"ADC"," Bang",9200,"BKT@SKT 12:00PM ET",82.821,"SKT"
"ADC"," Doublelift",9000,"CLG@paiN 03:00PM ET",51.381,"CLG"
"TOP"," MaRin",8600,"BKT@SKT 12:00PM ET",82.670,"SKT"
"ADC"," Arrow",8500,"KT@TSM 10:00AM ET",80.572,"KT"
"ADC"," PraY",8300,"FW@KOO 02:00PM ET",84.230,"KOO"
"MID"," Faker",8200,"BKT@SKT 12:00PM ET",80.439,"SKT"
"ADC"," imp",8200,"LGD@OG 11:00AM ET",65.906,"LGD"
"MID"," GODV",8100,"LGD@OG 11:00AM ET",60.610,"LGD"
"ADC"," Deft",7900,"H2k@EDG 01:00PM ET",58.872,"EDG"
"MID"," Pobelter",7800,"CLG@paiN 03:00PM ET",42.488,"CLG"
"MID"," Nagne",7700,"KT@TSM 10:00AM ET",81.161,"KT"
"MID"," Easyhoon",7600,"BKT@SKT 12:00PM ET",64.297,"SKT"
"MID"," KurO",7600,"FW@KOO 02:00PM ET",87.603,"KOO"
"TOP"," AmazingJ",7600,"H2k@EDG 01:00PM ET",64.153,"EDG"
"MID"," Pawn",7500,"H2k@EDG 01:00PM ET",69.883,"EDG"
"TOP"," Koro1",7200,"H2k@EDG 01:00PM ET",47.214,"EDG"
"JNG"," bengi",7100,"BKT@SKT 12:00PM ET",69.109,"SKT"
"TOP"," Ssumday",6900,"KT@TSM 10:00AM ET",74.408,"KT"
"JNG"," Xmithie",6700,"CLG@paiN 03:00PM ET",37.633,"CLG"
"TOP"," Smeb",6700,"FW@KOO 02:00PM ET",77.552,"KOO"
"TOP"," Acorn",6500,"LGD@OG 11:00AM ET",51.030,"LGD"
"TOP"," ZionSpartan",6300,"CLG@paiN 03:00PM ET",40.042,"CLG"
"JNG"," HuHi",6300,"CLG@paiN 03:00PM ET",0,"CLG"
"SUP"," Wolf",6200,"BKT@SKT 12:00PM ET",71.762,"SKT"
"JNG"," Clearlove",6200,"H2k@EDG 01:00PM ET",52.521,"EDG"
"SUP"," Meiko",6100,"H2k@EDG 01:00PM ET",45.324,"EDG"
"JNG"," Score",6100,"KT@TSM 10:00AM ET",63.409,"KT"
"JNG"," Hojin",6000,"FW@KOO 02:00PM ET",69.485,"KOO"
"TOP"," Flame",6000,"LGD@OG 11:00AM ET",64.360,"LGD"
"ADC"," brTT",6000,"CLG@paiN 03:00PM ET",0,"paiN"
"MID"," Kami",5800,"CLG@paiN 03:00PM ET",0,"paiN"
"MID"," Bjergsen",5700,"KT@TSM 10:00AM ET",44.837,"TSM"
"SUP"," Piccaboo",5700,"KT@TSM 10:00AM ET",55.917,"KT"
"ADC"," NL",5700,"FW@KOO 02:00PM ET",48.858,"FW"
"SUP"," Pyl",5700,"LGD@OG 11:00AM ET",53.852,"LGD"
"MID"," xPeke",5600,"LGD@OG 11:00AM ET",95.480,"OG"
"JNG"," Wisdom",5500,"FW@KOO 02:00PM ET",36.835,"KOO"
"ADC"," Niels",5500,"LGD@OG 11:00AM ET",116.287,"OG"
"MID"," Maple",5500,"FW@KOO 02:00PM ET",44.691,"FW"
"JNG"," TBQ",5500,"LGD@OG 11:00AM ET",54.318,"LGD"
"ADC"," Hjarnan",5400,"H2k@EDG 01:00PM ET",142.800,"H2k"
"SUP"," Gorilla",5400,"FW@KOO 02:00PM ET",63.591,"KOO"
"ADC"," WildTurtle",5300,"KT@TSM 10:00AM ET",41.208,"TSM"
"SUP"," Fixer",5300,"KT@TSM 10:00AM ET",53.851,"KT"
"TEAM"," SK Telecom T1",5300,"BKT@SKT 12:00PM ET",58.778,"SKT"
"MID"," Ryu",5100,"H2k@EDG 01:00PM ET",126.220,"H2k"
"ADC"," Kkramer",5000,"FW@KOO 02:00PM ET",38.511,"FW"
"SUP"," Aphromoo",4900,"CLG@paiN 03:00PM ET",37.799,"CLG"
"TOP"," Steak",4800,"FW@KOO 02:00PM ET",33.392,"FW"
