December 2, 2015

Track Names 2

forworded by aska1023all "racists" will be kept on file

Jason Lago
Are we to believe this dude got mad at a work party, went home where he rounded up a couple pals and between them they just happened to have all those guns and weapons laying around from the Fourth fo July?
Like · Reply · 28 · 1 hr
Keter Malkut · 
They also put in an explosive device on another floor in the bldg...pretty hot "workplace dispute"...
Like · Reply · 10 · 1 hr
Grant Wesley Parks · 
It is weird. It's got to take a while to get outfitted and armed. How long was this party?
Like · Reply · 4 · 1 hr
Raymond Perez
Exactly what I thought they had all this gear and weapons and other people ready to attack ? bullshit this was planned the argument was just an excuse to leave and comeback equipped.
Like · Reply · 8 · 1 hr
Linda Nail · 
Maybe he had been upset at work for a while and had been planning the attack but waiting for the right moment.
Like · Reply · 2 · 1 hr
Tom Wallace · 
The evidence is pointing to an Islamic attack. When will enough people have to die before we hold Obama accountable? He has been protecting Islamic terrorism from day one. Enough is enough!

Also, becuase of the Democrats and Liberals imposing gun restrictions, the attendees in the conference room could have been armed to defend themselves. When will we start holding the liberals accountable for restricting us to carry firearms which is by the way Constituional right.
Like · Reply · 23 · 1 hr
Like · Reply · 23 · 1 hr
David Oliver · 
What evidence? Please share.
Like · Reply · 16 · 1 hr
Robert Slack · 
Shut the fuck up, you moron. Republicans let the NRA keep the nation awash with guns and this is somehow Obama's fault. For what reason? Who knows what goes on in the minds of today's Republican voters.
Like · Reply · 53 · 1 hr
Vincent DiGirolamo
Was Sandy Hook a Protestant attack? Just why exactly are we to blame the president who got Osama Bin Laden and has picked off many other terrorists with drones otherl weapons. Is it possible that loose gun laws allowed the perpetrators to arm themselves to the teeth? Might they play a role in these mass shootings? Enough IS enough. Your knee-jerk conservatism and scatter-shot targeting of Dems and Liberals is part of the problem.
Like · Reply · 18 · 1 hr
Tyler Brown · 
Yes, that's just what you want when during a shooting: Crossfire. Perhaps you should consider, from time to time, getting your information from sources that don't just spoon-feed you what you want to hear. If you did, you might know that the rate of gun-related mortality has a direct and linear relationship to the number of guns per capita - in other words, more guns = more gun deaths. If you dispute this contention, you are welcome to empirically demonstrate its falsity.
Like · Reply · 11 · 1 hr
Shane Fox · 
Works at Samaritan Health
Yes, only when every man, woman and child in America has a gun in their hands will this awful gun violence end.
Like · Reply · 9 · 1 hr
Tom Wallace · 
Robert Slack You would love for us to shut up becuase you don't wont to have an intellectual exhange. We have been silent for too long and as a result our nation is being trashed by the lawless. Also Robert, get yourself some manners and learn to discuss issues without filthy language. Obama has been making guns available to terrorist (remember the Benghazi story). Obama made guns available to drug cartels south of the border (remeber fast and furious) By the way.... I am not a Republican.
Like · Reply · 9 · 1 hr
Sohrob Tahmasebi · 
You're a dipshit Tom. You really think everybody wants to carry a piece all day in case stuff like this happens? And how are you going to bring Obama into this? Lol. You need to seek therapy. Don't forget we never had ISIS before Bush lied us into Iraq and created this mess. Republicans can't be trusted whatsoever.
