December 2, 2015

Canned Game Report

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I'm so fucking pissed. I got hired to work at a game company(can't reveal who) and was working on a fighting game which was my dream project for YEARS btw. I finally had a chance to make my dream come true of making a fun 3d fighter in the vein of Soul Calibur and Tekken, like a fun silly anime fighter. Know what happened? I come in to work this week, and find out our funding was cut, and the project canned. Guess why it was canned?

Because the company and higher ups decided a 3d anime fighter wouldn't sell well, and instead they gave our funding away to some other project being made; one that already had plenty of funds but now is getting MORE. And guess what this shit is? A fucking SOULSlike game. Info I know of it so far:

>Modern day/slightly futuristic setting(think Bladerunner lite)
>very dark, lots of rain, snow, and fog
>"Open world" divided into districts
>combat is a mix of Dark Souls, Overgrowth, and fucking Gears of War
>music is dark ambient and industrial
>LOTS of blood and gore, adult content such as sex and drugs
>enemies based on a mix of lovecraft, urban legends, and conspiracy theories
>indepth pvp system

The other day they did some grand showing in the offices and it was some guy running down some dark alleyway in some chinatown looking area and being ambushed what looked like shadowmen, the guy was fighting them off and then another player(someone else in the office) joined in and attacked the first player, after a long duel with blood soaking the floor the first player won, and then out of nowhere a tall as fuck Grey alien attacked and killed player 1. Everyone cheered, except for me.

They fucked me over, fucked over MY dream, my magnum opus, for some fucking sickdark Souls ripoff. Fuck Miyazaki for making this genre so popular. I hope this shit fucking bombs HARD. People don't like urban settings and shit, right?

pic related, one of the areas looked a LOT like this.
>>318662605 (OP)
Second game sounds neat OP

Sorry t b h senpai.
>>318662605 (OP)

A lot of people treat /v/ as a writing prompt these days
Thanks for the blog

Keep us updated
>>318662605 (OP)
Would buy the second game, love Lovecraftian sci Fi settings. Sorry that they canned your project thou.
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OK shill, you got me interested. It better have a good weapon selection, don't you dare leave out muh raifu the Franchi Spas 12.
>>318662605 (OP)
This pasta is getting stale now, plus OP you are one unoriginal faggot, this thread has been about 4 times in last 24 hours. fuck you
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>>318662605 (OP)
Im sorry you couldn't make your animu fighter anon but that modern/lovecraft/souls game sounds pretty cool.
This same style of pasta has been posted for years, it's always somebody complaining about a fighting game being cancelled or changed in some fashion
>>318662605 (OP)
>Thinking just because you wait 4 years for the board to be shitty you can post the same copy pasta and expect people to fall for it
This really fucking hurts. My dream got canned. My MAGNUM OPUS. All for the sake of some sickdark fucking souls ripoff. Who the hell wants a souls game in a modern day setting anyway? If you want that shit go watch some episodes of supernatural or tales from the darkside or some shit.
You sound like a huge passive-aggressive faggot.
You want to make a dream game? Figure out how to fund it yourself.
>>318662605 (OP)
>They fucked me over, fucked over MY dream, my magnum opus,

OP, even if this is true, which it isn't, it's not your "magnum opus," you sound like you were just a fucking code monkey. You didn't actually describe what you had to do with the original project other than it was a dream come true.
Haven't seen this thread in a while

>implying the genre shouldn't remain pure and unaltered

Games like Dissidia are cancer.
>>318662605 (OP)
what the fuck is with people finding out about lovercraft out of sudden, nobody except for maybe /lit/ mentioned lovecraft, well, sometimes people who actually read books did, but now, out of nowhere every second game tries to makes itself sound cool by saying "LOVECRAFTIAN SETTING, LOVECRAFT"

what has caused this, bloodborne?
3D fighters are pretty lame. Especially Soul Calibur. Shit is probably the worst one. If you said it was VF inspired i might care.

This souls game sounds awesome though
lovecraft is and has been very known and popular.
yes, but people never advertised their design by saying something looks like it's from lovecrafts novel, until around a few years ago
Don't spoil it for them anon.
I was the creative director. I finally had my shot, and they took it from me.

I HAD the goddamn funding, and they took it from my project. I'm not doing some fucking kickstarter bullshit, it isn't fair. Why should I need to ask for public approval when I had the funding in the first place? They took my shit man, they took my fucking shit.

