March 22, 2016

People Who Refuse To Bow To Allah

Marion Tripp · 
Islam has no place in a civilized democratic society. It's teaching are primitive and incompatible with western civilization. Just look at the world. It is a scourge to the earth. Speak up before it's too late.

No immigration, no tolerance, no diversity. We want peace, security, and liberty.

We can no longer afford to “split the pot” with everyone who wants a piece, especially with “refugees” from the Middle East. It’s too risky. America is struggling enough as it is. Most of us are making below living wage and just had our health insurance forcefully taken away. I make 60k per year and my ...See more
LikeReply1349 January 2016 09:03
Andria Newbauer · 
You have spoken truth and reality..
LikeReply229 January 2016 14:03
Doc Otis · 
Works at Earth
fuck islam and mooslimes
LikeReply810 January 2016 02:06
Ryszard Popielarz · 
Orban & Duda have said essentially the same in Hungary & Poland, and now, Germany is threatening their voting rights in the European Parliament while women in Germany are being sexually assaulted by Islamo-scum.
LikeReply12 January 2016 09:21
Linda Woodcock · 
This man has lost his mind, he surely is on the side of The New World Order!!! That is Obamamama's side right?
LikeReply599 January 2016 09:20
Richard Roberts
Just a friendly Admonition on your spelling Linda. It's New World ODOR.
LikeReply209 January 2016 11:08
Doc Otis · 
Works at Earth
fuck islam and mooslimes
LikeReply310 January 2016 02:06
Mary Heller
He probably was instructed on just what to say from higher up.
LikeReply410 January 2016 09:53
Virginia Harlow · 
Is this dejavu all over again? Didn't it happen just like this before? Same stupid remarks by authorities...?
LikeReply289 January 2016 09:29
Michael Greenspan · 
No doubt this idiot will be applying for a position as the imam at the local mosque.
LikeReply299 January 2016 09:32
Sandy Miller
Islam fits nowhere on Gods green earth. Muslims cannot get along with each other so they sure won't get along with people of other faiths. Muslims cannot get along with other cultures, other races, other ideologies.. etc.. The world does not need Islam.
LikeReply539 January 2016 09:37
Lenny Maz · 
I agree with the Mayor,,,except he should have said the Real Truth,,the shooter is a Racist Nigga who wants to KILL White Cops.
LikeReply119 January 2016 09:40
Louis Morales · 
um, you really are myopic eh? Sure he was African-American, but he flat out said, openly, without reservation his motive and you want to twist it even more? Get a clue and realize this is a Cultural and religious war not an ethinc issue. Even the term racist is erroneous in that there is only one race of humans but different ethnic origins. Anyway, Allen West is African-American so you trying to say something against my friend too? Get a clue.
LikeReply369 January 2016 10:59
David Jaxon · 
Louis Morales, there was nothing said about American Americans. he said a raciest N. Talking about one person. Are you saying sir that all african American are N----? No one even mention Allen West who is a great man. You might be a great man..Stop trying to truen this into a raciest Statement.. If I had said a raciest Honkey , that would not mean that all whites are Honkeys.. It seems ok for blacks folks to call us whites Honekeys, Crackers, White mother F--- 's. It is Ok for blacks to be raciest but not whites..Sicking!
LikeReply139 January 2016 11:47
Louis Morales · 
David Jaxon First off using the word at all is offensive regardless of who uses it. I've heard African-Americans use it among friends and it still sounds at the very least condecending and I for one refuse to say it out loud. As for the other terms you expressed, they are no different in my book then the one Lenny used. He is still using a disparaging remark about another human being (even if that being is totally out in left field and lost in a mis-guided religion). I believe any use of such words effects anyone who carries those ethinic characteristics in a negative way. It's how stereotypes and bias are born.
