March 15, 2016


>Turkey couldn't singlehandedly-destroy Russia in a week

Oh believe you me, us Turks are ITCHING for a war with Russia. We will fucking ANNIHILATE your dirty country. There wouldn't be a square meter of Russian soil that has running water, electricity, or petrol that isn't on fire, once our airforce and navy is done bombarding your defenseless country. Then, our army boys (we'd send the asylum-seekers and other mongrel races first) would swoop in, raping your women, and killing EVERY slavshit shit they see. When Turkey's done with you, we will have committed acts of genocide. Of course no one is gonna do shit about it
Your country is named after lunch meat. You're not shit, nigga.
like the armenian genocide ?
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Fuck you got OP? You too busy applying aloe generously to the burned area?
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>>674007523 (OP)
Such delusions of grandeur
Peru is #1
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Serious question.
>>674007523 (OP)
Stfu and get some proportions you dumb fuck turkey ain't shit compared to Russia are you fucking stupid? Go watch you American stupid movies fucking fat fuck
>>674007523 (OP)

Bring it... please
Why would turkey go to war against Russia?
Aren't they to busy providing weapons to ISIS?
>>674007523 (OP)
Yeah dude do it, once hockey season is over I won't have anything to watch until football is back on.
>>674007523 (OP)
There were epic sized empires who didn't stand a chance and you think your weak ass country could do shit to Russia?
Grow UP!!! We dont supply isis stupid fuck
>>674007523 (OP)
Turkey gives me cancer. Your culture, your religion everything is pure shit
>>674007523 (OP)
Here's my impression of turkey in a war with Russia.

>NATO help us pls!
Ignorant fuck
Tyrkey is the 2. Strongest in Nato
Turkey is not even in NATO stfu


>>674007523 (OP)
That's one agressive turkroach.
>Thinks active personell even remotely equates to force projection in modern warfare.

You're only barely tolerated in NATO as a buffer zone to halt Russian expansion. You're just being used and your military is a joke. Even ISIS thinks so.

You're adorable mudslime.
>halt Russian expansion
But Russia and Turkey share no border.
Satellite States and pseudo-territories
>>674007523 (OP)
The Third Reich, the most technologically advanced country of the second world war, and the only nation to conquer most of europe in less than a year couldn't defeat russia. RUSSIA! THE MOST BACKWARDS ASS SLOW TO DEVELOP WASTELAND SO CALLED MAJOR POWER OF THE GOD DAMNED WAR DEFEATED GERMANY! TURKEY WONT STAND A FUCKING CHANCE AGAINST THE RUSSIANS! THEY'LL JUST DRAFT ALL COUPLE HUNDreD MILLION RUSSIAN MEN INTO THEIR FUCKING ARMY AND CRUSH YOUR SHITTY LAND! Not only that but NATO would be on your ass too.
>>674007523 (OP)
You faggots should get rid of your Islamist piece of shit president and remember your glorious ataturkian roots.

Then you can annihilate Russia or whatever.
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>>674007523 (OP)
NATO will cut you loose too. Please bomb Russia. I'd love to see what happens next.
Russia only has about 146 million people
Pppf. Turkey used to be just a daft little country that harassed any western woman who'd been taken they're on holiday by slimy men.

But now it's a full on Islamic theocracy.

How the West would laugh if you started a war with Russia. They'd fucking annihilate you.
>>674007523 (OP)
>>674007523 (OP)
>Turkey can win against Russia
You know there has been two bombings in the heart of the capital of Turkey in the last two months, right?
And you know Turkey couldn't even predict, let alone prevent it, right?
The Turkish government wouldn't even notice if all of the world's armies invaded Turkey at the same time.
Kek. Alright you turkish faggot. you better invade Russia before it gets too cold, Right germany? right? And you might want to build your own roads in the very rural middle of nowhere parts, right germany? Basically go ask germany what its like to invade russia before invading.
I bet the world leaders are debating this retarded ahit amongside you faggots in this thread
>>674007523 (OP)
If your country is so good how come you fuckheads come to my country to claim benefits?
also how come turkish guys smell so bad?
EU here:

Turkey should invade Syria.

