April 5, 2016

Lifting With Refugees

who else here /liftwithrefugees

how come refugees train at your gym? Has your governmenht also forced subhumans onto you?

How many are they?

Do they behave, or are they the same rapey weird fucks as they are in my gym?

in my gym refugees train for free and i hate it

>smell like shit
>never use towels
>prey on the women 
>never rerack anything 
>dont shower at the end of training and come in with the exact same clothes as yesterday

pic. related some achmed training in jeans that hes been sweating into for the last 2 weeks
>>36654056 (OP)
fuck bro they are at my gym too and they are the biggest curlbros ever

also they dont rerack anything and throw their trash everywhere
>>36654056 (OP)
Which part of eurocuck are you in
>>36654056 (OP)
some anons might remember me from another thread where i described how i bully the fuck out of the refugees in my gym because they stink, they openly film womens asses and now we dont have hot cardio qts to look at anymore and they are inept to using trash bins

i had developed some different tactics with autistic names that all more or less rely on the fact they cant communicate to the locals in any way

>the lumbar destroyer

make friends ith them since they are very desperate for german friends. tell them everybody will know hey dont know what theyre doing if they dont deadlift. Show them catback form and pat them on the back and smile everytime i see them doing it

>toilet terrorist

create a mess in the toilet. tell one of the staff it was one of the refugees. watch as the refugee cant even understand what hes being yelled at for and has to clean up my shit

>the towel thief

wait until a refugee using some equipment turns his back or goes the toilet grab his towel and throw it away, the use the equipment. When he comes back to complain in his goatfucker talk and sign language i just loudly tell him that i was here first and in germany you need to wait your turn for things you want to do. Since he cant say anything it all turn very awkward very fast for him and he walks away with his head bowed in shame

those are the old techniques i had already posted on about.

But i have some more bullying tactics i want to share. cont.

Holy fuck my sides

Make those cunts feel unwelcome so they go back to the desert. Top kek
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>mfw moving back to straya soon
>tfw watching europe burn from afarwhilst getting shredded
>the sexual predator

i once had one of them with some english skills force a conversation onto me. It was boring as fuck, he wanted to invite me to come at his refuge camp for some food or whatever, so i decided to fuck with him.
I showed him some girl of which i know she is only 15 and encouraged him to hit on her. At first he didnt want to but i told him that in germany we have no respect for pussies and if he wanted to be my friend, he had to show his worth.
So this smelly, 1.65 cm syrian manlet who looked like he never hit on a women before nervously wandered up to her and coughed. . He looked at me nervously. I just gave him a thumbs up, and formed "dont be a pussy" with my lips.
The manlet panicked the fuck out and just hit her on the ass. He had this look on his face that said he already knew he fucked up hard. The girls was weirded out but didnt say anything. i rated him out to the staff, during the investigation she told them everything and he was thrown out of the gym for his lifetime. Looking at the staff and the girl angrily talking to him while he weaved his hands like he was washing some invisible window and stuttered around was hilarious as fuck

>the bottle bargain

Ill walk up to a refugee, look him in the eye and down his bottle of water. If he complains, ill tell the staff he tried stealing my bottle of water and there is zero doubt that im in the right here.

>the rotting feet

I noticed one of them has some horrible disease that makes his feet look like theyre rotting. So i made friends with his group of refugees. They were super happy to finally have some german be their friend and basically did everything i told them. I went to the crossfit section with them and told them you have be barefoot in here in sign language (they didnt speak a word english or german), then i went straight up to the staff and snitched on the guy with the rotten feet. Man the confrontation with the staff was so uncomfortable for him.
Our area is currently being plagued by a steady stream of new Haitians. They are THE WORST fucking people to deal with at the gym. They leave the weights everywhere and quite literally in the walking paths. They scream at each other across the weight room in Creole. They eye fuck everyone. They have zero etiquette and generally cock around the entire time they're there. I watched three of them playing makeshift basketball with a medicine ball and the used towel bin for damn near half an hour. It's making me consider voting for Trump tbqh gang.

> cheers for europe's destruction
> pic of Adam Sandlerbergsteinowitz

Beginning to notice a pattern...
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My fucking sides are on the orbit right now, you must be like the last uncucked german.
Feels good to live in a small town

Literally everyone at my gym is white apart from one Chinese guy and one nigger but at least they aren't fresh off the boat .
My jealousy knows no bounds
We got some refugees in our gym too. Mostly africans, few syrians. Many afghans/iranians in my dojo because judo/other grappling sports are popular there
most are alright
>>36654056 (OP)

I seriously can't believe this is a thing in germany. Why do I have to shell out money for fitness while a """""""""""""refuge"""""""""""" gets the VIP treatment? If this is real (and I hope its not) it boils my blood.
I remember you based germanbro
Keep up the good work
>>36654056 (OP)
Nice try dude, those look like garden variety beaners, not rapefugees.
>>36654056 (OP)
>how come refugees train at your gym?

it's the cheapest, closest to the inner city, commercial chain

>How many are they?

their numbers are steadily increasing, definitively more per capita than outside of the gym. at any time I'm there, there's probably at least 10 of them (arabs, africans)

>Do they behave

as far as societal norms go, they behave. they're a bit laissez faire in their attention to the private space of others (sometimes stand in the way/in odd places where they're potentially inconveniencing others) but I guess that's just a cultural thing. not errbody's as anal about their private space.

you can, however, spot them by their shitty form and the whacky stuff they're doing in the gym: 5 guys next to each other riding the bike on a low setting going as fast as they can (looks like a fucking cartoon) for 5 minutes and then leaving w/o wiping the equipment down, weird ass exercise form where it looks like they're trolling/fucking shit up on purpose because it looks so off
> If this is real
It's not. Gym memberships cost about10 € a month, 20 in smaller citys. They pay for that themselves with the little money they receive.
I actually tried to quit my gym because of all the refugees, but my wife's son wouldn't let me since I already prepaid for the full month.
Why do you assume they get this for free?

