October 4, 2015

Never Truly Great

The real scary think is I'm starting to see Trump as the new Zionist tactic.
Obama didn't bend over hard enough, even though he did try, oh he did.

Trump is about building up the military and taking tips from the Israelis on wall building.

He talks about how he's gonna hardball Iran and get much better deals out of them for prisoners and the nuclear deal...

He talks about other governments paying the US to take out other leaders in cases like Saddam, Ghaddafi etc. He suggests a going rate of $5 Billion to whack a leader.

Meanwhile Joe Hamburger is blown away by Trumps Reagan like gung-ho attitude. Referencing the Charles Bronson movie Death Wish when talking about gun rights. Classy.

Obama was bad... real bad... the kind of snakey fake liar bad. The fascist murderer with good enough PR to fool the average.
Trump will execute deserters, traitors and "terrorists" after a 5 minute trial. That's what Saddam did, he said, alluding to that being a good way to prevent terrorism. "There were no terrorists in Iraq under Saddam."

With the Zionist money and Israel support he has a good chance at the POTUS.

In February 2012, Trump endorsed Mitt Romney for president of the United States.[101] Trump was also an early supporter of Ronald Reagan for U.S. president.[102]

In January 2013, Trump (who is a notably popular figure in Israel,[136] where his name is attached to products sometimes without his permission)[137] released a video endorsing Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu during the 2013 Israeli elections, stating that "A strong prime minister is a strong Israel."[138][139] In 2015, Trump was awarded the 'Liberty Award' at the 'Algemeiner Jewish 100 Gala' in honor of his positive contributions to Israel “United States relations.[140] Trump stated: "I have so many friends in Israel."[141]

Trump launched his campaign declaring the official slogan, "We are going to make our country great again" with a commitment to become the "greatest jobs president that God ever created".[148][149]


Shalom Joe Hamburger. I will cut your taxes, let you keep your guns and build a wall, your end of the deal will be to send your sons to die in Iran for Israel.

He really does just appeal to the lowest common denominator... but I guess that's democracy.

The masses are confused, dumb and propagandized. A strong leader with can-do attitude is perfect PR now after a weak restrained Obama.

Just how they played Obama to you as a young, good looking, well spoken, first BLACK POTUS OMG! character against dumb, slow minded war dog Bush Jr.

Eat it up America, because you have no choice. The trough has been filled. This is your candidate. The "washington outsider" "I'm not a politician" card he plays just like Bush jr.

This election will give you another 4 more years, because behind the scenes, it's all the same.

Social Justice Investigative Analysis Introduction

To the top tier of social justice operatives, they see transgender people and people of color as their property.  Naturally a liberal would say, "you didn't build that" but to them that means if you have rights, its because a SJW went to bat for you.

When Poes Law is in full effect, you won't be able to tell who is protesting the upheaval of all foundations laid down for us and who genuinely wants to see sharia law complete with sharia court tribunals take over complete neighborhoods in Toronto, Houston and Miami.

Six genders is just not enough. We are going to need a complete overhaul to 58.

White, straight, Libertarian, Conservative gun owners who are for states rights are the terrorists now. They are the new Taliban. They are the new Al Queda. We must shut down free talk radio and limit the free spirit of the internet if we ever want to curb the setting trend of these damn tinfoil hatters. It's racist to disagree with ANYTHING the president ever does. President Obama's favorite sandwich is a corned beef sandwich. From here on out, not liking corned beef sandwiches is racist according to the true big 3..FOX, CNN, MSNBC..but wait? what about the original big 3?

We are going to cover this in the weeks to come using what we already know.