"TOP"," Dyrus",4700,"KT@TSM 10:00AM ET",33.702,"TSM"
"TEAM"," EDward Gaming",4700,"H2k@EDG 01:00PM ET",36.154,"EDG"
"TOP"," Odoamne",4600,"H2k@EDG 01:00PM ET",105.840,"H2k"
"TOP"," SoaZ",4600,"LGD@OG 11:00AM ET",104.633,"OG"
"ADC"," Lloyd",4600,"BKT@SKT 12:00PM ET",54.431,"BKT"
"TEAM"," Counter Logic Gaming",4600,"CLG@paiN 03:00PM ET",27.389,"CLG"
"MID"," G4",4500,"BKT@SKT 12:00PM ET",55.317,"BKT"
"TEAM"," KT Rolster",4500,"KT@TSM 10:00AM ET",48.524,"KT"
"JNG"," Amazing",4400,"LGD@OG 11:00AM ET",89.600,"OG"
"TEAM"," KOO Tigers",4400,"FW@KOO 02:00PM ET",49.750,"KOO"
"JNG"," Karsa",4300,"FW@KOO 02:00PM ET",37.254,"FW"
"TOP"," Mylon",4300,"CLG@paiN 03:00PM ET",0,"paiN"
"TEAM"," LGD Gaming",4300,"LGD@OG 11:00AM ET",35.423,"LGD"
"JNG"," Loulex",4200,"H2k@EDG 01:00PM ET",84.100,"H2k"
"JNG"," Santorin",4000,"KT@TSM 10:00AM ET",33.998,"TSM"
"JNG"," SirT",3900,"CLG@paiN 03:00PM ET",0,"paiN"
"JNG"," Araneae",3900,"LGD@OG 11:00AM ET",0,"OG"
"SUP"," Mithy",3800,"LGD@OG 11:00AM ET",72.133,"OG"
"TOP"," WarL0cK",3800,"BKT@SKT 12:00PM ET",46.871,"BKT"
"JNG"," BetongJocke",3600,"H2k@EDG 01:00PM ET",69.600,"H2k"
"SUP"," SwordArt",3500,"FW@KOO 02:00PM ET",38.149,"FW"
"TOP"," QaiZer",3500,"BKT@SKT 12:00PM ET",0,"BKT"
"SUP"," kaSing",3400,"H2k@EDG 01:00PM ET",103.153,"H2k"
"SUP"," Lustboy",3300,"KT@TSM 10:00AM ET",25.683,"TSM"
"JNG"," 007x",3200,"BKT@SKT 12:00PM ET",43.229,"BKT"
"SUP"," Dioud",2900,"CLG@paiN 03:00PM ET",0,"paiN"
"TEAM"," Origen",2900,"LGD@OG 11:00AM ET",93.667,"OG"
"TEAM"," Flash Wolves",2800,"FW@KOO 02:00PM ET",30.333,"FW"
"TEAM"," Team SoloMid",2700,"KT@TSM 10:00AM ET",24.700,"TSM"
"TEAM"," H2k",2700,"H2k@EDG 01:00PM ET",73.667,"H2k"
"TEAM"," paiN Gaming",2600,"CLG@paiN 03:00PM ET",0,"paiN"
"SUP"," Moss",2300,"BKT@SKT 12:00PM ET",37.703,"BKT"
"TEAM"," Bangkok Titans",2000,"BKT@SKT 12:00PM ET",25.429,"BKT"
This blog is intended to [ARCHIVE] for all eternity. To also be used to report and reintroduce the idea of keeping the record available to as many people as possible. Comments that were "of the time".
October 2, 2015
A gaggle of Oregon related comments
Shooter is half-black/mixed race.
Once this became public knowledge, cnn, msnbc, huffingtonpost, dailykos, and all liberal news organizations are sweeping under the rug his "race", and saying instead he was a deranged person.
if the shooter was white, don lemon on cnn, and others would be emphasizing the shooter is white. President also said that these once every 3 month "mass shootings" by whites are a national tragedy.
Isn't the real national tragedy, the 648 blacks killed by other blacks via gang violence within the last 6 months the real national tragedy.
