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>Sony announced today at CES 2016 that the PlayStation 4 has reached 40.4 million units shipped.
>"We would like to thank all our loyal fans worldwide for the success of the PlayStation 4. The PlayStation 4 continues to exceed our expectations and break records. We hope to maintain this momentum as we move forward in 2016, with key titles such as Uncharted 4, Horizon: Zero Dawn, Street Fighter V, Ratchet and Clank, Gran Turismo Sport, and more making this possible. 2016 will also mark the launch of PlayStation VR and give fans a new and innovative way to game."
Thoughts? How do they do it?
>>322629668 (OP)
I dont know but I am glad both PS4 and XO are selling well.
what so surprised?
ps4 have better library than xbone
xbone is underpowered comapre to ps4
consumer are dumb but this choice is so easy to make.
>>322629668 (OP)
How long has it been since they announced it was 30mil? It feels like it was only weeks ago.
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>XBO selling well
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>40 million ps4s sold
>cant keep psn up
classic sony
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>>322629668 (OP)
hahahah was there any question about it?
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Advertising, I guess.
>> ve-never-played-an-uncharted-game
>>322629668 (OP)
>Thoughts? How do they do it?
Microsoft dropped the ball combined with Sony fixing the glaring problems with the PS3 (most notably its ridiculous hardware architecture, resulting in tough development and inflated pricepoint). Throw in the network effect due to online gaming, and then add Microsoft's continued struggle to appeal outside of its core US/UK userbase.
And voila.
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>>322629668 (OP)
Because ps4 is cheaper than a powerful pc, more powerful than Xbox one and wiiu, will run games for a whole generation unlike a pc, has a nice controller, has a history of picking up games at the end of the generation while other consoles blow their load too early, and the only console that has a history Nintendo, isn't in competition with the ps4.
Ps4 is the only choose if you are poor and want the best bang for your buck . That's why I have one.
its fake.
Why does it seem like the people who say this are people who don't even play PS4?
I'm on probably 6+ hours a day (not always playing games, have it on in the background, netflix, etc), and PSN has not been down for months.
Surely I'm not some statistical anomaly who is unaffected by these? Even around Christmas, I had zero issues with PSN, the worst I had was that the store took a while to load right after it updated.
I really don't get the bitching about PSN.
Its literally down right now
Ps4 doesn't really have a better casual library than xbone. Microsoft just committed sudoku at the bone presentation.
Weird. Oh well, they're nearly at 40m, it's just a matter of when they announce it.
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>will run games for a whole generation unlike a pc
Funny, my toaster ran games from 2005 till 2015 until I rebuild it completely during the summer.
Keep baiting though, that's the only way these threads get attention anyways.
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I'm literally on PSN right now.
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>Funny, my toaster ran games from 2005 till 2015
lol, no. Reminder that the 360 was faster than every PC when it was released. By contrast, the Xbone/PS4 were about as powerful as a high-spec PC.
Why is Bloodborne in the picture twice?
Lucky you bruh
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>than every PC
If you consider shitty overpriced prebuilds every PC, then you're pretty fucking retarded, good thing sage still works, because you're blatantly baiting right now.
Or you're actually being serious, which would be hilarious and sad at the same time.
Sony has quietly made PSN more stable over the last 6 months or so but nobody has really noticed. It's basically as reliable as Steam/Live these days.
I miss gold face being spammed 24/7
I knew the NeoFAG invasion was real. That explains the spike in Sonygger threads.
Great job falling for bait, newfag.
delete this
1. Never.
2. EVER.
PSN is literally down since 2 hours ago.
>doesn't show up on any image searches
>i-it's bait!
You've been caught. Leave.
HAH bullshit. Wanna know why? I had a high specced pc around 2008 and it chuged so hard on games around 2013 that I had to replace it. PCs are timed obsolete, have a way shorter lifespan than a console. And that is why people still go to console and why they are still relevant. Keep trying to bait though.
>both PS4 and XO are selling well.
Are you sure Xbone is selling well?
>the Xbone/PS4 were about as powerful as a high-spec PC
>powerful as a high-spec PC
8th gen consoles are powerful as a low-spec PC with R7 260X
Pretty much every PC. The 360 was a fucking powerhouse when it was released in 2005. Of course, that speed advantage only lasted a year or two.
And then Crysis happened.
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>>322629668 (OP)
I work at an electronics retail store and we have had tons and tons of PS4's stacked up for weeks now.
Nobody buys them and they are the most returned system in the store.
