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Hello 4chan. You probably won't believe me, but I am a time traveller from the year 2052. I was supposed to arrive on the 21st and warn you of the Brussels attacks. (sorry about that, it's not too accurate). I'm basically going to be taking any questions. There are going to be several I can't answer because of time travel rules and timelines and shet but here are a few basics out of the way.
>how does it work
I don't know really. Something about fusing certain elements together and channelling the energy through some sort of catalyst, It's not really basic knowledge.
>Who wins the USA election?
Hillary Clinton. Yeah sorry she kinda sucked.
>What about other attacks
The next attack will be on Gothenburg in July. All I can tell you, sorry.
>is Europe doomed
No, it'll be fine. Britain broke off of the EU and stopped being as big cucks though. Scotland declared independence from the former UK, and they just let north Ireland go because it wasn't worth it. Russia basically leads the assault on the IS and certain European countries (Finland, Sweden (Yes), Norway, and Germany) don't take part
>Why /b/
Because reddit is stupid and I tried /pol/ but thread died there. Besides, I like you all.
>is 4chan still around?
Not really, it just got too big to support and all attempts to be bought by businesses or monetize just didn't work so the servers closed in 2032 (And there are still lots of other chans) Reddit, Tumblr, Pinterest, and Vine were under a mega corporation for a while before eventually being shut down.
Ask any more questions you have.
If the thread dies quickly again, I'll try again. No more after that.
And no, I can't say my name or post a face pic. Me from past might be on and that would cause a lot of trouble.
Are you a faggot?
Why is OP such a faggot?
I don't know.
Also, faggot hasn't been used for a long time.
Whats the name of one of your leading theoretical physicists? Or at least the leader of the time project?
>>675391002 (OP)
Saving even though its fake as fuck
George Mills.
The time project was started in 2044. It was a joint effort of the EU, Britain, USA, and Russia.
And before I go on, no, I don't have pictures of anything. I'm on a computer of your time and it's hard to search for someone who is not born yet.
Do you know of any that will rise from our time? Assuming your well read at least.
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>>675391002 (OP)
How big is the wall
>>675391002 (OP)
>>/x/ roleplay
Does a 4th reich ever pop up
I need a fucking answer to this op
>>675391002 (OP)
>Estonia why you like toothbrush girl
Not really an expert on this time honestly. Just thought it would be fun. I paid my $2500 (not too much these days) and came here. But i can tell you some of the other people who worked on it maybe a few names will pop up soon
Olga Gulevya (Russia)
Henrik Kaube (Germany)
James Kennedy (Britain)
Finn Lundgren (Sweden)
The EU still exists. What do you think?
We need to build deeper
>>675391002 (OP)
Did u meet me am I cool
How are world religions viewed? Which is the biggest?
Told you, Clinton won.
She didn't do anything too drastic just was kind of ineffectual.
>>675391002 (OP)
How was star wars ep7
>>675391002 (OP)
Alright OP, I'll take the bait.
Let's talk Brussels: where do the people responsible from the attacks get caught (or shot)? How long (about) does it take to find/catch them?
Unrelated, who wins the NCAA March Madness tournament this year?
>>675391002 (OP)
>>675383085 →
Obviously the MudSlimes will continue to breed like rats and the Clinton administration did jack shit to stop it
>>675391002 (OP)
How good are sex robots? Do humans ever have sex with each other anymore?
Fuckin shit
>>675391002 (OP)
Does we, as a species, pull our fingers out of our assholes and think about what we should do as a collective?
Like no longer relying on borders and race and working together to further the human species, for a broad example.
>>675391002 (OP)
How far has space exploration come?!
Unless you guys elect Trump, kick those bastards out of your country.
what are the powerball numbers for march 27 2016
>>675391002 (OP)
Is Noah Lopez rich?
Not OP
But I highly doubt that humans as a collective don't care bout needs of other human beings. Especially the ones struggling to survive. Only wen we face some kind of extinction will we all give a fuck
In the U.S. (Except for places like the Bible Belt which don't really change)
Christianity is starting to wane in favor of general atheism/agnosticism and some newish pseudo-eastern hippie stuff. In Europe, Islam is close to overtaking Atheism/other because they thought the collapse of ISIS would mean a sharp decline in terrorism because EU is stupid like that. No European countries have sharia law.
Two questions for ya OP
Is there another American civil war
Do we ever go to war with North Korea
>>675391002 (OP)
Future sounds boring to be honest... have we at least colonized something out in space yet? Contacted other life? Found life. Answer us!!!