They get an allowance to spend on whatever they want, which they probably used to buy a gym membership.
at my university theres a gym that can be used for free between 11-1 pm everyday. Its paid for by the students (parents) regular payments to the university. The refugees that are housed in our sport center, making it impossible for certain courses to happen, are allowed to use the gym too.
I love this this thread. I go to a Canadian university where every liberal asshat loves to cry over those poor little refugees fleeing their war torn country. It's good to see some people still fucking understand that they're subhuman pieces of garbage.
Which country? Doesn't sound like germany
>in germany you need to wait your turn for things
I'm sorry for your loss bro. Germany was a one mighty country that almost took over the world and now it is plagued with these terrorist scum.
At my gym it is Indians though. They go there in groups and sit on the machine and just talk i shit you not they come in sit down on a piece of equipment and just talk for an hour never once using the equipment. They stink and just their shit stained skin makes me sick.
Refugees are whats going to make your European countries become a nationality rather than an ethnicity. Pretty sad.
How old are you
>tricking people in to doing things that he chastises them for

it is also funny how all you "masterrace" faggots claim superiority, but when it comes to the real deal all you can do is play tricks on harmless people who can protect themselves and whine on samoan door carving board
i literally have more respect for far right skinheads who actually have the guts to do something
>>36654056 (OP)
- Polish citizen
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This isn't your hug space, fuck off
Small town gym too
95% white
neither this is /pol/
back to your containment board
Nice power fantasy
Your country is a shithole what are you laughing about
you're a scum. But what should I expect from a German
- same Polish citizen that laughed at you and your cuck government
It's not anymore, bruv :). Which can't be said about yours, lol.

No, it's 4chan. If you want a safe space go back to tumblr or whatever faggy website you came from.
>they get allowance
Get money for doing jack shit.
Not free?
>and just their shit stained skin makes me sick.

Why don't you just get up and tell them to fuck of instead of bitching about it on an anonymous Arabic falafel making forum?

Your ancestors would have done the same so why can't you- you cuck.
> this is not a safe space, but you aren't allowed to disagree with me because that rustles my jimmies
This is a Christian white nationalist website so you're really out of your element here my new friend.
Central bank of europe is considering giving every citizen from the eurozone 1,5k euros to increase the inflation. Go figure.
yeah thats why everytime i need someone to clean up my apartment after a party, i have 10 different polish women available that will thankfully clean up my whole apartment for 10€?

Your men are unable to provide for your women and thats why there are so many polish hookers and cleaning ladies here
This. How are they supposed to learn if no one tells them what's good or wrong?

>not anymore
U wot? It's a shithole. I'm a european nationalist with a lot of pride in Poland, but I'm happy as fuck that my parents moved to Sweden before I was born.
A came to this forum to seek help, just like these people have come to your country to seek help.

Glad to see you are as rude as you are here to each other as you are to others irl

You can at least try to help out.
>talking about immigrants in another country compared to the actual citizens themselves

i guess that why it has a special board dedicated to gays (apart from /fit/)
even if they would pay me 5000 euro a month, i didnt want to live there
If thinking that makes you feel better. I know what it's like here, because I live here.

You're the one that's triggered. We say nigger, faggot, kike and rapefugee here. It's been like that for years. So if "le evil racism" and "muh diversity" hurts your feelings you might as well leave now because it's not going to change. If you want moderation and people to censor opinions there are plenty of other websites out there that will fit your needs.
>>36654056 (OP)
Same situation as you OP.. fuck I hate them
that's because your arabic ass would be beaten up daily, so that's no wonder
Two brothers who are natty AF, re rack everything, clean up, mostly quiet.

Better than your average gym goer tbqh senpai
Everyone can get moneys, it's called welfare and something that non-shithole countries usually have.

Refugees get a fraction so they can buy some of their own shit. Deal with it.
Why are your people flooding my island, then?
Ask them, my friend.
>>36654056 (OP)
More like terrorists
Not him but he's obviously talking about what the German was doing to the arabs at the gym. Seems like you're moving goal posts man :^)
I would if they spoke English, senpai.

Thank you for Sapkowsi btw.
it is real. Not only can they go to certain gyms for free but they can also use public transport for free, use swimming pools for free where they prey on women etc etc.

Basically they can do most things for free that are considered to help them "integrate"
I spend 3+ months a year in wrocław and I know that for 80% of the population(compared to 20% of sweden) it really is a shithole. Unless you have money which most don't.
i literally just called my polish housekeeper and asked her why she came to germany

her answer: in Poland i cannot arn any decent except by being a hooker, everybodys racist af, she needs to support her family since her man earns almost no money working in a meat factory where he already lost 2 fingers

More like invaders. Even the "moderates" want Sharia Law. I guess the upside is once they finally get it, the whiny liberals and faggots will be the first to get thrown from a tall building.
I seriously don't give a fuck.

> you: waaah, rapefugees
> anon: they're really not that bad
> you: go back to your circlejerk reddit 1111!

You're the one who first got butthurt over someone disagreeing with you. Sounds like you need a circlejerk website, not that other anon.
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Go hug a tree with your face please


Oh look another redditor
Not that guy but Jesus I can practically smell your delusion. You think everyone who doesn't agree must be a dyed hair SJW from tumblr who uses words like "problematic".
>tfw Sapkowski became a leftist scum
well, compared to Sweden that might be, but at least it's peaceful here. Imagine we had no terrorist attacks at all
I'm sure you did ahmad.