Go ahead, steamroll the whole country and you can keep it as a prize afterwards.

EU and US will support your decision.
Russia wont do jack shit about it.

I would love to see this! too bas they support ISIS :(
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bad* god dammit!
> too bas they support ISIS

They just oppose the Kurds and Bashar.

ISIS and Turkey are incompatible.
>>674007523 (OP)
Top kek Turkroach. Looks like the roaches are getting full of themselves due to Erdogans successful foreign politics. I know that this is probably bait, but you do realize that the russian military doctrine includes using tactical nukes when invaded immediately, right?
>>674007523 (OP)
You realize that you are an ant to a country like Russia.
Even the UK or France would eradicate such a weaken country that is Turkey. Plus forcing an exclusion from the ONU or even Euro and eviction from international market would kill economicaly Turkey however Russia would be stronger by the end of it.

Also do you realize that Russia has the biggest army in the world and one of the best trained with each soldier participating in close combat near Israel during trainings ?
They actually go to war so before talking you fag you should consider that Russia is not Armenia and that it won't let itself die over a stincky muslim country.
Russians are well known for talking much and doing nothing seriuos. They and their stone age equipment and poorly trained army has no chance against any modern country that is atleast 1/10 or even less their size. Pathetic useless human beings
Try to call med turkroach irl? Ill fucking smash your fucking teeth in fag. Meet me irl?
Oh shit, way to fucking go.
That was brilliant.
Tell Turkeyman his fears so he will fall fuck back in line.
>Even the UK or France would eradicate such a weaken country that is Turkey


Uk or France can't eradicate jack shit.

>Russia has the biggest army in the world and one of the best trained with each soldier participating in close combat near Israel during trainings ?
The Russian army is a piece of shit.
Really, it is.
Nor do they have relevant combat experience.

The Russian army is so shit-tier, that they actually sent conscripts into the Chechen conflict.

The Russian army is small, underfunded, disorganized and poorly trained/experienced.
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How rude!
>1v1 me irl i rek u m8
Also I always found it funny how all the german turks here constantly talk about how great Erdogan and his neo-fascist Turkey are, yet noone of them would even consider living there. Deep down, they know it's just a third-world shithole, no better than Uganda. The same applies to german russians who celebrate Putin, though.
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So turkey shot down russian plane. What did your big badass country did? Nothing. They are getting more and more isolated, starting unions with such pro isis muslim countries as Iran. Italy (fucking pasta makaroni pussies) have a bigger fleet than the holy empire ruska matuska and is capable to out from black sea. So why are we still talking

Gotta admit, shooting down an unaware plane was soooo badass!
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> Turkroach

My fucking zozzles have been destroyed
>>674007523 (OP)
Just so you know :

SOOOooooo yeah Russia is second.
UK and France are near too, let's check where the fuck is Thanksgiving meal, oh ! 10th position !

Do you just imagine that Turkey is out of the game since they didnt quite win the ww2, sorry dude everything your country will do will result in itself falling to knees broken and out for half a century...
Hes not talkng about the malaysian plane shot down over the ukraine by russians.

Hes tqlking about a russian fighter jet that flew over a section of Turkish territory, and which was shot down by Turkish jets there.
I'm not russian or even shitslav but i can see by my eyes that your country is allowing itself too much and that you'll pay for your fascist policy in the next years. However Putin isn't retarded as Erdogan and won't engage in a conflict like USSR did before.
The Nazis said that too.
>>your country

im not turkish

you assume too much. that is a weakness and a failure, ans shows low intellect.

lel i forgot about the malaysian plane, that was such a dick move! I don't remember them getting in trouble for it too!
The Nazis very nearly defeated the USSR.

In the end it was the Nazis own failed foreign diplomacy, such as involving the reluctant US in the war, and the winter of minus 40 degrees, and poor strategic decisions, that defeated them.