Like · Reply · 10 · 1 hr
Liz Chocstar
I pray that you arent really a missionary. Despicable
Like · Reply · 4 · 1 hr
Clint Hagemeier
Robert Slack YOU shut the FUCK up, leftist traitor. It was Obama's siding with ISIS and tearing our security to pieces that allowed this to happen. Communist piece of crap
Like · Reply · 4 · 1 hr
Stan Jamrog
You are the Devil's servant. To say such hateful things at a time like this. To blame our president with no proof but Fox lies. Relaxed fun laws in this country cause these shootings. No Christian would claim more instruments of death are the answer.
Like · Reply · 4 · 1 hr
Armetia Woodby · 
Robert Slack do you not realize Obama is ISIS
Like · Reply · 4 · 1 hr
Stephane Goulet · 
Tom, you made stupid of the week to a lot of people with your comment. Keep watching TV and building a nuclear shelter in your yard, in case of...
Like · Reply · 4 · 1 hr
Clint Hagemeier
Vincent DiGirolamo Yeeeeeaaaaa, be afraid. Get defensive. You know this proves the whole leftist argument a lie. You were praying it was white tea party members and guess what....
Like · Reply · 2 · 1 hr
Jessie Wright · 
Clint Hagemeier ISIS is responsible for themselves, fool. Your desire to blame everything right down to your stubbed down and your micropenis on Obama is laughable.
Like · Reply · 2 · 1 hr
Herbie Buck Kneessi · 
Stan Jamrog Wake up you 'f n
Like · Reply · 1 · 1 hr
Kristoffer Soguilon · 
Such irony coming from a so called missionary to hold one person accountable for this horrible acts. You cant be more hypocrite than that.
Like · Reply · 2 · 1 hr
Michael Hammett
Vincent DiGirolamo Exactly what a Terrorist would say!
Like · Reply · 1 · 59 mins
Stacey Elack · 
Works at Self-Employed
When are we going to blame the NRA for all of these deaths? When are you going to hold the NRA accountable when nerdy white teenagers (constantly) shoot up their schools because they can? How about psychos shooting up a movie theater? How about when someone starts randomly shooting at an outdoor political rally? So, you're only offended when the shooters aren't white guys? You don't have a damned constitutional right to have guns, the 2nd amendment is the right to form a militia when necessary. It doesn't mean losers get to have all the guns they want. It sure as hell doesn't mean you get to have assault rifles. Bring that up with your scumbag NRA buddies.
Like · Reply · 3 · 57 mins
Joe Paoff
Robert Slack really why so many gun crimes where gun laws are strictest. Or guns outlawed like Paris.
Like · Reply · 3 · 55 mins
Kim Sutherland
Robert Slack nice language very intelligent , open your closed eyes and minds this has nothing to do with republicans or Democrats just closed minds to what might be the truth .
Like · Reply · 54 mins
James Brooks · 
"Knee-Jerk" I'm more on the liberal side, but this looks a tad suspect: exposive found that likely belonged to the suspect, very religous Muslim. I do wish people would stop being so nasty to each other. Liberal Democrats have a fantasy world, Repulicans fantasize about an America that maybe only existed briefly, if ever, and non political catholic-former-hippies like myself hear two far ends of angry, unread, turd. I feel offended when they call socialist democrats "hippies".
Like · Reply · 53 mins
Curtis Vause · 
Tom, your mom should have swallowed.
Like · Reply · 2 · 53 mins
Dave Williams · 
David Oliver Uh, he's a devout muslim, he had a plethora of weapons, and there's "suspicious' looking packages in the building.
Like · Reply · 1 · 52 mins
Kim Sutherland
Hmmm take the guns from law abiding citizens and let's see how many criminals hand there's over ...I think then it will be a very uneven fight ...I don't like my odds as a law abiding citizen.
Like · Reply · 2 · 51 mins
Dave Williams · 
Tyler Brown Oh yes... and if they were totally banned there'd be no way for criminals or extremists to acquire them
Like · Reply · 50 mins
David Eley
Hey Tom, you got it figured out right.......... but for the masses, as the Beast continues his relentless pursuit, the delusion becomes stronger.