Seems like I derailed the thread. Just like my guerrilla ancestors derailed nazi Germany trains. I feel some sort of accomplishment.
>muh socially acceptable ways
keep being a cuck
>my polish housekeeper
>everybodys racist af

Racist to Poles? Wat?
It would help them integrate better if people actually communicated with them in some way instead of harassing them. It's like the new kid in school but he's clearly weird. No one wants to befriend him cause he's weird but that just means he'll continue being weird.

That said, I probably wouldn't befriend them either. I don't like having to explain proper behavior to children, much less adults.
>Sapkowski leftist

This is disappoint. What did he say?
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lmao I just closed /pol/ because i was getting depressed by the state of europe

and here I come and find this thread and this post.

Thank you anon this made my day.

I will share your ways everywhere I can.
so you have never had to do with refugees? k.

i have, and i can tell you what the normal process syrians go rough in europe is:

>omg i arrived in heaven finally, i will have a big house a mercedes a blonde wife and i will take my whole family here that looks up to me because i saved them from poverty
>wow people here have so much freedom, you can fuck every women look at how they dress
>fuck this one women the next will surely have sex with me
>why all the girls dont want me :/ 
>wow im really not going to be let out of this refugee camp for a while, am i? 
>why cant i make german friends, i thought refugees welcome? 
>everybody so rich and im let out...
>you wont look at me you slut but wear a miniskirt? here let me show you what a real man is 
>Those locals dont look me into the eye when out, drinking? there goes your phone faggots hehe
parents from nicaragua but lives in poland
this, hope the cucks here in portugaland die as fast as they were willing to take shitskins in, also fuck africans, fucking apes

Damn. Does she have any horror stories?
obviously you're making that up

Dumb spic has no business being in Europe. They have all of Central and South America for their people. Filthy cockroach.
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>sympathizing with those animals
we don't want to help them and we don't want to help you. if we help then they might stay, and we don't want them to stay
>implying everyone shares his political views
this is a board about fitness, get the fuck back to pol you shitbrain
So you're agreeing with him? Okay.

I'm living in Cologne, the "refugees" are basically animals. They are also above the law. If you beat one up because he wants to kill you, you go to jail.

Why do I say "he"? Because there are no women and children refugees. In all these motnhs I haven't even seen ONE female refugee, nevermind children.

It's all men. Brown or black, stinky and knowing the police won't touch them.

Guys like the one I'm quoting are just bad liars and probably muslim themselves.
What is a pol?

Fucking newfags. Btw, /pol/ is generally pro-refugee since they hate Europe/Germans/Scandinavia.
>Btw, /pol/ is generally pro-refugee since they hate Europe/Germans/Scandinavia.

Lmao wat?
I'm a board member at my gym here in Europe, and as soon as we started to notice refugees at the gym we called a meeting with the migration workers, they had to call in a translator and everything. We put our foot down immediately and informed them about the rules at the gym, and that we treat all members equally if they follow the rules. That seemed to have helped, now we have around 20 young males from Afghanistan or whatever and they rerack weights, wipe down seats, wear deodorant and behave like civilized humans.

Bottom line is, stop it before it gets outta control. The tables are turning and the ones screaming "RACIST!" at everything are slowly becoming the ones being ridiculed

>/pol/ is generally pro-refugee
well that's half true
as someone who posts on /pol/ I'm happy about rapefugees because I want the EU to die a painful death
but noone on /pol/ likes them, if we could we'd see that they are only going in one country, Poland.
And in that country in one place, Auschwitz.
>Why do I say "he"? Because there are no women and children refugees. In all these motnhs I haven't even seen ONE female refugee, nevermind children.

How do you know that you've never seen a woman refugee? Do you think they have "rapefugee" tattoed on their foreheads, or what?

I've been to a refugee camp, plenty of women and small kids there.

>If you beat one up because he wants to kill you, you go to jail.

Where did you get that bullshit.
Maybe you haven't been on /pol/ for a few years now? The time when it was right wing is long over. /pol/ jumps in joy every time a white European dies. It's basically /int/ now, just without mods.

Weren't they trying to ressurect an ancient Egyptian God with "meme magic"? Yeah.
Nice try, but you can't really have a thread on /pol/ without dozens of posters cheering for the destruction of Europe, or even better, the destruction of Scandinavia and Germany.
Completely wrong
>The time when it was right wing is long over.
top kek
>It's basically /int/ now, just without mods.
there are mods, try to post nudes, you'll see.

>Weren't they trying to ressurect an ancient Egyptian God with "meme magic"? Yeah.

lmao, now I know you're baiting
I didn't say anything going against that.
I even said that I myself want to see Europe die

you okay buddy ?
>Do you think they have "rapefugee" tattoed on their foreheads, or what?
Confirmed for not being from Europe. They're very easy to recognize.

So you're basically a bad liar. Opinion disregarded. Holy crap, man.

you talk shit about liberals, but how come you are the ones that end up whining all the time
>hurr durr some dyel from the third world country is destroying my life and i cant do anything about it
masterrace my ass
And here's /pol/.

They jump for joy when a leftist dies. The same kind that are responsible for the migrants. They see it as them hanging themselves with their own rope. There's a poetic justice to it, beautiful.
>you okay buddy ?
Why so defensive?
I live in Germany, in an area with plenty of muslims. There's literally no way to tell those who were born here, arrived decades ago or are here for phd studies (university bubble...) apart from refugees. None.
This is a hug space. You're using it like one right now. It always has been.
How much does an average one of these inbreds lift?