The USSR came within an inchmof its destruction.
And if turkey invaded it would have the same problems.

To be fair, Russia wasn't expecting a war

Let alone prepared in any way for one.
same listing shows syria as 42nd, yet look at how protracted the conflict is.
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Erzerum Offensive

Fucking kek
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How do you explain the countless losses against a backwards shithole russia when you have number superiority?

The only time when you weren't absolutely curbstomped by the russian war machine is when papa britain and mama france stepped in to prevent russia from fucking your shit up for the millionth time.

Itt mad turkroaches
USSR was already aggressing throughtout the Baltic and parts of SE Europe and in Poland.
USSR attempted to invade Finland.

People forget that the USSR was conquering/annexing/occupying countries simultaneously as where the Nazis.

I think its naive to think that both Hitler and Stalin did not trust the other.

The antipathy of the nazis towards the communists, and the communitst to the german fascists, is hardcoded into both ideologes.

The nazis rose tompower primarily as a violent anti-communist party.
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Turkey is EU's India. POO IN LOO
>>674007523 (OP)
Turkey. Lol.

We dare you. We will turn your stinking shitskin country into a bloody fucking crater. A smoldering rape wound in the ground, where a pathetic nation of outdated, obsolete Mongoloids once stood.

Once again.

>We fucking DARE you. 

We'll fuck you so hard, Georgia will pity you.

Fucking faggot.
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>>674007523 (OP)
Glory to Armenia
Turkroaches so mad they need to genocide an entire ethnicity to compensate for shitty and atrocious performance in its entire military history.
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Turkroaches not long after the invasion..
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>>674007523 (OP)
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>Turkman marches into mountains to fight siberian troops in the snow.
>Most of them starve and/or freeze.
>Must be armenians fault.
Read a book, faggot.

Most of the world considers russia a massive festering shithole of backwardness and slavic inferiors.And always have done.

Did you know that the Russian tsardom was infact founded by Vikings? The Rurikid dynasty is genetically demonstrated to have ruled in nobility for hundreds of years, only gradually being watered down into the resultantshorter lived Romanov dynasty.
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Cockroaches are actually quite formidable creatures.
>poorly trained 

Fucking Spetsnaz.

>Try harder
>thinking the tsars and the novgorod princes were the same thing.
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Do people ITT really think Turkey might do anything against Russia or are they all trolls?

Honestly, I can't tell
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Do we need nukes to take down Isis?
Russia would anally rape you dirty scummy sand niggers.
A tiny section of the entirety.

Having a special division of trained and ruthless killers is not unusual, nor particularly difficult.

War isnt CoD. Spetsnaz isnt going to win any wars.
I'm actually curious about how Turkey is going nowadays, i heard some pretty bad shit about the new government.

About how the are oppressing the press and putting government mens as director to control it.

And there is rumors about some communication between Turkish agent and ISIS fighter...
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What does this question have to do with ISIS?

Also bomb ISIS then and stop supporting them
They are the same thing.

Almost the entirety of nobility in Russia was of Rurikid descent, for almost the entirety of its existance.

This is demonstrable genetically and through lines of succession.

Even a filthy russian wouldn't want to touch a turkroach with a ten foot pole.
With a mortar or rockets however...
Thats what the Nazis thought of Russians too.
Who wants to blow up the Turkroach embassy in LA, make sure to trap only the turkroaches inside.
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One thing is certain, Turkey is never going to flat out attack Russia and risk annihilation. OP is just an edgy cockroach.
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We need to call up uncle armenian the exterminator to help rid of this turkroach infestation
Turkey is maneuvering for its own interests.

It hates the Kurds and resists their dall for autonomy. They also hate Bashar in Syria. Everyone hates ISIS and does not want them as aneighbor.

Turkey also hates Russia and its meddling in the Black Sea area.

The EU is willing to cut deals with Turkey, to stem the hordes of refugees, and also as Turkey makes it possible to place more pressure on Russia, as Russian interests are opposed to those of the EU.

