>>26050187 (OP)
posting on mongolian cave painting forums, oh wait, normies took that too
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Just waiting one one to take the last thing I hold dear.
My virgnity.
I see 4chan being the next big thing that won't be social media, you can tell everyone is getting tired with how things are and there have even been news articles devoted to threads.
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But they'll never take the Beta of Betas.
Tabletop gaming is pretty safe, Gamesworkshop have seen first hand what will happen if they casualize it and let a bunch of normies in.
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And they'd better not forget.
Ha! Our cartoons are the one medium that they cannot take over. Japan doesn't care for the market of American normies, and they aren't easily influenced by our tastes. On top of that, as long as the shows keep getting lewder and more perverted it will repel any normalshits who show the slightest curiosity about our interests.
>>26050187 (OP)
School shootings?
Hello FBI
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>>26050187 (OP)
I don't see any normies using trading cards.
What happened? I just Pathfinder and 3.5. I like history.
>>26050187 (OP)
>Normies took video games
I'm sorry to break it to you but video games have been a popular thing for a while.
I haven't been into the hobby for a long time but I'm guessing too expensive and would be complicated for a mainstream audience.
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That's been true for every generation, the underground (or socially inept beta) scene usually paves the way for normie culture
>nirvana started as a band for robot-tier people who were tired of the polished 80's
>nirvana ends as a mass-marketed symbol for a culture defined by normie-tier "denial of the mainstream" that was just a way for normies to feel like they were getting in on the feeling of being an outsider and different, in reality they were just trying to live out nike ads
>hipster culture starts out as /mu/-ish community centered around underground music and fashion, normies often ridiculed it for being pretentious
>now every H&M and Urban Outfitters is trying to be the ultimate "hipster" store, normies all wearing flannels and stupid shit that was never part of the fashion, aka "trying to look messy", hipster music is now just mainstream normies thinking they're deep by playing an acoustic guitar track and singing about normie love
emo culture also fits in here somewhere, although that was never really a non-normie thing i think. TL;DR, youth culture is entirely centered around trying to feel like you're getting in on the supposed "intimacy and individuality" of being an outcast while still being in the comfort of your normalfag zone. companies love to market this shit, and there'll definitely be something to replace hipster culture in about 5-7 years
>>26050187 (OP)
Hardware synths are still really underground
>Next they'll target literature and philosophy the way they did with science
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>robot-tier hobby
>learning curve too steep for normalitos
>normies try to do philosophy
>use a bunch of heavy vocabulary to say "just b urself"
Find the spirit within you and allow it to be your guide rather than any outside force, bro.
>>26050187 (OP)
amateur radio. seriously. you have to pass a test to do it, so the normies will never get into it, but it's an easy test if you're a robot. you can get a cheap radio, and it gives you a social outlet without face-to-face interaction.
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lol no
>disregarding the product of a millenia's worth of great minds as "heavy vocabulary"
Kierkegaard was one of the greatest robots.
Nice to see more people have picked up his works.
>not that guy, I just like Kierkegaard and post somewhat frequently about it.
>>26050187 (OP)
Normies just appropriate this stuff but they aren't very good at it or knowledgeable about it. That's the whole point of being a normie. Doing things for appearance rather than cultivating real understanding or skill.
>normies mainly play mainstream games like CoD and aren't even very good at them.
>some normies play "nerdier" games like Hearthstone, LoL, Dota, whatever, but they mostly suck ass and can't get past the 50% rank benchmark.
>normies hardly touch fighting games, learning curve is too high. If they play them they mainly spam or button mash.
>normies aren't even good at single player games, constantly fuck up simple bosses, build/lvl wrong shit in RPG's, take ages to solve puzzles, just garbage at them.
>normies don't even know about nerdier single player games like Dwarf Fortress, or classic 90's PC games.
>normies don't know fuck all about comic books besides Marvel movies, and they don't even know much about those.
I wouldn't even care if it weren't for the fact that so many of them claim to love/be obsessed with their hobby but are completely clueless about it. If you claim you're fucking amazing at CoD or LoL, but then I see you play and you're bad, I'm not gonna think highly of you're other opinions about gaming. At least be humble and say "Yeah, I'm not that great, I'm learning/just play for fun".
Now after writing this, I feel like I'm a catalyst for the problem. When a normie friend is playing a game and asks "hey, you're good at this, do you think I've gotten better?", I usually tell them "yeah, you've definitely improved since the last time I saw you", even though they haven't. If you try to give them constructive criticism they either ignore it and don't apply it, or they get mad. Feelings/appearance > ability/knowledge for normies.