LikeReply109 January 2016 12:02
Mimi Schmaltz · 
Public officials who stand up and lie to their constituents should be impeached. Oh, wait........
LikeReply79 January 2016 09:40
Lenny Maz · 
This is the SAME Mayor who just said in his speech that "Black Lives Matter"
LikeReply29 January 2016 09:41
Daniel Quinn · 
Everyone should stop being pussies. Is llamas a problem we need to attack it we need to defend our own country. Our government does not want to help us we need to stick together and fight these pieces of garbage. These radical Muslims Winport should be injected with pigs blood that'll stop them.
LikeReply39 January 2016 09:45
Ryszard Popielarz · 
Jailed in pig pens, like the prodigals they are.
LikeReply12 January 2016 07:55
Robert Benson
So, the mayor is so PC he won't even recognize the statemnt of the individual in custody. how far will some poeple go to get relected? How about a recall ion this person!
LikeReply29 January 2016 09:46
Stephen Barnard · 
Y'all should check out the recent footage of asylum-seekers and refugees in Germany... Deal with it "over there" or you'll be dealing with it "at home".
LikeReply69 January 2016 09:52
Ryszard Popielarz · 
Hungary & Poland are dealing with it.... & the EU is threatening them with expulsion... into Russia's imperialist teeth. There are sober thinkers in the world, but they are never appreciated early enough.
LikeReply12 January 2016 08:03
Judi Fryer · 
The mayor displayed either stupidity or vast denial. Whichever one it was, there is way too much of it going around the United States like a plague. People spend all their time talking about controling guns, arguing about WHY violence happens, and speaking out in favor of more immigration and the peacefulness of Ismlamic terrorists. have an individual blantantly trying to kill a police officer who immediately reveals his motive, and the Mayor of the city basically calls the would-be-killer a liar? Just proves stupidity in government starts at the bottom and rises to the top with the blind support of about half the U.S. population following along like sheep. Frightening, isn't it?
LikeReply49 January 2016 09:52
Diane Leahy · 
Or is it being filtered down, by orders from above.... to keep their jobs? Liberals are destroying this country, out of greed, and spineless studity.
LikeReply10 January 2016 11:05
Judi Fryer · 
Diane Leahy I agree with your final sentence.
LikeReply10 January 2016 12:54
Ryszard Popielarz · 
Stupidity floats to the top - like fatty sh.. in a toilet....
LikeReply12 January 2016 08:09
Daryl Miles · 
This is what happens when uninformed and ignorant morons vote as they voted this fool into office and wake up people as we have an election coming up. We have to get our heads out of the sand and wake up
LikeReply99 January 2016 09:52
Doug Mary Stanley
I no longer think they are saying these things out of ignorance. Some yes but I can't help believe there are blatant lies being spread to protect Islam. I had to take a looks at the Koran to see what is going on and there is no doubt they believe all who do not live and operate under Islam have to be killed. There is no co existing with this "religion". It is kill or be killed.
LikeReply19 January 2016 11:34
Ed Miller
So you as the Mayor speak for attacker and the muslim religion? What a crock. Did the W.H. admin advise you to say that?
LikeReply49 January 2016 09:54
Peggy Arthurs · 
I have heard it said by three different sources that the ones we call "radical islamists" are actually following the koran faithfully; the so-called "peaceful muslims" follow a watered-down version of the religion and would be killed by the others as apostates.

