October 17, 2015

Op: East Side Marios

Better for parties with IRL friends
Why is it dead?
Lies and slander
Do you live under a rock?

Shill somewhere else kike
Consoles are cheaper.
Console faggot detected lel
>virgin spotted
Do you always wave your virginty around like that?
>>646957705 (OP)
each one has thier own advantage, you could fight about it all day long but theres no arguement you fags
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gtfo casual
Why not both?
every console gamer is an ignorant idiot that believes shit even though he knows nothing about it.
Playing Call of Duty with a controller on pc just means you get owned over and over. So if you prefer controllers consoles are better for certain games. Also some games aren't played anymore on pc but are played on console

Aside from that not much
You can play Neopets really easy on PC!
you can get a decent PC for less than a console
unless you get a ps2 or something outdated
People like you make pc gamers seem like Neckbeards faggot

Gaming is nothing to brag about
>i am euphoric
Point out where i bragged?
Hes wrong.
Console gaming be like http://youtu.be/UZyxGOc4MP0 [Embed]
webkinz obviously.
Pc is more customizable and can run better graphics if you can drop a lot of cash on your rig. Modding is pretty fun too, but makes everything more prone to crashing. Console you can run games at great graphics for less. Lots of console exclusives too. All in all pretty evenly matched and only faggots would say one is better than the other
with 400€ you can buy a console that runs games at max graphics
with +1000€ you can do the same by bying a pc
>a console that runs games at max graphics
Second this, BO2 I have a ratio of 3.67 on Xbox, tried using a controller on PC and my first five matches were basically ratio's of 0.11 0.2 e.t.c

Consoles CANNOT be competitive, and I am a pretty competitive player.
consoles boast no advantage when playing online, but playing someone whose got a superior pc would give them an advantage, eg more fps
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>with +1000€ you can do the same by bying a pc
fucking died
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Im gunna puke
Consoles can be cheaper and relatively straight forward as to PC which is a bit more expensive, requires more maintenance.

There are no advantages of console gaming. PC is objectively better in every way. Console players who say consoles are better are generally too retarded to build a PC or have never played on pne at all
My norm is around 2 - 3, so It's literally more than 10 times worse.
stfu I have 2 hours and 50 mins to shitpost before I go home
Steam hit a new record of concurrent users today, over 10million.

kill urself autist
Yeah sure it did
Show yourself jew media!!!
newfag trying to be a detective
Console gaming is more social, for people with lives and friends. Wouldn't expect you to understand
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I have a beastly gaming rig and a ps4.

Pretty much only use the ps4 for netflix
this right here
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>each one has thier own advantage

Consoles are made to appeal to the masses. They exist solely to provide a locked-down platform and revenue from the premiums necessary to access that platform.

They have no technical advantage. The only real draw is exclusives, and their very existence is an unfortunate (from the view of the consumer) "benefit" that is, once again, geared toward making money.

Consoles exist, quite literally, because dumbs can't into computer and would rather shell out hundreds or even thousands extra to have something that "just werks". The release of new consoles also provides the NEW! BETTER! MORE EXCITING! novelty that the average consumer eats up.

There is no appreciable technical hardware difference between a console and PC anymore, at least in terms of tangible functionality. It's all redundant hardware, it's just that each platform allows you a ladder into the walled garden the manufacturer would like nothing better than for you to enter.

For just a small fee and a limited time, of course.
You guys are lucky, I only have a shitty Mac and I hate it.
Except the Wee
>max graphics
>implying i cant hook my pc up to a tv in the living room and do local games there but still better than a console

O wait thats literally my set up, try again
Skype is better than shitty xbox live parties
> Can pick up a used xbox one for 200/300
> works on any tv
> pc users try tell me I can build a pc and buy a monitor and a mouse and a keyboard and a desk to sit it all on for the same price. 
has no solid argument other than "yeah well pc is just better"
Is there Club Penguin on fucking console?

