December 9, 2015

rookie pasta delicacy

STANMAN101 thinks this can trend
The darkest secrets thread 404'd and I didnt get get to get my post in. I am legitimate lyrics concerned im going crazy.
Bro you just described my life. I have a borderline mushroom dependency like atleast semi weekly. I dont care I take em at home, work, the collage any where. About a month ago I thought I was the devil, told my self I wanted cancer and tried to smoking a pack of cigs at once, let a cherry fall onto my pants in the back of the car and burn a hole through my pants. I didnt care I hoped I catches on fire I was the devil for Christ sakes. Then I questioned whether reality is real. After my trip I looked into this more and found it had a name, like you said solipsism. But if we truly are solipsistic why even engage with everyone else? That's what brings me back to reality but im still not convinced im real, your real or that the devil isn't real any more. I want to tell myself he's not but im not sure. It Doesn't help that my closest friend is an ex Satanist and tells me he can get me in contact with the devil. Im not sure of anything anymore.

Pic related a zip of mush I went through last week.
Also general confessions and advice thread.
>>656378200 (OP)
>>656378200 (OP)
>mushrooms semi-weekly 
even with plenty of exercise, water, and vitamins i still need 2-3 weeks in between dosing or just wasting good mushies.
>not picking your own mushrooms
>>656378200 (OP)
here's an idea....stop eating mushrooms dumbass
I was hoping for somthing a bit more constructive. But /b/ros will /b/ /b/ros.
Have you ever done them they are godly absoulty devine. Even when im not doing mushrooms I still cant be sure. Shrooms help me.
I want to try shooms for the first time. How much is a good dose, what's a good environment?
What do you want from me? I posted my shit last thread nobody was interested.

I just wanna tell that guy who has a half-brain sister to molest said sister because she probably won't be able to differentiate being fed and sucking dick.
don't listen to this faggot

get some nice field mushrooms, remove stems, fry them up in olive oil with plenty of salt and pepper

that shit is delicious.
Nature. If you wanna trip hard take an eighth. If you want a more mellow trip take a half eighth. I did an eighth my first Tim and experienced the ego death of a life time.
Don't want to trip hard. Please explain
>>656378200 (OP)
Take a break from shrooms. Drop acid but not synthetic shit.
>>656378200 (OP)
OP I know what you are going through, definitely not crazy.
Mushrooms and other plants make up what God, the devil, angels and demons, and spirits are. Actually the Spirit (in the Bible), is made up of mushrooms, dmt plants, cannabis, etc. When you combine these in a specific manner you get the Holy Oil.

Anyways regarding for you, the Devil is basically cigarettes (not tobacco, the other shit included in cigarettes), and Satan is Salt (very bad for the body).
Essentially you have a form of Synesthesia (which is also mistaken as Schizophrenia). Cut out everything bad from your diet and only focus on natural plants, you will see the light in no time. Glad you are doing shrooms a lot too, try growing your own.
With a half eighth you won't experience ego death or visuals. But it will still be profoundly spiritual you will feel like your floating. Everything will make sense. You may even feel enlightened.
>>656378200 (OP)
You are making one of the biggest and most amateur mistakes of all with psychadelics, you are taking way to fucking much mushrooms way to often. The mushroom Will cripple you with a horribly bad trip soon
Anon I don't know who you are but you understand. I smoked smokin' Joes organic cigs not affiliated with big tabacco. I am very into ethno botanism.

I will reform my life from here on out keep it natural keep it clean. Thank you anon.
Ego death? And visuals, pls go on.
Visuals are not like Look a dragon just like distortions of reality. Object will wave, you will notice patterns you never noticed in late in things. I remember my first trip the dead coals I. The fire pit looks like bike chain links. I often see blocky in can patterns or wavy Gaelic patterns.