Islam has no place in our American society. They only want to bring sharia law here and to Europe and turn the world back about 1500 years.
LikeReply59 January 2016 10:06
Stephen Adams · 
Mayor Kenny, you need a reality check and should resign. You cannot handle the pressure of your office. There is a wounded hero police office. A department of officers and a city of taxpayers who deserve to be told the truth. BTW, as Columbus proved, the world is not flat and he did not fall off the end of the earth.
LikeReply49 January 2016 10:11
Alan Shirley · 
Denial is not a river in Egypt. These people are so naive.
LikeReply19 January 2016 10:14
Lawrence Mercier · 
You need to get your head out of the sand. This was islam terroist shooting and with what the shooter said put it right in islams hands. And do remember islam is a cult not a religion.
LikeReply39 January 2016 10:15
Doug Van Woudenberg
Perhaps the mayor needs an education:
LikeReply19 January 2016 10:20
Ryszard Popielarz · 
The Koran is more dangerous than "Mein Kampf!!!"
LikeReply112 January 2016 08:29
Jenifer Parker
so now we let teh mayors confess 'for the thugs'?? as to their motives?? TIME TO GET A NEW MAYOR HUH GOVERNOR??? THERE IS NO ROOM FOR PC AT THIS JUNCTURE.
Nancy Kaplon
When people kill in the name of Islam, it is an Islamic problem.............................
LikeReply19 January 2016 10:28
Ryszard Popielarz · 
We should SLAM Islam....
LikeReply12 January 2016 08:30
Ursula Dunlop
That mayor needs to be removed and banned from ever hoding any public office along with DeBlasio, Loretta Lynch, Obama and any of these other people in government positions who are a danger to our national security by denying that there is a problem with the Muslim population. We are unable to tell who is a radical since the rest of them who don't actively do the killing are not willing to speak up. So the only solution is to consider them all jihadists and remove the whole lot of them from every civilized country.
Any objecting liberal and Democrat can choose to either shut up or join them in their sandholes.
LikeReply39 January 2016 10:28
Miley Farrington · 
It is going to come down to the people to doing something about the muslins in this country.There are no moderate muslins.As long as they follow the Koran they will act like radicals against the world.they have to be back in their own country to live their lives and follow their evil book.they have no place in societyI think what is going to happen is the same as Germany civilian patrols with what ever it takes to control them if it means killing then so be it .our government needs to start kicking them out before it starts
LikeReply19 January 2016 10:32
Johnny Ward
With apologies to Mother Goose, Obaba Black Sheep keeps pulling the wool over our eyes - a lot more than three bags full! (My family loves you, Allen!)
John Patterson · 
Ism't it funny how almost all of these so called terrorists are muslim.
Linda McDaniel
When people are telling you directly, truthfully and as straight-forward as they can possibly be why they are doing something, WHAT is wrong with someone who refuses to hear? ...or accept or believe? That is not a rhetorical question... I really want to know.
Mike Bules · 
He is either an idiot or an a-hole.....neither one should be a mayor!
Harry Harrison · 
The old "real" Americans would never have tolerated this "Pathetic Moron" and his Liberal cronies! Ane yet this oxygen waste is a mayor????? ISLAM IS A DISEASE AND MUST BE ERIDICATED!
Ryszard Popielarz · 
It's a syphilis upon society & civilization.
LikeReply12 January 2016 08:34
Butooka Nkomo · 
Islam and adherents advocate the VIOLENT overthrow of the US Government. Why is this tolerated?
LikeReply19 January 2016 11:01
Ryszard Popielarz · 
Traitors guilty of sedition used to be shot.
LikeReply12 January 2016 08:36
Mike Cokenour
If someone bombed an abortion clinic or something along those lines, the media and liberals would jump to label them a "Right Wing Christian"!
Ron Pate
some one please smack the shit out of this mayor for the Muslim goat that he is. Good God can we please wake up and get these parasites/liberals the hell outa here and send the goat fuckers with them.
Peggy King · 
I bet Obama called him and told him what to say to the people ! Why do they continue to lie to us about the terrorists that are here in America waiting plotting to kill us. Wake up and get your protection ready because we are at war with Islamic terrorist right here in the USA.
LikeReply19 January 2016 11:11
Edgar White · 
Follow the money. Here is why he will not speak evil of islam.
Wilma Levy Wagner · 
someone needs to turn him upside down and shake the koolaide out of him
Ryszard Popielarz · 
Make him puke sala'ami!!!
LikeReply12 January 2016 08:38
Bill Simpson · 
Ryszard Popielarz · 
Throw a shoe at him....
LikeReply12 January 2016 08:40
Dave Adler · 
Islam has no place in ANY society!
Kevin Dickson · 
Right....the fact that since 9/11 there have been 27588 more terror attacks, killing over 200,000 innocent men, women, and children, all by people screaming out the name of allah as their targets just a huge string of coincidences. How dare you blame MUSLIMS for acting like MUSLIMS.

