This blog is intended to [ARCHIVE] for all eternity. To also be used to report and reintroduce the idea of keeping the record available to as many people as possible. Comments that were "of the time".
". . . as many as 30 children, women and men were treated for exposure to pepper spray by paramedics and the Vancouver Fire and Rescue Service. . . "
.... and now let's have all the racist white supremacist posters here tell us the refugees are to blame
.... go back far enough into your roots, and you will find you too came from immigrants and you too had forebears who arrived on these shores hoping against hope they would be treated well
@RogerRoger It's hard to tell exactly what the point of your comment is. Because it sounds like you're justifying it because your ancestors also put up with harassment, but I know that can't be what you mean.
@JDev I agree, totally disgusted that someone in my country would do this. I am so hoping he is caught soon by the police and made an example of in the courts. My Canada doesn't do this! :(
@RogerRoger These immigrants just got to Canada so I don't see how assimilating, getting along and working at being a good citizen has anything to do with it. I was a "white kid" when my family immigrated to Canada and had more than comments thrown at me. I recall stones and rocks. I also recall fist fights. I was four when I arrived.
@b.c. terry Yes no place for racists but don't be so fast to label everyone with an opinion that differs as a racist. That shuts down all discussion and is as evil as racism.
@JDev Agreed; it was cowardly and we need to address this aspect of our culture/beliefs. I find myself reservedly proud of Canada (including our troglodytes) that pepper or paint was sprayed and not bullets/shrapnel. BUT this is NOT a 1-sided issue. Muslims need to recognize that trepidation against them did not just fall out of a clear blue sky. We are facing a religion/culture that goes to seed unto the deaths of many innocents FAR too often -- more than most other religions/cultures... » more
@JDev ...absolutely disgusting behavior. This person needs to be identified and charged as soon as possible. While the crown counsel in calgary hasn't made a decision to approve hate crimes against the 2 spray painting men, I hope for a speedy decision in this case as the person's motivation was clear.
@Grizzly1 And to reciprocate, perhaps the Christian religions could also weed out the parts of their "sacred text" that condone the committing of extremist acts, too?
@Grizzly1 They just got a flipping plane, and you're already convinced these refugees are to blame for hate crimes against them simply because th are Muslim. Also, have you ever visited visited mosque? I went to an open house at our l mosque recently, and had lovely conversations with both Canadian-born Muslims and people who had come from all over the world. The point was never to try to con us, but to let us know what they were doing for refugees and let the community know how we can all help... » more
@Grizzly1 Really, which religion/culture invaded Iraq and Afghanistan and killed over 1 million people, mostly innocent civilians - women and children. Which religion/culture assassinated the elected leader of Iran in the 50's and helped put the brutal Shaw in power. Which religion/culture arms the Saudi's, Israeli's and supports their brutal actions in the region. Which religion/culture supported the death squads in Salvador, Honduras, .... more, or does this suffice
and a few make the majority look bad. The majority of Canadians are welcoming these refugees .ALL parties from the federal government voted to accept the refugees. Time to weed out these few and charge them with assault.
@file edit view The majority of Canadians welcome what ?! ... speak for yourself pal, you certainly do not represent the majority of Canadians in this case. I do not condone random terrorist attacks of any kind on civilians by radical extremists (oh , wait this could be considered an offensive statement to some groups).
@Scott Murray Do you not know what vast majority means? It's everyone except bigots and red necks and includes those who don't know what the word dignity means and what Canada stands for. Have a problem? Sounds like you might be a candidate for the C-51 list.
@file edit view All aggressive crimes are committed by the minority. The majority pays the price (social to financial structures) For the non-aggressive crimes sections, it is to the opposite. But, the price is much to the greater for the total of the population.
@file edit view ,,,not sure if your statement is correct. Everybody I talk to wants no refugees and more quality immigrants. We are in recession and in massive debt to begiin with.
@GladImIrish and use the potential traffic gridlock in Petawawa excuse to defend your claim? there was a time in Ontario when they put up no dogs and no Irish signs in the stores. guess we conveniently forget that one too.
@file edit view Now you can all see very clearly that CANADA has its own terrorists - we always have, so don't be blaming immigrants. Take a look at our jails ..... many, many "Canadians" locked up for acts of terrorism (murder, armed robbery, rape, etc.) ... these are all acts of terrorisms ... the moment you inflict terror on an individual!
@file edit view Yes, do your "weeding". I think you'll find that a "majority" of your "garden" will be gone. The minority is trying to push their agenda on the majority.