Ego death is like enlightenment. You lost your sense of self you realize you are infentesimetly small and your life means nothing in the grand scheme of things yet also everything. Its hard to explain but you will know it when you feel it.
Ok how much how often. I know I need to slow down because I have a tolerence now and tge idea of doing enoughmush to get a tolerence is pretty fucked up.
The more you do the more enlightened you become. Eventually you develop new pathways throughout your mind and start 'seeing' things while you aren't tripping.
>have good friend, he grows his own Salvia now for several years
>he blatantly eats the leaves (very potent), and smokes a lot of it
>Salvia is an entity drug, which you meet after a lot of usage and trust with the plant
>shown him past instances where people have lied to him, and it flashed a blue dot over everytime someone did
>now he sees this blue dot when people irl lie, even while not on them
>has other sixth senses developing too

personally I have experience with dmt and salvia (not as much as him), but mixing dmt, salvia, cannabis, and acid I had the craziest trip (several times)
>first its regular dmt vortex, get pulled all the way
>show up in animated world, have regular dmt entities flying around, while Salvia entity joined as well
>they ignore me and are checking each other out, sizing each other up
>they go in an all out fight, throwing shapes, colors, changing figures, calling other entities
>goes on for what seems like 20min (n my mind hard to tell at this point)
>eventually they form a truce and come over to me and it felt like they were telling me I was stepping into a whole other dimension with them, something which doesn't happen often

I plan on doing a larger trip with Ketamine, LSD, DMT, Salvia, shrooms, Cannabis, San Pedro, and Peyote, I am missing a couple of those ingredients but cannot wait to do it
>>656378200 (OP)
Bro you only need to do mushies like 2-3 times a year. If you're doing them weekly, you aint dosing near enough.
>>656378200 (OP)
Where do you get those mushrooms?
How do I get some?
Where are you?
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>>656378200 (OP)
Lol dumbass fuckers with horrible diets and lifestyles taking mushrooms in bad settings and having bad trips. Lol never gets old to me. Listen to Terrance Mckenna. He will give you instructions on how to properly do mushrooms. Lil faggot.
>drop acid
>not synthetic
choose one
Terrence* and these kids couldn't handle a heroic dose.
>>656378200 (OP)

>college friend gets into DMT
>becomes weirdest motherfucker ever
>at one point points his gun at me (it wasnt loaded, but didnt know at that moment)

he lives with his parents and posts weird shit about jesus on fb all the time now

kind of sad really
I know a guy who has been grpwing for 25 years.
Not too many people arw into psychadelics and get scared when I bring em up. Just ask your stoner friends. I live in oregon and I am down to trip with anyone if they want.

Actually Terence
I have never done dmt yet. I cant find anyone contacts but am going to end up extracting it from mimosa my self. Next week im dropping acid and shrooms at the same time.
sounds cooler then you
I have never met anyone who does as many mushrooms as often as me. How much how often and perfered method? I personally love tea. I put some in my hydro flask and sip on it all day.
Describe weirdest motherfucker ever
All psychedelics should be respected when used. OP is clearly dumb at using them, and we can all thank people like OP as to why these substances are illegal.
OP, be careful when you're abusing these drugs, schizophrenia is not cool.
You should listen to what terence mckenna says about schizophrenia.
Up the dose, you can't overdose and if you are having good experience let the good times roll. I wish I had a lot of access to mushrooms and I would include them in my 'diet', which consists mainly of DMT and Salvia, plus weed. Look up above and see what I wrote on them here
From personal experience, entity drugs offer new pathway development in the brain and great insights into life. The more I have done the better it becomes and the more I move away from consuming 'commercial' foods full of chemicals and stuff.
No these substances are illagal because already crazy people take em and go even crazier. Like that french girl who went to Amsterdamn took shrooms and killed her self.
yep, your schizophrenic now. have fun being crazy and stigmatized the rest of your life as a part of society no one cares about or would ever miss.
>blind leading the blind
You guys are more crazy then Schizos,
I've been wanting to try shrooms for like over a year now but I cant find a single hook up. I've been asking around my school, and sense i live in a more rural area, not a single person has shrooms. I'd love to hear more personal experiences like this one
Fr fr
I know quite well his stance on the subject. However, I don't take his words as gospel, they're more like a philosophical theatre of the mind, to get you thinking in fun and abstract ways about whatever issue he was talking about.
Bro you sound like my twin. I would love to trip with you some time. I feel the same way each trip wether good or bad, is a learning experience that we grow from. So dmt your guy extract it him self?