Jihad Report for 2015

Jihad Attacks: 2849
Countries: 52
Allah Akbars: 475
Dead Bodies: 27435
Critically Injured: 26144
LikeReply19 January 2016 11:29
Michael Smith · 
Works at Happily Retired
It is clear that the liberal, progressives have that agenda. Why? Who's pushing this? We know that obama is pressing that same agenda, but who is pressing him? He's a puppet. LtCol. West, I urge you to step up to the plate. You might be surprised at the support you would garner.
Frank Mc Abee · 
Our elected officials are like swans with their head in the water.
Ryszard Popielarz · 
Swans in a lake of Kool-Aid®….
LikeReply12 January 2016 08:42
Ronald Allen Hudson · 
If you are among the ones who think we should allow refugees to pour into our country by the ten of thousands-- just take a look at what's happening in Europe, especially in Cologne Germany. Imagine your children, grand children-wife, being subjected to this type of behavior. If you still do you're a damn fool and part of this country's problems
Ryszard Popielarz · 
It's not happening in Hungary or Poland!!! Because they're keeping the gangrene out.
LikeReply12 January 2016 08:45
Lrak Rehgallag
"IDIOT wind, You're an idiot Mayor it's a wonder you still know how to breath/breed..."from Bob Dylan singing about an ex but fits nice here."Idiot Wind
James Hollomon · 
That statement came straight from the White House
Richard Hull · 
Ahhhhhh, yes Mr Mayor, it has everything to do with being Muslim and practicing the teachings of the Quran, a book of vio;ence and hate.
Jimmy Douglas
I agree that he's an idiot but unfortunately there is no law against being an idiot,after all that's how Obozo got elected two times. He's first amendment rights are guaranteed as well as mine. Look at the Mayor that called Obummer a Muslim on his own Facebook page yet was forced by Obummer and his own city cancel to apologize. What about his constitutional rights?
Michael McComb · 
Islam, the religion, has no place in our society. We are a Republic based on Judeo Christian values. The Quran does not seem to match the same values we have. That is not to say that Islam does not have a place in this world, just not in the American political system. When foreigners come to this country, no matter where they're from, they should be required to learn and live the way Americans do. It would be no different than having an American go to another country and having to learn to live by their rules. How hard is that to understand? I think they should do a recall on that mayor.
Wayne Millsap · 
Works at Retired
People, such as this mayor, who are so politically correct as to make reasonable sick, shouild be foreced to attend PC Anonymous classes conducted by Donald Trump.
Sandy Balboa · 
Well at least he said something....remember that black lady who ran down a bunch of people in Las Vegas and was reportedd screaming Islamic things...that Sheriff "didn't feel comfortable telling us the motive" he said nothing...which is BS
Rudy Griffin · 
This country has a serious problem with liberals, and elected office holders who are aiding and abetting this evil that has come to this country. Go read some good books on Islam and learn something about this disgusting culture.
Ronald Chase · 
It was widely reported the Philadelphia voted 100% for Obama in 2012. It is said that is statistically impossible. Why is anyone surprised the mayor is a nut job!
LikeReply19 January 2016 12:33
Leah Kilgore McElroy
I agree!!! This mayor is not protecting the citizens and is not a true American. He even speaks with the perfect accent when saying the word, "muslim." He is as much of a traitor as Obama is. He has no right to speak a lie like this. Sickening. We the people of th United States of America need to take a mighty stand now against what is going on before it's too late. This is crazy along with all the other insane situations just like this that are happening here on a daily basis. WAKE UP everyone!
Jordan Coleman · 
Works at Shotgun & Lace
Nothing new for you to see here! Move on down the stupid sheep. Same ol Same ol....Sometimes you just got to ask yourself how much he got paid to make those statements. The religion of Islam had everything to do with attempted 'righteous' killing.
Fred H. Smith · 
Works at 2 old crows
sOUNDS LIKE the CIty needs to look at their INTERNAL gun control, as to the mayor, put him on a plane and send him to SYRIA on a one way ticket with a NO return restriction
Tom Greenwood · 
Throw the bastard out of office
Keith Brown · 
Removed from office? The voters of Philly who elected this moron are getting the mayor for whom they voted. Philly, another great American city in the tradition of Detroit, Baltimore, DC and others being shoved down the sewer hole of liberal thinking.
LikeReply19 January 2016 13:04
Tom Antrim · 
The mayor is trying to appease the blacks in Baltimore.
Steve Pohlit · 
The people of Philidelphia including the police force should not put up with this dysfunctional person one minute. In addition the Governor and State Police need to take a stand.
Talan Ray Bates
I really think that these MORONS need to read the Koran. By Muhammud's own teachings Islam is an Extremely Violent way of life. According to the Koran, if you are not muslim, you are not human and can be treated as an animal.
Alexander Glumac
In this country, we are supposed to have freedom of speech. What shocks me is the people of Philadelphia actually voted for this idiot. They deserve what they asked for!
Robert Stewart
Obama's world sucks!
Rogers Mogill · 
"This is the shame of the left, the Democrats, and why in God’s name would anyone elect them and believe they will protect us from this enemy — who appears to be their ally?" Why are the Democratics so locked into goose stepping together. This is The United States where you are free to think, believe and act on your own. How anyone can support a Hillary Clinton after all she has done is beyond me. And the Democratic choice? An avowed socialist running to head up this Republic. DOES NOT COMPUTE.
Dennis Donahue · 
I am just glad he didn't own a rebel flag. They would be taking down statues.
Virginia Llorca
Dear Mayor Kenney,