Didn't think so, faggots.
>>646957705 (OP)
It's easier to access porn on a PC.
Fuck games, gimme xxx's.
The jraphics are better on peesee too.
neckbeard detected
if you're willing to spend over a 1k then sure, but you know what else 1k could get you? an xbox one, and laid.
>>646957705 (OP)
Try playing Uncharted, the last of us, etc on a pc
>pro tip: you cant
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>implying I can't get laid using social engineering and catfishing on muh PC
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Fuck that gay shit. Can't even do 1080P/60 FPS. Halo 5 can do that, PLUS REAL CO-OP AND 30 vs 30 Multiplayer without breaking a sweat. Deal with it faggot, Sony-Nintendo are DONE! @ZootPlays
no more like someone who doesnt need white noise constantly in the background and also somone who likes teamspeak.
So what you're saying is that you spent 100s extra to buy a PC that you use as a console. You realise that you could have just bought an actual console
>cheaper games
>a fuck shit more functionality
>backwards compatibility (emulation)
>can be used for more than just games
>multiple screens

Just a few reasons why its better, you will probably just ignore the facts though
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I know right? Xbox 1 easily smashes anything Valve can put out, and we get REAL free games, unlike those shit indie crap Valve forces onto people. @ZootPlays
>more people with a proper mic (XBOX 360)
>lots of people online for popular games
>controllers are better than keyboard/mouse for almost all games
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Console is way cheaper.
Computer is still way superior though.
Definitley need to have both systems these days.
Immidiatly cheaper, less shit tier games to sift through before checking out the good ones, controllers are FAAAAAAR easier to use then keyboard (ive gamed on both for years), they do need replaced every ten years but i never have to worry about one little virus wrecking my whole operating system and losing all my data, can maintain a console collection without internet connection, it goes on and on.
>What is Starcraft 2
>What is Warcraft 3
>What is BroodWar even

faggot, learn2games
It can do more than that, i just turn on that part when i have people over. I wouldnt expect you to understand seeing as you are clearly technologically retarded though.
Card is outdated the minute you instal it
I use my pc to save pics, music and watch porn. I don't use my Xbox for any of that
>more than games 
You can watch YouTube on a console top faggot. I'm sure one of those kids
>multiple screens 
Why is this is a good thing again? I can just buy a big tv.
Also games arnt cheaper unless you a steam them. And you don't own them correct?
>>646957705 (OP)
PC has standardized hardware which allows you to upgrade with time and replace parts whenever you need to. A $500 budget PC is a much better buy than a console because it will perform better longer. The keyboard and mouse is a much better than a controller. Most of the games worth playing are missing from consoles because consoles are completely missing entire genres of games like grand strategy, RTS, flight sim, space sims, etc. Windows has a much larger library of games and emulation expands on that even further. Even the games that PC and console share are much better on PC because of better graphics, fps, mods, etc. PC also isn't just a gaming machine so you can do more than just game on it.
Post has been irrelevant for years. At least since original Xbox. The ps4 is just an AMD machine. It houses an AMD jaguar 6 core with a amd 7 series graphics chip and it runs off a Linux base.
> graphics
at a massive price increase
> mods
I'llgive you that, I do envy that
> cheaper games
shit games usually are cheap
> more functionality 
like you're ever going to use Microsoft Excel at home
> backwards compatability 
xbox one plays 360 games now
> used for more than just gsmes 
see above
> multiple screens
well I only have 2 eyes, multiple screens seems like a novelty, if you have other shit running while you game then you clearly aren't into your games that much
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Plug in a keyboard and a mouse and the ps4 is a limited Sony pc
>>646957705 (OP)
Ease of setup
More family friendly
Cost its damn hard to make a PC that is better or even equal to a console for 250 bucks
Do you live in the USA/UK?
of course consoles are popular among casuals and normies
OP, don't listen to consolefags
>Better graphics
>Better performance 
>Cheaper games
>Mouse+Keyboard > Controller
>Can choose whatever OS you want
go with pc
You can check steam stats yourself fucking retard it's public knowledge kill urself
console gamers just make me sad ...
Literally autism
GabeN blesses glorious PC users with the gift of steam sales
Have fun spending $60 on your Just Dance 2k15, NBA 2k15, and Call of Duty AW
Not to mention that several genres like MOBAs are IMPOSSIBLE on consoles without making them severely simplistic
convert now peasant
>being too poor to have both
i mainly play mmos so fuck u consoles
Love these retards that keep adding the cost of a monitor to the total cost of a pc when they need a fucking tv to use a console
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I have a gaming PC and a console. the pc is good for single player games I want to look really nice and mmos. I do enjoy the console though when I want to play games with irl friends.
>Implying PS4 and Xbox One are worth getting
fuck gaystation and jewsoft, Nintendo has the only consoles worth getting
yeah, in 2004 you could get away with selling an xbox for trillions of shekels, but this is 2015, and the consumer knows stuff about technology, even if its very little
>if you use a PC you're a virgin
so you're NOT a virgin if you're a console fag? Interesting.
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>Your average-joe uses it so its more likely your friends or people you meet will have them
>Games that are made specific only to those consoles
>Low amount of maintenance, just charge your controllers pretty much