Turkey can also leverage its NATO position, which is an avenue of access for the US in particular to pursue politics against Russian expansion, which has always been tye function of NATO anyways.
>Turkroach in poo
fucking keking my ass off.
It was a blatant false flag by Erdogan, virgin
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Õ“Õ¡Õ¼Ö„ Õ€Õ¡ÕµÕ¡Õ½Õ¿Õ¡Õ¶Õ«
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did OP get his shit pushed in by a russian?
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Don't laugh at their natural habitat

Thanks for the heads up m8

I hope these tension between Turkey and Russia wears off, a fight between them is just no good for this world....
SHOO SHOO t*rkroach
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>>674007523 (OP)
I used to be Russian all the time but then i set memwatch back 10mins and I'm on time for everything now.
SHOO SHOO t*rkroach
Make sure to cut it up first
SHOO SHOO t*rkroach
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I'll take the Tsargrad slice
Kek, is this bait?
Armenians have a very impressive militarybhistory.

Even in the Ottoman period they where among the finest crackmtroops of the Caliphate.

But today, Armenia has far too many domestic economic issues to be a dontender in the area.

Hopefully someday again, they will become a bullwark of christian civilisation nestled against islamic incursion. Hopefully with a western bent, as the Russians have certainly never been good to them either...
Turkey has ALWAYS done things only for itself. Remember the Ottoman Empire ? These bitches just wanted to invade the world. Now they are weak as fuck and believe they are still a powerful nation.
>>674007523 (OP)
Congrats Turk-anon.. you just showed how inbred your bloodline is.
>> [Embed]
>SHOO SHOO t*rkroach

Turkey was always weak, from the earliest ottoman empire to present day turkroach poo hive
Obvious bait is obvious.

Funny thing is, you mudslimes actually think you have a chance at EU membership.
Turkey would lose to greece, it's military is a sad joke
>>674007523 (OP)
turkey fucks with russia, you wake up the sleeping dragon, only armegeddon comes from that
At the time they took Constantinople they were one of the most powerful nations of the world. Then they fucked up.
Its loosing to other mudslimes. It cant even hold its own border from the kurds, and those fuckers are mountain goat shaggers using equipment from the 60s.
Turkey feels national pride with shooting down a rusty jet held together with duct tape and wd40, when just a couple of years ago the Grecian airforce did the same with a turkroach spy plane, they were butthurt for months
It took them 4 centuries to do that. At that rate they'd take Russia by the time 40k rolls around
>Turkroach in Poo
Turkey is become the key to the region.

In many ways, the decisions revolving around Turkey, not Syria, carry the greatest risk of the beginnings of a WWIII.

Tueky is also radicalizing rapidly in a very schitzopjrenc way. There are strong elemets of ultra-religious and ultra-nationalistic forces working in paradoxic alignment, to curtail the legacy left by Ataturk.

Turkey, historically, was the seat of the Eastern Roman (Byzantine) Empire, and christian.
Then the seat of the Otttoman Caliphate which extended almost thousands of years, and muslim.

Under and following Ataturk, it wanted to become a westernised, civilised, secular nation.

Its difficult to get accurate representative information out of turkey. Its behaviour is erratic.
Powerful only somewhat relative to equally retarded HRE and other central european princes/nations
They keep changing poo piles
You're wrong. Turkey sure is NATO member.
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They can go suck on Vlad's pole again
Amen to that
>Russia forgets
>They wint retaliate eventually
>you dipshits arent the first the wipe of the earth when they get the chance
This guys rights!


Did Erfagan pay you double daily poo rations to shitpost this?
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Top kek
But hey, faganon! Go right ahead, attack thise ruskie bastards. We and NATO wont stand in your way! So go do it then, we will see how much the nato agreementactually means after the fact. Toilet paper is what im guessing.
>They can go get forced anal from Vlad's pole again

The Ottomans managed to retake and convert almost the entirety of the Byzantines glor days empire, from christianity to islam.