So, Sony can ship as many as they want, doesn't mean they will be bought.
So PS4 owners actually have taste? Color me surprised.
I've played games until 2015 on low settings with tessellation, AA, and every other option off just fine, I even played fucking GTA V at cinematic 30fps 720p.
Kindly fuck off.
It's outpacing the 360, which sold 85+ million, so yes.
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>Nintendrones are this fucking salty
I work at Best Buy, and over the Thanksgiving to Christmas period we had tons of PS4s and tons of Xbones stacked up in the same area. The PS4s went incredibly fast, while the stack of Xbones stayed there all the way until Christmas. I saw more people walking out with Wii Us than Xbones.
>low settings
Meanwhile my Xbox 360 ran better than your pc. Argument over
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I firmly believe the ebox Phil Spencer e3 fiasco caused ps4 victory .
1. lol no. Fine, mid-to-high spec. Also, remember we're comparing with systems from over 2 years ago and technology marches on.
2. The gulf in VRAM is a major difference and is the reason anything less than 3gb, if not 4gb, will soon be useless. A lot of these "shit unoptimised ports" are just them exploiting VRAM tricks on console that fuck performance on PC and it's very tough to 'fix' them.
Sony won.
>outpacing the 360
It sold more because of frontloaded sales against a supply constrained 360.
whats the game below wild?
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The WiiU's are just as bad too buddy. This console generation is a joke.
It didn't, 360 doesn't even run GTA V at 720p, the settings are even lower than PC preset low settings, it runs at subpar 720i upscaled to 1080i.
Are you even trying?
I'm out, you're literally retarded.
Butthurt sonnyger detected
That's a good excuse. Too bad it's negated by the fact that each month, even now, the Xbone outsells the 360 in similar months.
>sonygger bogeyman
Heh, I never owned a Sony device except for Smartphones and the PSP 3000.
Whatever fits your autistic wet dream.
what is the souce of this image search takes me to fucking 4chan
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Oh,so you're a Pcu-ck? Gotcha
I'm sure it was a major contributer.
>LOL, we're going to spy on you and no used games is this good y/n?
Who thought this was a good idea?
Couple of points here to realize
A) X360 was supply constrained and actually sold fairly slow the first 2-3 years. Its peak years were 4-6 years in.
B) Xbox One is already starting to slow down and the gap is widening percentage-wise
C) Xbox is only really successful in two regions (US+UK), for two months, and only when it is cheaper than PS4. (at price parity, PS4 dominates)
D) Worldwide PS4 outsells XB1 over 3:1 and widening outside of the holiday months.
D) Xbox One loses money on each XB1 sold (and these holiday fire sales only hurt margins more), while PS4 has made a profit on each PS4 sold since day one.
E) Sony simply designed much more powerful, cost-effective hardware. The PS4 is 40% more powerful, is half the weight, half as small, and doesn't even have an external power supply in comparison to the Xbox One
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>Sony won.
You haven't seen shit yet. Fagits don't understand that a custom firmware that runs ISOs is going to propel PS4's sales in China, Latin america, Slav europe. Meaningwhile buy fags will continue being sheep.
Which smartphone, this is important.
Some drawfag. He drew it. Cute huh?
Great argument.
Same here anon. PSN being down for me is a rare occurence even though I see some site or person saying every week PSN DOWN GUYS LOL.
Xperia Z2.
>Xbox One loses money on each XB1 sold
I doubt they lose significant money on it, and I suspect Microsoft more than makes it up for it via Live subscriptions from buyers over the lifetime of the console. The margins on XBL/PS+ are fucking ridiculous. That's why they've had scope to cut the price.
I think we're not far away from heavily subsidised consoles that require a subscription. Not hard to imagine buying a console for $100 that requires a subscription for $10/mo for two years before it unlocks itself.
>E) Sony simply designed much more powerful, cost-effective hardware. The PS4 is 40% more powerful, is half the weight, half as small, and doesn't even have an external power supply in comparison to the Xbox One
This has nothing to do with Xbone sales.
In fact, your whole post is you making excuses as to why, in your fairytale land, the Xbone isn't successful, when the actual data suggests that it's not only successful, but projected to be the most successful MS console to date.
But please, stay in your bubble.
Tekken 7 and KH3 are both on the Xbone and/or PC.
>people on neo/v/ actually like God of War
>Call of duty call of duty
>Sports sports
>Xbox one is the new water cooler
>Xbox go home
Still no interest in buying the consoles of this generation.