Useful info for upcoming racewar.
>They jump for joy when a leftist dies.
Meh, not really. Even your pals in here disagree with you. Whatevs. /pol/ ruins everything, after all. That's leftism for you.
here's another (you)
Meant to reply to >>36654680

Und ich wette du wohnst nicht in Köln sondern in Sachsen.
>There's literally no way to tell those who were born here, arrived decades ago or are here for phd studies (university bubble...) apart from refugees. None.

And they say we have no shills on 4chan.
What do you expect? They are weak as fuck. Also:
>thinking race war will be fist fights and wrestling
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Hopefully they dont explode
>muh Saxony
This guy is a leftist. Don't trust him. he ahs an agenda.

Also, I'm really from Cologne. Sorry, you're wrong again, go cry to Lenin or something.
i am the one who keep telling you to get back to pol (and i cant be bothered to put slash signs) you moron
i say again, this is fit, a board about glorious art of perfecting yourself both physically and mentally
get the fuck out of here

Probably an American that's used to see brown people all the time and doesn't realize that no-go zones like Detroit, Chiraq, and Oakland are a recent phenomenon in Europe.
Ich bin kein Amerikaner, fick dich hinfort du jämmerliche Verschwendung von Atemluft.
Only a fraction are actual refugees, so yea I'd expect they're not all twigs.

It's Europe, it will start with riots and the average household isn't particularly filled with guns.
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>tfw you live in Australia and all these cunts get put in an offshore camp
>>36654056 (OP)

do indians count?
>things that happened
No one gives a shit about your whining. Take it to the chancellor.
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STOP DA BOATZ - abbotthesickcunt2016
I remember you posted a week back.
We want more updates.
Not that guy or European but you guys are definitely suffering from a confirmation bias. The Muslim population pre migration was five million, or 6.25% of the population. Add in a million migrants and it's 7.5% of the population. That means in a street of a hundred people, pre migrant crisis there'd be six Muslims, post migrant crisis there'd be eight Muslims. That's way below noticing.

Unless they dress differently from non migrant Muslims or are concentrated where you live.

>what are demographics
you're misinformed, australian villages have started "accepting" migrants
which means they've been put in villages of 3-400 people
where they can do whatever the fuck they want
as they are often more or as numerous as locals.

australia's fucked too.
thank the leftists.

>If you beat one up because he wants to kill you, you go to jail.
>Where did you get that bullshit.

My wife wanted to buy pepper spray on top to her self-defence classes and read up on the laws.
If some refugees would gang up on her and she'd use the pepper spray she could get sued since feeling threatened is not reason enough.
If some shitskin touches her, no reason either.
She'd have to wait till she's hit first or already mid rape and then pepper spray without any consequences.

Funny how the rapist has more rights than the possible victim. Obviously she will stay trigger happy in the hopes none of those mudslimes knows german enough to even go to the police or are too afraid due to their past criminal activities.
What I just talked about are demographics
No-go zones in Germany only exists in the heads of Germans who are afraid of brown people, heard about them elsewhere and then went like "oh, like I'm too scared to go to Neukoeln!!"
Norwayfag here.

My local gym invited all the refugees. Even let them train for free. Uknow, cuz poor poor refugees. All just young men. Dressed in jeans. Curl all day long.

Fuck them.
>not understanding that the migrants are a very specific demographic

Something like 80 percent are millitary aged males.

You're lying. Police are scared of the migrants. Same is true in France and Belgium.


Your failed misunderstanding. You think there's an even population distribution everywhere you go.
You, sir, are an idiot.

You're only allowed to apply self-defence if you are attacked in some way. If this wasn't the case, I could punch anyone in the face for looking at me the wrong way or nothing at all and just claim that "I felt threatened".

Touching obviously depends on cicumstances - shakes your hand or bumps into you on the subway? No. Grabs your ass? Yes.

This applies to anyone you want to punch in the face, German, foreigner, refugee.

Again, this is in no way specific to refugees and you sir, are an idiot.
That sounds like bull, self defense is automatically a right if the assailant has the means and probable intent.

>You, sir, are an idiot

Great reddit meme

You clearly don't understand the bias against native Europeans, especially in Germany. Go ask /pol/ to redpill you on the bias, tell them you're a liberal faggot from reddit, they'll be happy to help.

Germany isn't America. You're an idiot.
I lived in Cologne for most of last year and haven't really met bad refugees.
Sure, some are fucking retards, but that's not a Syrian exclusive trait.
I made friends with a really cool Syrian guy, had perfect English and learned German really fast, both his parents are engineers and he studies medicine.
All his other friends I met had the same language skills and weren't total shit heads.
He told me most of those animals who prey on women are Iraqis who got in by saying they are Syrian refugees.

idk, I don't think they are all that bad.


Heil Abbott

(1) Wer eine Tat begeht, die durch Notwehr geboten ist, handelt nicht rechtswidrig.

(2) Notwehr ist die Verteidigung, die erforderlich ist, um einen gegenwärtigen rechtswidrigen Angriff von sich oder einem anderen abzuwenden.

(1) Someone who commits an offense that is necessary in self-defense, is not acting against the law.

(2) Self-defense is the defense that is necessary to defend yourself or someone else from a current, illegal attack.

>You clearly don't understand the bias against native Europeans, especially in Germany.