Like · Reply · 1 · 49 mins
My Place for Wellness
Really, and you are a missionary? No one has said the shooters belong to any religious group yet. Perhaps you have a crystal ball or something that makes you know everything about every one. Why do you have to be so full of hate and spite?
Like · Reply · 1 · 49 mins
Robert Flores
Vincent DiGirolamo It is more than possibe that strict gun rules (AKA "gun-free zone") allowed the perpetrators to attack a place full of defenseless people. Best remedy right now for mass shootings is abolish gun-free zones. This would do 2 things :
1. Provide a deterrent to shooters to dissuade them from doing their dirty work.
2. Stop them cold if/whenever they try to carry out mass shootings.
Like · Reply · 2 · 49 mins
Rebecca Ann Rockefeller
Wow, such nasty, nasty people. Everyone has their opinion but you don't have to be nasty and hateful doing it!! Devils working overtime lately. Prayers to the victims and their family and friends. God help us all....and shame on some of you!!
Like · Reply · 2 · 49 mins
Scott Poston · 
Clint Hagemeier Operation Desert Storm is what allowed ISIS to happen and Obama had nothing to do with that war.
Like · Reply · 1 · 48 mins
Gary Patton
Obama was never seen holding hands with the Muslim King of Saudi Arabia like "W" did. I bet you voted for that Muslim lover twice, now didn't you?
Like · Reply · 43 mins
Joe Pearson · 
Oh right Tom, blame the President? You are sadly uninformed about basic history. You even bring up Benghazi. LOL. Scores more embassy personal died in Georgie Bush's administration. And 3,000 Americans on 9/11 under Bush's watch. And 50,000 killled and maimed in Bush's insane, pointless war on Iraq. A war that CREATED ISIS. Learn some facts and get a reality check before mouthing off and attacking our President over Faux News bullshit.
Like · Reply · 40 mins
Paul Hodges · 
Stacey Elack "the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed". What part of that do you not understand?
Like · Reply · 39 mins
Jason Silver
Robert Slack Yup, its the NRA. They are probably responsible for the Paris attacks too. One common thread...these are terrorist attacks by Muslims that hate us. They don't need permits to acquire weapons geniuses. Also, gun violence is not about guns per capita, its the people. In many parts of the country, everyone carries (by the way, these attacks never target those areas.. Wonder why) with virtually no gun violence. Go to inner cities with the most restrictive gun laws and you find your gun violence. Liberalism is truly a mental disorder.
Like · Reply · 29 mins
Tamra Scott-Hunt
Vincent DiGirolamo - because FOX News told him to blame Obama, and authoritarian personalities are very obedient.
Like · Reply · 25 mins
Tamra Scott-Hunt
Shane Fox - lol...!
Like · Reply · 24 mins
Steve Beineke · 
Robert Slack You are a complete moron and are the one who n eeds to stfu. This is obama's fault because he has done more to divide this country than all our previous presidents combined.
Like · Reply · 19 mins
Michael Raider · 
Robert Slacker and Vincent. Where did your mother and I go wrong. Your missing the point here Rob, and you Vincent just look at yourself. Haven't you noticed ever mass shooting that has happened in this country are executed by liberal people. Don't believe me look it up yourself. Did the president take out osama? We don't know for sure but I can tell you this, if it wasn't for waterboarding and other techniques which our new idio...president has stopped, he would have never been able to supposedly capture him. O B A M A ....One Big Ass Mistake America
Clint Hagemeier
MSNBC quick to call Sayeed a "US citizen". When was that description last used to identify a suspect? Filter the liberal-ese out of the comment and you know all you need to know...
Like · Reply · 11 · 1 hr
Stacey Elack · 
Works at Self-Employed
They add that so people like you won't start screaming about how "they" are being let into our country, and that this is "proof that they're all terrorists". But you probably will anyway, right?