@EastCoastGill I believe the Conservatives also were onside with accepting refugees. The only point for contention was how many, how quickly. Clearly the Liberal promise on this was unworkable, but used to manipulate voters anyway.
@file edit view Speak for yourself ....while I do not support pepper spray I do think this entire program need to be scrapped. It cannot benefit anyone.
@CBC censorship continues Is it a fact that more do not want refugees. Where is this information coming from. I sure hope it is not based on the comments here.
@Pol-Can Ever think that perhaps the bunch you talk to are not a part of the greater population. Birds of a feather, flock together. Join the majority. Talk more to those who wand to help refugees.
@file edit view If the many Canadians have a responsibility to control the few (and we do). . . can we presume you are promoting the same action needing desperately to happen within the Islamic community/religion/culture? (They are very much their own "nation".)
If so, I wholeheartedly agree. We will take care of our knuckle-draggers spraying paint and pepper, with the same zeal we see the international Muslim community/nation taking care of THEIR knuckle-draggers spraying shrapnel and... » more
@file edit view i➡ And "HATE CRIMES" as well. This is the moment that we MUST make it clear , that behaviour like this, WON'T be tolerated. PEACE. ...♥
@Spinner1967 Using 65% as a number that support the refugee plan is not accurate. There were many issues during the election. A lot of people voted lib because of their plan for weed. A lot voted left because they wanted Harper out. But it's not accurate to assume all of those people also support the refugee plan.
@file edit view The majority are not welcoming. The majority have to deal with the consequences that the wealthy upper middle class who live in isolated communities impose on everyone.
@file edit view actually your wrong. The majority of Canadians don't want them here. Stop confusing your leftist 30 something percent with the "majority" of Canadians
@John Macleod And just what is accurate then, John? The fact is these people passed all the requirements to come to Canada as refugees, something many many people did over the decades and centuries and to date the vast majority have always been welcomed.
Sure there were hateful episodes such as the treatment of Chinese labourers and the rejection of boat loads of East Indians and now we see it when fools freak out over face or head coverinegs as if they were weapons. None of those incidents... » more" target="_blank">www.mbilodeau13@yahoo.comMe thinks hockeydog is referring to us being the terrorists in this instance and he is correct. The previous government is partially to blame for such a cowardly act. The new government deserves praise for helping the persecuted and the poor.
@Justamom the new government should be kicked out just like some of the "new Canadians ", people wait years, have good educations and can't get into Canada, looks what's happening in Germany. "happening in Germany" (and sweden) I presume you mean the organized New Years mass sex assaults, rape, and thefts in several German cities by "north african and arab looking men'?
@Justamom Do not lay this at Harper's feet over an act by one idiot. I am not pro con, but Harper did not promote racism. Trump on the other hand has been very vocal on his views of Muslims.
@sensible this is Canada not Germany, and the new government you want kicked out was democratically elected. Canada is a nation of immigrants, including your own family, get used to it. Hope it wasn't you on that bike.
@mastGD Canada is a nation of immigrants, every time there is pushback, Irish, Catholic,Jewish,Muslim, black, brown, it's time we grew up and welcomed the diversity that makes us great.
No, it is turning into a national project - from December 23:
... About two-thirds of Canadians support taking in 25,000 or more Syrian refugees, and even more said they are “uncomfortable” with Donald Trump’s proposal to ban the immigration of Muslims to the United States. ...
@Tam <---- Are you kidding? Harper most definitely tried to demonize their culture. He unquestionably fanned the flames. It was a huge reason so many people were disgusted with Stephen Harper, in delivering an election win to the LIberals. Harper worked very hard to divide Canadians. Creating a culture of fear towards Muslims. So, he could conquer.
@Tam Go find some footage of Harper speaking. See if you can find just one instance in ten years when he was able to say the words Muslim or Islam without saying the word terrorist very soon after or before. He was just a little more subtle than Trump.
@mastGD In what way was it radical i.e. out of the ordinary? Canada and other countries have for long been accepting refugees. If the country is split it is because of unfounded fear and prejudice stoked by the likes of you. I suspect the country is not as split as you would like to imagine it is and you are an extremely tiny minority; Canadians are charitable and generous and we can be proud of that, not miserable like some.
@Marksist and why can`t the effing Saudi Arabians be all charitable and generous and take in their own bretheren...Muzzie bretheren at that.Why does all this Charity and generosity have to be performed by White countries.It would be oh so great if Asia and Africa stepped up to the plate sometimes and helped their own.