It seems liberal news organizations, including the whitehouse are full of black bigots who are racist against caucasian americans.but i thought only conservatives were racist
Ever shooter is on mind altering prescription drugs that are not exactly what the label says.
What benefit does CNN, MSNBC, liberal news as a whole, and the whitehouse gain by not reporting black on black crime statistics, and under reporting black on black crime, and over reporting crimes comitted by whites?
Is this part of saul alinksy philosophy?when liberal news emphasizes race when shooters are white, it makes it 100% relevant. Liberal news, and the whitehouse thinks this is part of a "divide and conquor" strategy, to further sew a gap between different races.
Don Lemon on CNN is giddy when criminals are white. When big crimes happen with multiple deaths, not 1 mention of the shooters race. CNN has not 1 time tonight said the shooter is half black, or mixed race.
I'll post clips in a bit on how often they said previous mass shooters were white.
So again, in your deranged mind, continue to think that its "completely irrelevent"Chicago, D.C. New York, Baltimore all these places have some of the strictest gun control law in the country and yet have the highest rate of shooting and murders.
Gun control laws are not the issue. It the mental health care system that has failed.
We need to bring back mental institutions back and make it a hell of a lot easier to lock people like this up.. Possibly for a long time if need be.you do realize that the 648 gang violence deaths are unrelated, right? they can't do a news story on 648 different unrelated crimes.
Once this became public knowledge, cnn, msnbc, huffingtonpost, dailykos, and all liberal news organizations are sweeping under the rug his "race", and saying instead he was a deranged person.
if the shooter was white, don lemon on cnn, and others would be emphasizing the shooter is white. President also said that these once every 3 month "mass shootings" by whites are a national tragedy.
Isn't the real national tragedy, the 648 blacks killed by other blacks via gang violence within the last 6 months the real national tragedy.
It seems liberal news organizations, including the whitehouse are full of black bigots who are racist against caucasian americans.but i thought only conservatives were racist
Mass shootings is up because life sucks. The poor will eventually realize that slaving to eat bread is bullshit, and theyll kill eachother. Then pack mammal instincts will reassert themselves and they'll kill the rich, just like always. Then wealth will redistribute, there will be new rich, they'll subjugate the new poor, and the cycle will repeat. There are too many of us, not for the planet to support, just too many of us for our species to function communally.
how many deaths have to happen till the retarded Americans will ban cars like its ridiculous
Afrikan AmeriKans think racism only exists their race. It's all a derivative of the chip on the shoulder from slavery.
Once the shooters race from oregon became main stream/mass awareness a few hours ago, the entire tone of CNN/MSNBC about the story was dropped down a LOT.
Govt run false flags/Manchurian candidates to further gun control, or ease into marshal law so Obama can Remain Emperor...
how many deaths have to happen till the retarded Americans will ban cars like its ridiculous
Afrikan AmeriKans think racism only exists their race. It's all a derivative of the chip on the shoulder from slavery.
Once the shooters race from oregon became main stream/mass awareness a few hours ago, the entire tone of CNN/MSNBC about the story was dropped down a LOT.
Govt run false flags/Manchurian candidates to further gun control, or ease into marshal law so Obama can Remain Emperor...
Ever shooter is on mind altering prescription drugs that are not exactly what the label says.
What benefit does CNN, MSNBC, liberal news as a whole, and the whitehouse gain by not reporting black on black crime statistics, and under reporting black on black crime, and over reporting crimes comitted by whites?
Is this part of saul alinksy philosophy?when liberal news emphasizes race when shooters are white, it makes it 100% relevant. Liberal news, and the whitehouse thinks this is part of a "divide and conquor" strategy, to further sew a gap between different races.
Don Lemon on CNN is giddy when criminals are white. When big crimes happen with multiple deaths, not 1 mention of the shooters race. CNN has not 1 time tonight said the shooter is half black, or mixed race.
I'll post clips in a bit on how often they said previous mass shooters were white.
So again, in your deranged mind, continue to think that its "completely irrelevent"Chicago, D.C. New York, Baltimore all these places have some of the strictest gun control law in the country and yet have the highest rate of shooting and murders.
Gun control laws are not the issue. It the mental health care system that has failed.
We need to bring back mental institutions back and make it a hell of a lot easier to lock people like this up.. Possibly for a long time if need be.you do realize that the 648 gang violence deaths are unrelated, right? they can't do a news story on 648 different unrelated crimes.
I saw an article on yahoo earlier about the shooter asking students their religion before shooting them. Christians. They gonna turn this like columbine again where students got shot because they believed in god. This is gonna be "they died because they're christians".
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