December 1, 2015

World Bank, International Monetary Fund propose global carbon tax

AP - One of the smartest ways to fight global warming is putting a price on carbon dioxide pollution, some key world leaders said at Monday's international climate summit.

Either a tax on carbon dioxide emissions or trading carbon pollution like pork bellies, which puts a price on carbon, will help use capitalism to get closer to a day when the world isn't adding heat-trapping gases to the atmosphere, according to leaders of France, Germany, Canada, Chile, Mexico and Ethiopia, as well as heads of the World Bank, International Monetary Fund and Organisation of Economic Cooperation and Development.

The number of countries, provinces, states or cities putting a price on carbon has tripled in the past year and is now at 40, including some US states, said World Bank Group President Jim Young Kim. Kim and others pointed to straight carbon taxes in British Columbia, Sweden and France as examples of what works.

Economists have known since 1923 that "smart economics puts a tax on bad things and not on good things," said World Resources Institute President Andrew Steer, a former Wharton economist who wasn't part of the multi-nation initiative on carbon pricing. He compared it to taxing cigarettes to reducing consumption, although other methods of trading carbon pollution credits aren't quite the same, he added.

"We simply cannot afford to continue polluting the planet at the current pace," Kim said. "Carbon pricing is critical for reducing emissions, preserving our environment and protecting the most vulnerable."
New Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau said British Columbia's "world class" carbon tax proves such a device doesn't harm the economy.

There are already costs — called externalities — to burning fossil fuels in terms of public health and deaths, costs that the US Supreme Court has recognised, said Wesleyan University economist Gary Yohe, who was not part of the Paris event.

"Cheap and dirty energy is not cheap for the planet or the health of our people," Chilean President Michelle Bachelet said at the Paris climate summit. "When green taxes are incorporated into our climate policies, we can harness market forces that can lead to profound changes in our emissions patterns."
Europe has carbon pricing and the key in the future is that every nation has to have some kind of uniform carbon pricing, so that energy interests don't go to another nation for dirty power, German Chancellor Angela Merkel said.

Kim said carbon trading can work as well as a carbon tax, but OECD Secretary-General Angel Gurria said that a tax, even if it doesn't raise new funds and replaces other taxes, clearly works best: "We should put a big fat price on (carbon) in order to penalise it."

Swede Refugee Rape Commentary

GinoMachiavelli • 21 hours ago
Scandinavian Arab Spring will be epic.

Once winter passes and warm sun's rays will stir mating instincts of guests from the south, scenes reminiscent of Tartar sieges of the past will become new normal.
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John  GinoMachiavelli • 11 hours ago
Roltherham on steroids.
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AmericanCitizen • a day ago
"They were drinking vodka . . . "

Here in America Muslims are so strict they sue their employers when asked to transport sealed cases of alcohol (and win in court). Nice to see the Muslims in Sweden assimilating so quickly.
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Bon, From the Land of Babble  AmericanCitizen • 6 hours ago
Not only that, those truck drivers were awarded $240,00 for "pain and suffering."
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Hesperado  AmericanCitizen • 21 hours ago
It would be a serious error for the counter-jihad to indulge the following logic:

"That Muslim was drinking alcohol, therefore he's not a fanatical follower & enabler of the Islam that is endangering our societies."

Unfortunately, too many in the counter-jihad indulge in precisely this type of specious thinking.
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IzlamIsTyranny  Hesperado • 16 hours ago
You're not kidding. My Lebanese Christian friend knew and associated w/muslims in Lebanon. He said hypocrisy was their stock in trade. They would drink bourbon and whiskey on the sly and publicly curse Israel and Jews all the live-long day.
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NYgal  AmericanCitizen • 5 hours ago
Many Muslims in America drink vodka , too. Which doesn't prevent them from suing employers over handling it , when suits.
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Hesperado  NYgal • 2 hours ago
The overall Jihad of the Umma has many different subtypes & styles of Jihad -- therefore necessitating different subtypes & style of mujaheed. The front-line soldier in Islam is only one of those subtypes, who operate not only on recognizable battlefields as our civilized Geneva-accord culture would define such (e.g., the Iran-Iraq war of the 1980s), but also in the various "battlefields" flexibly defined in Islamic terms (including any and all acts of "terrorism" as well as criminality). And since in the perspective of Islam, all lands outside of the Muslim world are Dar al-Harb (or Dar al-Kufr, etc.), they all constitute technically vast battlefields.