"The Interior Ministry identified the 31 suspects as nine Algerians, eight Moroccans, four Syrians, five Iranians, an Iraqi, a Serb, an American and two Germans. Most of the crimes they were accused of involved theft and violence, said a ministry spokesman, Tobias Plate, but at least three acts were considered sexual assaults."
Rape? The sexual assaults were actually sexual gropings.
That said, these characters will pay for their crimes, just like all citizens do. Is there any... » more
@Marksist Bad time to rest your case!! If you can't influence what goes on in another country explain taking in the refugees. I thought the big argument was that this would hurt ISIS. Or you don't believe that? You're right, I don't either.
@TRUE GRIT obviously you have no understanding of the complex situation in the ME. if you fail to understand how our ALLIES, the Saudis will not help the Syrian refugees, when they are one of the reasons for the aggression against the Syrians, - because they still have a secular government and because they do not follow the Wahhabi bastardized sect of Islam, do not attack Shias, and are pursuing oil pipes which are supportive of Russia and against Saudi's interests. The last is the same reason... » more
@Rickieroo “Rape? The sexual assaults were actually sexual gropings.”
Are you kidding? Just harmless gropings? Oh, well, I guess its all good harmless fun, not misogynist and violent.
Sad to say, too many politically correct people put blinders on to the uncomfortable truths of the world. This spinelessness only empowers the racists and goons as an inevitable response. If you don't want goons to do your fighting for you then you need to do your own thinking.
whatever they call it "sexual assault, rape, sexual gropings", that's very wrong.
The criminals in Cologne touched the women's breasts, intimate parts, etc...These women are all the daughters/wives/sisters/mothers of someone. I know Germany. German people are very well behaved and they would immediately apologize if they happen to accidentally touch you in a line up for example. Exactly as we do here in Canada.
.... and now let's have all the racist white supremacist posters here tell us the refugees are to blame
.... go back far enough into your roots, and you will find you too came from immigrants and you too had forebears who arrived on these shores hoping against hope they would be treated well
.... for shame, for shame
Lots of immigrants came & as I vividly recall from great grandparents they put up with disparaging remarks etc.
But we were a kinder gentler people then who had just come out of first and second world war.
You assimilate, get along & work at being a good citizen.
Most wanted peace & were dirt poor for a long time. And had no "group" to attach too.
Now people watch TV or youtube on iPhone and expect to get everything they want.
A bit more complicated than your comment these... » more
"You assimilate, get along & work at being a good citizen."
Like they have had lots of opportunity to do that, right?
".... and now let's have all the racist white supremacist posters here tell us the refugees are to blame"
Classic example of the so called "reverse racism".
"Like they have had lots of opportunity to do that, right?"
It is difficult if you choose to live in enclaves that are essentially road blocks of division.
I was a "white kid" when my family immigrated to Canada and had more than comments thrown at me. I recall stones and rocks. I also recall fist fights. I was four when I arrived.
You mean like Chinese, Italian, Portuguese, Vietnamese Canadians, etc. do and have done for over a century here?
Agreed; it was cowardly and we need to address this aspect of our culture/beliefs. I find myself reservedly proud of Canada (including our troglodytes) that pepper or paint was sprayed and not bullets/shrapnel.
BUT this is NOT a 1-sided issue. Muslims need to recognize that trepidation against them did not just fall out of a clear blue sky. We are facing a religion/culture that goes to seed unto the deaths of many innocents FAR too often -- more than most other religions/cultures... » more
Agreed-this needs to be treated as a hate crime, with ten years in maximum security.
Could even be a fellow Muslim viewing them as traitors.
Or perhaps domestic trash like the Vancouver riots and got off light.
Extremism pervades all religions . . .
Really, which religion/culture invaded Iraq and Afghanistan and killed over 1 million people, mostly innocent civilians - women and children. Which religion/culture assassinated the elected leader of Iran in the 50's and helped put the brutal Shaw in power. Which religion/culture arms the Saudi's, Israeli's and supports their brutal actions in the region. Which religion/culture supported the death squads in Salvador, Honduras, .... more, or does this suffice
The majority of Canadians are welcoming these refugees .ALL parties from the federal government voted to accept the refugees.
Time to weed out these few and charge them with assault.
I do not condone random terrorist attacks of any kind on civilians by radical extremists (oh , wait this could be considered an offensive statement to some groups).
It is the Canadian political class that is welcoming these "refugees" and they aren't the majority in Canada.
Do you not know what vast majority means?
It's everyone except bigots and red necks and includes those who don't know what the word dignity means and what Canada stands for.
Have a problem?
Sounds like you might be a candidate for the C-51 list.