I used to think i was schitzo then i started doi g drugs and realized I wasnt. But honestly schizophrenia may be the next step in human evloution. Fuck societal views you are all just a bunch of squares who are scared to unlock your true potential.
Bumping to keep thread alive
Posted in the last thread right when it 404'd. My gf works a hard ass 3rd shift job to support me in college, and the last semester I've been fucking off, getting high, and cheating on her with another man.
Https:// [Embed]
bumpimg for more trip stories an schizos
Thats pretty fucked up. If you were paying for it your self thats one thing but thats byond fucked.

Uh you cpuld always try the deepweb i dont have enough experience there to tell you what to do. You could also grow em your self its super easy.
haha you live in Canada?
At first I did some crazy extractions using natural ingredients, I got quite a bit but started to smoke it. Felt like a waste because I wasn't breaking through so I stopped doing the extract. Just ordered online.
Recently found it DMT needs to be vapped because it can't burn above a certain temperature, so I am thinking my DMT was good. I will be trying to make some this coming week because I dug out 10kg of Phragmites Australis root in the summer (my DMT source), and still have it lol
dream market is awesome. Great DMT, acid (just bought 50 tabs for $200), and lots of shrooms
I think we are all schitzo to some degree just like we all have ADHD to some degree as well.
You're going to end up with permanent psychosis OP

Venturing down a rabbit hole that you will never escape from
Damn, Oregonfag here. I will end up extracting it i know shitis difficult to smoke you cant let the flame touch it.
>>656378200 (OP)
I honestly don't think that spiritual people should take psych's often. It seems to often create some type of archetypal unravelment which is imposed by the super ego.
But If you don't mind ending up in the gutter OP, then by all means, trip away
No, I know. It makes me feel better that there are other people that don't know what the fuck is going on in their lives,
I fear that i ahve already entered the realm of psychosis. But i rember. Quote i thought up on my frist acid trip. Fear is the dictator of conscious. So sure i may be schitzo but i try not to worry and just roll with it. I remeber thats what i thought when i wa the devil was sure im the devil im not going to tell my two friends in the car and just keep on living life like a normal person.
Schizophrenia is an advanced form of Synesthesia, the more you develop the better it becomes. It also depends what food, water, and chemical pills you take because they will influence 'demonic visions'. Eat pure psychedelics and you will have a grand time being a schizo.
When shit hits the fan move up north, I plan on heading to Greenland or Alaska soon. Keep tripping buddy because you are on the right path and don't worry about bad trips or crazy thoughts. Once you are on the right diet everything will make a lot of sense and those will be a thing of the past. Read this book on Google, its called Plants of the Gods: Their Sacred, Healing, and Hallucinogenic Powers.
My goal is to combine as many of those plants as possible into one trip and see how it goes.
I will be posting my dmt extraction soon once I try it again successfully, whats your email I will keep in touch
There is a brotherhood among us "schitzos". What seperates us from the other schitzos is we take the path of natures healers and teachers rather than some pill perscribed by some lab coat.
>Ego death is like enlightenment. You lost your sense of self

Have you ever experienced depersonalization?

it's similar to what you describe, you lose your self identity, but it feels like you are observing yourself through someone else's eyes

I've always wondered how the two differ
Dude I'm having the same thing.
I guess I'm trying "fake it til you make it"
I honestly think I'm already dead just coasting through life until I die on the outside,

I am paying for it myself, and I have a job as well. I just have a fuckton of anxiety and it's hard for me to get started.

And we're both bi. We've talked about it and it's alright if we sex up a person of the same sex. I just haven't told her.
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Did shrooms for first time a couple months ago. Shit was awesome.
Findbrody@the most common email
When shit hits the fan I plan to bounce around the world and live with monks and shamans throught the world and partake in their ceremonies and experience their culture.
I would agree. Mine is anon.bill.gates@ same email provider
When shit really hits the fan going anywhere south is a death sentence. Greenland will be around the new equator and up there will be lots of plants and new life haha. I will toss you an email right now, maybe we can link up one day and trip some ballz together
Yes thats bassicaly as close as it can be. This is a thought that plagues me from day to day. Perhaps i am living in the most realistic pov 4d movie ever. Anon you are on a joreny and it will be eye opening.

