April 10, 2016

SJW Archive 723: the traffic funnel theory

Stephanie Guthrie

Toronto feminist.
Guthrie, along with Heather Riley and Paisley Rae, in November 2012, Gregory Alan Elliott of “criminal harassment” on the basis of his tweets.

Clementine Ford
Clementine Ford got a man fired from his job for calling her a slut and then bragged about it in the media, saying "I will not stop until I have ruined every man's life by holding his own words against him."

John Walker Flynt

A transgendered activist best-known under the pseudonym of Brianna Wu.
John Walker Flynt tweeted to a company [1] "Hey, @ubisoft. Your Watch Dogs lead writer...doesn't think Gamergate is a hate group. I'd love to talk..." That is an aggressive action that put that writer's job in peril. In another tweet, [2] he said, "What you don't understand, Ethan: Your terrible, uninformed opinion makes women ask, "Do I want to work for @ubisoft?" in response to Ethan saying, "Am I worried about "losing my job" for having an opinion outside of work? Absolutely fucking not. Lets be real, people." Flynn then tweeted, [3] "You are affecting @ubisoft, the trust of women in buying your product, and their capacity to attract talent."
His Wiki page is here: [4].
He has called for the FBI to have access to IP addresses so online comments can be traced back to the people that made them. [5]: "So what’s next, what has to happen? “The most terrifying outcome from this would be if this becomes the new normal for women in this industry,” he says. “I can’t pretend there are easy answers. Both Zoe Quinn and I are represented by senator Elizabeth Warren in Massachusetts. I reached out to her this week, because I’d like to see what work can be done on a national policy level.
“We need legislation that requires sites like 8chan to store IP addresses. We need legislation that makes it possible for law enforcement to track down the people that do this. We need the game industry to cover these events when they happen - look at IGN, it’s radio silence from them.”
Known . One of three primary instigators to the controversy that eventually became known as GamerGate.
Has been known to attack himself online in an attempt to scapegoat people harassing him, but was undone when he forgot to remove his identity from a screenshot.
Here [6] he reacts on Twitter to the acquittal of someone who had been charged with sexual assault, and who had been fired by his employer, saying: The system continues to fail women Law enforcement fails us Courts fail us Legislators fail us Why are you angry?
Charlotte Hunt-Grubbe
Anyone who has ever been involved in a news event knows that the media coverage of it is essentially false. If it is not literally false to the facts of the matter, then it is false to the spirit of the matter. People involved will protest that they have been “quoted out of context,” but no one will believe them because, well, everyone says that. Usually, however, they are correct.
So what was the context of Watson’s remarks? What transpired in that four-thousand-word story in the Sunday Times that led to James Watson’s destruction? To put the matter simply: He was sand-bagged by someone he trusted. The journalist/ex-colleague/friend who wrote the story, Charlotte Hunt-Grubbe, clearly felt ambiguously toward her subject. She tells us toward the end of the article that she was reluctant to interview Watson. “I remember that while I was thrilled when a sheet of familiar laboratory paper landed on my desk a few months ago, asking if I would like to interview him for his new book, I was wary of the ethical content.” Wary of the ethical content? Clearly, she did not share Watson’s beliefs regarding genes and groups (genes and women, for instance). But an objective description would call that a disagreement about the anthropological content of Watson’s views. Such a neutral description, though, was evidently not sufficient for the would-be author. She wanted her readers to know without doubt that she disapproved morally of her subject’s un-PC beliefs.
And so she wrote a story highlighting James Watson’s “controversial” ideas, with a tone that invited PC disapproval. She told of his “disdain for women turning men into ‘girly men,’ which means ‘men who don’t have the courage to say anything.’” Of course she raised the topic of Harvard president Larry Summers’s “infamous lecture” (her description), saying that “one former pupil—an eminent biologist and staunch feminist, is outraged at [Watson’s] account of her in his book.”
Finally, Hunt-Grubbe turned to what she clearly knew would be her bombshell, drawing Watson out about remarks made in his book’s epilogue. Most of that epilogue deals with the Larry Summers case and Watson’s belief that the remarks Summers made about genetically based mental-aptitude differences between the sexes constituted “an unpopular, though by no means unfounded, hypothesis.” The epilogue ends with these observations: Our wanting to reserve equal powers of reason as some universal heritage of humanity will not be enough to make it so. Rather than face up to facts that will likely change the way we look at ourselves, many persons of goodwill may see only harm in our looking too closely at individual genetic essences. So I was not surprised when Derek [Bok, the acting president of Harvard following the dismissal of Summers] asked apprehensively how many years would pass before the key genes affecting differences in human intelligence would be found. My back-of-the-envelope answer of “fifteen years” meant Summers’s then undetermined successor would not necessarily need to handle this very hot potato. Upon returning to the Yard, however, I was not sure that even ten years would pass. To me, Watson’s epilogue seems merely commonsensical. But Charlotte Hunt-Grubbe considered it to be “an inflammatory epilogue with eye-popping theories that will, undoubtedly, leave ethicists choking with disbelief.” So why, if she expected that even her mentor’s general and precisely stated views on intelligence would lead ethicists into choking with disbelief, did she draw him into (and then publish) his spontaneous chattering about the inflammatory issue of race? That is a question she must answer for herself. But in the end, she did: He says that he is “inherently gloomy about the prospect of Africa” because “all our social policies are based on the fact that their intelligence is the same as ours—whereas all the testing says not really,” and I know that this hot potato is going to be difficult to address. His hope is that everyone is equal, but he counters that “people who have to deal with black employees find this not true.” He says that you should not discriminate on the basis of colour, because “there are many people of colour who are very talented, but don’t promote them when they have succeeded at the lowest level.”