According to a Nanos poll just before Christmas, two thirds of Canadians are welcoming these refugees.
Note - no scare quotes required. They really are refugees.
"I do not condone random terrorist attacks of any kind on civilians by radical extremists."
Do you condone random terrorist attacks on non-civilians?
I'll suggest that you do not represent the majority of Canadians in any matter.
The vast majority DO NOT accept the refugee program. Just like the majority DID NOT vote for PM Selfie.
i you get to decide what Canadians think
All aggressive crimes are committed by the minority. The majority pays the price (social to financial structures) For the non-aggressive crimes sections, it is to the opposite. But, the price is much to the greater for the total of the population.
But the vast majority did vote for parties which were quite up front about accepting refugees, between the Liberals, NDP, and Greens.
Or send them to Syria to give them an opportunity to find out what this is all about.
And 65% of Canadians voted for progressive parties (Liberal, NDP, and Green), all of whom support refugees.
Only 32% of Canadians voted for the Tories. Is taht what you mean by a "vast majority"?
"quality immigrants", what does that even mean? Just because they came in as refugees doesn't mean they are not skilled.
Its more than just a few, I fear.
Agreed. Nothing validates such a rotten act , irregardless of any feelings
on the immigration issue. Sure hope they catch this p#%~k.
If the many Canadians have a responsibility to control the few (and we do). . . can we presume you are promoting the same action needing desperately to happen within the Islamic community/religion/culture? (They are very much their own "nation".)
If so, I wholeheartedly agree. We will take care of our knuckle-draggers spraying paint and pepper, with the same zeal we see the international Muslim community/nation taking care of THEIR knuckle-draggers spraying shrapnel and... » more
So because the people you talk to are against taking in refugees- you speak for 'all Canadians"
Psst- you don't.
It is possible a muslim did this to create sympathy.
Never was put to a vote. Canada is not managed for us, we are managed for media and government.
lol not from what I can tell
Sure there were hateful episodes such as the treatment of Chinese labourers and the rejection of boat loads of East Indians and now we see it when fools freak out over face or head coverinegs as if they were weapons.
None of those incidents... » more
but it is some Canadian doing the act not the stereo typed the media sells us
Then tell us how ALL federal parties voted to accept refugees?
Liberals, Cons, NDP, Green , Bloc voted 100% to accept then
so what party do you back?
I think this is the iossue atleast in part were not helping the persecuted and poor were helping the well off.
and you know it was a canadian how?Probably white male also
That kind of hatetred was allready here
Looks like you forgot to read teice and type once.
No, it is turning into a national project - from December 23:
... About two-thirds of Canadians support taking in 25,000 or more Syrian refugees, and even more said they are “uncomfortable” with Donald Trump’s proposal to ban the immigration of Muslims to the United States. ...
Go find some footage of Harper speaking. See if you can find just one instance in ten years when he was able to say the words Muslim or Islam without saying the word terrorist very soon after or before. He was just a little more subtle than Trump.
yes,that was my point.
"The Interior Ministry identified the 31 suspects as nine Algerians, eight Moroccans, four Syrians, five Iranians, an Iraqi, a Serb, an American and two Germans. Most of the crimes they were accused of involved theft and violence, said a ministry spokesman, Tobias Plate, but at least three acts were considered sexual assaults."
Rape? The sexual assaults were actually sexual gropings.
That said, these characters will pay for their crimes, just like all citizens do. Is there any... » more
What terrorism ?
Idiots expressing their bigotry and racism is not terrorism.
A little more than "three sexual assaults". Many of the women feared for their lives when they were surrounded by 30 or more men.
Are you kidding? Just harmless gropings? Oh, well, I guess its all good harmless fun, not misogynist and violent.
Sad to say, too many politically correct people put blinders on to the uncomfortable truths of the world. This spinelessness only empowers the racists and goons as an inevitable response. If you don't want goons to do your fighting for you then you need to do your own thinking.
CBC was real enthusiastic about that one, but took days to report NYE in Cologne.
I don't get it though, cause words < groping < assault, according to you
soon every man will be afraid to even look at a woman for fear he will be jailed or shot dead
Has in the past. No reason to believe the future is any better.
Two rapes were reported to the police.
whatever they call it "sexual assault, rape, sexual gropings", that's very wrong.
The criminals in Cologne touched the women's breasts, intimate parts, etc...These women are all the daughters/wives/sisters/mothers of someone. I know Germany. German people are very well behaved and they would immediately apologize if they happen to accidentally touch you in a line up for example. Exactly as we do here in Canada.