How come I never noticed that omnipresent bias despite growing up here?
Wow you guys are amazing i leave for the gym and return to see the overwhelming replies to my post...( im the guy bullying refugees with autisticly named tactics )

whish it was true. if you could come to my gym, you would see why i do it.

you polish people did it right...

yeah bro i want to do more too but its getting harder and harder. First off, i thnk that some of the gym regular slowly start suspecting me for fucking with the refugees - im the only one always being seen interacting with them, so i just play the role of the "translator" between refugees and the gym to cover up my work. It works pretty good so far, but i have to take care.. The biggest problem is that they are starting to learn german. So far they are only asking everyone who cant run fast enough about their day, but they are learning...

For example the only thing i could do today was to encourage one of them to blast his goatfucker music halalalalalla style until a staff member came over annoyed and told him to shut it off. I then made fun off the staff member with him together and hope that this will make him behave more badly in the future, creating even more hatred for the refugees by the staff.

They are all more or less pretty pissed off of the refugees, but dont dare to do something yet. I think if i can keep up the bullying maybe one day someones gonna explode and it will be very entertaining
>encourages foreigners to prey on German women
He's literally a cuck, /pol/.
Wanna know how I know you're a leftist piece of shit?
>not encouraging a subhuman to prey on a german kid, then rating on him to see him eat shit for it and making the german kid hate all muslims 

you're not even genius level mayhem bro
Yes anon but thay would mean those two extra Muslims would be males who are quite young.
>an even population distribution wherever you go
I did mention that, but I'll crunch the numbers anyway, although I hear they're being settled in rural areas too. Assuming they were only settled in urban areas, 60 out of 80 million Germans live in urban areas which don't change the numbers much.

Then there's an inverse correlation of how concentrated in urban areas they are versus how widespread of a problem they are. Assuming you'd notice if two fifths of people in a crowd were Muslim, or 40 out of a 100, you'd need 34 migrant Muslims. That's 17 times the concentration of am even distribution, ie only a seventeenth of places would have noticeable migrants. And this is a conservative estimate assuming all migrants pile into small areas.
lmao you're literally Iago man
>How come I never noticed that omnipresent bias despite growing up here?
Because you're not a native European, Ali.
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> complaining about refugees learning German
But I am.

Fick dich hinfort du Homofürst.
lago? whats the meaning of that word?
>He thinks there are official statistics about this stuff
You got them from Wikipedia, huh? Anglos...

Fact is: Nobody knows how many Muslims we have in Germany, nobody knows how many refugees we got (Remember: There was a time when people just went over the border without any check or registration). Germans are likely already a minority in some areas like Berlin or Northrhine-Westphalia.
>not using the refugees inability to communicate to fuck with them 

do you even have fun at life bro
Dann hättest du's mitgekriegt. Also: Entweder du lügst oder du bist'n Kameltreiber.

Auch: GZZ zu deinem Krebsbrett KC.
I'm not American. Self defense laws are founded on the same principles in modern countries.
Actually for practical purposes probable means and intent is also legally accepted. Because after you're attacked is usually useless to try and defend yourself, especially if they have a weapon. People can also surround you, get close to you et cetera. Obviously the court won't stand for pepper spraying strangers but they'll examine the circumstances.

First strike sounds like it's under "necessary in self defense."
It's a character from Othello, basically walks around engineering fallouts and drama from behind the scenes, gets a moor to strangle his own wife and then kill himself.
>>36654056 (OP)
My old gym had shit AC and they USD to leave the fire doors open in summer. That was, until a bunch of kosovans started helping themselves to free membership.
lel that is actually me topkek

its just so much fun being the only one who sees the ties and playing others against themselves
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Iago is a Jew

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>tfw train in a gym in a 98% white town, no immigrants lift there and only the odd black lad
Nee, fit da ist total langweilig, weil Bernd im allgemeinen keine Gewichte stemmt. Du musst mich hier schon ertragen.

Germans who are most butthurt about foreigners and refugees live in areas that have the lowest numbers of those. It's almost like they're afraid of what they don't know.
>wish it were true. If you could come to my gym you would see why I do it

So you shat in the toilet, stole someone's towel, drank from his bottle, gave him terrible lifting advice, got him to harass an underage female and throughout he still trusted you enough to listen to you?

OK, maybe there were many migrants. Assuming no one saw anything important like Ahmed not going to the toilet, you taking his towel, you drinking from his bottle, the horrific smell just as you left the toilet, there being no camera, Ahmed being completely inept in German et cetera, management doesn't suspect you at all? You, who always is around and reports most of the shit Ahmed does?

I'm going to need proof for this one.
Not really refugees but yesterday there where two Romanians or something near my bench (I'm italian) benching like 1 plate with awful form and the funny thing was that one would "spot" the other literally lifting the weight on the way up for him on almost every rep.
Hey guys, this manlet here is a German leftist-extremist from a German imageboard called Krautchan. Give him a warm welcome.

>Gegend voller Musel
>Gegen ist pro-Musel
Total überraschend!
Small town in the Netherlands here, the only foreigners are Poles and theyre actually nice.
I feel for you Germanbros.
Also, apparently you speak Arabic or management doesn't speak English. Both unlikely, seeing as how most Germans chose English as the compulsory second language.
So viele von denen gibts selbst im Ruhrgebiet nicht, Rechtsbernd...
>knowing basic law is autism
Funny, when I was growing up everyone was hating on the Poles just like they're hating on mudslimes now.

Yes, I'm old.
That's the plan.
Anon German is on the far side of Europe, how many migrants can get all the way through several countries? Also, they can't be legally employed or stay in hotels or or get welfare and about a dozen other things. It's way easier to declare yourself, not to mention impossible to survive if you don't.

Even if you dumped all the migrants in the ME onto Germany that's just another five million. Ten more Muslims guys in the street.
It's no so much cheering as it is gloating. It's the biggest right wing "I told you so" ever. And they are right.
Maybe Africans will get somewhat civilized too with time. For the meanwhile just buy a pepper spray for your wife.
dude you seriously underestimate my gym and the number of refugees. Im not talking about 20 guys here, im talking about a refugee camp down the street from my gym and hundreds of young men having nothing to do all day.