Wanna know what some of the money is going towards? To get music from groups like this into their shit souls clone: [Embed]

Who the fuck wants to pvp in some shit like that? My game would've been fun, and a celebration of life. Their game is grim, and a celebration of death and decay.
It's been a thing since maybe the early 00s.
indie scene got a lot more popular. AAA never really thought to market lovecraft settings
SC and Tekken are not lame: [Embed]

That's worlds better than some shit souls ripoff combat.
dark ambient is the edgiest music genre ever made
Except blizzard.
Literally billions of dollars made from ripping of Lovecraft themes.
I'm glad they gave the funds to a game that actually sounds like fun.
>>318662605 (OP)

that sounds like a fun game OP

fighting games are for button mashing manchildren
Exactly. Their game is gonna be full of sickdark edgelord shit. Their combat is real gross and bloody as hell too. My game was going to have weapon combat like SC, if you notice SC's combat was more about the skill, grace, and beauty of weapons based combat. Their game is full of stuff like blood, wounds, eviscerations, dismemberment, and decapitations. One video of theirs even showed someone being disemboweled and their guts falling out. It's fucking sickening and vile. That to me is NOT what weapon based combat should be focusing on.
>>318662605 (OP)

Which Sleeping Dogs mod is that?.
Fighting games are the game equivalent of fucking chess. Button mashing my ass. Show some goddamned respect for the genre.
Okay, let's say this is not bait.

In a game the gore, blood, is the last thing I care about, but people dig that shit as it looks like, so it's a good marketing trick I guess.
>I was the creative director. I finally had my shot, and they took it from me.

I don't believe you. Your game probably sucked ass. That's why you didn't bother talking about it, or what it would've been like, other than "DUDE ANIME FIGHTER LOL" you don't even have any fucking screenshots

It sucked ass so they're making a game that's more likely to sell well.
That's a real photo

That's another thing, visually their game is very uncreative, it's focused too much on realism. My game was going for a cel shaded style which I feel ages a LOT better than realism. Only thing I give credit for is their concepts are very surrealistic, but it being realism looking and the fact it's edge shit ruins it in my eyes.
>>318662605 (OP)

Sorry OP, but fuck your shitty 3d fighter. I want to know more about the second game.
Translation: I'm bad at fighting games so I'll pretend they take no skill.

Just because you button mash doesn't mean good players do.
OP why do you randomly capitalize words when you type
>The game is bad cuz it's violent

Good post. You're so fucking butthurt and jaded about it you can't even say why you don't like it other than MUH GAME
Let me guess, this is going to end in yet another thread of how edgy it is to set a game during a rainy night? Fuck off the edge of my dick OP.
But combat shouldn't be about that stuff. It's a cheap ploy to garner interest. Look at Soul Calibur, the combat in that focuses on the skill, beauty, and gracefulness of weapon use in combat. The flourishes, the parries, the cancels. Souls combat is focused on blood, gore, and filth, and their game is the same. Worse, since some of the weapon concepts they came up with frankly are so sickdark it makes me kinda ill. One weapon was literally some odd whip shit covered in barb and razor wire, coated in some kind of acid that is said to melt the skin. It's fucking gross as an idea and totally uneccesary.
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>>318662605 (OP)
I thought you were that faggot that says snow and rain are both edgy. I guess not. If this is real, sorry to hear about that shit Op. Hopefully you still got paid
>>318662605 (OP)
So you're jealous/upset because they dumped your weeb game for one that is going to be way cooler in every single way.

>ITT entitled babies who don't understand how the real world works
the guy that kept forcing the story about game design students not understanding fighting games is he same guy that was forcing sickdark?

you must be mariel or some legendary-tier autistic shitposter.
To emphasize and make a point. Their game IS edgelord shit, no doubt about it.

The environments of their game looked like DmC had sex with Sleeping Dogs. So yes, it was extremely edgy as fuck.

oh AND forcing the anti-cyberpunk meme.
>>318662605 (OP)
>fucking 3d fighting weeb moe garbage
>magnum opus


Glad the other guy got the funds. His game sounds much better. Will keep an eye on it once I hear about it and buy.

Thanks OP!
So fucking butthurt.

you're such an naive ignorant pussy, I'm capping this for a cringe thread on /b/
And the idea that Rain and snow are edgy.
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>>318662605 (OP)
They're adapting.

Fuck neo-/v/, it's just shills and kiddies even when it's not summer.
>Modern day/slightly futuristic setting(think Bladerunner lite)
>very dark, lots of rain, snow, and fog
>"Open world" divided into districts
>combat is a mix of Dark Souls, Overgrowth, and fucking Gears of War
>music is dark ambient and industrial
>LOTS of blood and gore, adult content such as sex and drugs
>enemies based on a mix of lovecraft, urban legends, and conspiracy theories
>indepth pvp system
>The other day they did some grand showing in the offices and it was some guy running down some dark alleyway in some chinatown looking area and being ambushed what looked like shadowmen, the guy was fighting them off and then another player(someone else in the office) joined in and attacked the first player, after a long duel with blood soaking the floor the first player won, and then out of nowhere a tall as fuck Grey alien attacked and killed player 1. Everyone cheered, except for me.
Sounds GOAT.

I'm glad the finding for your faggot fighter trash got cut.

>what has caused this, bloodborne?

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>No one realizes this is a troll post
Well, you did good, OP.
>>318662605 (OP)
Can't tell if this is a troll post or not because the way that you described the second game sounds amazing in comparison to the weeb shit you were working on.