Bloodborne seems alright but I am souls out
Ratchet and Clank was always fun though so maybe there's hope
if it was a draw fag that shits well done
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>modern /v/ actually pays for online
I don't have a PS4 yet, but this is good news.
The better console wins.
>Pay $50
>get $1500 in games
Sounds like a great deal to me.
desu, I don't object to it now they give you games with it, they have dedicated servers and aren't putting for apps like TV streaming behind a paywall. It took the piss when Microsoft were charging $30/yr for literally nothing.
But the Wii U is in last place.
It does. The ps4 looks much better than the xbox one. When I was out for dinner last night I heard two girls even talk about "playstations", how their boyfriends were obsessed with it and how her ex boyfriend had an xbox and how ugly and big it was compared to the ps4. Wish I was making this up. I was cringing the whole time
When presented with facts you plug your ears and refuse to listen. I've been salesgaf for years and have a better finger on the pulse of the industry than anyone in this thread.
Xbone is not doing "well." Far from it.
I mean yeah it has better games COMING OUT but what's there to play right now that's not Bloodborne?
I mean it's better than the Xbone's literally nothing but the WiiU has first party titles.
I am not saying the WiiU is better than the PS4, I'm saying at this second the PS4 has one game.
Feel free to prove me wrong, this isn't a topic I want to be right about.
nah senpai. it's not negated, the 360 was supply constrained and the xbx one has front loaded sales because of hype etc.
Wouldn't you cringe at anything normals said about video games?
Well, the wiiu is the better console for children and women. I'll give you that.
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Retard, the sales figures are there for all to see. We can all see MS's financials at any time. The Xbone is a success. Stop crying over it, it's a fucking console.
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how do they do it tho?
You must not work at BB because they all sell here. I think we still have Xbone's from last Holiday we forgot to send back lol.
>psn down
for what purpose
It's shot when you have subscription MMOs or f2p games asking you to also have xbox live. Making you pay double for it. thank God I have a ps4. Now I can play warthunder and warframe on the couch without paying for a ps+ sub
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>xbx one
MS doesn't actually release numbers, so no, they aren't. We have NPD numbers, UK estimations, and nothing else.
Just saw a message that they're doing maintenance.
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>1 mill sold in a week
whatttttt the fuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuck
Literally 10 people bought an Xbox 360 in Japan that week. You could poll them and find out the reasons
>>322629668 (OP)
>Thoughts? How do they do it?
A botched launch of the xbone. A failure of nintendo to get good 3rd party support as well as a botched launch.
Kinda simple really.
Anyway, I think the solution for Microsoft is simple: Microsoft releases a more expensive and powerful high-end version of the Xbone dubbed the "Xbox One 4K" mid-cycle. A fully backwards compatible sister console with better specs with 4K support (or, more accurately, 1080p at 60fps lol) with support for 4K Blu-Ray and shit.
Knack and The Order where?
How the shit is PS4 already nearly to half of PS3 numbers?
The Wii U is in comparison to the PS4 an underpowered piece of shit.
It isn't magically better because it says Nintendo on it, imagine if the PS4 was available to the developers at Nintendo.
If anything, slapping Nintendo on it makes it worse, with how badly they gimp the console's capabilities.
>4K support (or, more accurately, 1080p at 60fps lol)
They'd make the games 4k before they'd give you 60 fps
The ridiculously long last-gen led to pent-up demand, hence massive PS4 sales.
This. The only number that they release about their gaming division is when they add up all of it. So that includes xbox live, 360 and game sales.
I imagine with some encouragement from Microsoft they could patch up existing Xbone to give 1080p 60fps on the new console.
I thought you have your magical bullshit fairytale "insider" info? Why do you need to rely on NPD?
You really think that's a simple solution? If they could have made the xbone run 4k at 60fps simply don't you think they'd have done it?
A sister console is a stupid idea that would fail horribly.
Salty Microdick lol
Good goy
On one hand, it's bullshit. On the other hand, Microsoft only acknowledging XBL numbers should really hint at how much money they make from XBL. Xbox Live is literally how they made a tidy profit from last-gen, despite burning a billion on faulty consoles and subsidising their console in its first couple of years.
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>get btfo
>decide to shitpost
I feel like there's bloated numbers somewhere on Sony's part. Especially when you take into consideration that they're counting sweepstakes and free consoles that are being gifted to people (Sony gave free PS4s to the store manager and assistant store manager at my local Gamestop) and that's not touching the fact that PS4s are being stocked 2:1 compared to Xbones in stores. If I were to go into the back room at Gamestop or Best Buy there would probably be at least a 1.5x average from PS4s to Xbones.
