Jerry Crandall
Proper response would have been scream in her face then slap her THEN arrest her__!
Bobbi Wolf Barrett
proper response from the horse would be to kick her in the face! Poor Dan frown emoticon
Ryan Holmes ·
How sick is that, I'd bet she beats her kids as well if she has any. These people are demons that have come right out of the ground. I don't think it has anything to do with Trump, but the human race as a whole. They are totally evil, demonic if you well. They are going straight to Hell unless they repent.
William Smith ·
probobly aborted the first five or six till she got the gender or color preference she wanted at gov expense with invitro therapy.
Robert Morzenti
That's just like assulting an officer so she should also be charged with that...she's very lucky the horse didn't get spooked and hurt someone...
John Ceglarski ·
Too bad it didn't rear up and come down on her with a Double Hoof Sandwich.
William Smith ·
that was the intent ..
to hurt others then blame the police.
to hurt others then blame the police.
Gay Rifen Crawford
Aside from the fact that the horse is a service animal, how smart is it to scream at and hit something large enough to trample you to death?
Mary Kassel
Too bad the horse didn't turn her into a grease spot.
Delayne Gentry
Well, these idiots are really not THAT smart...or they would have sense enough to know when they are being used by Liberal scum!! Jus. sayin'!
Russ Foster ·
Horse should have stomped her dumb butt!
Steven Dean Jr ·
Lol, horse is a cop to just like their dogs ..
Now you get to go to jail lol you finally get your free shit ...
Now you get to go to jail lol you finally get your free shit ...
Steven Dean Jr ·
My parents taught me RESPECT, yes I got my ass wooped daily .
I'm glad . It taught me Reaspect ! To value life
I'm glad . It taught me Reaspect ! To value life
William Daring
Steven Dean Jr You were beaten every day of your childhood? And that taught you to respect people and life? I think that's called abuse. Unless you were a complete ass of a kid. unsure emoticon
Tammy Storm ·
William Daring Sounds like that is exactly what you needed as a kid, since you ARE an ass.
Lonita Kress ·
these people are just plain CRAZY... even if they don't like Trump people who do have the RIGHT to be able to go hear him without being assualted... I have yet to see ANY Trump supporters causing problems at ANY other rallies... and the officer should have ran the dumb bitch over with his horse... they (the horses) are trained for JUST this type of crowd
Cindy Wendte Gilmer
Only problem is that it would then be police brutality.
Lonita Kress ·
Cindy Wendte Gilmer no it would not be police brutality...the horses are used for crowd control and are used for this reason they are trainied to go into crowds and thru people and if a person gets knocked down that person is as fault... but hey in OBUTTHEADS America it could very well be considered brutality
Cindy Wendte Gilmer
Lonita Kress having been a member of law enforcement I already knew that the horses are trained, and how they work crowds. People are quick to sue and blame others for their actions.
Laura Bell ·
This just enrages me. What the hell is wrong with these stupid people? I give the horse and policeman kudos for not beating her to a pulp.
Donald Nelson ·
My horses know how to deal with something like this, and it's pretty funny.
Debbie Allen Reedy ·
This is not peaceful protesting! Blocking the streets, and slapping a horse! These people deserve to be treated in such a way that will make them think twice about protesting again!
Linda Creech ·
Horse should have dropped a load of crap on her
Robert Martin
i wish ol Dan had stomped on her like a turd out in the pasture, Splat...
Dick Ellis ·
NAW, turn the horse around and let it KICK THE BITCH! CALLED A :" BITCH SLAP"!
Nancy Ann Woolbert Bettencourt
Too bad the horse didn't sqash her.So stupid to do that.
Maria Fonseca
Funny how everyone Blames Mr. Trump and 10 to1 they are Sanders and Clintons supporters, lolol Ya and they call Mr. Trumps Supporters racist and crazy,, better look in the mirror cause all I see is Sanders and Clintons sheeples doing the riots and threating people not Mr. Trumps, supporters ,, People are sick and crazy ,, and anyone who hits an animal for no other reason then to get it to buck and throw the Officer off or hurt other people because it could of kicked and hurt someone bad , she needs to be locked up and better to seek mental help ,, Stupid dumb asshole, because if she doesit to an animal what will she do to a child
Shari Schiemann ·
I would have tased the bitch!
Sandy Sutton ·
I hope she is getting paid enough so she can afford her own bail, lol not!
Anthony Pazana ·
Her behaviour was pure horseshit!
Nancy Del Prete Shokoff ·
she better be in jail!!!
PK Harding ·
When I was a police officer I had en encounter with a "peace" protesters when the 2nd Gulf War started. As fate would have it, she was a black belt at the dojo I went to. I was a lowly purple belt at the time. She screamed hateful things in my face as I maintained a perimeter around our post office, while I kept my cool. Now Washin Ryu karate is about respect for others and the next time I went to classes, she was my instructor for katas. She intentionally tried to bait me again in class and I respectfully left her group.
This is the mindset and tactics of these passive aggressive idiots. They have more hate in their hearts than those they accuse, but can't see this in themselves.
This is the mindset and tactics of these passive aggressive idiots. They have more hate in their hearts than those they accuse, but can't see this in themselves.
Karen Seeley ·
Dan should have stomped on her foot!
Jeff Bjelland
This is very typical of the "anti-Trump" protesters.
Billie Samuel Watkins Sr. ·
I do wish that horse had bit the shit out of her.
Charles Lee Commander
These commies are very disturbing to have running around freely in America. Moveon to detention camps.
Nikki Kracht
Glad I wasnt there to see it. I would have broker her arm in 2 places.
John Magill ·
Works at USN Retired
Shes dam lucky that horse is so well trained. It easily could have rared up and kicked and stomped her dumb ass.
Carol Rogers-Winn ·
Wish the horse had bit her ugly face off!
Bill White ·
"None if this behavior wins people over to their side. It just makes them look crazy and irrational." I disagree. It brings crazy and irrational people to their side.
Milton Billingsley ·
She probably thought the horse was her ugly girlfriend.
Michael Pitts ·
The officer should have let the horse bite the idiot right in the face.
Randy Cauley
I'd have backed the horse into the crowd...then dared her slap that end.