December 20, 2010

Eerie Chinese Ghost Cities

Reports of Chinese ghost cities have been trickling in for over a year. Previously, these reports were nothing more than abstract statistics but new images put a very real face on those figures.

Like a cheesy sci-fi flick where the human population has mysteriously vanished, these ghost cities sit eerily vacant while dead leaves collect in unswept and unused foyers. This is not Hollywood’s latest blockbuster but a stark reality.

Finance Asia reports that about 64 million apartments and houses have remained empty over the last 6 months. A truly shocking statistic considering that this figure represents potential housing for roughly 200 million people or almost two-thirds of the population of The United States.


  1. That would be an awesome visit for urban exploration type stuff. Weird shit though bro...

  2. Creepy, any clue why they left those households?

  3. they vanished, just like that massive traffic jam early this year.

  4. I am now following your awesome blog, glad I found it.

  5. Wow. That's really creepy; I'm going to have to go out and find some images of these ghost cities. Following :)

  6. ...that's a lot of people.


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