You are headed towards a bad trip that could affect you for years to come

It will only get worse if you continue on the way you're going.

In Native tribes there were places for people like that, as shamans. In the developed world, there are mental hospitals.

Be careful
I have been crippled with a horribly bad trip when i was the devil worst night of my life hands down. But if I could go back in time and stop myself I wouldnt , it was a learning experience and I wouldnt have it anyother way.
Sounds like psychedelics aren't for you OP. I used to do them at least twice a week because I grow them and enjoy tripping. I don't do them as often now because I have responsibilities and I'm not a complete degenerate. You obviously can't ride a trip and then get off the ride when it's over. So you should stop. You're mentally unstable. Or keep doing them. Idgaf.
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>>656378200 (OP)
I have the same mindset. my solipsism kicked in after I tried shrooms too. yet I believe it's a grey area of where you're not sure if other people have a conscious mind because the only conscious mind you've ever REALLY encountered was your own. reality and your own consciousness are subjective to your views. you are don't know what's in other people's minds, so you assume they don't have one. pic related. it reminded me about how my solipsism makes me feel. i don't know. I identified with it.
Around the time a great step in evloution appeared in human history is when we first recorded shamanistic culture and cave drawing. Society may be holding its self back from the next step in our evloution. Everyone should atleast try psychedelic s once. Bug i apreicate your concern its nice to know somone cares and doesnt look at me as some new age hipppy.

Hmm, it was actually a terrifying experience for me. I think I'm just not at a point in my life where I can have that kind of experience and be enlightened by it. It almost seemed to border on psychosis
Honestly tho, I'm glad someone else is in the same boat.
Source of gif?
Your post remind me of Pythagoras's dualism. I live in two worlds one where i am set free to explore my own concinousness an another when i am bound to reality and held to a regular borin life in which we wake up go to work get payed spend money and die. Responsibilty may not be fun but it is nessicary to some degree. Thats why I am a fool for thinking I can continue this balancing act but ill b damned I quit.
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Be careful with you shrooms man.
The ones in Op's pick are pretty common in my
experience although I have never seen them that
fat before. One night I tried these ones called
"golden lions" apparently and no shit just one half a cap had me more fucked up then ever, don't remember half of that night. Also, when I took 3.6 grams of some basic shrooms I tripped so fucking hard. I was left alone in my garage and the music turned into fart and puke noises and I felt so sick. Then a wild hair got up my ass, not many visuals at this point but I ran downstairs and chugged some bleach. Was in a psych ward for 7 days after being hospitalized for the damage I had done for 3 days. Was a learning experience yes but also a very very scary experience indeed. So moral of story is dont take excess of 2 grams IMO unless you are experienced.
>>656378200 (OP)
OP you're not crazy.

Shrooms open up the mind to possibility.

None of which will ever be confirmed or denied by anyone in this thread and may never be by anything or one ever.

But the moment you think you know the answers, whether it being a confirmation or a denial, then you are being irrational.

You do discover something when on shrooms, but its easy for individual to think they know what it is.
Our greatest advancement in innovation, invention and science came in the last 100 years, where the rise of Cannabis, Cocaine, and LSD gives us creativity and energy beyond that which we can imagine ourselves. And these are all illegal drugs while they pump us with chemicals in our food water and all these pills which numb our minds. hmmmm, wonder why
plus they scare us these psychedelics will lead to schizo or let us do horrible things, while they don't mention 100% of mass shooters were on some type of pill throughout their lives, and most soldiers, here and abroad, use pills to fuel activities.