Like · Reply · 9 · 54 mins
Steve Beineke · 
Stacey Elack Because he is presently a U.S. citizen doesn't mean he wasn't previously NOT a U.S. citizen. You are a complete moron.
Like · Reply · 17 mins
Richard Theodore T Bromley III
This doesn't say anything about the guy .
Like · Reply · 4 · 1 hr
Greg Thomas · 
Just think. If the witness who had his own weapon did not step outside to see what was going on at the site of the shootings, the cops may not have ever known what kind of vehicle the shooters were in. And we are asked to get rid of our guns? I don't think so.
Like · Reply · 2 · 45 mins
Alvin Santa-ana
This is an Islamic Terrorist incident with a plan, organization and preparation to carry out what unfolded. Why the name of this Jihadist was known in Fox News in the afternoon and the Liberal Media: CNN and MSNBC had yet in the evening to even name the Islamist involved. Thus PC crap has too stop...
Like · Reply · 1 · 38 mins
Gerald Peters · 
Guy must really hated his job
Like · Reply · 1 · 1 hr
My Place for Wellness
They don't know yet, people. I agree with Vincent
Like · Reply · 46 mins
Steve Beineke · 
He hated Chrisitans.
Like · Reply · 16 mins
Mark A. Morris · 
What Forward Operating Base (FOB) helped the warrior's for Su'en? Check it for C-4 and AK's. Also, Cell phone and CPU friend list please.

A few days after the Paris terrorist attack three FOB's have been shut down.
Like · Reply · 1 · 1 hr
Gary Patton
A big thanks to the NRA and all the gun nuts that insists everyone have easy access to assault weapons and high capacity magazines. Next, let's work on getting lots of RPG's, hand grenades and flame throwers out there. Surely the 2nd amendment guarantees the right to own those as well.
Like · Reply · 1 · 44 mins
James Wilson
The NRA will get plenty of credit for this, but, that will be unfounded. The NRA is just as important as the ACLU to holding the rights that allow you to be free to make these comments. Without these freedoms, governments have killed millions. I find these deaths a tragedy, but, at this time I won't jump to conclusions and give credit or discredit anyone. Why do we have to rush to judgement without the information? Or, is that all the information you need, guns were used so the NRA is at fault. SMH
Like · Reply · 1 · 30 mins
Mary K. Hill · 
Can anyone spell Bengazi coverup? It was a terrorist attack.
Like · Reply · 1 · 47 mins
Patrick Perotti · 
Per the Chief of SBPD, "And the shooters at the IRC had assault weapons and handguns."
Boy, we are sure lucky the IRA keeps people loaded with every damn weapon they want to buy. Dead body by dead body, the NRA is making this such a safe world.
Like · Reply · 1 · 50 mins
Keith Grommes
The irony is he was a "health" inspector, whose primary responsibility is inspecting areas and conditions unsafe for humans, and citing those responsible. Also, the person who wrote this article, typo: 1, 2, 2, 4, 5. Just letting you know you missed #3.
Like · Reply · 54 mins
Thor Alan Foster
Kinda hard to have credibility when the author cannot count to three.
Like · Reply · 53 mins
Lance Johnson · 
Works at Self-Employed
Like · Reply · 14 mins
Wayne McCraw · 
1.Prayers for the injured & families, for the First Responders, that the full truth will come out....
2.To jump to a conclusion without knowing as much as possible is foolishness.
3.When you remove a "moral foundation" from a people, as we have allowed to happen in this nation, the results that we see today are actually unsurprising.
2nd Timothy 3 & 4
Like · Reply · 47 mins
Joseph Nelaturi
Big time Cover-up by Government and media in progress!! Phrases like 'mass shooting' instead of "planned terroristic attack" what else can we expect.
Like · Reply · 24 mins
Wouldn't be surprised if he is an ISIS sympathizer...
Like · Reply · 53 mins
Michael Worthington