>Potential to be give the best/fullest gaming experience image and performance-wise
>Cheaper in the long run
>Games can be torrented
>Can be used as a normal computer when you're not gaming
>Way bigger selection of games
>You can build it yourself so it can be custom to your desired aesthetics 
>Can have multiple moniters
Also to add on this about people complaining about the price. You can build a pc that will run games on medium settings just fine for 250-300 dollars. That is of course if you just want to run things. Which of course isn't nearly as expensive as a brand new console so price really shouldn't be why you decided to buy a console. Also if you can't afford a monitor just hook up the damn computer to your tv. Unless you know, have a 10 year old tv.
>>646957705 (OP)
What about mobile-gaming?

The only game I like is Candy Crush, I play it on my iphone 6 all the time.....sooo addicting!

back in the day I used to play Farmville on Facebook too
>>646957705 (OP)
Pretty simple.

> console
Plug and play. No fucking around with settings. Almost 0 customisation for controls. Games are built for the machine so usually make good use of all resources available. Usually a new one comes out every couple of years.

> PC
Gotta get settings right for the machine. More functionality. Pretty much everything can be customised. Mods for everything. Machines vary greatly, so most devs go middle-of-the-road techwise to increase sales. More potential power than any console, but gotta upgrade every fucking 6 months just to keep up.

That's about it, really.
>>646957705 (OP)
You can't accidentally delete system32 on consoles.
obvious pc bias
he means you can play at your house with a group of friends with 4 controllers
>>646957705 (OP)
razer sucks

both are fine. i personally prefer fps and rpgs on the console but i play both cause im not a faggot
OP here

I cringe so hard when Neckbeards are like "hurr durr console gamers are ignorant and casuals"
The thing is though you're just not listing actual facts. You can download any game for your pc, the only real hard part is knowing if your computer can run it or not. You can play it right away most games setup the settings for you. I've never had to fuck around with settinggs unless I was raising them to ultra. You don't have to upgrade all the time. I've had my gaming pc for about 4 years now.
I used to prefer console gaming but as I got older all my favorite nostalgia games would require me to have kept all the old consoles because fuckers at Sony refuse to make system backward compatible.

They drove me to PC.
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This thread is triggering me.
>console gamers are (man)children
>PC gamers are critical, cynical elitists
This gives way too much credit to PC gamers.
Mine's 6 years old but I had to upgrade the graphics card. Still can't play everything to its fullest, but enough to play and enjoy the games.

I just listed main points. Pretty sure you can download for consoles too, but I stopped at the 360... games were just getting too expensive and I love playing my golden oldies on PC.

Staying cutting edge you gotta upgrade a lot. But I don't see the point for an extra 2% or so of performance.
Pc if you prefer to have more control over your experience, at the risk of fucking everything up.

Consoles if you want no control or responsibility ,and leaves you at the full mercy of game devs to make your experience enjoyable.

Basically if you like Apple products get a Console.
You can put 20 controllers to my PC easily.
In fact it has, let me count, 9 right now.
>2 PS style gamepads
>xbox style gamepad
>2 other gamepads
>wacom tablet
OK PC gamers. Lets say you have $10,000 to build with, what are your choices?
>forgetting the usb powered dildo

Amateur hour.
Core 2 duo
1500W psu
3 GB mismatched ram
5400 rpm 20 GB hdd
Any AMD graphics card
Build a $2,000 system, upgrade graphics card after 2 years.
Repeat after 2 years.
>16 years of good-tier PC
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PC controls are way better.

Microsoft is a bunch of faggots spying and lying. Not only is Windows 10 spyware/malware it's now adware. (not implying anybody here is stupid enough to use it)

If all games were compiled for Linux like they are for PS4... that would be the optimal situation. Have both.



https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5GU5uv28a3I [Embed]
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wwRYyWn7BEo [Embed]
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Gghj03J_ri0 [Embed]

^(have to uncomment the #'s on two url's in the hosts file per latest change)
Advanced retardation
I'd say fuck the comp and put it on my mortgage.

But if I had to.... for about1300 I could put together a machine that flattens any console out there and stay good for the next 2 or 3 years. And that's paying retail for the parts.
For 2500 I could buy a premade machine that would match a ps4.