Google taqiyya
Andria Newbauer · 
The mayor is an idiot---this type of behavior is not welcome in this country and the terrorist better start realizing this. I will be going to see the new movie and see what other lies can be determined by the Pres and his SOS.
Tommy Carlton
What does this man has think ? He has to be stuiped.
Tim Hake · 
he is some kind of stupid moron he should share a cell with Obama and Hillary
Howard Borman · 
I believe the enemy is Radical Islamic Terrorism and Libtards such as this mayor and all the other Libtards wherever they may be or what position they may hold!
Adam Bonadonna · 
These are not the droids you are looking for ....Move along!
Mark Richards · 
The Mayor is absolutly correct. So I guess every German was a Nazi and every Japanese wanted to fly a plane into a warship. Not every Catholic wants to bomb Planned Parenthood. Knock it off Conservatives!
Diane Leahy · 
So you believe that, even though this attempted murder was confessed to be about islam, that it is a lie & has nothing to do with it??? You must be a special kind of stupid. Your head will not matter much when they get a strong hold of this government.
LikeReply10 January 2016 11:17
Steve Willis
What do you mean, "Seems to be?"
Ben Rist · 
Stronger background checks would have stopped this! haha good one huh?
Greg Smith · 
America needs a President that believes America is the greatest country in the world, who believes in God We Trust, who believes in bacon burger's and respects laws of the land. Who believes the American Military has done great things and the Police force is there to protect..America needs a PUTIN, he stated if you come to my country you live like us, eat like us, you obey our laws and no Sharia and if you don't like it go to a country that is Muslin. His speech was the best speech I have heard in years I will post it for you all to read.
LikeReply19 January 2016 15:00
Michael Bregman · 
Um, would not crimilizing remarks offensive to Islam violate the First Amendment?
Ti Ha · 
Check his bank account for a CAIR payment.
Karen Hunt
It seems to me the greatest "experts" on Islam seems to be people who have never set foot in a Mosque, nor read the Qu'aran. I am speaking to the Politicians who defend "Muslims". Read what Islam teaches about (Infidels). Muslims are instructed to destroy all infidels. We are in a holy war. This holy war has been continual between Jews and Muslims. Now it is in our backyard. It also is in Syria, Brussels, Paris, UK. Need I elaborate further? It is obvious Jihad is being ramped up and the politicians are shaking in their boots. They are sugar coating all this because they don't want to be next. We must not allow evil to advance PERIOD. We need politicians to quit spewing rhetoric based on emotions, not fact. It is obvious that We the people must stand for what is right.
LikeReply19 January 2016 15:40
Pauline M Moll · 
Here in lies my problem with all these 'lone wolf' shootings.

