June 30, 2016

Female Link, Parody of Himself

But TC, that is a question that needs to be asked. All of this this to be done by people who need to be paid. Games already have wildly overblown budgets, there has to be a limit. There has to be a point of cut-off. That is the reality, someone is ALWAYS going to be left out. That's the true nature of anything made or built by man or nature. Someone will be the exception, someone will have a preference unlike anyone else. There are roughly 7.4 billion people on the planet, and each and everyone one of them are different in both large and small ways. It. Is. Not. Possible. to accomidate all of them in anything, because you would need that many variants of everything in existence. 

For games, that's simple not possible. You can create the most open ended game in the world, and people will still not agree on the content. Minecraft and Skyrim and near countless character mods created and many varients and styles because there is no universal rule for character creation. 

It's just not possible, either timewise, cost or physically, to make a character creation system that accounts for everything. Not to mention the near infinite storyline and character interaction varients brought about by them. And if changing the characters race and gender had no effect of story or character interaction, then they weren't well written in the first place.

This is the truth, and the best reason why the choice to put characters custimization in particular games is best left to the developers themselves. Only they can decide how much to spend on it, if they even want to. How they want the story and character to flow, and ultimately their vision of the final product.

You know, if you open a follow up sentence with the word "but", everything that stood before it is worthless.

You say you understand but you don't cause you just question everything over.

If you want to change, raise founds or something so Nintendo can't have the "it's too expensive excuse" or whatever... stop whining with phrases like "it wouldn't hurt".

If the developers don't want to tell the story with female link then so be it. If they tell it with a white and not a black link so be it.

You could go to every Story and be like needs more Females, Black, Cripples, Kids, Teenagers or whatever you feel is lacking.

But I tell you this: if you were to write a story, and would envision it with a white Woman with Red-Hair, and someone told you to change it to a blonde or black woman... would you say "your right it so much better like this." or "It's my Story, I'm doing it my way."

The latter is what Nintendo is doing and people are all "but why". Sometimes it's just like that not everyone NEEDS to explain the reason.

Are you being dead serious, TC, or is this a "parody" topic? Because we get like three of those per week.

My stance is that it wouldn't kill us to have a female incarnation of Link, and it could even be a nice change of pace. I don't have anything against a black Link either, it's already established that there are black Hylians. But on the other hand, there's no reason Link needs to be anything different than what he always has been. It's the developers' creative vision, they don't owe us any explanation for why they make things the way they do. There's plenty of room for more diverse protagonists in future Nintendo IP's, so why impose a diversity quota on a cherished, decades-old franchise?

But usually threads like these trigger the knee-jerk fanboys into bull-headed circlejerking, and paranoid fantasies of SJW's. Which annoys me to no end, and when that happens I always end up defending the concept of female Link. Because there really is no in-canon reason it couldn't happen, and it's something that actual Zelda fans have been asking for long before the whiny feminist internet craze was a thing.

At the end of the day, I can't deny a girl Link wold work out well from a design standpoint:

Oh no im really sorry i guess i forgot about it with all these accusations about me that got me all rifled up haha, im really sorry your post was also quite nice!

Regarding your post, i dont think it really matter sthat there havent been many non-white Hylians. In fact, thats alll thr more reason for there to be more! Hylians are the 'normal people' in the zelda universe, so why shouldnt people of colour be apart of them?

As for implementing a girl, I dont think its ever too late for them to add something that could be so beneficial for girls (and guys) who actually want to play as a girl. I see no harm being done by adding it. And for the people saying 'but Link is meant to be adude', ???where does it state that? ?? link is simply a reincaration of the hero, so it can reincarante as a boy or a girl, its never explicitly stated it has to be a man.

I love seeing these pathetic topics beating a dead Epona whining about Link not being female. I have not seen a single valid argument supporting these claims so what's bad about playing the character as the creators intend?

Shigeru Miyamoto created the series and it is the intellectual property of Nintendo. If Nintendo wanted the player to be able to choose the gender, they would have included the option to begin with. Before you bring up the BS Zelda versions, those did not include Link but male and female avatars, literally Mascot (Male) and Mascot (Female) and in BS Zelda: Ancient Stone Tablets, Mascot arrives after Link has left Hyrule.

The point being, the Zelda series and its characters are the property of Nintendo and the players are not entitled to have that character altered to suit their own desires. Nintendo has made it clear that while the option to allow gamers to play as a female protagonist has been explored, gender bending Link is not the direction they would take.

I understand what your saying but why is it wrong for repesenattion for all preferences, genders, etc?

Because it is completely irrelevant to the game. If people need "representation" based on their own gender, ethnicity, religious beliefs, whatever then they must have an incredibly small list of games they are willing to play. Why can't I change Mario from an Italian plumber into a Scotsman wearing a kilt? Why can't I play as Maria and Luigina instead and have her rescue Prince Nectar? If Mario and Luigi are plumbers, why don't they both have a plumber's crack?

The Legend of Zelda is fantasy and a video game and people do not need nor are they entitled to "equal representation" in a video game about Link facing off against the evil force threatening Hyrule or whichever setting a particular game takes place. None of us are forced to buy the game and we are each capable of independently deciding whether or not we want to invest in the game or not. If people are put off that the protagonist is Link, they have every right to not buy the game. They do not have the right to demand that Nintendo's IP be changed to suit their own agendas.

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