The rest could then be spent on giant monitors, a cinema-style surround sound system and oculus rift tech.
>16 years
Even longer if you consider you don't have to buy new peripherals and screens every time and can also sell the old system for at least 1/3 of its cost.
powerful pc with an xbox 360 controller
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Pretty much everything you can do with a console you can do with a PC plus more. It's just how it is.
>one game
>medium-low settings
>only game that meets standard
>$400 PC can run every game 1080p 60fps at same or better settings
holy shit thats not true
>buys 80" TV
>65 FOV

Keep trying buddyman.
fanboy harder
USB is 5V 0.5A.
Not enough to power a proper dildo.
i used to shitpost PC when i was a poorfag too

dont worry guys, things will get better for ya
Google console killer why dont you
what console are you browsing 4chan with?
>Why is this is a good thing again? I can just buy a big tv.

Good thing plane pilots don't think like that
You cant relax with a girl next to you cuddling on pc there for console wins
xbox one is so bad you'll have trouble building a PC that slow these days.
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> outdated 

so is console , what us your point? fucking console fags
Dubs have spoken
Just did, this is the faggotest thing ever
And to be clear, I'm a pc gamer so don't think I'm defending consoles for a second.
Why exactly would this be the case?
That, however, is true
Nice dubs
>>646957705 (OP)
all my mates have consoles, few have pc's.
i have both, i have games on pc and generally buy single player games for it but multiplayer games i'll get on my xbone simply so i can play my mates online.
if i could persuade them all to get pc's then great but they are console people.
i dont care what platform i play on aslong as i enjoy my gaming experience and that generally happens on consoles.
your irl friends are shit then /lan
This tbh.
On pc you have to sit up unconfortable chair and have a girl sit next to you akwardly. On console your on the couch chillin. Just swap the game to netflix and fuck her on the couch and after your done go back to playing metal gear
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Dubs have spoken again. This dude knows what hes talking about.
only thing controllers are better for on pc are for driving games
Lmao Yes
It's because you're naturally a lot more accurate with a mouse since you're using more of your body to control it. A controller simply uses your thumbs. Almost all console games have some sort of aim assist built in to counter-act that fact. So if you have bad aim then you're going to be shit at PC Gaming.
OP here again

Guys seriously,consoles are easily better for the gaming experience because of many reasons

I can't play for hours and hours anymore on my pc because the fucking chair kills me

Consoles are also better if you want to have a normal life
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Ever heard of an HDMI cable? You can use those to plug your PC into a TV you know.
Consoles have exactly two advantages:
Higher efficiency due to uniform structure and drivers - you don't have to build or patch anything.
Lower system cost due to economies of scale - ready made PCs generally cost more since fewer of any given model are made.

Everything else is a disadvantage however.
u coll dat an FOV slida m8?!

in your dreams
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Guys you're using the xbox one wrong. I myself thought it was for gaming too, then i realized it's a waste basket. Microsoft has outdone themselves with this next gen waste baskets. The ventilation vents work PERFECTLY for catching vomit! Pic related, this was mine after its use! I recommend all console owners to realize that all consoles are are waste baskets!
Anyone who claims to be me after this post is lying unless he has timestamp.
Console are for poor people

They usually try to make it sound better so they dont get laughed at for being poor even though they are factually wrong in every argument

Its really that simple. i mean hell, all the most popular games out there are PC exclusives what more proof do you need?
>>646957705 (OP)
what the fuck?
i have my pc hooked up to my tv so i use the same screen for gaming regardless of pc or console.
or maybe you live in your mom's basement where you cant do such things.
Plus pc in tv, play on sofa.
Its not the pcs fault that you got a suck ass chair.
"Consoles are better cause my chair sucks"
>play Skullgirls with m80s with two 360 controllers on PC
>have gf over
>sexy time after SG
>control Spotify from phone
>more SG after the fact
Try again, mayne.
I thought yall played pc cuz of the better graphics of the computer monitor dumb fucks
>2015, can't proper couch co-op with pc and partner

u fukin pleb
Console "peasant here"
The few advantages would be
>if you prefer a controller, nobody else has superior mouses 
>some exclusives, halo blah blah
>easier to play while sitting in a sofa (???)
Tl:dr personal preference
is this a joke?

newsflash: you do not have to use Windows....
Some extreme peasants say about price of desk and chair... But a TV stand and a fucking couch mate. Peasants are literal autism
>better graphics of the computer monitor
Haha K bro.

My ex and I pulled a couch up to the computer desk and cuddled playing wow

And she'd make me noodles.