This coming from a guy who is only PC/3DS. Shit, I have a PS4 and don't even know how they've sold. The interface is god-awful.
Here's the Germany Top 10 software sales last week (Source: Mediabiz GamesMarkt)
02 [PS4] FIFA 16
04 [PS4] FALLOUT 4
10 [PS3] FIFA 16
How the fuck does PS4 do it?
It costs money to increase the specs, and the price would be higher. It would be a good way of gaining the hardcore audience back from the PS4, while remaining price-competitive on the low-end.
You don't think the 'Elite' controller was a test to see how going in this direction would work? If a $150 controller sells, why not a $500 console?
Not even the same person faggot, just laughing at you grasping at straws, Microshit doesn't even release their sales figures for the Blunderbox because is is selling so poorly
I can't believe there are still microdicks left on /v/, probably a fat white trash American
>>322629668 (OP)
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Sony is shady as fuck. I like the company and I like my PS3 and PS4, but I could totally see them inflating their numbers and/or smudging them, getting caught, and saying "oops we didn't know xD"
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>Trying to damage control on the same day that consoles were officially killed
It's over, ruggies. PC Gaming won.
What the hell are you talking about? People with access to NPD numbers leak the NPD numbers. People use GFK Chart-Track statements to determine UK software sales. UK hardware sales and RotW hardware sales can only be estimated atm because MS doesn't release numbers and the only countries that keep track of hardware numbers are the US and Japan.
If Sony says 40 million shipped it's 40 million shipped. You can lie to consumers but you don't lie to investors.
Those overstocked retailers are not Sony's problem. They already paid Sony for those shipments.
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People will defend this
It's off now mate
>>322629668 (OP)
I do expect Sony to announce numbers like this but since OP didn't provide any source and neogaf is not shilling about this,i would call OP a faggot.
>literally every single one is AAA garbage
You'd think maybe something a little less mainstream could maybe sneak into the list at 10 or something, fuck.
You misspelled Arabistan. It's okay. It's an easy thing to do.
>grasping straws
Topkek. Says the guy implying the Xbone is a failure as it sold 20 million in 2 years.
Dude, it was the fucking holidays, what do you expect?
That's impressive considering it only sells in the US.
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>+1 milion
By being less "worst" than the Xbone. The wiiu is out of the question because normalfags aren't even interested in that console.
I own hunderds, maybe thousands of games, and I buy new ones all the time, but I will never own a single game on that list
Those times are over.
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I don't know what I expect anymore.
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They have incredible advantage in Euro territories where both XBone and WiiU have been dropping the ball since forever.
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>he pays to rent random games
Are you signed up to humble monthly too? At the very least then you get to own the games.
Nice delusion, Microdick.
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Almost all of those games are good to great though.
The only games that could be not considered good are Battlefront, NFS, amd AC Syndicate (which I've heard is actually a big improvement over the last few AC games). GTAV, Just Cause 3, BO3, Fallout 4, and Siege are all fantastic games.
Pretty good taste compared to America where dogshit like Madden, Minecraft, and Just Dance sell.
how is this chart relevant to anybody who isn't a nazi
Well... yes. But even having games to "rent" is way better than when they used to give you fuck all.
You don't own anything on PC, you will never own a physical disc, you cuckold can't even return your games if you played more than 2 hours, I can go to Walmart buy the newest game beat the whole thing and take it back if I want to
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>dedicated servers
Who the fuck cares about dedicated servers? What games even uses their dedicated servers?
It's pathetic. They don't even allow me to play peer to peer multiplayer without paying a fee.
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>Almost all of those games are good to great though.
Sony fanboys are killing this board.
>GTAV, Just Cause 3, BO3, Fallout 4, and Siege are all fantastic games.
Fuck off back to whatever normalfag-infested cesspool you came from.
>dem european vita figures
are the tables finally turning, brothers?
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Nope, still on. In fact I just had a friend log in as well.
>gets BTFO
Microdick white trash a/sp/ie detected, go jerk your dick to more apehoop
Not in Asia.
At this point the PS4 is more dudebro than the 360 was.
Pretty much just Halo 5 and Titanfall. But it's good the option is there, it should have been like that from day 1, instead of charging $30/yr for matchmaking, a few libraries and nothing else.
is more dudebro than the x360 but it also the most weeb consoles of recent times.
