anything. Seems kind of weird to laugh at them for buying something they wanted. Someone else could easily see you playing Mario Kart and laugh at you for wasting your time and money of dumb video games. Still just as pointless.
      Stryyder 1 week ago#136
      the_doctor1013 posted...
      It's okay Tc i remember when games had all the content avaliable in the game at launch too

      What generally happens:

      "Hey guys, you know what would be cool? Let's throw some extras into the game as bonuses for people who were nice enough to buy amiibos. Nothing spectacular, just some reskins, maybe ONE good item that isn't really NECESSARY, but helps out. Maybe stuff with a nostalgic feel? Lets code out a few more classic green outfits, something like that."

      What angry people think happens:

      "LOL, you know what would be hilarious? You see all these superfluous versions of green outfits we were OBVIOUSLY going to put as stuff found randomly in the game? Lets NOT do that, and instead lets make it so they ONLY get it if they bought amiibos!"

      Assuming bonus content was intended to be there all along, specifically COMPLETELY REDUNDANT AND SUPERFLUOUS BONUS CONTENT, is sad. I've seen "locked out, on-disc DLC". This isn't it. Fight the right battles. Don't create them in your head.
      (edited 1 week ago)quote
      Stryyder posted...
      the_doctor1013 posted...
      It's okay Tc i remember when games had all the content avaliable in the game at launch too

      What generally happens:

      "Hey guys, you know what would be cool? Let's throw some extras into the game as bonuses for people who were nice enough to buy amiibos. Nothing spectacular, just some reskins, maybe ONE good item that isn't really NECESSARY, but helps out. Maybe stuff with a nostalgic feel? Lets code out a few more classic green outfits, something like that."

      What angry people think happens:

      "LOL, you know what would be hilarious? You see all these superfluous versions of green outfits we were OBVIOUSLY going to put as stuff found randomly in the game? Lets NOT do that, and instead lets make it so they ONLY get it if they bought amiibos!"

      Assuming bonus content was intended to be there all along, specifically COMPLETELY REDUNDANT AND SUPERFLUOUS BONUS CONTENT, is sad. I've seen "locked out, on-disc DLC". This isn't it. Fight the right battles. Don't create them in your head.

      The wisest thing I've ever seen posted in regards to people complaining about stupid s***, and absolutely true. This post wins the topic.
      3DS FC: 5069-3924-4114
      Darth_Kamcio posted...
      DankHillPropane posted...
      Darth_Kamcio posted...
      DankHillPropane posted...
      Darth, you're a poor troll. Refine your skills before you come at me. I suggest a less obvious approach.

      I mean, only a developmentally disabled child would fail to see TC and my own's entire point is that nobody should be forced to buy dolls to acquire 100% of a games content. That content's details are irrelevant. A poor business model is a poor business model.

      I guess its possible that you are a taxpaying adult who owns a s***load of said dolls, and are embarrassed and furious at being insulted about them, in which case your anger clouding your reading comprehension would be understandable.

      I own precisely zero amiibos. I don't consider them worth their price, especially after scalper "tax". However, I don't go to online boards to whine about how it's so unfair to me and I should be given stuff for free because I have it so hard in life.

      Who said it's unfair to me alone? I never said it was unfair at all, only a s***ty practice for obvious reasons. When did i say it should be free? You're obviously mad as f***, making up things and putting words in my mouth. The actions of a true idiot LMAO do you think you sound cool, jumping in conversations and WHINING LIKE A b**** about people voicing their opinions on an open message board?

      When did i EVER say anything about how hard my life is? Are you seriously that deranged? Or just lonely? Lmao I'm done responding to you, I learned long ago its pointless trying to argue with people who ignore reality. Doll collecting is obviously a touchy subject around here, lmao

      I was referring to TC, you dumbass.