And then we'd fuck like rabbits

And then get slurpees

And get stoned talking about life and our future

And then she left because I sucked and I still miss her 4 years and 10 girls later :( fuck this thread.
Sounds like you have a shitty TV.
>tfw 1080p/60 gaming on a 42" Plasma TV
You can get a 4K tv or 4K monitor and you're good to go.
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u r retrd
>if you prefer a controller, nobody else has superior mouses 

There are modded controllers out there. There were even modded PS3 controllers with 360 L& R triggers

>easier to play while sitting in a sofa

You can hook your PC up to your TV and use a controller.
>Controllers better than m/k
Except for rts and fps.
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Consoles are nice because you generally don't have to fuck with them past buying them. Plus, they're purpose built, and don't really allow you to break them unless you're a complete idiot, uploading flash drive software, OR if you own an Xbox 360. Those 360's are about as reliable as a 90's Mitsubishi shitbox.

PC's are nice because they can be built to higher specs than consoles and be future proofed, meaning less money spent overall. There are problems though, sometimes you may want a game which is unfortunately exclusive to consoles, and PC's have a higher possibility of contracting viruses, especially if you think that hiding behind 7 proxies and using Norton makes you safe.

Long story short, both are pretty great, and then again, both suck at the same time.
LED tv, computer monitor.. much difference?
pretty much same shit, my tv is bigger than my pc monitor but both are hooked up, use tv for games, watching films, use second monitor for general pc faggotry.
Only worth it with a PC, though.
Consoles can't do 4k. Hell, it can be super hard on PCs, too.
Consoles are for children and poor cunts.
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>tfw I bought a modded rapid fire controller and pissed off all the faggots on Call of Duty 4 by killing them instantly with pretty much any semi auto gun
So its obvious that pc gamers give two shits about females and entertaining because they all found their gfs onlinw gaming
People who prefer controllers do so only because they're used to it. When I switched to pc I stopped using my controller after just a few games because I realized it was capping my skill. Now a few weeks later, I'm better with a keyboard than anybody could be with a controller.
waifus, not gf.
I was just playing gang beasts with the girl on my small beastly GTX970 i74790k MITX PC setup under a 60" TV, 2 Xbox one controllers. pretty much use that PC over any console sitting next to it b/c steam big picture and.. it's a PC I can do whatever.
10 million? That's cool and all but what the fuck is everyone doing? There's only 2-3 million people actually playing a game
Everyone trying to support consoles is obviously trolling. Console exclusive games are the only reason to own a console. Nothing wrong with that.
agree with this.
i like using a controller for gaming, and use one for my pc too. just cant get to grips with k/m but i do appreciate they are much better if you can use them.
i'll stick with controller and not ashamed of that,
I play on pc and met my wife in college, nice try
do you even understand refresh rates?

console fags bitch most for high framerate precision games to reduce input lag ( fighting games, smash melee on analog CRTs).

pc fags enjoy higher refresh rates of digital monitors regaurdless of minumal digital input lag(.1ms) along with high resolutions(1440, 4k).

Digital TVs usually have lower resolution and higher input lag, but still1080p so its fine , especially comparing it to console shit on the same TV
> there's no advantages in console gaming.
Good job making yourself look like a biased and ignorant faggot.
Sucking GabeNs sweaty microdick.
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why the fuck would you assume that anyone who prefers a richer experience would be a social outcast?
you did it to yourself. move on
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This fucking thread is FUCKING sage everyone is trolling everyone
A proper TV has a pass-through mode for PC input where it acts very much the same as a monitor, but it's still slower in most cases since it's not optimized for that sort of thing.
PCs are much more practical then a console though.
We all know the type:
>Fat pale girl obsessed with Inuyasha. She's my gf on Friday, Steve's gf on Saturday and Tom's gf on Sunday. During the week she just wants to be alone and play WoW but will hook up with random Chads when she is in the mood. We are poly deal with it vanilla!
stfu heaven
exclusives. any other reason is retarded.