Theres at all times a minimum of 40 refugees at my gym. Luckily its a pretty huge commercial gym, but still.

And why the hell do you think i dad that to one guy lmao are you retarded? Of course im clever enough to single out the weak ones and to take care into not mixing the groups. The deadlift group has nothing to do with the groups i fuck with for example, and im careful to keep it that way.

Did you never bully anyone? Its all about behaving one way to the victim, but pretending complete innocence to everyone around you.

For example: I go to the toilets when noone looked, i smeared my shit everywhere. I took care in not leaving the stall until everyone left the bathroom, then i walk out, go up to a staff member, and tell him:
" Hey man, i gott tell you something: I wanted to use this toilet(pointing at refugee who notices and stares at us trying to grasp whats happening) this guy just came out of, but.... well i guess you just gotta see it yourself."
I walked him to the stall, he looked at it, mumbled fucking pigs, thanked me and stormed out to yell at the refugee who was absolutely confused and i think cleaned the toilet kek

Its easy as fuck tricking those fuckers. I can communicate simple things, like i like you (smile, pat on the shoulder)

or this a very good exercise (show the exercise then point at others also doing it then giving thumbs up and encouraging him to do it too)

But things like "this guy just threw my towel away and now acts like im trying to steal his bench" is way too hard kek

>proof on an anonymous mongolian national socialism forum
>we're on an anonymous Chinese calligraphy forum 
Which is why I don't believe you.

>Did you never bully anyone? 
Not since primary school. And I feel bad about it. In it who got believed depended on your teacher rep, behavior in class, handing in homework et cetera.

If you really did all that, you've become the biggest dick in the gym. Sure maybe they smell and only do curls but they've never smeared shit on walls and stole people's towels. Instead of being constructive like >>36654652 you have become the worst person in the gym.
spar dir deine behinderte KC Sprache du Bazille
>Instead of being constructive
Getting rid of rapefugees is the most constructive thing I can think of
> I go to the toilets when noone looked, i smeared my shit everywhere.

Serious question: are you retarded?

Dunno how it is in Germany but if a refugee grabs a womans ass in Austria and she'd pepper spray him for that, the refugee could sue since grabbing as is not causing physical harm or "Körperverletzung"
Again - grabbing your hand to shake it? Probably not. Grabbing your ass? Sexual assault, perfectly valid cause for self-defense in Germany.
wonderful post
im chaotic good anon
>>36654056 (OP)


Don't listen to these faggots: >>36655438

The things you're doing to these refugees is hilarious
>>36654056 (OP)
Sweden reporting in.
small gym but very large influx of these subhuman migrants (I'd say 10% are cool people, rest are utter shite)

>shouts across the gym to communicate amongst their tribe
>stink of either half a months worth of sweat or cheap perfume
>doesnt wear gym clothing but rather works out in their everyday clothes
>hoards equipment
>cant lift to save their lives
>never reracks plates, bars or dbs
>tries to take shit such as plates which are obviously in someone elses use

I was kind to them the first instances. now whenever they for example try to deload my bar and steal my plates when resting, I simply get up in their face, shout NO and grab the plate from them. fucking savages
Are you actually proud of this?
>>36654056 (OP)
The Netherlands is so fucked I have no idea who is a refugee or ´´also a Dutch citizen´´. No one speaks Dutch at my gym anyways.

Different anon than >>36654841
but (and stating again) in Austria it is no reason.


>Bei Raub angemessen, bei Pograpschen nicht

Grotesk: Auf den Po greifen reicht vermutlich nicht. Wenn jemand zugleich die Handtasche wegreißt, sei das schon eher eine Situation, in der Pfefferspray eingesetzt werden kann, so der Anwalt....
Wichtig ist auch, dass der Angriff während der Gegenwehr noch läuft. Also: Täter lässt vom Opfer ab, die Frau sprayt ihn an – das ist Körperverletzung. Grotesk, aber wahr.

so if the refugee grabs asses all over but runs away, nothing can be done, no time for self-defense with that.
are you a big guy? or do you just rely on psychology to make it work?
>tfw american

The Indians and Arabs at my gym are generally professionals and dont stink too much. The pooinloos do wear polos though
Think harder.
You have to be over 18 to post here.
It's funny, you argue with someone over how to save something for too long, eventually being right becomes more important
im ottermode kek

i think it helps that i am tall and look as german as it gets - high cheeckbones, green eyes, pale as fuck and blonde hair. Makes the staff trust me, you know?
>>36654056 (OP)
>Going to gym 10am usually quiet at this time
>group of 6 refugees walk in the door infront of me at the same time
>never seen them before so maybe its just new people who happen to be brown
>there are 7 benches in the gym
>i take 1 bench and the refugees take EVERY OTHER BENCH
>they rest for 5 minutes between sets turned round talking to each other in loudly in dessert languages
>they are hoarding not only the benches but the gyms entire selection of low weight dumbbells
>the two girls who are regulars come in at 10:30 and look confused as to why there are NO weights they can use
>they start playing strange foreign music on their mobile phone even though music is playing on the speakers already