They made unceasing war in attempts to extend the empire further into mainland europe.

People dont realise this, but Islam has basically ALWAYS been aggressive towards and tried to invade into Europe.

The Spanish took hundreds of years to shake off the Moors rule in the Reconquista.
Trying this hard!
Do you even know what special forces are used for?
Think about that for a little bit and then you'll know they'll make/shape battles in war. They are the scalpel, the rest of the army is just the hammer.

But i though islam was a religion of peace :(
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A couple of months ago. Turkey shot down a Russian Jetfighter and Russia didn't do jack shit about it.
Europe is paying euro to Turkey to keep the refugees at the border.
Very bizarre , i for one would love to see the turkish fight with the russian. Just for my entertainement.

One would believe to think other countries are scared of Turkey
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That is very very dumb comment. Do feel bad about you!
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They are scared of U.S, we just need to blow up the turkroach embassy in LA
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Thats exactly what im saying.

Spetsnaz isnt going to win any wars.

In any case, Spetsnaz pales in comparison compard to the enormous USmspecial forces experience, funding and global proliferation in conjunction with a mindbogglingly large intelligence infrastructure.

Turkey is a Nato member.

Any aggression by Russia will be met with Nato resistance. And any aggression by Turkey against Russia will be backed, even if only indirectly, by Nato as well (and the EU for that matter.
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Don't you dare stop
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>>674007523 (OP)
everyone knows, first comes vodka, then kebab
> sorry turkey
I think the U.S overestimates itself. Every war they fought. They lost.
WWII , they didn't do much , it was Russia who did it
Vietnam ? They lost
Irak ? Afghanistan ? They onley "won" because of taking out Osama Bin Laden and Sadam Hoessein.
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>>674007523 (OP)

Turkish Military:

18.2 billion US dollar budget
412,691 active military personnel
378.700 reserve personnel
149 naval vessels (excluding auxiliaries)
51 naval aircraft
668 Air Force aircraft

Russian Military:

84.5 billion US dollar budget (over 4 times more)
771,000 active military personnel (nearly twice as many)
2 million reserve personnel (over 4 times as many)
271 naval vessels (excluding auxiliaries) (nearly twice as many)
359 naval aircraft (7 times as many)
over 3000 Air Force aircraft (nearly 5 times as many)
63 military/intelligence satellites

Then there's the fact that Russia is, by an enormous margin, the largest country on the face of the planet. It is borderline impossible to occupy all of Russia. Especially with a tiny little bitch army like Turkey's. Then of course there are the natural barriers. Enjoy crossing the Caucasus and the Urals. Also the harsh winters which a bunch of sand niggers wouldn't know the first bloody thing about and probably freeze their tits off after the first frost of the season.

Turkey, please. Go to bed.
Jealous non american detected. Also you're a fucking idiot and you have no idea what you're talking about
yeah russia would steam roll turkey
Adding to this, Russia is walking a very precarious line at the moment.

In conjunction with the Ukraine situation, and Russias accusatory stance in the UN, Russia has basically forced the EU, Nato and parts of the UN to align themselves against Russia.

The harder Russia pushes in the middle east, and on Turkey, the uglier this is going to get.

Io the wise thing for Russia to do, would be to withdraw and focus on domestic issues, and improve its international relations.

A war with Nato and the EU will absolutely wreck the Russian economy.

I really hope Putin isnt so drunk on power, that he forgets that. Russian involvement in the middle east is just making their situatiin worse. They are gaining nothing out of it, except forcing more nwtions to side against them.
serious america spends more on its military then every other country combined
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Off by one
Your numbers are incorrect.

Put a dot between power & com

http://www.globalfirepower com/country-military-strength-detail.asp?country_id=turkey
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leave NATO then start a war with Russia
they're only called special forces because spastic forces isnt politically correct enough
hmmm, steamed turkey roll
Its certainly true (that america has a larger SF), but we van never truely know what they have hidden for us.

Not saying that they will win, but the same goes for every other country.