I have a PC, but i fucking love Forza.
Don't forget she gets paid for it. Either with currency for streaming, Amazon wishlist stuff or in-game favors.
proper yeah, but most still dont and most users are too retarded to realize when their's does
this is the only true reason, and overtime those" exclusives" get emulated on pc anyway
>>646957705 (OP)
PC Wins. But if you want to have play some games with a group of friends, then Nintendo has the best group games.
consolefags are so SMRT
My Plasma TV actually reacts faster than my (mediocre) TN TFT.
aye, love forza. probably most played game with mates.
cant do that on pc. which is a shame, microsoft should allow windows users to play xb games on pc, although it would kill the need to buy an xbone in the process.
>like you're ever going to use Microsoft Excel at home
Uh, yes. A lot of people would. Thus, more functionality.
>no fucking around
Plug and play for consoles is dead, they're literally shitty locked down PC's now.
Disc in.
3 hours later after patches finish dl and install.
Fuck off
>Can pick up a Used PC for 200/300
>works with any monitor, keyboard, mouse, or desk
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I fucking love it when someone shuts down a console dick rider, then the pleb goes to sage on someone else.
>Love it.
Even a ton of PS3 periphery will work.
PC Pros
- Massive Library of Games.
- Easy to pirate games.
- Mods for games.
- Larger online options (more players).
- Better Graphics.
- Backwards compatibility with ancient games.
- Can do a plethora of others things besides gaming.
- Don't have to pay for a Live / Plus service.

Console Pros:
- Cheep.
- Portable.
That's a moot point if you consider laptops.
Gaming laptops are super fucking expensive though. A good one is anyways.
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Idk only reason I'd ever get a console is probs Bloodborne but then again PC spoiled me with 1440 144fps free online compatibility with every controller from every console Steam being fucking glorious with sales etc etc etc so meh
>No games.
But it has a screen, and there are smaller form factors for PC, as well.
Patches suck on console... least on PC you can choose not to get them. Can't play online without them and they can still take 3 hours to download, so there's that.

And most PC games use steam now. So even if you go out and buy the disc, you get to knock a whopping 15 minutes off your overall dl time.

Both sides are getting fucked here.
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Not if you're using an AMD GPU. May as well go console then.
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Literally only getting a PS4 for the next gen Ratchet and Clank games.
That's because Steam is cancer.
It's pretty easy to spot PC casuals by their love of Steam.
>hurr I love restrictive licensing, impossibility of resale, online authentification, DRM and overpriced games that get discounts sometimes
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>>646957705 (OP)

Console: More convenient, standardized platform, unified functions for social networking and gaming, simple to operate and relatively inexpensive

PC: More powerful and dedicated gaming platform,broader range of functionality, more complex to operate and games are not 100% guaranteed to operate like other computers' counterparts, generally more expensive
>pic related
>>646957705 (OP)
If you're an adult with responsibilities and just likes to game at the end of the day, console all day long.

If you live at home, have no responsibilities, job, social life or any purpose other than gaming your days away, get a gaming pc and act like your better than people who have lives
Consoles are going to start going that way too, all because game companies are asshurt that they don't make money on game resales. EB and that is fucking shit, but they have to make money somehow since they make fuck all of the games themselves.
Other way around dude.
No point you can't use gaming laptops for any length of time without it constantly plugged in and a micro PC isn't going to run shit compared to a console of that price
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I'd say if you have a hobby of building then PC all the way. If all you want to do is play games then sure console is fine. I hold a responsible career and have a wife and kid. I happen to also game on PC.
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>>646957705 (OP)
You consle fags will never know the true joy of PC.
People who own PC's are more likely to have a decent job and a family. Where as console gaming is cheap as fuck and mommies money suffices.
>>646957705 (OP)
Once you add in the cost of TV + audio equipment you can build computer with similar capabilities + monitor and peripherals for the same price. You also have the option to spend a little more and get something much more capable.
>>646957705 (OP)
everyone got the same hardware so no complaining about fps
You should take the tower off the floor dude. Putting it on the floor increases the dust it gathers by almost 70%, you end up cleaning it out a lot more often than you need to. Or you end up clogging the fuck out of your filters.
Steam's awesome... if you don't mind the restrictions. And unless you go pirate, a shitload of games won't run without steam.

Consoles will go that way too. There's way too much money to be made by going digital with strict DRM. They're already starting, it just hasn't gone as far as the PC yet.
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Haven't they already? I mean, to some extent a console is a Steam in itself, or vice versa Steam is a PC console.
Not saying Origin or anything is better, most alternatives are worse.
If I cam with you for 5 min will you like my posts follow my Twitter too?
Steam is fucking stupid dude. You're exchanging rights to property and ownership all for a little ease of use.