I hope they don't keep attending on my regular "quiet" hours...
>>36654056 (OP)
why does this thread exist...?
I think the zombies piss me off way more than any other subgroup of people
I'm honestly confused are you agreeing with
Because it seems like it to me.
Wow people having a hard time adjusting to a new area turn to violence rather than acclimate and assimilate? That's pretty fucked up. No wonder there is a stigma around their arrival. Usually when normal civilized people arrive they suck up the bullshit and after acclimating they thrive rather than lashing out with rapes and assaults. It's almost like they aren't civilized, like they're animals.
This is all a bit sad
> Local gym open 24/7
> Only accessible with a key card
> Go at around 23:00 after work
> No crew after 22:00, camera's everywhere though
> Standard crowd
> Suddenly 3 refugees in the gym
> We used to have 5 benches, there are now 4
> all dumbbells from 3 kg to 16 kg are missing
> 2 barbells are missing too
> several plates missing as well

These fucking trainwreckfugees accessed the gym illegally stole these things and brought it back to their refugee centre. Police is called, arrests are made. Of course they are released one (!) day after. Gym gets stolen stuff back. One barbell is bent, bumper plates heavily damaged. Owner mad, bans all refugees from gym.
Is this pure gym?
shhh jimmie, det är dags att gå hem
Haitians are the absolute grimiest niggas, man
>both his parents are engineers and he studies medicine
this is how everyone knows you are baiting
"The gym group"

I think they might be the same company though. Same price, same rules etc.
esepcially the studying medicine part

its hard as fuck as a german to get into medicine, how the hell would a refugee make it?
>they were so happy to finally have some german be their friend
You know how i know you're lying?
Don't think anyone here has a problem with racism.

They have a problem with your strange immature antics that are really just petty and mean, while I'm sure in your head is raging a righteous war with cinning tactics.

Quit with the fantasies friend. Or at least form some that don't sound like some 13 year old hat tipping fatty dreaming about revenge on his bullies.
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don't let one bad apple ruin the bunch anon
not every Haitian is Young Thug
or is he nigerian?
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>>36654056 (OP)
I would hope that at least my fit brothers in Europe would be the ones who have the balls to speak the truth about the problems with the refugees.

I think most europeans are so afraid of being called racist that they hide their thoughts and opinions. the reason the Muslims are here s to either destroy the European culture, or encite a war between Muslims and Christians so the Jews can step over the bodies of both sides.

speak the truth and don't be afraid. let others know it's ok to speak their mind.
This thread just solidifies my beliefs that if underage faggots were banned 100% of the time, and if pol and r9k kept to themselves 100% of the time, this would actually be a fitness board

And not this:

>I hate refugees
>damn rapists
>I'm superior
>my feels
>lol timblr autist Reddit gtfo
>tfw no Gf
>...oh I was thinking about that at my gym so it's not off topic
>not having read this glorious post: >>36654128
These people are affecting our gym lives. How is that not fitness related? Better than a FPS thread.
They can bully your guts with a knife, you know
>Show them catback form and pat them on the back and smile everytime i see them doing it
Fuck you. You're a disgrace to /fit/ you cunt. In all seriousness please off yourself
Wouldn't surprise me, all they know is violence.


Uh-oh, it's the fun police. It's pretty obvious you're a liberal. I always see leftists go for this kind of personal attack. Dislike something about women? You're a virgin. Don't want to give your country to brown people? You're an ignorant racist. Disagree with me on a topic? You're just not mature enough to handle it.

This board is already so slow moving that if it were strictly your definition of "fitness" related topics, there would be literally no reason to come here but maybe once a week.

You really expect people to feel sorry for these "refugees" they don't want? There are 56 countries in Africa and like 48~ countries in Asia for these people to occupy, they have plenty of landmass for themselves and plenty of resources. Yet this shit is coming out of the pockets of European tax payers, and for what reason? To help them? They can help themselves the same way Europeans did before, during, and after WWII. They're fully capable of rebuilding their own societies but they just want free money and to make demands against a group of people who have tried to show altruism. Europe belongs to Europeans, not Arabs and Africans who already have a place back home.

Without diving into more politics of the situation you can go to /pol/ and read and watch videos about all the stories of "refugees", their demands, their special privileges over native Europeans, and their shitty behavior.




This anon >>36654929 is probably a shill or a clever troll. He says the exact same garbage that is perpetuated in the German media - "these refugees are our future doctors, engineers, and lawyers!". They're most definitely not, I think like 90% of them are illiterate. I read something like 90% of them are still unemployed and don't speak the language of the country they've immigrated to despite having been there for 5 years.
>>36654056 (OP)
Is it so bad to wear the same clothes everyday?

I always wear the same pants and 2 different shirts.

Thing is i wash them literally everyday and they never smell.

Fuck you guys
Hope not tho :)
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They're at my gym too. How the fuck do I get rid of them?
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I'm fucking stealing these tactics for myself.
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I'm part of an Indian dispora(not from mainland land of curries)
I don't stink, I don't do any weird stuff.
I don't care if you're fucking around with people who deserve it, I just ask that you do not discriminate me for doing nothing wrong to you.

I try my best to know about gym etiquette, and was even scared of using the squat rack as I didn't want to waste anyone's time.

