February 23, 2013

Generation Y and the Millennials

The boundaries between the ages are dissolved and you get exposed to the most vile shit at a young age. The internet is both the best and worst thing to happen to us. I think we are going to find a greater disparity in intelligence as people who are autistic and have the aptitude for learning have access to it a young age while the rest are distracted by the angry birds.

Kids these days probably gonna grow up to be electronic consumerism. They will buy anything that come out just slightly different with their parents money; most of them probably would not understand the concept of non-electric/non-fuel life.

Quite possibly the most revolting and insufferable generation to be spawned. They have been surrounded with decadent, perverse media from an early age, have been seen as friends by their parents rather than as actual children, have grown up with a warped, perhaps even cruel, sense of social responsibility, and have no concept of what's right or wrong. They will be brainwashed from youth to think one way in terms of politics and social issues, and will hold nothing but contempt for science, logic or reason, while conversely, will be the generation where electronic consumerism truly explodes. I fear Generation Y. It's going to be terrible when they grow up and have children themselves.

Now children are sexualized younger and younger, and that's the problem. The basics of our civil law regarding children is precisely founded on sexuality. I think we'll progressively see the childhood disappear and replaced by a kind of pre-adolescence and of course, maturity won't follow. It'll be a really consumerist era like it has never been before.

Radical sexualization before the age of 6. At the same time, there exists no accountability for their sexual activities. Minor on minor = legal/a child's sexual identity is not to be questioned for they are a special snowflake.

Minor on Adult = illegal in ALL cases regardless of circumstance for the adult. Child is not accountable for initiating/indulging/participating in such sexual activity. There is no accountability at all for their first 18 years of life regarding sexual activity in the US. This will surely translate well into adulthood.

Subconsciously believe that spending more money means that they are superior forms of life. Social constructs teach them that every new thing is a right or they are being abused by their parents who won't provide them with the item of their choice. A sense of entitlement to things that they do not have to work for. A sense that every previous thing is inferior/trash compared to the new thing with little to no functional improvement. This will surely translate well into adulthood.

Youth Services overrun (as they currently are) to the point where younger staff with no experience are assigned to cases they handle based on their 'intuition' (feelings) ignoring the legality of a child smoking marijuana or having a relationship with someone 10 years older than themselves. Basically, doing all they can to ignore a child's lack of personal accountability. Child will then have a sense of legal immunity from the age of 1-17. This will surely translate well into adulthood.

Self harm/substance abuse tolerated to the point where telling them that they are disrespecting themselves to an asinine degree is now a sign or disrespect on your part.

Basically, they will be treated/respected as fully functioning adults without the consequences or cognitive ability that a fully functioning adult experiences and parents will be discouraged by authorities and services to act on their own.

Lord have mercy on us all. Ever since the Cultural Revolution of the 60's society continues to go further and further down the tubes with each generation.

Enjoy your temper tantrums when you don't buy them an iPad 8 at age 7, being accused of neglect for not buying them stuff, and getting vanned for telling them to stand up for themselves in school.

This has been going on since the 90's really, I remember at least as a kid you would be able to fight in school and just get a slap on the wrist, then in highschool they changed it so any fight would get you kicked out and arrested, even if you were the one being targeted, anything more than a push back would be considered just as bad as throwing the original punch.

We're encouraging kids to be pussies then throwing them out into a world with no tolerance for that. Think of how many NEET types are in our generation and that whole phenomenon, imagine that for this upcoming generation.

At the moment our society is caught in a bizarre form of traditionalism that is constructed upon the 80s films of teenagerdom as well as the lives of our parents. We have a conception of what it was like for the generation before us, and their traditions have come to define the standard behavior of our own. Look at the 1930s, and marriage was nothing more than getting a contract, school a place to get an education, a relationship a thing that ought to last. Look at the 1980s, and marriage is a celebration with Disney glamour, school is the place where popular culture is put to reality, and a relationship is a sexual commodity that only a fool would approach with sincerity.

This is the popular culture, the thing our shiny screens show us to be the case. It is the powerful drive of the common person to desire to fit in, and this pre-defined behavior shown on our screens the common person accepts as literal sacrament and catechism for their behavior.

While you people take pride in being red pilled, I take pride in actually being unplugged. Observe society not from the present, but detached from a temporal occasion, and view everything in relation to everything else. Humanity has always been the same in nature, and it is nurture alone which has varied. The present people are not fundamentally different from the past people, and under different conditions they could be raised to be just as bright as the Greatest Generation.

In The Distant Future (Rise Of The Wireheads)

The Microsoft-IBM corporation finally commercializes their virtual reality system, releasing it for both the PC and their latest console, the Xbox 2880.

Avid gamers from rich countries start using virtual reality for the entirety of their day, only getting off it to HyperREM™ and take their meal pills and hydration capsules.

Indie developers start making different programs and campaigns for lifelike experiences.

With character customization, no death, modifiable AI responses and quicksave systems, those in the virtual realities can become Gods if they so choose.

Within a year, the price of the software/hardware drops significantly, opening it up to many people across the world.

Labor force participation rate drops significantly as people start quitting their jobs and switching on the machines.

Thanks to the post-Obama social democratic tax hikes, unemployed workers can enjoy their fully government-subsidized existence.

Microsoft-IBM realizes people are using HyperREM™ in addition to their virtual reality, so they acquire its parent company and offer REM-mode at set times during the day for people to sleep while plugged in.

MIT scientists develop a suit which allows for a steady-rate injection of meal supplements and liquids into the bloodstream, along with a catheter and excrement removal system, meant for hospital patients.

Microsoft-IBM purchases the suit rights from them and offers it as an add-on for virtual reality.

Thousands, then millions of people, decide to switch to the virtual reality system full-time, who are called "Dreamers" or "Wireheads".

The upper marginal tax rate approaches 99% temporarily as more and more people quit the labor force.
The pissed-off rich develop a low-cost housing system for Dreamers, expecting their entire savings in exchange for a spot at these gigantic underground factories in the middle of nowhere.

Thousands of robot slaves maintain the society until its collapse.