>>675391002 (OP)
Name of current U.S president, all I need.
>>675391002 (OP)
Are you a Cern Spy?
Look I don't have a magic sports almanac or whatever. I just have a basic knowledge of history and stuff I studied before going. I don't have a reference guide with me.
Thats what I thought aswell. That for things to change, the human species needs a common enemy/threat.
We already have one though, it's us.
why wont you answer my space question nigga! You a hoax!
>>675391002 (OP)
Thanks for taking the TIME to come talk to us.
hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha hahahahahahahahaha get it?
China stopped supporting North Korea and it just kind of falls apart. No civil war because America is probably just too lazy too.
>>675391002 (OP)
Who is the President in 2052?
Is there atleast a major war I get to go fucking die in I have no reason to live and I dont want to an hero like some kind of pussy faggot
Way to post your real name, Noah.
>>675391002 (OP)
Would time travelling and interfering in the past alter the timeline though?
Yes, we have a Mars colony and a moon colony. and yeah the future is pretty boring. I think everything is always gonna be kinda shit.
Why are so many newfags taking the bait? Quite sad
How did you manage to post a picture of Vivian James, with an eight in her hair as well, to a site that banned GG discussion?
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When will the next Game of Thrones book come out?
>>675391002 (OP)
nothing i could ask you would really be helpful to me, as i don't really think ill make it to 2052.
So three questions.
Is gaming still big? Do sjw's ever stop being a thing? and best for last, how are you/what do you do?
Because we're bored.
not OP but semi-newfag here
who is vivian james, and what is this "banned GG discussion"?
Darius Williams.
And I almost forgot a major thing. The U.S. annexed Mexico. It's not a state, but it is a territory along with Cuba. Weed is completely legal. You have to be 18 to purchase it. Cocaine and other similar drugs are in the process. They're not totally outlawed, but still pretty restricted.
vivian james is the girl in the pic
Vivian is a character /v/ came up with for purposes in gamergate
>>675391002 (OP)
I'm going to make the ultimate question:
Why You? Why they chose You to go back in time? You could easily alter the reality, do You have some kind of skill or is with the future government?
Even with a common enemy I doubt everybody would team up to defeat it.
that's right, I remember just enough to tell myself that I'm not a complete idiot
thanks /b/, you guys aren't faggots. Some of you guys are cool. don't go to /pol/ tomorrow
Oh boy, here we go. Unless I've gone insane (which isn't technically impossible) or stumbled into an alternate dimension, the woman in OP's photo is Vivian James, semi-mascot of Gamergate, a controversy that had discussion of it banned here.
hey thanks man, that means a lot.
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Fuck off time niggers, we're full.
You can crash in 1970 if you want.
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>>675391002 (OP)
Is there another large war between now and 2052? Who wins after Hillary Clinton? (at least describe his/ her character, not necessarily their name or anything). What is the biggest cultural difference between now and then, and what are some things we do that you think are stupid/ funny/ strange? What is the situation with space colonization? What is the situation with climate change?
Is Africa significantly more developed?
Pls respond
Wow I did not know that actually. I just picked it up off another thread.
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>>675391002 (OP)
Prove it. What is the primary result of the HGP?
Can you broadcast screenshots of this thread when you return? I want proof when I'm on my death bed.
>MFW I completely ignore all deaths in my family because all I do is wait for the signals that OP wasn't a faggot
>MFW OP is always a faggot
>TFW OP gets hunted down after he returns to his time because faggotry is outlawed in the future utopian society
This will go down in time history books of our only contact with them,right anon
>>675391002 (OP)
Sage this AIDS
You are totally right. Those people will all die and the human species will be better off without them.
We only need those that give a shit about the future and want to survive.
Pepe-points for this guy.
Are you trying to hold out on me you fucking nigger I want good boy points not these shitty "Pep-Points" You better start fucking explaining yourself pal
Welp, that thread's gonna get sunk, and probably this one too, especially since we're not even supposed to mention 4 times two chan here. Wait, isn't this site and that site owned by the same person? Call me a dumbass if I'm wrong, but I think I heard about that somewhere.
Bumping this.
Op here, it never came out.
No large global scale war. The closest it came to were the large scale operations to try and suppress terrorism in the Middle East. Most countries are too busy trying to deal with their own stuff to fight others. South and central Africa for the most part have just slowly progressed and decayed. I think they have less of a problem with hunger but it's still pretty much the shethole of the world.
>>675396921 Also
>>675391002 (OP)
Ignores the one question. >>675398424
>>675391002 (OP)
Why are you ignoring half the questions ITT