      You said it directly to me!! After quoting me and only me! Don't try to retcon the canon of this thread, Dumbass!
      If it was just cosmetics, then I'd say "meh" and not care, but there's some REALLY nice exclusives locked up behind really obscure and now very expensive amiibos, such as the Twilight Bow, Wolf Link, and Epona.
      Ulithiumwyrm posted...
      If it was just cosmetics, then I'd say "meh" and not care, but there's some REALLY nice exclusives locked up behind really obscure and now very expensive amiibos, such as the Twilight Bow, Wolf Link, and Epona.

      +1 i sold botw after 2 weeks anyway but man thats just wack!

      And to the people bragging about how they can afford them, thats completely beside the point. You have to buy dolls. To unlock all the content. 

      You have to buy dolls. Period. Case closed. Being a self sufficient adult makes it 10x as embarrassing.
      Takuru 1 week ago#141
      snake_5036 posted...
      Except for the Twilight Bow, how is it unfair for non-amiibo owners when everything amiibo owners get is identical or inferior to what's already in the game?

      I agree with the TC. It's ridiculous that Epona is locked behind an amiibo. It's irrelevant whether you think the other content matches the locked ones. Epona is the best horse in the game and cannot be gotten without spending money on a toy.

      Epona is one of the most essential reoccurring "characters" in the Zelda series and it's locked behind an insane paywall.
      (edited 1 week ago)quote
      Takuru posted...
      snake_5036 posted...
      Except for the Twilight Bow, how is it unfair for non-amiibo owners when everything amiibo owners get is identical or inferior to what's already in the game?

      I agree with the TC. It's ridiculous that Epona is locked behind an amiibo. It's irrelevant whether you think the other content matches the locked ones. Epona is the best horse in the game and cannot be gotten without spending money on a toy.

      Epona is one of the most essential reoccurring "characters" in the Zelda series and it's locked behind an insane paywall.

      There are horses as fast as Epona with more stamina. Hell, I just got a horse that's actually FASTER than Epona. Not to mention she's not really apart of the story in anyway. Don't worry, you're not really missing out if you don't have Epona.
      Holy f***ing s***! You guys amaze the f*** out of me sometimes. When you b**** about having to pay more for DLCs, or amiibos, you're, literally, saying that the game itself wasn't worth the cost you paid. EVERYTHING that comes from a DLC or an amiibo, is EXTRA. It's added content. How is this so hard to understand? 

      I get it. "It's already in the game. Why do I need to pay more to get it?" Maybe because ITS f***ING EXTRA CONTENT! It doesn't matter if it's already in there, "locked behind a paywall". Do none of you, that are b****ing, understand the concept of Basic f***ing Business Practices 101 and How To Make A f***ing Profit So You Can CONTINUE To Deliver Cutting Edge Technology That People Want 104? 

      Seriously. When you complain about EXTRA CONTENT; you are saying that the game is not good enough. You're saying that the game is not worth the $60 price tag, that you paid for it. Ask yourself, honestly, "Would I have bought this game, and been happy with what I got, if there was no such thing as amiibos and DLCs?". If your answer is no; then your issue is with the game itself and you would probably not play it for hours on end, and your b****ing is completely moot. If your answer is; "Yes, I would definitely be more than happy with it because this game is f***ing awesome!", then you're only hindering your own gaming experience by jading yourself. If you need the s*** you get from the DLCs and amiibos to enjoy the game then maybe this isn't the game for you? Maybe try a different game that's more to your standards? Personally, I'd struggle to find something more enjoyable myself, but I, admittedly, am not a fan of other types of games. I can't relate to anyone else's Love of Call of Duty or Halo or any first person shooter games, or the Elder Scrolls series(although, that's probably primarily because the only RPGs I've played were FFVII, Mario RPG, and Kingdom Hearts. Also, I know the more current Elder Scrolls, like Skyrim, aren't the typical RPGs, I feel like I can't get into them without doing the games in order, and I just don't have the time or energy to sit through the completely lackluster graphics of games that I've never played. Games like Zelda and Tomb Raider, I grew up on. They evolved with me. Or, more accurately, I Evolved with them.) . I just can't get into them. I can, however, get into any and all Zelda games. Zelda and Tomb Raider are my go to's. Maybe I'm biased, but I spent $400 just to play the base BotW that you can get, before I got into amiibos or DLCs and I have no regrets about it. I GLADLY spent the $20 on the season pass, as well as all the money I spent on amiibos because they're EXTRA CONTENT for a game I already Loved. I could never even imagine complaining about not having that EXTRA CONTENT already installed in a game that I already Love without it. 

