March 23, 2016


 Anonymous 03/22/16(Tue)23:06:40 675383085
File: PROOFS.gif (365 KB, 800x256)
365 KB
>picture related: see thePostFugger in action
>pastebin of the code: pastebin / VVdnpkHX

TLDR FAQ for thePostFugger:

> What is this shit? How do I use it?
The Post Fugger is a tool that can be used to warp plain text into “encoded” text. It is not meant to be used for serious encryption, but it is security through obscurity.
The tool is used as a “bookmarklet”—you take the javascript code, and put it in a browser bookmark, so that when you click the bookmark, the code will activate like an “add-on”.

>Is it some virus keylogger fbi nsa spy shit ur a fuking hacker u fuck? 
You do not download the PostFugger. I am giving you the code. You may look at the code and verify that it does *not* make any requests to any websites. There are no POST or GET or REDIRECT calls.

>I NEED A TLDR…. How do I use it?
--1) Go to the code pastebin, see top of the post
--2) Copy the code (RAW paste). Create a bookmark in your browser. Paste the code in the location/URL field.
--3) Click the finished bookmark to activate The Post Fugger. Click it again to make it go away.

Important buttons:
“fugg & add” = encrypt and add to post box
“sugg” = decrypt
“sugg page” = decrypt all messages on page
So if all goes well, you should be able to read this:


March 22, 2016

Migrant Vs REFUGEE

All the Syrian refugees arriving by boat are travelling from Turkey. All the Syrian refugees travelling via land to reach western Europe are also passing through Turkey and many other safe countries before reaching their preferred destiantion of choice.
Their lives are no longer in danger once they reach Turkey so what is the real reason they continue onto Germany etc. ? It's not to save their lives.... It's because their future prospects are economically better in the EU. They are by definition economic migrants.
Nobody thinks all or even most Syrian's are evil.... But It only takes a few bad apples to sneak in and murder a few dozen innocent people for me to not want to keep taking in more. Mass immigration doesn't work... surely we've seen enough to know that by now. You have swimming pools in Germany having to segregate water slides by sex because certain people can't control themselves around women... Why should Europe have to have these Sharia-esque rules imposed on it's citizens to accomodate people who don't deserve to be here in the first place ?
It's not even like the bad apples can be deported to their countries of origin because they often destroy their documentation on arrival meaning there's no proof of what country they are even from....