You do realize that at ANY time and without reason Steam can remove any game it chooses from your service, or all of them, or outright ban you. You don't even have to do anything wrong or against the terms. And there isn't a single fucking thing you can do about it because you don't own the game, you're simply licensing the right to play it. Where as if you own the game, legally they have to have a valid reason for removing your right to play it.
not true. equivalent graphics on a computer costs practically nothing. console technology is really out of date at this point.
Steam, like all content protection systems, isn't hard to crack.
Even consoles get chipped.
If there is an obstracle to piracy someone will find a way around it.
Steam is little more than a waste of RAM most of the time.
Steambox is going to tank so fucking hard. It's got next to no market.
Also not true as companies don't optimize at all, or companies like Ubisoft deliberately make their games run worse on PC.
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>>646957705 (OP)
PC has more games (but about the same amount of decent quality games... indie games are rarely decent for commercialization) and those games cost less if you download them illegally... or you could simply buy them from Steam when they are discounted... there's not much difference here.

Computers cost about 2 to 1000 times more then consoles (depending on the pc or console) but it's actually very rare to see a brand new computer that cost less then a brand new console these days even tho this is becoming less and less true as time goes by.

Consoles have everything except the TV, just plug and play. With PC you need to buy everything else you need to enjoy your games except the computer screen which is just a smaller tv when you think about it. Television and computer monitor are becoming so alike that there will be no distinction in the future.

Overall it's the experience that counts. You might have more fun playing online with your friends on a good PC game or you might enjoy playing alone on a good console game like Zelda on the wii U.

The choice is yours entirely. Do what you enjoy most.
I'm not so sure about it considering how hard people are eating up Gabens poop.
SteamOS certainly seems somewhat unattractive, but in the end the Steamboxes are just a PC conforming to a certain framework.
Never attribute to malice that which is adequately explained by stupidity.
And most game developers are morons, greedy morons still slightly smarter than their customers, but morons still.
The thing is those people are already PC gamers who already have PC's.
Such agree. fps competitive games cannot be played on console. You just dont have the aim with a controller so every game gets dumbed down with aim assist.
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Computer technology keeps advancing.

Consoles keep a ceiling on technology, years at a time.
Makes it easier to sell the same game for years, only having bare minimum increases in quality each iteration.
That does not make them intelligent.
Some are as feverishly misguided as Applefags.
In Ubisofts case it wasn't stupidity. It was fucking deliberate. They got fucking busted for it too.

In other cases, they just don't give a shit about PC gaming. It's a small % of the total gaming market. Something like Skyrim sold 2 million copies on PC... and 25 million on Consoles. They'll put more time and effort into what will net them the larger portion of money... consoles.
It also makes games more easy to optimize and quick to develop.
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Ya it also doesn't help that i have 2 dogs and i recently moved it on carpet. I stuck on top of some yearbooks in the meantime but ya I don't clean it nearly as often as I should. Fuck it
>Skyrim sold 2 million copies on PC... and 25 million on consoles
Wow. Humanity is fucked.
Lol i think you are thinking of the amd comparison to intel for processors
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No I'm saying AMD is shit.
holy shit i lost
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You might have seen this a few too many times.
Their card performance is ridiculously close most of the time.
And soon women will be replaced completely.
All resale does is ruin prices of lesser played games. Ppl who seriously think reselling a 60 dollar game you played with a shitty resolution and framerate is worth the 20 dollars you get back a week later. Console fags enjoy putting in a disc everytime they want to change what game they want to play
Some games are better on consople some are better on pc. Some games are only for console and some games are only on pc. That;s why I have both and just play the game I want don't care which one looks better I still play console bf4 over pc.
No it's not. They overheat, they're loud as fuck and often times their heatsinks fucking whistle.

There is a reason why AMD is close to going under. They just cannot compete. Even their card that was to be a direct competitor to the 980ti at the same price but with 2 gig more ram... still fucking failed to match up.

Did you know that the AMD GPU department is worth less now, than it was when they were bought out. They continue to lose market share in GPU's each year the GPU department hasn't made a profit in over 5 years.
They look anime tho and thats shitty
> Even their card that was to be a direct competitor to the 980ti at the same price but with 2 gig more ram... still fucking failed to match up. 
And it had to come with it's own watercooling unit because of serious heat issues.
Console = iphone
Pc = android

Its the same debate
You must be new to gaming.
AMD has only lost significant market share during the last year.
There have always been periods where one or the other made better cards.