      Maybe, if you find yourself complaining about having to pay more money for DLCs or amiibos, just do yourself a favor and ignore their existence. As I mentioned before; If they didn't exist, you wouldn't get pissed off that you have to pay for them. Validation for my theory lies in the fact that they never existed for other Zelda games. The same games that all of you Love and cherish. The same games that the base BotW, without DLCs or amiibos, is arguably a vast improvement on.

      *Continued on next post*
      Furthermore; the fact that some of you will, SO f***ING BELLIGERENTLY, complain about not getting the EXTRA content, also complain about the game being too easy(to the point where you create insane, yet commendable, Challenges to make it harder) boggles my mind even more! What the f*** do you want? You guys are doing the entire game with no armor, picking nothing up, but you're now complaining that you have to spend money to get some extra gear that you will ignore? Will NOTHING make you happy? Will you continue to complain regardless of what you get? Are you REALLY complaining about "corporations taking advantage of the little guy"? By protesting a product that you have absolute control over whether or not you buy it? These are the Real questions you need to ask yourself. And you Need to be open minded when answering them, for yourselves.

      Takuru 1 week ago#145
      QvietisBellator posted...

      *Continued on next post*

      This rant is stupid. It isn't all extra content.

      They locked an iconic Zelda character (Epona) behind Amiibos. It's indefensible, unless you want to argue simply for the sake of arguing.
      (edited 1 week ago)quote
      honiberri 1 week ago#146
      Damn, Stockholm syndrome is sad but funny to watch.
      +++ Out Of Cheese Error +++ MELON MELON MELON +++ Redo From Start +++
      bladexdsl 1 week ago#147
      QvietisBellator posted...
      *Continued on next post*

      Link the Tourettes guy
      Ragdoll Stop 'N 'Drop
      (edited 1 week ago)quote
      Takuru posted...
      QvietisBellator posted...

      *Continued on next post*

      This rant is stupid. It isn't all extra content.

      They locked an iconic Zelda character (Epona) behind Amiibos. It's indefensible, unless you want to argue simply for the sake of arguing.

      This rant is very likely stupid. It IS all EXTRA content. None of it came with the game. Hence, EXTRA content. If you truly find the game lacking without the EXTRA content, then; 1. You just don't like this game, which: To each, their own. And B. Why are you even on this Board if you don't like the game? 

      Epona is an iconic Zelda character? How many games has she been in exactly? How many Zelda games have we had exactly? Epona adds absolutely nothing to the gameplay experience of Breath of the Wild. She was great in OoT and MM because she was the only horse you could get. Why, exactly, do you NEED Epona in BotW when there are countless other horses that you can obtain from the WILD(hence the name of the game)? Would it have been nice to find a horse in the game that looks like Epona? Sure, absolutely. It would have been a nice throwback for the players that started the franchise with Ocarina. But that wasn't the case. Before we found out she was unlockable with amiibos did you hate the game? Of course you didn't. Because there's hundreds of horses now, that you get to take your pick of, and you could name any one of them Epona if you so choose. The Epona you get from the amiibos isn't even comparably better than a lot of the horses you can get in game without buying EXTRA s***. I have 2 of her and yet I still choose the Big Horse or one of my other horses with better stats over her when I take one out of the stable. It's nice having Epona, because of the nostalgia aspect, but if she wasn't an option it wouldn't affect my enjoyment of the game, at all. 

      You're really gonna use the lack of Epona in a game with comparable, innumerable horses as your defense, and tell me I'm arguing just for the sake of argument? Think about that for a second.
      SythisTaru 1 week ago#149
      QvietisBellator posted...
      None of it came with the game.

      it's all on disk.
      SythisTaru posted...
      QvietisBellator posted...
      None of it came with the game.

      it's all on disk.