For example -- just to pluck one example from a head-towel out of hundreds one could adduce over the years -- in 2003 in Stockholm, Sweden (of all places -- Allah help us) there was a conference of Islamic clerics, including the wildly popular Sheikh Qaradawi, in which the following statement was agreed upon:

It has been determined by Islamic law that the 
blood and property of people of Dar Al-Harb is not protected. Because they fight against and are hostile towards the Muslims, they annulled the protection of [their] blood and [their] property... (

However, when we take a look at Muslims in the Dar al-Harb, most of them are not behaving like the front-line mujaheed. They are pursuing other forms of jihad which we who have woken up and studied the matter recognize as falling under the rubric of stealth jihad (which is colluding with violent jihad in a manner "hidden in plain sight" -- where the collusion is only not apparent to those in the West easily fooled by the idea that most Muslims, "just wanna have a sandwich").

When we notice that most Muslims in the West are not behaving in the West like front-line soldiers (even after we expand that definition by informing ourselves about the Islamic concept of the Dar al-Harb), we should then apply what I call "Hesperado's Law" -- which in a nutshell means:

"Whenever you see Muslims behaving in a way that seems harmless, never take that at face value and conclude anything generous about that Muslim, but rather try to "reverse engineer" that datum in order to explain why the Muslim appears to be benign when we reasonably assume he can't be".

Perhaps the most logical reason why all Muslims in the West are not behaving like front-line soldiers is because they know that they would be put down in a New York Minute if they tried that. They need several more years, if not decades, of infiltration & propaganda before they would be ready to take the Jihad against "Rum" (i.e., the West) to the next and final level in any comprehensive way

For many of these various stealth jihad Muslims in the West, indulging in various ostensibly haram behaviors, we must reasonably suppose, is calculated to hide their stealth jihad more effectively, so that the Jihad of the Feet (Hijrah) may continue apace and more and more Muslims can aggrandize their numbers and deep infiltration into our societies. For there are various forms of taqiyya --

Kitman: deceit by omission.

Tawriya: deceit by ambiguity.

Taysir: deceit through facilitation (not having to observe all the tenets of Sharia).

Darura: deceit through necessity (to engage in something “Haram” or forbidden).

And my favorite:

Muruna: the temporary suspension of Sharia in order that Muslim immigrants appear “moderate.”


The front-line soldier needs to stay sober so that he doesn't make a mistake when trying to "slay and be slain" (Koran 9:111) -- he doesn't want to suffer premature ejihadiculation. Among the mllions of other types of Mohammedan soldiers who are not on the front lines, many not only can indulge in haram behaviors like drinking alcohol and listening to music, they are assisting the overall Jihad by doing so; for, by doing so, they are helping to foster the general confusion about Islam which continues to lull the West into befuddled complacency.
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halevi • 18 hours ago
Thank you sir. May I have another.
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Hard Little Machine • 21 hours ago
I can't worry about what the crazy people in Nordicstan have planned.
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John  Hard Little Machine • 11 hours ago
Same here although I had a good laugh.
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Bon, From the Land of Babble • 6 hours ago
Allowing industrial scale rape of your children and women by foreigners is simply inconceivable in a healthy society.

The power of the words "racist," "bigot," "hater" has superseded the crimes of rape and assault.

Two “asylum seekers” in Germany—a “Syrian” in Mittweida, Saxony, and a “Libyan” in Berlin—have racked up three sex assaults and 26 car break-ins between them in just 24 hours—a record crime orgy which provides an insight into the rising nonwhite invader crime plague.

