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Ask an Illegal Mexican immigrant anything
>>675158668 (OP)
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>>675158668 (OP)
Non-american here.
How does it feel and what is your profession?
No profession, but I'm in college studying physics and computer engineering. I'd say it feels shitty considering I've been here for 17 years and was brought to the country before I could walk.
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How's it feel to know your ass is going to get kicked out of my country in less than a year?
Who are you voting for in November?
It sucks because I actually support Donald Trump and I hate Mexicans. They are ignorant welfare rats with a mean IQ that is an entire standard deviation below the white mean.
not OP, but mexican. I actually look forward to all the better-looking undocumented bitches you guys will toss back into our yard.
Can't vote, but if I could it'd be Trump.
Fuck you stupid Mexican its ignorant fucks like you that get me kicked out
do you prefer the old kind of church mass or modernized church mass?
I don't believe in God only primitive monkeys south of the border do.
hahahaha ahora si vas a conocer a dios en tierra azteca putito
>>675158668 (OP)
Are you ready to go back and give real americans their university position you filthy fucking wetback cunt?
>>675158668 (OP)
How does it feel to be a complete waste of space and take up spots in life meant for hardworking Americans who deserve the spots you've wrongfully taken?
I'd rather not to converse in spic-speak. I bet you weren't even born in Mexico, you're probably one of those low-rider chicano's native to LA. Stop trying to relate to a culture you don't belong to faggot. That's as cringey as watching white weeaboos claiming they have adopted Japanese culture
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nigga ... religion is returning in fashion over here in europe.
>you weren't born in spicland so you learning spic is racist and culture appropriation
Jesus, Illegal and you go on tumblr? Just fucking off yourself faggot.
I don't mind illegals getting kicked the fuck out of the country, but I was brought here illegally at the age of 1. All I know is America and American culture and American patriotism. My Spanish isn't that good and I don't know all that much about Mexico. 17 years in this country and I have no citizenship to show for it. My family has never used food stamps even though we more than qualify, and we still pay our share of taxes. I love my family, but it isn't fair for them to stay in this country if they came illegally and knowing fully well what they were doing. If I get citizenship I don't plan on being some welfare rat who leeches on your hard earned tax dollars. I got accepted into college with an ACT of 33 and 2310 SAT (writing included and tht brought me down) and I plan to have a career in Computer Engineering and Physics. Do you want that job in Mexico or in the US? I certainly want to be part of the US workforce, and use my money to invest in American engineers and scientists when I'm older. I hear Trump and agree with his message. We are all sick and tired of not just illegal immigration, but all the other nonsense modern liberals spin our way, but I can't be a part of this without a quick path to citizenship. Many people qualify for a DACA work permit having arrived illegally at 16 or 17 years old, being here for only 5 years, and with abysmal math and English reading scores. Where's the justice? Get these people out of the country, not people like me. I didn't choose to be brought here, but I chose to love America anyway. If I get kicked out, I won't be deported to my country, I'll be deported from my country.
Islam like christianism are jews religions, first and most important step of their conspiracy.
If you want to be here and be respected, then get your citizenship. Become an actual citizen. Until then, you're just a lazy spic for all I fucking care.
He didn't say any of those things you retarded spic. He just noted how fucking stupid it is to identify with a culture you're not even apart of. Like when white boys act like niggers. Goddamn I can't wait to get you out of my country.
was them killing jesus part of their plan?
Nigger, I'm Irish and German and my family has been in America for 5 generations. Watch your fucking tongue.
sorry buddy, I was actually born in mexico city, and I've lived here all my life. I was just lucky enough to be part of the 1%, private education and all. I probably speak better english than you do, and my dad could certainly buy and sell your family 10 times over. Such is life.
Chief runs with Buffalo would ask you the same thing, whitey
Jesus is a sand nigger, a jewellery zombie, best part of the Jewish conspiracy.
True Arvans don't believe in the Jewish God. They believe in the Aryan godS
You mean, your dad is a drug lord and kills people because he was born in the shittiest country/city in the world and he payed for your education with blood money?
Not him, but have you SEEN the citizenship test? I would bet $50 you couldn't pass it.
No faggot. Hearing these sagging, snapback-wearing, tattoo-bearing fatasses saying "que honda guey" every time they see you is cringey as shit. They say "es que" and "porque" in the middle of an English sentence even though they speak little to no spanish. The worst part is their fake-ass cringeworthy George Lopez accents. Like who the fuck are they trying to impress with that? They speak perfect English and the only "Mexican" town they know is Nogales. It really is pathetic and worthy of a good rage.
You might not be a spic, but you're just as dumb as one.
As a Hispanic I agree with the "I was born in the hood shit" that's poser spic shit. It's fucking edgy and cancerous as fuck
What level are you in physics? There are a couple Mexicans in my grad level physics classes and they are ok
You traded your entire continent for some beads and hide you dirty ape. Sit down and enjoy the land we graciously give you.