Yeah. If only shamans still had a place in society. They were meant to safely guide people on their journey. I think they could help a lot of people.
That would be a gift and a curse to know when people are lying in a way. That's interesting though, never done salvia.
It was such an odd experience because iwas lost in psychosis but still in reality. I KNEW i was the devil and i wanted it to end it WAS terrifying. But also also told myself this is the craziest knight of my life i cant wait to sober up and hav this end. I knew i was crazy and realized it while still being crazy.
>>656378200 (OP)

Anon if you were going wouldn't honestly know about would just be like normal life to you.

The fact you know about it means its more then likely stress/anxiety.
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I feel it too y'all I feel that maybe I'm already dead aswell sometimes. And sometimes people say things to me that hit my soul and resonate with what I've been thinking, coincidences if you will, I believe they are signs of some sort but don't know what they mean at all.

December 8, 2015

"Racist" Letter to PM

Scott Wilcox wrote this letter and sent it to prime minister Jr. Trudeau. He wants it to go viral. Please share if you agree; your choice.
November 16, 2015
To the Honorable Justin Trudeau, Members of Parliament, and Provincial
Will We Learn Nothing From Paris?
I am a proud Canadian, and proud of our heritage of being a true global leader in Humanitarian efforts. Given the events of recent years and more importantly the recent week, however, I believe prudence requires a pause in our assistance package for Syrian refugees, and indeed all refugees and asylum seekers. I say this not in a tone of political partisanship, but one of Citizenship. Any Parliament, be it Liberal, Conservative, or NDP has as its first mandate the protection of our country and its citizens. This must take precedence over all other considerations and activities.
As a Retired Firefighter/Fire Officer of the City of Calgary, I have an experience I believe is timely and valuable. In my final assignment at the end of my career, I asked for and received a transfer to work on the Airport Crash Rescue Unit at the Calgary International Airport. A requirement for all staff working at the Airport is to undergo a police background check. In between the time the background check is initiated, and the time it is competed, an employee must be accompanied by another employee who has the appropriate screening and credentials. I can t remember precisely how long it took for the RCMP to conduct my check, but it was several months. Bear in mind that this is for a person who was born in Calgary; completed primary, secondary and post-secondary education in Calgary/Lethbridge; had passed a security clearance to gain employment as a Calgary Firefighter, and had worked in this civic institution for 18 years at the time. I had also been vetted by the Provincial Government s Lieutenant Governor Norman (Normie) Kwong to sit as a long-term member of the Alberta Labour Relations Board. In short, it would not be difficult to find information on me. I was also required to be finger printed as part of the process.
When the day arrived and I was notified that I had passed the security clearance, I was escorted to the terminal building by a colleague to pick up my coveted airport pass. While in the waiting room, I met and visited with what seemed to be a very nice man of Arab descent, who if memory served was from Jordan. During our discussion, he indicated that his pass had only taken two weeks to get, as opposed to the months mine had taken. He left after receiving his pass, and so when my turn came I asked the RCMP Sargent why on earth it would take so long for me to acquire a clearance when this person who indicated he was a recent arrival to Canada received his in two weeks or less. The answer I received, haunts me to this day.
The answer: We can t really do that much of a search on these people. They often arrive without even a passport or Birth Certificate, and unless they appear on an INTERPOL watch list, we generally let them pass. Often the police departments from these fractured countries are unable or unwilling to provide information or detailed data, and we simply have to go with what we can learn. We also make sure they have no criminal record while in Canada, which for many of these folks is a very short period of time .or words to that effect.
In the couple of years I spent at the airport, I never stopped thinking about that. These people were everywhere: loading aircraft luggage, cleaning the airport with access to virtually all areas right up to the jet ways, acting as security guards and everything in between. It was then and there that I realized that the issue of security was truly an illusion in our country. I do not say these things lightly. I represented Calgary and its
1500 members as the President of the Calgary Firefighter s Association in New York in 2002 at the 911 Memorial which was attended by 77,000 firefighters from all over the world. The hole at ground zero was still a testament a year later as to the impact of what can happen when a country lets its guard down.
So my questions to the Current Government and to the two opposition parties, and to our provincial leaders, in light of the recent events in France are:
1. Who are the refugees ? How can you possibly screen 25,000 people adequately in such a short period of time to ensure that none of these people pose a threat to me and my country?
2. What specific process(es) is/are engaged to determine the identity of who these people are?
3. What agency is tasked with performing the background checks, and has the capacity to conduct appropriate checks on what amounts mathematically to about 800 people per day if they are all to arrive by Christmas. I note that in the U.S.A., the head of the Department of Homeland Security, Jeb Johnson admitted that we don t know a whole lot about these people and that we have no real protocol for screening refugees My guess and fear is if they can t do it between the DHS, FBI, and CIA, there is no reasonable hope that Canada can possibly have any credible system. I believe Canadian citizens are entitled to know this. I would commend to you the words of Governor Greg Abbot of Texas who today said: Given the tragic attacks in Paris and the threats we have already seen, Texas cannot participate in any program that will result in Syrian refugees any one of whom could be connected to terrorism being resettled in Texas. That seems like a very reasoned approach at the moment.
4. Bill C-45 (2003), which became an amendment to the Criminal Code of Canada after the Westray Mine accident, allowed the courts to find officers of corporations criminally negligent if their actions either willfully or by gross negligence contribute to the preventable death of an employee.
Does this legislation reach to the political elite if, in the future, an innocent citizen is harmed or killed by a refugee because the sitting government failed to properly screen them? If not, we need to amend it. As I read the Act, Clause 1(1) extends the reach of Bill C-45 to all organizations ..which I assume includes political parties. Would you concur with this view?
5. What is the projected, long-term cost per refugee and what current, existing benefits will suffer because of this for existing citizens?
6. What is the demographic make-up of the refugees being allowed into the country? What percentage are women, children, married men accompanying a family, and single men?
7. Will refugees be required to undergo a polygraph test, be finger printed, and be drug tested as is required of several types of employment for Canadian Citizens such as the Calgary Fire Department?
8. Will Refugees be screened for infectious diseases including TB, HIV, hepatitis, leishmaniosis, meningitis, and the host of other physiological problems which have been identified with these disadvantaged people?
9. Why are neighboring, wealthy countries of Syria with similar cultures such as Qatar, Saudi Arabia and Kuwait not accepting ANY refugees?
10. There are reportedly 19 million refugees globally from places as diverse as Libya to Myanmar. Are we to take them all? In the case of Syria, is it not better to spend our money pushing for a UN peacekeeping force to be deployed and contributing our resources in that fashion so that these people can have the opportunity to stay put and rebuild their own country?
How we managed the war in Cyprus comes to mind. Is that not the road we should be following instead of pretending that we are blind to what the USA and Russia are doing there?
11. Terror attacks appear to be occurring in random places with high civilian populations with little if any police or military presence. I have never been that concerned with gun restrictions, however like our brothers and sisters in France; we Canadians live a country with severe gun restrictions. Can you comment on how Section 7 of the Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms squares with my inability to carry or possess (without significant restrictions) a weapon for self-defence? Put another way, how can I possibly have the right to Security of Person where I don t have a reasonable ability of self defense? Do you intend on travelling anywhere (inside or outside of the country) without armed guards? While you will no doubt have me look to the south (USA) for reasons not to re-consider this, I would point you east, o Switzerland, which is one of the most heavily armed, yet peaceful nations on earth.
In all of this, I am not suggesting that as a nation we turn a blind eye to those in need. We do have an enviable reputation in the wold that each of us is proud of. Having said that, we unfortunately live in an ever-changing world. For all of the forgoing reasons, I would ask that the sitting government halt the refugee program until it can be demonstrated to all Canadians that every single refugee being allowed access to our country, and being offered benefits that most of us have worked a lifetime to fund, have been thoroughly vetted. I would also argue that it is time to re-open the debate on gun legislation from a constitutional perspective. We don t have a second amendment as our U.S. brothers, but without the right to meaningful self-protection, the Canadian Charter guarantee of Security of Person is starting to ring very hollow.
In closing, are we going to learn anything from Paris? While social media is replete with people stating we are Paris , my suggestion is we make immediate alterations to the issues noted above, before that Facebook slogan changes from an echo of support to a prophesy.
D. S. (Scott) Wilcox
Cold lake, Ab.