In Mittweida, a town about 30 miles west of Dresden, a 24-year old “asylum seeker” was arrested after sexual assaulting three white German women in a row.

Nonwhite invaders raped German women once every three days in the month of August 2015, a substantial increase on the previous months, a survey of the attacks reported in the controlled media has found.
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IzlamIsTyranny • 16 hours ago
Gad, Sweden is choc full of nuts and perhaps these nuts don't deserve my sympathy.
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Bon, From the Land of Babble • 6 hours ago
Sweden is already #2 in rapes:

"Forty years after the Swedish parliament unanimously decided to change the formerly homogenous Sweden into a multicultural country, violent crime has increased by 300% and rapes by 1,472%. Sweden is now number two on the list of rape countries, surpassed only by Lesotho in Southern Africa."

Here is one of the government's excuses:

"Swedish men cannot handle increased equality between the sexes and react with violence against women (perhaps the most fanciful excuse)."

It would be laughable if it weren't so serious.
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efraim mackellar • 10 hours ago
Swedes are very weird people, some of them. We have this example above and there's Agnetha from ABBA who had her creepy Dutch stalker arrested, but later ended up marrying him !

Stockholm syndrome - it's the name of the game.

Get it ?
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QuinnTheEskimo9 • 6 hours ago
Meanwhile, while German women are being raped by Muslim invaders in German, German men are being sent off to fight in Syria.
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Norbert Haag • 21 hours ago
Maybe they decided that Sweden is an island and Allah couldn't see them.
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The March Hare  Norbert Haag • 21 hours ago
The think Allah approves.
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laura r • a day ago
daniel, seriously this artical may be kind of off. there is a huge blowback in europe against the immigrations. take look @ the protests on the streets. maybe this example applies to sweden (?) & only some of the european population. what is weird is why would a girl stay in a cabin w/3 men? after all sweden is the rape capital of the western world, she knows who is doing the raping. looks like she had a change of heart. maybe 3 men were too much for her.
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NAHALKIDES  laura r • a day ago
The "blowback" isn't yet "huge" enough to have resulted in the toppling of the insane leaders responsible for allowing 7th-century savages to immigrate into their countries. When Merkel, Hollande, Cameron, and whatever nonentity is President of Sweden all lose their re-election bids, then we can talk about the blowback that is a small fraction of what they deserve.
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laura r  NAHALKIDES • 18 hours ago
there is generation identity, periga, national front ect. my friend emails me from belguim. he just moved back there after 20 years. he said many people have had enough & are going rightwing. he is liberal but he thinks europe is making a huge mistake. i know all about the greeters, the welcome refugee people as well.
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NYgal  laura r • 5 hours ago
When the media doesn't report, people don't know. Many Swedes think that their country is just fine, or they wouldn't be electing people they do. And the young woman stayed in the cabin because she was brainwashed into thinking that she would be showing bigotry and Islamophobia if she didn't. Even after being attacked, she worried about her attacker's asylum. Ahhh, the sin of bigotry and Islamophobia and racism. We have that here, as well. Do you know how many white girls were raped during occupy Wall Street protest? Nobody knows exactly, all we know that it happened. Some girls talked, some silently suffered for cause.

Sweden obviously does not consider rape to be that much of a crime, if the attacker in attempted rape gets only one year in prison. All together sick, soft society. Swedes are going to have rough awakening from their utopian dream. I wonder, what would the guy get here?
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laura r  NYgal • an hour ago
i cant relate to this girls mentality, its culturally out of my judeo christian american experience. everyone knows sweden has the highest rape % in europe. 99% muslim men. i think the this girl was intriqued then changed her mind. it takes 2 to tango sometimes. she sent a message to the men by staying there. you cant tell me that swedish girls dont know muslim culture? i heard about occupy wall street. its the fault of the girls for not reporting & going to alternative news. it looks like they want this on some sick level.
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Martel's son • 3 minutes ago
The woman in question is truly a good multi-cultural individual. Too bad that there are others around just like her.
Or is saying this disrespectful to Islam?
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