>They overheat, they're loud as fuck and often times their heatsinks fucking whistle.
And this sounds like nvidia.
>stock cooler, reference design
Are you a masochist?
At least amd knows how to make a card *cought* shitty cpus *cough*
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Their CPUs have always been pretty shit, no doubt, but at least they took to pricing them appropriately.
In the end that just means Intel can charge more.
No it's not you fool.
Steam sales i got all the tomb raiders for 15$ shit was cash, PC gaming all the way
Anyone who is arguing on price is a poor fag as price is not relevant to most, I don't care if I can get a console for a few hundred I'd rather my 3k pc any day of the week. The experience is so worth it. 144hz, Ultra detail larger scale games and being able to play my old games I loved without needing to re buy them or horde consoles. My hardware because I buy enthusiast grade gear has great resale value and we next gen for PC comes round I will only need to upgrade one part not the whole thing.

I see the appeal for the console but honestly its for casuals. The price argument is horseshit.
If PCs were as bad as Android I'd go on a rampage.
Me too.

Microsoft invented Windows. What do a majority of PC users use? Windows is 99% market share. Microsoft also owns the console industry. End result? Microsoft OWNS the gaming industry - deal with it faggot. @ZootPlays.
AMD can't even come with a stock cooler or you'll light your computer on fire. nVidia can at least handle the heat even with reference cards. You just can't OC.

>AMD has only lost significant market share during the last year.
They've always had low market share. Intel has the most because of onboard chips, but when it comes to actual cards, nVidia has always been king and now AMD is not just behind but massively behind. like 14% market share compared to 86% for nVidia.
>There have always been periods where one or the other made better cards.

No there hasn't. nVidia has always made the better cards over all. Sure AMD can sometimes match the specs, but they have to OC the shit out of the chip to do so, and thus create a lot more heat. The fact is nVidia is just better. No matter how much you tell yourself you AMD card is comparable... it's not. You made a shitty purchase, learn from your mistake and next time get a real card.

Seems to me you are just a poorfag. PS4 looks dented as shit (refurb) and one game you probably blew a guy for. There is now way you could afford a decent PC, faggot. KILL YOURSELF.
Consoles are cheap and convenient but limited.

PCs are expensive and a pain in the ass but limitless.

Decide which you prefer, and use that.

Now shut the fuck up please.
Not quite entirely true. They can't take away your games 'for no reason' without full refund. They don't need much of a reason, but they need a reason. They can also pull support for a ame at any time, but they usually disable the DRM in those cases.

There's also not a lot of options. Most games require a steam account. So you either use it, or you limit yourself. Or resort to piracy.

Won't be long before consoles do the same. How many games need an internet connection even for single player? That's a type of DRM right there. And if you read the EULA, you almost never 'own' a game. Only the right to play it.
The only advantage consoles have is lower entry cost and convenience.
Look it up nigger. They had about 1/3 market share, but this declined during the last year since they are fucking up.
Likewise, get educated.
nvidia had exactly those problems AMD has now in the past.
And get fucking educated again.
>what is GF5
PS4 gets sword art online and attack on titan coming out soon so that automatically wins.
Short of being a game that I need to play online, or has some good online play (like GTA 5) I won't buy a game that needs a service. Witcher 3 was probably the easiest game in the world to pirate as it was DRM free... yet I bought it.
You're the AMD fag and you're telling me to get an education? Seriously dude AMD has never really been any sort of competition. Keep trying to justify your stupid fucking purchase all you want but know that it's just that... a stupid fucking purchase.
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>can't back up anything he says that gets challenged
>calls people fanboys
Consoles are better for the avarage /b/ users.
>14 years old
>iq below 90
I did backup what I said, even pulled out stats and you called me stupid. Which is why I called you a fanboy.
Nice post here
A lack of knowledge or education is not stupidity.
Refusing to get educated is stupidity, though.
Except I'm the one who's pulled out the stats. You've countered with basically "Get a brain Moran"
You are entitled to persist in your errors, but you can't blame me for laughing at you.
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Console Master Race.
I for one have many gaming consoles and a gaming PC, and much prefer consoles for various reasons.
>can play couch co-op with friends
>much prefer competition on console when using controller
>console only games like the last of us which are 10/10
>cheaper and will last at least 7 years without ahving to upgrade it
>everyone for most part has same playing field, ie nobody has $100 precision gaming mouse
>my console is far more portable than my pc
>I play on a 60" tv compared to a 19" monitor, yes I can use HDMI, but no.
>can buy share and trade used games with friends
but really the deciding factor for me is the co-op. I love playing sports games with friends and you just dont do that shit on PC.