It only has everything tbqfh
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Xbone does well in Anglo countries, which are really the only important countries when you think about it tbqh
More like you're being a bunch of contrarian retards.
Siege and GTAV are 9/10 and 10/10 games respectively.
Just Cause 3, BO3, and Fallout 4 are a bit overhyped but are still great games and worth a purchase.
Certainly could be a lot, lot worse. Germany and Europe (minus UK) in general is usually pretty good with buying a wide variety of games and picks up the slack on many more niche titles.
I'd be interested in what a good top 10 to you would look like.
Sales matter everywhere for companies even on the fucking moon.
America is a nigger country and that's the only place stupid enough to buy them
you have to take into account that most people who play video games are normies who want to play far cry 4 and get the dlcs for call of duty first. the ps4 runs games better than the xb1 and there's not a whole lot of normies who are going to spend $600+ on a gaming pc, they just want to play whatever multiplats they can get their hands on and uncharted
This makes me vomit. At the very least Japan bought good games of different kinds.
No, he clearly spelled Sweden correctly, or are you attempting to make an amusing comment about the current immigration situation? If you are, then I have to inform you that it failed. Miserably. Not on any level what you wrote is funny, witty, or indeed clever. In fact, those three words make you out to be an unintelligent, reactionary, misguided, and probably retarded through foetal alcohol syndrome. In short, you're a little cunt.
I seriously wonder how many of those 360 sales were to the same person, since the thing was made out of spit and solidified cum with astronomically high failure rates. I know quite a few complete fucking retards who went through something like 3 xboxes.
There is no reason at all to own a Bone, it is only alive because of NA's patriotism and UK's loyalty to a lesser extent.
Over here in Brazil the PS4 is nearly twice as expensive as the bone, and people will still favor the former.
well then to answer >>322630520 this, yes you are some statistical anomaly cause I can't play shit
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>South America
desu, Microsoft should have made more effort to encourage 360 owners to move over to the Xbone rather than giving them the opportunity to move to PS4. The BC is nice but a little too late.
Like, 360/Xbone cross-buy could have been a massive advantage if they had the foresight to do it. Or even just encouraging Xbone ports of XBL shit.
PS4 still has all of the weeb games though.
The only Japanese exclusive that the Xbone has is Scalebound.
Japan is a bunch of weebs, pedophiles, and nintendrones. They won't even buy the good fucking Japan games. All the good Japan games like DMC, NG, games from P*, Street Fighter, Resident Evil, MGS, the Souls series, etc. have to rely on the West because the damn Nips won't buy them. Not to mention that the whole fucking country has been infected with smartphone and handheld gaming cancer.
Literally the worst taste in vidya by far of any country on this planet.
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>there are people excited and happy about the prospect of Sony having a potential monopoly on video games
How indoctrinated do you have to be to think this way?
>because the damn Nips won't buy them
What are you even talking about? Japan loves the Souls games and Street Fighter.
ps2 era was golden age of video games and its hapenning again
stay mad
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Sure you are.
These are the same people who would applaud Sony if they went full Xbone1.0 with the PS5.
>doesn't remember the 360 launch
Hello underage.
The Souls games aren't multi million sellers like Pokemon, Dragon Quest and Yo Kai Watch though.
Final Fantasy is pretty much the only high profile vidya franchise that Japs care about.
Sony can't get a monopoly now the PC market is healthy. it's not 2002 anymore.
That image is from a trailer and that is all the info available about the game
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>>322629668 (OP)
What video games rated E for everyone in the ESRB's for the PlayStation 4?
Most of the games you listed DO sell in japan outside of Souls shit, and thats weak anyways.
MGS5 sold a lot as an example.
Bigger issue is that we're seeing no games like DMC and NG anymore.
The PS2 era wasn't dominated by games developed for the PS1 and games ported from the PS1.
The technological break through from the PS1 to the PS2 was also far more notable than the step from the PS3 to the PS4.
And despite all this, the PS2 still had more games in general. Triumphing over the PS4 in both quality and quantity.
Fuck off with your "PS2 2". The PS4 is garbage in comparison to the PS2. And that's disregarding how you can't even play the games fully without paying an annual fee on the PS4.
This. Critical and fan acclaim means shit if you're not turning numbers. I'm sure Souls games, and Bloodborne if you want to be pedantic, earn their money compared to how much development cost, but they ain't no big sellers.