April 9, 2016

bad descriptions

ITT: we describe video games poorly.
>come back from cruise
>fuck buddy is killed
>you get blamed
>escape prison
>avenge fuck buddy
Pic unrelated
>>678405188 (OP)
Nope :)
>wear stupid hat
>Get special rocks 
>get locked in with creep for 7 years
>collect more special shit
>slay manbearpig
>>678405188 (OP)
>group of peeps
>wars over big ass rocks
>You kill your bad self
>fly to moon
kingdom hearts?
>go horseback riding
>village hates you for wanting to save your girlfriend
>kill some really tall people
>Eat lizards
>planet with treasure place
>shoot bandits
>bad guy cyberbullies you over the phone
>become world's most dangerous errand boy
>get treasure
>>678405188 (OP)
Assassin's Creed?
> 5v5 PvP
>Faggotry ensues
Borderlands 2, or maybe the presequal
Dota 2
Ocarina of time
Final fantasy 4
Reague of Regends
Smite, LOL, Dota, HOTS, evt.
>live on turtle
>music water
>poor work conditions lava
>police greenhouse
>shadow dude
>Guys in speedos
>Wall-ball on meth
south park
>Chuckee-Cheese = 2spook4me
check'd and Shadow of the Colossus
>Monkeys vs Crocodiles
>Gamer = Virgin
Middle east?
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>>678405188 (OP)
bounce on cane to this song
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EVI4Knz24CQ [Embed]
>>678405188 (OP)
Is it any call of duty?
>A bunch of retarded teens who all die in the end.
>>678405188 (OP)
Parrapa the rappa?
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< 2 > Girlfriend has cheated on me after 5 years. Time to pay her back https://hive.am/vxjM9 Enjoy this leak , it has 3 videos of this bitch. Will remove it in a few minutes
>"Hello, do you have ____ in stock?"
>chilling it up with homies
>yall wanna leave home
>bout to fucking do it
>oh shit
>your homes gone
>everyones home is gone
>in unknown place probably never going to see parents again
>where my homies @
That picture is retarded... Look at the Yugoslavia wars...
Pretty good guess though, I wouldn't have thought of that
>>678405188 (OP)
you play them with a stick that gives you joy, on a box with 1 glass side that sits on your tv stand, or...
> be poor farmer
> get shot
> whore wife lives at farm with son who probably isnt mine
> kill people to get back to whore wife
> die
Shit that's a hard one.
Is it a game you made?
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>Big brolic black dude named fucking REQUIS
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>wake up in room
>walk through door
>end of room
>walk through door
>end of room
>end of room
>Hot sister
>Gotta finish ma puzzles
>>678405188 (OP)
>starts easy enough
>most unusual game in the franchise
>gets a little tougher
>goes apeshit difficult when getting a hammer
>fun even though everyone doesn't like it just because it's different from the series
Banjo kazooie
Silent hills PT
Zelda II: The Adventure of Link
Ding ding
Until Dawn?
>Wife's dead
>Daughter's dead
Borderlands 2 or pre-sequel
Mah nigga
>>678405188 (OP)
>Some British fag talks to my sack.
Nuff Said.
Die hard
Max Payne
>Time will fuck you up
>Shock value
>neglectful parent
>abuses dog
>old as fuck
>straight up loses and forgets about child
>probably addicted to drugs and alcohol
>You died
>go out bro
>shit it's fucked round here
>the fuck why hulk people why
>heres water
>lol fuck you
Fallout 4
Dark souls/Bloodbourne
Fallout 4
Yes and Check'd
Cod mw3
>a rookie cop has a shitty first day on the job
>the police station was designed by fags
Mad max?
More so Dark souls but yeah
>Team up with british guy to battle bossy bitch.
>British guy gets angry
>Team up with bossy bitch to battle british guy
>3d platformer
>monkeys in balls
>pseudo-zombies everywhere
>colorful as fuck
>anti-soda propaganda
>hand powers
>shit villain
>gay bull guy
Ez life is strange
Portal 2
Portal 2
Sunset overdrive
the revenant?
spot on
Sunset Overdrive
indeed, bucko
>sole survivor of ship crash
>wake up on alien world
>blow shit up with hot sidekick
>open door
>get shot
Resident evil?
>eat fruit
>kill Dinos