      Not that I'm defending amiibos, but would you rather have the game download the bonus content after scanning an amiibo?
      You have absolutely no right to complain about a decision you decided to support with your money. Be smart and vote with your wallets!
      1. Boards
      2. The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild
      3. Content locked behind amiibos is incredibly stupid and unfair.
        1. Boards
        2. The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild
        3. Content locked behind amiibos is incredibly stupid and unfair.
        SythisTaru 1 week ago#151
        Darth_Kamcio posted...
        SythisTaru posted...
        QvietisBellator posted...
        None of it came with the game.

        it's all on disk.

        Not that I'm defending amiibos, but would you rather have the game download the bonus content after scanning an amiibo?

        Yes, or make it free. Don't take up my disk space with your money making scams.
        SythisTaru posted...
        Darth_Kamcio posted...
        SythisTaru posted...
        QvietisBellator posted...
        None of it came with the game.

        it's all on disk.

        Not that I'm defending amiibos, but would you rather have the game download the bonus content after scanning an amiibo?

        Yes, or make it free. Don't take up my disk space with your money making scams.

        Wouldn't the amiibo items total at no more than let's say 10 mb?
        You have absolutely no right to complain about a decision you decided to support with your money. Be smart and vote with your wallets!
        (message deleted)
        AarturoSc 1 week ago#154
        None of the content from amiibo has any organic placement in this game. The tunics, weapons and gear are from all over the series' legacy and make no sense for them to be obtainable in the game other than the way they are (as extras). Aside from that, the stuff you get is nothing you cannot obtain within the game in some way or another, being a weapon or armor that does the same or even better. Some say the only weapon that doesn't have an equivalent in-game is the Twilight Bow, but actually the Bow of Light you get at the end of the game is basically the same, but infinite, and with some methods you can actually use it outside of the final battle.
        Simba hangs himself in the bootleg Lion King 5 game over screen.
        Melfiice 1 week ago#155
        SythisTaru posted...
        Darth_Kamcio posted...
        SythisTaru posted...
        QvietisBellator posted...
        None of it came with the game.

        it's all on disk.

        Not that I'm defending amiibos, but would you rather have the game download the bonus content after scanning an amiibo?

        Yes, or make it free. Don't take up my disk space with your money making scams.

        Glad some people get it at least!
        Gamertag: L GUT5 L
        ShippFFXI 1 week ago#156
        AarturoSc posted...
        None of the content from amiibo has any organic placement in this game. The tunics, weapons and gear are from all over the series' legacy and make no sense for them to be obtainable in the game other than the way they are (as extras). Aside from that, the stuff you get is nothing you cannot obtain within the game in some way or another, being a weapon or armor that does the same or even better. Some say the only weapon that doesn't have an equivalent in-game is the Twilight Bow, but actually the Bow of Light you get at the end of the game is basically the same, but infinite, and with some methods you can actually use it outside of the final battle.

        Because the Dark Link outfit sure had a reason to be added but not the rest, right?
        I feel like they are making some great points, but the name-calling and volcano-based murder-ideation are chipping away at their position somewhat.
        (message deleted)
        Takuru 1 week ago#158
        ShippFFXI posted...
        AarturoSc posted...
        None of the content from amiibo has any organic placement in this game. The tunics, weapons and gear are from all over the series' legacy and make no sense for them to be obtainable in the game other than the way they are (as extras). Aside from that, the stuff you get is nothing you cannot obtain within the game in some way or another, being a weapon or armor that does the same or even better. Some say the only weapon that doesn't have an equivalent in-game is the Twilight Bow, but actually the Bow of Light you get at the end of the game is basically the same, but infinite, and with some methods you can actually use it outside of the final battle.

        Because the Dark Link outfit sure had a reason to be added but not the rest, right?

        This, I cannot fathom why people are so eager to defend Nintendo's BS on this issue and your arguments don't even work. It makes no logical sense to lock content behind amiibos other than greed. 