Are they jihadists, really? Or are they socio or psycho-paths that have found a way to give vent to their true leanings towards violence? I use the same thought when thinking about all those that are rushing to join ISIS or al-Qaeda or whichever terroristic group.

If Timothy McVey created a bomb and destroyed a Federal building killing hundreds of people today, while he claimed he did it in the name of Islam, would he really be a jihadist. Or simply what he was? A deranged individual with a penchant for violence. How about...See more
Terrell Howell · 
This mayor is using the same defense Christians use when one of them performs a violent act in Jesus' name. "He's a criminal acting on his own! This doesn't represent what Christianity is truly about!" Ugh... so ignorant. Kill all Christians!!
Fred Marsico · 
I was born and raised in Philadelphia. I am proud to say that I believe wholly in OUR Constitution of the united States of America. Yet, I am appalled at what the city has become in the last several decades, and am reluctant to even visit my family and friends who still live there because of the abrogation of Individual Rights and the installation of privilege to special interests.

The Constitution mentions the three jurisdictions of Law, under the limits of the Constitution. Common Law or the Law of the Land as defined by the Law of Nations, is the law which provides Justice, for crimes in w...See more
LikeReply19 January 2016 16:06
William Lafaso · 
we are not in a religous war. 1 billion muslims less than 1 million are causing terror...... yet we are supposed to hate all 1 billion, sorry that is not logical.
Todd Fahner · 
Mayor moron is not fit to clean my toliet. Send him to Syria, Iraq or Afganastan with a big "I'm an American" sign on his back and let him find out first hand what Islam is all about.
Robert Paul Barker · 
it's the good against evil, as told in many books, even comics
Luci Tomlin · 
Does she also "fear" the "incredibly distrurbing rise of "anti-diseases" that "edge" towards violence" and/or ends in death? OR conversion; To an ideology far removed from principles, morals, decency, honor, honesty, integrity, compassion, love, fellowship, and "love they neighbor" tenets OUR Country was FOUNDED ON? Must we BOW to their demands of LESS? Not just NO, but HELL no!
Jodie Wright · 
you would Think they would understand Islam is not the religion it is the government the religion is Muslim and they are commanded to support and overthrow all other Governments and instate sharia law true any means necessary starting as Peace and ending in Blood to any That don't submit. slavery and Death. if your not with them death to any that try to leave as well.
Judy Boyko · 
He thinks just like the man in the WH who is a Islamic Muslim...they are everywhere
Jim Evans · 
Works at Retired
I bet that mayor is a Democrat:
Jerry Marshall · 
Why in the world are people afraid to call a spade a spade? The man confessed why he did it. People need to understand that Islamic terrorist want to kill us all and all of this political BS is going to come back and bite us in the butt. It's amazing just how ignorant some people are. Only thing I can come up with is they are part of what's happening. There's no other other excuse or reason for it.
Larry Davis · 
Someone shoot the damn Mayor, That will get him out of office quick !!!
Tony Ray Sweany
He maybe he's Muslim I'm working for Isis
Lynda Falls · 
What is the honour diaries?
Steve Dodge · 
This Mayor is a fucing idiot, the guy even claimed it and this idiot of a mayor has the gall to say differently, stupid liberal pos.
Mark Lane Sr · 
This Mayor is as lost as the Souls who practice Islam and the teachings of a murdering rapist they call a prophet in Muhammed........
Guy Esterlund · 
Interesting video. They basically tell us what we want to hear and use our resources until they take over.
Frank Noone · 
I would have expected an honorable Mayor to be makeing a statement from the bedside or next to the family of the officer that was attacked supporting him and his family, But no this jackasses first agenda is to protect the muslim religion, I unfortunately work in Philadelphia where this moron is Mayer, I hate to see what this idiot has in store for the city, It's going to be a long four years to come !
Chris-Robin Beckham · 
Semper Fi Allen West! We as Americans and Veterans should take this country and return it to the great country it once was.......