>>675158668 (OP)
>muh heritage
i bet you vote for trump
Not OP, but would be cool if it DIDN'T TAKE TEN FUCKING YEARS
And yet here you are arguing with me. What does that say about you?
Being in the top 1% in Mexico is like being in the top 25% in the US. I wouldn't be bragging if I were you.
Except I would, because I fucking passed it. I'm a migrant myself, except I came here legally.
>>675158668 (OP)
Ever entertain the notion of becoming a legal immigrant?
>>675158668 (OP)
are you ready to go back?
And the settlers didn't kill Indians and niggers?
Kettle, meet pot
but mexicans are not aryan if we go by hitler.
That I have a low tolerance for stupid people.
>>675158668 (OP)
The anon called me a spic and I told him otherwise. I didn't talk up my heritage, merely informed him. If that's being "Muh heritage" then you can off yourself faggot. Learn to be a fucking man.
LOLOL horseshit, you may be the 1% in terms of wealth, but I'm probably in the top .1% of white intelligence (not white but just as reference) and certainly smarter than all of you monkeys. I'm at least smart enough to be self aware of how utterly useless the Hispanic race is.
Good for you dude my buddy came to the US legit and I respect him a lot for it.
OP should blame his parents for breaking the law. Sucks but it is what it is
Delusions of a closet Nazi
Buddy, I've seen some of these spics at the top. They are more up there than you'd think.
Not who you were talking to, but the settlers took this plot of land. They didn't kill people and then say "fuck it, let's go to another country."
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have a nice day faggot. :^)
Exactly these starving Hispanics are the reason why i don't want to leave America
You Filthy Beaner! Go back to Mexico where you can calculate Mass x Acceleration = Heads of Fucking Lettuce a Beaner can pick per hour!
Go make my TV Set or my Car in Mexico.
And while you're at it, build that fucking wall to keep you dirty wetbacks in your own damned country while you make me some great pharmaceuticals.
Thank You.
If you guys kick all illegal immigrants out of the country, your economy will collapse in a few days. You're all a bunch of lazy fuckers who can do nothing but claim about everything.
If you guys kick all illegal immigrants out of the country your economy collapses
...but they're still Mexican.
How convenient for the discussion. Only I now this not to be true because I happen the be the world expert hacker authority and can tell from satellites, cameras and your phone microphone that you are completely full of shit.
Yeah. You willing to wait a fucking decade with no way of legal income through the entire legal process?>
If MExicans had slaves they would've held on to them for dear life. You're lucky the white race has been so kind to us faggot.
Not denying that handicap, but being a filthy beaner in a massive house with what are essentially slaves makes up for it a thousand fold.
Beautiful speech anon, too bad those high SAT and ACT scores couldn't make you at all self aware or a decent human being.
This is a country of immigrants, and seeing as how you were not born here, that makes you a, uh, fucking immigrant. Not everyone is gifted and born with the same opportunity as you. If you don't want other human beings to have a decent chance at life then please go use that brilliant fucking brain of yours and bring some innovation to Mexico, where you belong.
You're not the least bit American to me. Someone who is a citizen and is serving their country on active duty, and thinks everyone should get a shot at a better life. Fuck right off m8.
>I don't know my history so I'll just insult and deny
I know education sin't the best in the world, but learn your history faggot. Rarely white people are rarely often the bad guy, just that they got the better deal because they're not savages and can think long term.
Not true.
If all the Mexicans leave, the Niggers will gladly start picking lettuce and strawberries in the hot sun, and will be joyful at all the jobs open for mowing lawns of rich white people.
Aryans love niggers. They make them work, and they fuck their daughters (no nigger was burnt in concentration camps)
Aryans hate white trash : people who like white, but are dominated by niggers. Like the jews, the frenches, or the American middle class.
Aryans want to conquer the world. White trash want a wall to be protected from Mexicans. Time for wasp to start the ovens to purify their glorious superior race from inferior white trash afraid of mexicans.
Doing that in Mexico earns you the same as working at McDonalds here, so no thanks
There are intermediary processes you can take. Like becoming a resident alien, for instance.
The United States is far more lenient than any other country I've been to in this respect.
It's clear you haven't even tried.
Good for you m8, why don't you use some of that delusion and convince yourself you are superior. Or just convince yourself to kill yourself, I don't care.
You got me on the slave part. But you then have to worry about being a target for kidnappings and theft, and surround yourself with I really don't see how it's a much better quality of life.
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>They didn't kill people
For the love of...
Don't know if retarded. Or confused... and retarded.
>We're so hard fucking lazy whitey we do the real work
Fuck that bitch, you're the reason the American economy will collapse you fucking leech.
We'll automate everything to the point where you can't even get a job in Mexico
"America" (North and South) was controlled by Native Indians and Mexicans (cross between a lazy Spaniard and a fucking Monkey), and they didn't manage to do shit with it.