But I thought u were talking about them (spetnaz/SF) like they were useless and didnt matter in a "real war".
I'm the idiot , while your country gives you the choice to vote for sanders , trump or clinton ?
Fat fucking piece of hamburger.
sounds fucking delicious LMAO
You dont understand the monolithic size, funding and organisation of the US military and intelligence structure, and how far it has its influence insinuated globally.

Im not being a "murica fuck yeah", im just stating the facts.

Winning wars is not the objective.Destabilising regions and maintqining influence, weakening enemies, is.

The idea of "winning a war" is antiquated.
Especiallybif they are not being fought on your own soil.

Fugg I'm hungary now
Ofc, even with Natonsupport, nobody can conquer Russia.

But it can effectively block Russia off in the middle east and black sea.

Tuekey is far better positiined to dominate the region, than Russia is. If only to further isolate Russia feom the west and the bosphoeous.
Maybe that's the reason why Syria is going empty
Kek how dumb are you turkey is bombing the kurds who are fighting of isis so they don't cross the border and on top of that they are buying stolen oil from isis (this has been proven google it) cause that way they can get it cheaper. What turkey is doing is standing behind a dam and destroying it cause it looks shitty and hoping that by some miracle the water won't flow through the dam after it's gone. Turkey is going to drown and thanks to their shitty actions isis front will be on the european border in the near future.
Wait are you trolling? Are you 12? Whats going on here? Going from you not knowing shit about any conflict in the world or military to the presidential candidates?

Still better than whatever shit hole you come from buddy.
>>674007523 (OP)
remember the rules of war

whatever happens bring america in at the very last minute, they like to say they won shit for other countries without really contributing at all


So we have different sources, whatever. We'll use your source then. Russia still has twice as many active personnel, over ten times as many reserve personnel, five times as many tanks, 3.5 times as many aircraft, nearly twice as many naval vessels.

And lets look at this fun new statistic: 47 thousand barrels of oil produced per day with 296 million in reserves (Turkey) versus over ten million barrels of oil produced per day with 80 BILLION (with a B) in reserves (Russia).

Then of course there's the size, terrain, and weather thing I mentioned. Sit down, Babu, and accept the fact that Turkey sucks on Russia's fat cock.
There are 3 countries in this world that can really stack up to each other USA, China, and Russia. a war between either of them would probably end the world, any other country who would try to fight any of them will lose, badly
Mad europoor.

Russia already has a whole bunch of trade sanctions placed against it and it STILL has a growing GDP. They have oil, they have timber, they have water, they have grain, they have livestock. What could you possibly "block" Russia from getting that it doesn't already have? Just stop.
...... Russiqn military is basicly made out of countless variants of Spetsnaz.
Lol you meen the shit equipment of the second world war rusia still are using and that only the guys that are "elite" get some new stuff???
ye come to our countriy buuuuuddiiiiieeeee
once you've been lobotomized youll believe we are the best country in the world, like we do
go usa, go usa

If we don't contribute, then don't ask for our help.. Hurr..
Dunno about that even your allies seem to think you're the main source of IS weaponry.
Stay mad.
Kebabs ate pretty good... Shaves are alright... Can't think of other stuff
lol especially their allies
Haha yea second strongest if you group all the other members together.
ITT: Anons picture together how they would fite IRL while jerking their cocks
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>>674007523 (OP)
True, but none of that refutes what Im saying.

Turkey has Nato and EU backing and regional intersts.

Russia on the otherhand has nothing to gain from this.

Tbh its a bit of a mystery to me why Russia is even involving itself, except in an attempt to curtail Turkish expansion and interests, so as to secure for Russia its Black Sea region.

Imagine if Turkey cuts off transit of Russian materials through the Bosphorous and Istanbul.

The Russian black sea regiin would become completely isolated. Just a large pond with jo way out.