Let's say I ever travel to Germany as a student or a tourist. Would I be confused as a refugee?
I'll make sure to wear a crucifix if anything.
I feel sorry for you eurobros. I remember in Poland I didn't see one shitskin, ever. They get bullied there hard. If only if it was like it there like in your country
Small town in Finland, but still 3 fucking refugees showed up in my gym
Underrated post
Fucking saved that first part. Solid tucking gold.
>bans all refugees from gym.
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there are more shills on this tibetan basket weaving forum than you think, and a lot of leddit has been leaking over recently

Fight the good fight anon, Godspeed
we have enough poo-in-loo's here
stay where you are, it wouldnt be much of a difference for you anyways
>>36654056 (OP)
The fucking betas in this thread are incredible, hating on other guys from another country for taking your women? Lifting at your gym? Maybe if Europeans didn't weren't such little pussy manlettes your women wouldn't be so thirsty
ho ho ho
>he says as he has to flee from former majority white cities as blacks move in
Proktologe hat angerufen, er hat deinen Kopf gefunden
>Would I be confused as a refugee?
even if, as long as you behave like a normal human being there's nothing to worry

it's those who threaten locals, demand ridiculous entitlements and who destroy everything they touch who piss us off

just learn hello, please and thank you and you're pretty much set... just like in any other civilized country
Life must be so fucking hard for you
So you're saying they're animals. How offensive im triggered
Thank fuck someone to shout down these liberal retards and shills.
Go hang yourself cunt.
va, vem fan är du?
Just man up and show them their boundaries if they behave like shit.
>>36654056 (OP)

Question to eurofags here, exspecially germans.

Do you only hate shitskins/muslims or do you generally hate everyone who isnt blonde/blue eyed?

I know germans are generally very friendly people, but seeing kinda racist people like >>36654128 makes me think otherwise.

>inb4 " hurr all germans are fucking nazis brah"

I live in germany brah, they are the most tolerant of all countries.

I always thought people just hated muslims and shitskins, but i somehow get a feeling that everyone who looks foreign and has dark hair, brown eyes are put in the same corner as all muslims.

> inb4 i get called a shitskin and mudslime

brah, i am pale white and i have like 3 relatives who are blonde and blue eyed, so dont call shit on me.
>>36654056 (OP)
which gym?
why not simply change the gym or tell the stuff that you leave when they allow those degenerates in your gym?
nice try though
Living in Prague, Czech republic. If a "refugee" comes, he tries his run to Germany within a month, because he realizes he has to work here. Expecting german far right movements causing some mass murders soon.

>No one speaks Dutch at my gym anyways

waar de kanker woon je?
dont have that arabic and you're set. Germans are indeed friendly, but arabs are still widely connected to Gatrbeiter in peoples head, and their kids sill cant match up with germans in terms of education/income
Arabs go to the gym a lot so that they can be strong and beat up white boys on the streets.
Indians are, as far as I'm concerned, not deemed refugees by Germans, I am german and I can tell who is a refugee because they're either black or semitic, they're usually in groups of 3-5 people or more and altough I don't condemn refugees as a whole, I don't like those people. They are, naturally, staying together as group, but their attitude is really weird, a lot of them seem so confident and aggressive as if they had a right to be, as if they had a standing in society altough everything they do is live here since a few months at most. I barely see women or children refugees, I guess they stay at home, at least that would make some change, but it's literally all niggers which are obviously not "legit" refugees but just DINDUS who see no reason to stay in their shitty countries, or Syrians, maybe other ethnic groups but those are domineering. I am not a /pol/tard but it's blatantly obvious that Germany is ruining itself by granting asylum to all those people, they will be nothing but a burden for the next 20-30 years at least and even the second and third generation will most likely stay lower class wage slaves, I see it everyday with those Turkish and Kurdish immigrants from way back, a lot of them are "integrated" but still speak terrible german and form subgroups, and they are usually very unpleasant people.

Getting back to your question, just be a kind person and don't mingle with 4 Indians the whole time and you're not being judged at all.
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live in Minnesota, and we have a big Somali population here.
my gym has probably not refugees, but they are Somalis. I don't always see them, but there's about a half dozen somali teenagers that show up in the weight area, take up space, attempt to lift, and smell bad.
>sometimes the smaller ones will sit in the leg press
>do half reps with lmao 1pl8
>sit in the machine for like 5 minutes after a set on their phone

>one tried to bench
>another dude had been on that bench before and hadn't reracked the weights, had 1pl8 and spare change on the bar
>some noodle armed somali goes to try it
>come on lets see some snap city action
>can't even get it off the rack

>one somali in some gross looking sweatpants went over to the squat rack
>puts 1pl8 on the bar
>he looks like fucking starvin marvin, lets go
>takes the bar off the rack, does like 3 1/16 squats
>puts it back

so far they haven't inconvenienced me, but I try and stay the hell away from them. I'm sort of both hoping and dreading seeing one of these underfed water rats take an express ticket to snap city.
>Refugees get a fraction so they can buy some of their own shit
They have absolutely no money of their own they have no desire or ability to get a job so everything is paid paid for by the government and any money they get is 100% profit that goes into their pocket to buy drugs or fund terrorism.
I go to a fairly expensive gym (£45/mo) and we just have a few indians/pakis. Most of them are bros who you can easily talk to about lifting and shit. Earlier one of them spotted me when I did my squat PB and gave me encouraging comments.

April 3, 2016

FF XV too "western" for japan

First Final Fantasy XV pre-order numbers from Japan are quite bad. 
According to COMG chart, which is updated daily http://gamrconnect.vgchartz.com/thread.php?id=159902&page=3217, FFXV opened with 12pt day one. 

For example, FFXIII had 77pt and FFXIII-2 - 35pt. 
Final Fantasy XIII finished with 2201pt before release. 

Games like Monster Hunter, Pokemon and DQ usually smashing with 200-300pt day one. 

Looks like Final Fantasy XV will be worst-selling mainline FF game in PlayStation history in Japan :(

(also, Star Ocean 5 is bombing, too. It's selling worser than SO4 on Xbox 360 in Japan)

This is really sad, cuz FFXV is a promising game. Final Fantasy XIII trilogy ruined the series((( Even Tabata in Famitsu interview stated that FF in a tough spot: http://www.siliconera.com/2016/03/31/hajime-tabata-making-team-challenging-hd-era-final-fantasy-xv/