        GOTY, but this is one of the few flaws of the game.
        (edited 1 week ago)quote
        Not being rewarded =/= being punished
        Steakbunny 1 week ago#160
        My only gripe is the twilight bow being far and away the best utility bow you can get. Even then not really that, but the fact the amiibo it's attached to is relatively old for amiibos and is probably a tad pricey now. 

        None of the armors are worth the money, none of the BotW amiibos even give you special things iirc.

        100% optional, don't see the issue
        (message deleted)
        Yep, it sure is.
        bladexdsl 1 week ago#163
        i am enjoying this game just fine WITHOUT gimmicky toys thank you.
        Link the Tourettes guy
        Ragdoll Stop 'N 'Drop
        yab posted...
        DiogenesKC posted...

        Entitlement, nothing to see here

        "You keep using that word. I do not think it means what you think it means."

        There's nothing remotely resembling "entitlement" about it. Personally, I have no problem with DLC content, though I agree with the sentiment where amiibo is concerned. Why should new gamers be locked out of content in a game they love simply because Nintendo locks it behind a physical item you have to buy only to restrict the supply of said item to the point where people who want it will most likely never be able to get it, since scalpers will buy them all up and resell them for ridiculous prices?

        Give me the option to buy a $15 DLC pack containing the amiibo content and I will happily give Nintendo my money.
        GameFAQs, you will never find a more wretched hive of scum and vulgarity. We must be cautious.
        Stryyder 1 day ago#165
        Manic_Prime posted...
        yab posted...
        DiogenesKC posted...

        Entitlement, nothing to see here

        "You keep using that word. I do not think it means what you think it means."

        There's nothing remotely resembling "entitlement" about it. Personally, I have no problem with DLC content, though I agree with the sentiment where amiibo is concerned. Why should new gamers be locked out of content in a game they love simply because Nintendo locks it behind a physical item you have to buy only to restrict the supply of said item to the point where people who want it will most likely never be able to get it, since scalpers will buy them all up and resell them for ridiculous prices?

        Give me the option to buy a $15 DLC pack containing the amiibo content and I will happily give Nintendo my money.

        I understand your thought process here, but it suffers from the same lack of perspective that the TC's does. Seeing this as "punishing people who bought the game" is entirely illogical, as opposed to "rewarding those who bought amiibos previously".

        If this were "punishing people who bought the game", content from amiibo would be OP and look amazing. (most are just equal or worse that content already in the game and offers very little aesthetic difference) This is more akin to a "loyalty program". Several businesses have done them for years. You can go to the grocery store, electronics store, gas station, etc and they will have a program that gets you discounts and incentives for buying products at their store. The fact that collectors and resellers latched onto the market and started gouging prices is neither Nintendo's fault, nor is it their responsibility to "fix". They sold Amiibos as a limited shelf time collectible item. Most of the ones being sold high right now have been out for 1-2 years and were shelf-warming prior to BotW. Nintendo's aim is to reward and keep their loyal customers. So as a twofold measure A) they release items that are exclusive on items that those loyal customers bought (but not specifically necessary or better items) and B) they would likely anger those loyal customers if they released a second printing because that destroys the collectible value.

        The claims of "entitlement" come from the assumption that people "paid for the game, but can't get the amiibo content". Essentially they believe that all the content that was IN the game wasn't worth the $60 they paid for it and the small pittance that they could get from amiibo somehow invalidates the value of the game, which is a bit of an overdramatization but not as much as you'd think.
        Pots_Togo 1 day ago#166
        It's 30 dollars for 100 ntags. Just saying.

        It's just as much stealing as say, charging 80 bucks for a dock.
        Kaliaila 13 hours ago#167
        Really the only legitimate complaints would be that Nintendo did not simultaneously re-release the older Zelda amibos and that the full power wolf link is locked behind content from a game other than BotW (which if you only have a switch you cannot get).
        1. Boards
        2. The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild 
        3. Content locked behind amiibos is incredibly stupid and unfair.