This in conjunction with the Ukraine/Crimea region.
>>674007523 (OP)
How about fuck Turkey AND Russia? America nukes both, and China and North Korea and the entire Middle East sand-nigger land, establish New America where they once were, everyone's happy.
mad kek
for what
being the country you fear most
being the country you look upto the most
having a genuine history
winning actual wars and not pretending we do
knowing we can send ground troops in without losing em all
not making up our history and feeding shit to our kids
ye i'm mad bro

Soviet era Russia is long gone my friend. Russia has one of the highest GDP's on the planet... a booming and growing economy, and it pours billions upon billions of dollars every year on its military. You really think it costs 80 billion dollars a year to maintain B-52's? Guess again and don't be foolish.

This idea that Russia is some kind of post-Soviet slum is ludicrous. Look at the numbers, look at the facts. It's a G8 nation for Christ's sake.
Self-sufficiency is a myth in the current world.

The USSR already demonstrated the eventual economic collapse of an internationally isolated Russia.
Thnx fam really needed that didn't know how to say it better them Self hahahah

Too bad Russia will never be unilaterally isolated? You think just because the Turks kick up a fuss the Chinese are going to put a stop to their lucrative trade deals with the Russians. Please.
Still doesnt change the fact that USA lost every war they fought since the indepence wars
no, youve misunderstood.

spetsnaz is a different concept and organisation than western SF.

spetsnaz comprises large divisions of "specialised" forces, such as paratroopers.

Spetsnaz also has smaller distinct units for recon etc.

Its not really comparable to western SF.
FUCKING KEK what??? have you seen the state of the ruble? Russia is a fucking failing country
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>>674007523 (OP)
Shit Turkey, we meant to be on the same side and shit but fuck. Russia would rape you.

This is like being out on a Friday and your Girlfriend starts a fight with some 7ft Gypsy thug and its like fuck now I'm going to have to fight him because she started a fight she can't finnish.
China is already ass raping Russia.

Its buying up and colonizing huge swathes of resource rich territory in the Russian East.a

China doesnt give a shit about Russia, except as far as ts own interests go. Russia is very weak in the East, far more so than in its western expanse.
He's talking about the same thing, that russian jet was unarmed, such a big win for turkey topkek
The biggest mistake a country can do is to underestimate russian military power, you do realised its not the same as 30 or more years ago?
But is he wrong ? Go outside and play, if you dont start socializing when you are a kid it Will be Even harder when you grow up

Russia has the sixth largest economy in the world. Turkey has the 17th. Try again.
Yeah china would rape russia, they would never cross the US

They cross the United States every single day, what are you even talking about?

The GDP figures are artificiql, and a temporary result of russians focusing instead on russian domestic product and consumption.

The real result, however, is that Russia is slowly being starved and stagnated by the limitatins on its growth in a global market.

It is forcing itself into isolation again, just like in the Soviet era.

I think Putin has lost the plot. It wipl get even worse after he is gone. The guybis holding Russia together singlehandedly.
Not true actually a single US state is larger economy then russia, Russia is a joke
>implying Putin is not the Eternal Supreme Leader of glorious Mother Russia
LOL in their own boundaries, you do see China getting close to US Land. But the US is right of their coast
Do you really believe you Will win the argument by spurting out bullshit?

Go outside and play kid
No, it was an armed fighter jey, engaged in attacking Syrian rebels around the peninsula of land in Turkish territory.

Whether deliberately ir accidentally, it flew over and through the Turkish slice of land, and was shot down.

Primarily because Russia has a long tradition of flying into othernations airspace without permission. The turks decided they had had enough, especially as it was atacking Turkish allies, and shot it down.
>a single US state

SO on the GLOBAL, INTERNATIONAL STAGE, that falls under the category of.... THE ECONOMY OF THE UNITED STATES

>Russia is a joke
>has a larger GDP than 190 other countries on the planet
Its becoming the biggest grain exporter, renowned its oil deals with China etc etc, only an uneducated idiot would write things you did
Do you* pro tip China cant even get close to the US without getting dogged
Sooo fuck ingevuld true