Definitely going to keep an eye out for the second game, sounds fucking great. Sounds way more innovative and better than a generic anime fighter that is just going to look and feel the exact same as every other weeb fighter over the last decade.
It was my magnum opus. It was going to be a fucking masterpiece. I was going to save the 3d fighting game genre by merging cleverly the elements of anime fighters such as GG and BB into a proper 3d fighter done in a style like Tekken or SC, with cel shaded graphics. Crazy gameplay too, I;m talking new ways to play with air dashes, wall juggles, ceiling juggles in some stages, characters with unique abilities and weaponry, it was going to be so fucking good. It was going to have a neat little story mode too for people into that. And a loli. Their game ha sno lolis, and their designs are westaboo shit.
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looks like there's only one thing left to do OP
Okay ... You just ruined your own troll thread.

This post clearly exposes that OP is trolling. It's like you aren't even trying.

Let's move on fellas
We're all pretending that we don't know what's going on, right?
There's no 3d anime fighter with proper SC/Tekken style gameplay with unique kinds of juggle mechanics, unique character specific gameplay systems, and cel shaded graphics.

>faggot fighter trash

Fuck you...
>I'm not doing some fucking kickstarter bullshit
>I really want this project to happen but I won't accept money to do it

I wish I believed your story so I could feel smug and superior about how you're shitting your own bed out of spite, but you're just another NEET with a yarn to spin
>>318662605 (OP)
Oh crap, is that you Limb Based Combat guy? Holy crap, I don't think I've seen your bullcrap in at least a year.
You really ought to let go, man. It's not healthy.
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>all this people believing OP
he's trying to make people interested in a game that's not actually being made
You have real shit taste if that doesn't interest you. My game was going to blow the FGC away with how much depth it was going to have. My concept originally came from the officially VF fan forums, where a discussion was had about how to advance the 3d fighting genre, and someone mentioned the implementation of anime fighter mechanics. The light bulb went off, and bam I had my idea set.

And now, my dream is crushed. All so sickdark shit can thrive.
I mean, I guess someone just has to do this once every year or something. Something to weed out the tumblr/reddit/9gag crowd.
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Why does geralt have an eyepatch, and where did he get a computer from? And why is the room in flames and he doesn't even care?
Do he think he finally went crazy and started developing his mastercrafted fighting game with SUPERIOR LIMB BASED COMBAT innawoods?
No, he's finding out who remembers this pasta and who doesnt
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Don't watch TV. I wouldn't buy it frist day anyways, would get it on sale w/ dlc and jazz.
>>318662605 (OP)

>3d anime fighter

Good riddance

Yeah I really need more games in that genre that hasn't progressed shit in the last 30 years and none of its fans actually want it to
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God, was that really 3 years ago? It feels like those were being spammed on /v/ just a few months ago
This is Supernatural: [Embed]

And you're not buying their game. I forbid anyone on /v/ from buying that game.
my god SC sucks compared to VF and DOA

you're not my real dad!
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>>318662605 (OP)
>my dream game
>3d anime fighter
It cease to amaze me that someone actually tracked down a cat shitting just to post it on 4chan and it circulated from there. Same with the vomit dudes.

At the end it's still a cat shitting on your computer along with vomit dudes.
>>318662605 (OP)
Hong Kong? Fucking cool city mates, I recommend visiting.
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>all these people falling for it
>this pasta was well known on /v/ less than 4 years ago
The fuck you have against the very idea of a 3d anime fighter? 3d fighters evolved a TON too, you ignorant ass. Look how much Tekken 7 has evolved:

Tekken 1: [Embed]

Tekken 7: [Embed]

I dare you to tell me the genre hasn't evolved, you disrespectful ass child.
>3D anime fighter 
what the hell

I see nearly the same game with a graphical bump.

Your dream was to give a graphical bump to anime fighters?

What glory.
You're full of fucking shit. You know damn well it evolved. Now imagine Tekken 7, with even crazier combos, crazier juggling, and various kinds of movement never seen in a 3d fighter. That would've been my game.
Good luck with that.
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>>318662605 (OP)

>3d anime fighter

>3d anime
>>318662605 (OP)
>>Modern day/slightly futuristic setting(think Bladerunner lite)
>>very dark, lots of rain, snow, and fog
>>"Open world" divided into districts
>>combat is a mix of Dark Souls, Overgrowth, and fucking Gears of War
>>music is dark ambient and industrial
>>LOTS of blood and gore, adult content such as sex and drugs
>>enemies based on a mix of lovecraft, urban legends, and conspiracy theories
>>indepth pvp system

You just wanted to post your videogame idea and needed a good prompt to make it relevant right? Cause that sounds fun as fuck.
It was gonna be cel shaded.


Done, I imagined it, I don't care how currayhze animations and shit you can make
Fighters are unchanged, the very fact that you just said "crazier crazier crazier" and then named three things fighters always have had proves my point.


A fighter is a fucking bone, those into the genre like them, take their pick of them and thats it.
Your shitty game couldn't have brought a single new person into the genre because it hasn't changed in years.

Thats why your funding got cut.
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>3d cellshaded anime fighter

Why don't you just play one of those bajillion naruto games lol
Overgrowth combat is shit: [Embed]

Lacks the skill my fighter would have had.