Some English, Dutch, and Germans come here, and woomp - you got 'Murica - most powerful nation the earth has ever seen.
Pro tip: Too bad the English didn't settle South America while they were at it.
Found the delusional nazi. You don't know anything if you're saying that shit. Aryans hate every race except for whites. Even if they're trashy whites, they're still a notch above every race. They'll just get the shitty jobs that no one wants.
you do realize the richest man in the world is mexican? I dont think you really know what you're talking about buddy.
mmkay. accolades brah
Breed white into them and they stop
Coming from the ultimate welfare queen.
Sorry you didn't get a peanut bar in your MRE there squirt
Well, ok. I guess you can stay.
But tell your Tio back in Guadelehara to get crackin' on that Wall, because the only thing an Illegal Mexican hates worse than Donald Trump is ANOTHER Illegal Mexican trying to move in on his shit.
Good job, I can go to Wikipedia and copy a part of American colonization as well.
so where do you, a mexican, fit in this scheme?
>>675158668 (OP)
Eurofag here
How hard is it to get into the usa as an illegal immigrant from mexico?
Could this "wall" trump is talking about really "stop" illegal immigration from mexico?
The fact that the richest man in the world is Mexican has nothing whatsoever to do with the argument.
>richest man in the world
That's like mexican intellectuals m8.
Richest man is Bill Gates.
I don't give a shit about Mexico and what opportunity is there? Name one NOTABLE mexican physicist. Exactly. Mexico has one chemistry nobel prize, and American has over 100 including physics, chemistry, and medicine/physiology
How hard is it for the Muslims to get into European nations and cause problems?
About the same over here with the spics. We just let them in for some reason. Trust me I live in a border state
Not with the drug tunnels that are run through the Mexican border.
No copypasta, Faggot. I actually listened while in skool.
I used to tell your mom this story while she was going HOM NOMM NOMMM on my cock while you were eating Rice Krispies in the other room.
Now go to bed.
By a lot too.
>>675158668 (OP)
are you voting Trump ?
he is actually right. the aryan were supposed to become the rulling class that would conquer the world and establish the 3rd reich.
the problem was the elites of Allies claiming to be the ones to do the conquering.
aaaand your opinion matters none :D cuz even if Trump gets office, hes probably ganna get assassinated day 1.
How would this fucker vote? He is an illegal
>>675158668 (OP)
No questions, just came here to say fuck you for:
>easy free college
>housing assistance
>ability to get a brand new car despite being on gov't aid
>money making under the table
>usually don't pay taxes
All because of race. I live up North in a city that is a hub for illegals.
Becoming a resident is still a big hurdle in its own. But completely obtainable, not going to deny it.
It's clear we're fighting the legality here. Because as soon as a paper says so, I'm no longer a piece of shit in your eyes.
To bad I can't take lazy niggers citizenships. They don't do anything anyways
Exactly it's on my fucking label
What area anon? I am from up north and didn't know how bad it really was until I moved to the Southwest. We got a bad rodent problem here and no rich people's lawns to mow.
Are you stupid?
What do you like about Trump? I fucking love him but I am a working white male who makes money. What does he offer you?
Glad to hear you are worried anon. It sucks but we need to end the free ride
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>>675158668 (OP)
has Trump seen his daughters leaked nudes yet
My cousin's husband had to go back, and enter the country legally. They were already married, and had a daughter too. It didn't matter. As long as he was here illegally, there was nothing he could do except hope he didn't get picked-up, and end up with that on his record. From what I understand, once you end up documented as an illegal, there's nearly nothing you can do to get legal status.
Slim is taking candy from a baby. Honestly how hard is it to monopolize a nation of half-evolved monkeys? What superior good does he produce? On the other hand, Bill Gates has to outsmart Asians and other whites, and look what happened, and new age in computing.
it does, but im drunk and im not gonna get into it. think whatever bro
true! he went down from the top spot to like 28th place wtf haha
>>675158668 (OP)
What was so bad about mexico that you had to leave?
I got an idea:
1) We offer FREE INSTANT citizenship to any Mexican who takes at least TWO (2) Niggers back to Mexico with them to leave them there with NO PAPERS so the Niggers can't claim "we be citetzens and sheeut"...
2) If a Mexican takes 5 Niggers back to Mexico, he gets a Free Domino's Pizza with any TWO (2) Toppings.
This is great because:
a) We get people who will work for shit picking lettuce in the hot sun, and
b) The Nigger population is reduced and Mexico gets stuck with them, eventually having a "Watermelon Revolution".
I'm going to e-mail this one to Trump to see if he'll Executive Order this beeaach up once he's in office.
his folks are part of the working class and they wanted a better life. the end.
funny. mexicans actually freak out about black people since they're so rare. nobody likes them there.