March 14, 2016

Ghostbusters 2016 spoilers

Erin Gilbert (Kristen Wiig), a physics teacher at Empire State University, has her opportunity to receive tenure jeopardized when her old friend, amateur paranormal researcher Abby Yates (Melissa McCarthy), publishes a book they wrote together several years young, positing the existence of ghosts. Erin visits Abby and her new partner, nuclear researcher Jillian Holtzman (Kate McKinnon), to ask Abby to remove her name from the book, and is persuaded by Abby and Jillian to accompany them to the Aldridge Hotel to investigate claims of paranormal activity. Arriving there, the trio encounters the ghost of Madame Aldridge, the hotel's late owner, who vomits ectoplasm on Erin. Abby records the encounter, including a terrified Erin claiming that ghosts are real, and uploads it to youtube and reddit, leading to Erin being fired. Abby then persuades Erin to join her and Jillian in opening a ghost-chasing business they call "Ghostbusters".

Meanwhile, subway worker Patty Tolan (Leslie Jones) runs into Rowan (Neil Casey), an introverted engineer who has created a machine that amplifies paranormal activity, intending to open a breach between the world of the living and the world of the dead and release an army of ghosts to destroy the human race. After an encounter with a ghost that Rowan releases on the subway system, Patty seeks the Ghostbusters and volunteers to become a member and lend her street-smarts to the team. They also hire a dim-witted receptionist, Kevin (Chris Hemsworth), and set up a base of operations in a chinese restaurant and two vehicles, Ecto-1, a hearse lent to them by Patty's uncle; and Ecto-2, an old motorcycle. 

Despite the government's attempts to discredit them, the Ghostbusters become increasingly popular as they capture more ghosts unleashed by Rowan, and ultimately confront Rowan himself, who chooses to commit suicide rather than let himself be captured. With his death, paranormal activity in NYC subsides, adding credence to the government's claims about the Ghostbusters. Going through Rowan's belongings, Erin and Abby learn Rowan attended the same school as them and his obsession with ghosts was born out of their own fascination with the subject.

Rowan returns as a ghost and swears revenge on the Ghostbusters, possessing Abby and attempting to kill Jillian. After Patty beats him out of Abby's body, Rowan possesses Kevin, steals the Ecto-2 and heads to Times Square, where he activates a second machine he had secretly built, opening a portal between the two worlds and raising an army of ghosts that begin wreaking havoc in New York City, while also powering up Rowan's ectoplasmic form. To display his dominance over them, Kevin/Rowan leads the ghosts in a performance of "You Should Be Dancing" by the Bee Gees.

The Ghostbusters intervene despite the government's attempts to stop them, venturing into the evacuated area in the Ecto-1, and Erin manages to exorcise Rowan out of Kevin's body. Rowan demands that the Ghostbusters choose a form for him, and Patty absent-mindely thinks of a spraypainted ghost she saw on the subway line. Rowan becomes a towering version of the graffiti ghost and begins rampaging.
The Ghostbusters fail to defeat him by crossing their streams, and instead Erin and Abby venture into the portal, with ropes tied around their waists, and trick Rowan into directing his forces into the portal. Jillian and Patty then close it, but manage to pull Erin and Abby out, while Rowan and his army become trapped in the world of the dead and Rowan's machine is destroyed.

The government once again discredits the Ghostbusters and they don't receive any recognition for saving the city, but manage to use their savings to buy a new base of operations in an old firehouse. Erin and Kevin develop a relationship, and while analyzing tape recordings during the battle against Rowan, during which paranormal activity was at its peak, Patty finds several cryptic warning about the arrival of Zuul.


Bill Murray at a skeptic who questions the Ghostbusters on the news, and is killed by one of Rowan's ghosts.

Dan Aykroyd as a taxi driver who refuses to obey the evacuation order during Rowan's attack, claiming "I ain't afraid of no ghosts!"

Ernie Hudson as Patty's uncle who lends the Ghostbusters the Ecto-1.

Annie Potts as a receptionist at the hotel Rowan works.

If this is real then it's worse than Fan4stic.