>fuck bitches
Fallout 3.
>great villain
>shoot Russians
>general is an asshole
>kill general
>go back to shooting Russians 
Yes, the second one
>I should go.
getting closer
>fly to giant ring floating in space
>fuck short aliens
>kill big aliens
>fuck more small aliens
>computer bitch tells you what to do
Jolly Cooperation
Hotline Miami?
Reed orchestra 2
>A Slavic relative that enjoys participating in a particular activity
>dead end job
>aliens and shit
>mysterious man
>nazis discover cool rock
>rock kills people
>people killed by rock kill other people
>four people need to killed people killed by rock
>time travel
>drunk Russian
>children toys
>badass lone soldier type
>shoot floating footballs to get power ups
>fight all kinds of crazy ass bosses
>seriously this is impossible with just 3 lives
>FBI is chasing you
>Your best friend is some fat kid eating ice cream
>jump on FBI and eat their heads
>rape god has your soul
>convoluted story
>side-boss is harder than main boss
>controversial amongst fans
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Grand theft auto IV
Good guess, nope
Half-Life 3
Serious Sam!
nazi zombies
It was an easy one.
Anotha then
>be a mailman
>get caught up between Walt Disney, cowboys and romans
drawn to life 2?
>you wear hats
Dante's Inferno.
Kerbal Space Program
>flying in space ship
>does aileron roll
>sidekicks are all god damn cunts
That badass game from stickdeath?
Star Fox
>find treasure
>find wife
>lose treasure 
>almost lose wife
>find treasure
Star Fox 64
RoboCop discusses philosophy while saving the world
Star fox
no, interesting guess tho
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Fucking Riddick, idk.
>do puzzles
>question your own humanity an existence
>>678405188 (OP)
Responses to OP's image:
Greece, Italy, Romania, Bosnia, and probably a lot more.
>Get cubes
>Build cubes
hunie pop
>get a cock
>Cockfight friends
>cockfight more
>cockfight professional cockfighters
>fight evil cockfighters
>fight master cockfight
>you are the master cockfighter
>Cockfighting is more literal than you think
>cures infection
>hitler has it
>an heros
>kill zombies
>travel to hitler's bunker and Berlin and stuff for pieces of this canister-looking-thing
>fly off to safety after killing a ghost thing

I'll be really surprised if someone gets this
Surrender Land, and Canada also
idk if anyone will get it, but it's DragonAge: Inquisition
>Going to die
>dont die
>fight flying lizards
>nobody noticed the ending
>yellow taxi cunt
>children gta
> "doh"
Too easy, I guess
oh goddamn it, how did i not get it
Not sure what you're going for there

The Talos Principle
Super Monkey ball
>i fucked your mom noob
Fuck yeah m8
>you need something
>What you need is speed
Simpson's hit and run?
>steal cars
>break stuff
>police chase 
>you can beat up people but not kill them
yellow america cartoon: assault and escape
Bionic Commando?
L.A Noire
KH1 ezpz
Forget the name of it, but I KNOW it's a game by Rebellion
Simpson's: Hit & Run
Seriously, no one is going to get this. If you google the name of this game, you won't find the game. Still, I have played and beaten it, so...

>be major political leaders
>have katana or blowgun
>do "puzzles"
>be a shit fucking game
The Simpsons: Hit and Run!
>be a furry
>hit people
>shoot people
>get stuck on doors

Counter strike?
Ding ding ding
saints row
>need another macguffin to break the macguffin
>fuck you, they are spread all over the map
>launched the greatest vidya series of all time
>Made out of flesh
>Gf gets kidnapped
>Saws, traps n shit
>Saves gf
>Gets kidnapped... again
Faggot you made it too easy. See >>678416736
>find ancient ring
>collect iron pipes
>harvest some rare plant ingredients
>make some incredible medicine
>ride on a ghost train
>kill fam 
>be gray