I honestly feel bad for a lot of them because this applies to shit like their jobs and education too. They get into debt and aren't even worried about it until the loan shark's knocking.
Maximum underrated post
>>26050187 (OP)
Gassing kikes
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Normalfags will never take masturbation from me.
/tg/ is beta territory forever. Normies playing mtg is annoying as hell, though
This shit can consume you, but it helps to learn to let it go. Most people are idiots and that will never change. There's more casual shit infecting videogames these days, but also a bigger independent scene, granted most of that is shit too. The overall trend in videogames is improving.
Holy shit fucking this
>due to spending 95% of my time alone I've spent hours on /mu/ and /fa/ cultivating my personal taste
>lol anon you're such a hipster! Only a hipster would wear those clothes and listen to songs that are 10+ minutes long!!!!
They will never take my sick fetishes
>>26050187 (OP)
literally all those hobbies are fine?
Soon Anime is going to be forced to be politically correct.
>>26050187 (OP)
I'm not telling because then they would take it too.
>>26050187 (OP)
>Normies took comic books
Only films, they don't give a quarter of an ass about the comics themselves.
>Normies are slowly taking anime and manga
Implying they don't hate anything Japanese that isn't Pocky, which is about as Japanese as a cheeseburger.
>Only films, they don't give a quarter of an ass about the comics themselves.
But the comics give a quarter of an ass about them.
And they will suffer for it if they aren't already are.
Amateur radio
Hardware synths
Model railroading
Tabletop war gaming
Arduino, soldering electronics, being a "maker"
Pen & paper RPG
Building plastic models or dioramas
Gardening (even house plants)
Aquarium keeping
Puzzles (jigsaw or other kind)
That's a few things I can think of.
>>26050187 (OP)
>normies are even taking shitposting
When I'm fed up with normies I go in my garage and do woodwork or fuck around with my car. Normies can't take what has no social aspect to it.
Same with beer, beer is normie as shit but I don't feel like normies took any of it by the time I'm nice and buzzed.
This will never happen. Nips don't give a shit what any other race thinks
Whats this manga?
Darude - Sandstorm (Original Remix)
Even most Westerners who regularly or semi-regularly watch anime hate "fanservice" and "moe" and think otaku are the embodiment of the anti-Christ. They also can't stand the formulaic elements of anime. Normies are never going to get too deep into anime because the content is too incomprehensible and repulsive for them.
But that doesn't mean they can't try to destroy anime.
People used to say that Japanese games are never going to change no matter how much SJWs complain, but now some developers are self-censoring or refusing to release their games in the West. Or they get censored during localization, or the localizers decide to censor them on their own.
Anime is perhaps more resilient to SJWs, but we can no longer assume it's immune. What if SJW sites like ANN, MAL and AniDB and companies like Funimation decide to revolt? What if Crunchyroll joins them? What's going to happen then?
Magic the gathering is pretty normie tier.
Shinji wasn't that beta, he was just a suicidally depressed child solider.
Japs don't give a shit what westerners think. It's only the western localization companies that change stuff in games. Anime is predominantly made catering specifically to the Japanese market because it barely sells here in the west aside from a very select few series. The Japanese market wants moe because they've realized how infinitely superior it is to 3dpd. As long as the Japanese market doesn't change, we're fine
Never seen a normie at magic club or Friday Night Magic
Like I said, Japanese developers have already self-censored or decided not to publish in the West because of the SJW campaign against video games.
If the Western "anime community" (sites like ANN etc.) starts making a coordinated effort to attack anime, then who's to say that they won't succeed in making Japanese companies self-censor?
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You can always learn to draw or something. And enjoy holding power over any normie who tells you what to do with your art. Also they're probably going after music next.
But the Olympics
hearthstone and MTG are pretty normie
Because Japanese companies don't broadcast their shows straight to the west? Video games are completely different because many of them are made with the intent to distribute over seas in other markets. Moe blob anime is created to pander straight to the lucrative otaku market, that shit doesn't fly in the west and the studios know this. The western anime community doesn't mean shit to them in the way the western video game market does.
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>calling yourself a nerd
It's like gay calling himself a faggot
>Not playing fighting games
Normies don't have the patience to git gud. You will never have to worry about them tainting it.
The Beastman Chronicles
Let's not forget skateboarding and drug culture. I have a story I post a few times about the disgusting way normies ruined that.
