August 23, 2015

Gold Farming and Programming

Used to fight Chinese gold farmers for living. Anti fraud stuff (gold farmers use stolen credit cards to buy things in games then sell for gold. They then sell gold to players, it's basically money laundering). Developed odd respect for gold farmers. Some of the tricks they've pulled to beat our defenses have been fucking brilliant. Also worked on anti hacks and friendly fraud (ie dipshit players claiming they never got shit to their bank when they actually did). As result I hate legit players far more then gold farmers. Odd world. 

Also yes, I can confirm that Brazilians are by far the worst hacking country on earth. fuck every last one of them.
Sure. At one point they managed to get a TON of account login Infos. They began systematically testing every accounts info to see if they could rob the accounts or use the existing high level characters to farm gold easily. We pointed out there were only specific ISPs being used to test the accounts, whic was handy because it made farmer activity easy to track and defeat. Some dumbass programmer (they always have terrible ideas on this kind of stuff) came up with the idea of setting a IP bind system up. Basically an account upon logging in would be bound to the login IP for awhile. This would theoretically halt the account testing and using legit players to farm gold. 

It's an idiotic idea only a fucking moron would go for. Told them such a system wouldn't do shit, they built anyway. Slowed them down for like 2 days. After that, the farmers beat it impressively. They assigned every account its own IP address and continued logging into them every day. We're talking SHITLOADS of accounts. The organization needed to pull it off that fast was pretty impressive.

I won't say how we ultimately stopped them, but it was quite the interesting fight.

August 20, 2015

Going to EB Games, Gamestop

Not really a gamer, but I really want Mario Maker and I really want it day 1 so I decided to pre-order from EBGames since it's a stones throw from my office.

"Oh, did see our display and decide to pre-order?"
"Do you have an edge card?"
"Would you like to register for a free edge card?"
"Would you like an Amiibo? We have some rare ones in."
"Did you take a look at our current trade-in deals?"


Really remember why I stopped going there.