>>678405188 (OP)
Dishonored bro.
this isn't even good spam. who the fuck would want to see that orange slut.
>kill zombies
>starve to death in less than 10 fucking minutes
bowser from sonic
Super Meat-Boy
super meat boy
>Play as nigger
>be Kyle
>rock a boomstick
>can shoot behind you without looking
That popular racing game... I Need for Speed or something...
Fallout new vegas
Gta San andreas
Mayro >>678417228
Shit arma mod

Yep. Is that really the only game?
>stuck on a space ship
>amnesia af
>ship gets invaded by retarded fuckernauts
>beat shit with a wrench
>fight a computer that's been cyber bullying you
day z
>>678405188 (OP)
You visit a foreign world and cataloge all the creatures there. Boss is a bit of an ass if you don't get good pics of the alien beings.
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>>678405188 (OP)
>Wake up in Dirty ass cell
>Kill big ass ugly bitch 
>Find safe area
>Go up a wall 
>Repeat for about 2 hr
>Go up some stairs 
>Repeat for about 2hr 
>Parry everything 
>Get stuck in shreks swamp for an hour 
>Kill spider bitch 
>Lol Albino Dragon
>Skeleton made of his babies
>Wtf is that thing. 
>Holy shit fire big ass demon/ 
>lol thats a big as belly 
>Ah speared in the ass! 
>You died 
>Parry final boss to death 
>^^^Restart this bullshit all over again. 
>^^^Repeat 7 times. 
>Get stuck on backflipping Wolf Guardian. 
>You died

(Look at the Image, its a hint)
Fallout new Vegas
>be mobile game
>best looking mobile game ever
>keep dying over and over intentionally
Metroid Prime
Was thinking DayZ, but that's basically the same thing, yeah
Red dead redemption?
Dark Souls 2?
dark soulz
Civ Rev?
pokemon snap l0l
Flappy Bird
Hey!! Nico!!! Its your cousin, Roman!! Let's go bowling!!!
Close, speed is my need for ps1
>everyone hates you
>be a dick
>fuck kids up
>save school
>everyone loves you
Contra, super c, etc
EZ. Tenchu
Anyone want to take a guess? I'll add more details.

>top down
>takes place in Cold War
>indie game
>nearly unpronounceable name if you haven't heard it aloud
Dank Souls
Bioshock Infinite?
>dig into the ground
>shoot bazookas 
>giant fucking donkeys fall from the sky making giant gaping holes in the ground
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donkey kong
All wrong!
>be australian
>everything is australian
>bad guy's a bird
>you gotta save your family from being in another dimension
>be a dick
>blow things up for no reason
>have fan club 
>abuse fan club
>can't die, can't kill people
>i told you, it was a rat
>no chance, it was way too big to be rat
>maybe it was a monkey, or a bear
>hah, a bear! you're crazy!
No you autist
>2d platformer
>beautiful graphics and soundtrack
>play as a aborted tree spirit thing
>restore a forest and avoid death by owl

April 7, 2016

Teacher Disciplined for Asking Students to Fill Out "Privilege Form"

Parents are outraged after their children had to fill out a form -- titled "How privileged are you?" -- during a Spanish class at Monroe Middle School.

Race and sex are two common questions students fill out on forms every year. But what about gender, sexual orientation or religion? Students at Monroe Middle had to do just that.

The form was handed out in a Spanish class to seventh- and eighth-graders. At the top, the form asked, "How privileged are you?" 

Regina Stiles' daughter is in the class. When her daughter came to the "Disability" column, she had to reveal that she had ADHD.

"She has ADHD and apparently the teacher said there are some kids in this class that have ADHD, and ADHD is a mental illness, and that's why she circled that. To me ADHD is not a mental disability. It's something she has," says Stiles.

Other sections included religion and gender where kids were asked to circle "Cisgender," "Transgender" or "GenderQueer."

"She's 12. Some of these things should be taught at home," says Stiles.

After Stiles along with several other angry parents questioned the principal, he launched an investigation.

"This is not a district form, this is a teacher-generated form and it was without principal consent and at the district level we do not collect that information," says Hillsborough County School Spokesperson Tanya Arja.

The students weren't required to turn in the forms. The teacher says the goal was to teach them about diversity and inequality through literature the students had been reading.

The teacher has since been pulled from the classroom while the district looks into the issue. This is her first year in the Hillsborough County School District.