Most anime is now simulcast on streaming services, and/or is released on BD. I would say that most Japanese games are never released in the West, or a very large portion of them aren't.
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Pinball. Pic related is a popular new release. Imagine the shitstorm if this was a videogame. SJWs and normalfags aren't even aware of pinball as actual physical tables.
Pinball machines are bulky and expensive and noisy and break all the time, so they naturally repel normalfags.
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I think this is safe.
Everything there is pretty accurate except fishing, if you count hicks as normies
OP remembers of the old days.
Are you into amateur radio?
Don't worry, its either already in the making or they will criminalise it.
Hey Im a total nerd, I have played Skyrim lolololol, did you know you can marry in Skyrim lololool
Philosophy will always be autistic and robot-friendly, it's basically bunch of assberger losers trying to play their imaginary word games and talking about completely ludicrous abstract ideas that plenty of people deem irredeemable and nonsensecical, especially when they often come from people that often didn't mix with the majority/mainstream. Even if normals try to adopt it, there'll always be space for frogs to thrive.
I saw a chad play heathstone on his phone yesterday.
His friends were like "wtf man, what is this shit game" so he explained that it wasn't that bad, and told them the rules.
The funny thing is that if it was a beta he would have been bullied.
Since he was a chad they respectfully ilistened to him and seemed to get into it.
>>26050187 (OP)
>What hobbies are even sacred anymore?
>>26050187 (OP)
>What hobbies are even sacred anymore?
Enjoy the cheese pizza while it's still illegal
I'm going to reveal myself as an oldfag here, but Nirvana were normie as fuck pretty much the entire time. Grunge was like the nu-metal or emo of its day. Every fucking pleb jock listened to Pearl Jam and Bush and Alice in Chains. Nirvana may as well have been Warrant and Kurt Cobain was simply the next in line after Axl Rose.
Grunge was humiliating because it started the commercialisation of everything underground - punk, goth, indie, all of it got raped to shit by the machine in quick succession.
The whole hipster thing was a half arsed throwback to the 70's post punk and early 80's indie and new wave scenes, all mashed together and then promptly ripped apart by the cool hunters ad agencies and the like send out to set up the next culture rape by the mainstream.
The problem with hipster is that it gets mashed in by confused idiots who don't understand that what they think ofnas hipster is simply middle class consumption of acceptable left of centre fashion.
>>26050187 (OP)
Normies always had video games. Vidya has been 100% normie the entire time
Comic books are normie as fuck. They pretty much always have been unless youre talking about indies.
REEEEEEE mommy my anime
Then you don't mind giving up the things you enjoy the most, do you? Or are you some kind of hypocrite?
That Mysterious Friend X is laying on the heat, damn.
And the comment is prety recent, just one hour after your post, is he one of us ?
post it now plz
>complete outcast
>went to a school with a weird mix of thugs and preppy rich kids
>i was a seriously poor
>got bullied a bunch, when i wasnt completely ignored
>no one liked me
>teachers didn't care about me and clearly thought i was weird
>was basically invisible
>eventually stopped going to school
>heavy drug use led to me meeting some cool people
>met a guy named C
>his mom was a homeless crackhead
>his dad was an abusive crack addict also
>as a result no supervision at all
>him, me, and one other guy named X would always hang out in his basement smoking weed and eating mushrooms or dropping acid together
>one day, he brings some guy from high school over
>guy sees that the place has no supervision and realizes he's found normie heaven
>suddenly more and more people start coming over to "hangout"
>they are all a bit annoying
>all fit the status quo, never say anything original or interesting
>always on their phones
>mostly just ignore them
>one day I go out with X to buy a half ounce of weed
>I come back to find theres some kind of party going on
more than a dozen guys and a few girls have pulled up in cars and are congregating around outside the house
>they see my skateboard and start going on about "sk8 life man wow we're sk8rs too!"
>I go ask C what the fuck is going on
>ask him if we're still smoking and why there are tons of people here
>he explains to me that the new guy who came along decided to throw a party here
>We go inside and I place all the weed on the table like always
>Normies fucking crowd around it, absolutely swarm it snapping dozens of pictures of it and immediately posting it on their facebooks or instagrams or whatever
>won't shut up bragging about how cool they are for being here
>they all talk how they're super tokers and they always smoke the super dank kush
>we pull out a bong
>literally not one of them knew how to use a bong
>after only 1 rotation they all look extremely nervous and surprised