Chris Kluwe
Chris Kluwe is an outspoken SJW activist and opponent of #GamerGate who is very active on Twitter.

"I love that "social justice warrior" (sjw) is a pejorative for certain people, btw. I mean, obviously equality is a terrible thing to want."

"Do you think people who use the term "Social Justice Warrior" (SJW) as an insult, realize the opposing view is "Repressive Hate Coward"?"

"There’s this herd of people, mainly angsty teenage caucasian men (based on an informal survey of 99 percent of the people who feel the need to defend this nonsense to me on Twitter), who feel that somehow, their identity as “gamers” is being taken away. Like they’re all little Anne Franks, hiding in their basements from the PC Nazis and Social Justice Warrior brigades, desperately protecting the last shreds of “core gaming” in their unironically horrible Liveblog journals filled with patently obvious white privilege and poorly disguised misogyny....I hope you all, every #Gamergater, picks up a debilitating case of genital warts."
Why #Gamergaters Piss Me The F*** Off

Armeanio Lewis
A member of Portland's Rose City Antifa
Called for the doxing of Trump supporters within the state of Oregon
Known for co-ordinating violent attacks against Trump supporters
AKA Sean Kealiher

Paisley Rae
Toronto feminist.
Joined Stephanie Guthrie and Heather Riley in accusing Gregory Alan Elliott of “criminal harassment” on the basis of his tweets.
See Stephanie Guthrie for further details.

Heather Riley
Toronto feminist.
Joined Stephanie Guthrie and Paisley Rae in accusing Gregory Alan Elliott of “criminal harassment” on the basis of his tweets.
See Stephanie Guthrie for further details.

Olivia Ronan
Currently threatening to deregister the Sydney University Evangelical Union from the Clubs & Societies program over the latter’s requirement that the executive officer must make a declaration of faith in Jesus Christ. If she successfully does so, they will no longer be registered to use University facilities or receive the financial support other groups receive.
The Evangelical Union is resisting administrative pressure.
Ronan says the banning of identity requirements is “the best option for maximizing participation in the Clubs and Societies Program”.
“The foundations of the Program and of the USU are accessibility and inclusion, and to limit the candidates for election to Club Executives to those who ascribe to a particular faith is no less exclusionary than requiring candidates to be of a particular sexuality or gender identity.”
See also: Alisha Aitken-Radburn

SJW's Archived

Alisha Aitken-Radburn

Alisha Aitken-Radburn is president of the USU (University of Sydney Student Union), which is currently threatening to deregister the Sydney University Evangelical Union from the Clubs & Societies program over the latter’s requirement that the executive officer must make a declaration of faith in Jesus Christ. If she successfully does so, they will no longer be registered to use University facilities or receive the financial support other groups receive.
The Evangelical Union is resisting administrative pressure.
See also: Olivia Ronan

Leigh Alexander

Leigh Alexander threatening to blacklist Russ Roegner in video games industry

1. https://archive.is/sOBRG
2. https://archive.is/PDMya
3. https://archive.is/BTaFk
4. https://archive.is/gJSBl

Erica Baker

Erica Baker is a Slack programmer and diversity activist who supported the no-platforming of Curtis Yarvin at LambdaConf.

Says Slack programmer Erica Baker, a prominent voice for greater diversity in tech, "I think if there were more diversity in the staff for LambdaConf, it wouldn't even be up for discussion." Baker and other activists argue that hosting a speaker with Yarvin's views sends a message minorities are not welcome and reflects a broader trend of pushback against diversity in tech, which could accelerate the departure of people of color from the field.
Alison Bechdel
Famous for popularizing the Bechdel test (AKA the Bechdel-Wallace test]) in her comic strip Dykes to Watch Out For. The test claims that any movie which does not meet the following requirements is sexist:
1. It has two female characters in it,
2. that talk together about something,
3. other than a man.

Sam Biddle

Sam Biddle instigated "#HasJustineLandedYet" in 2013 against IACS PR Rep Justine Sacco by retweeting a self-deprecating joke she tweeted[1], causing her to be fired[2].
His response to the tweet ruined her career.
"No one cares that I was first but I will know I united black and white twitters. Welcome to post-racial twitter, you're welcome, god bless" — Sam Biddle (@samfbiddle)
He is also infamous for his quotes against Gamergate supporters.
"Ultimately #GamerGate is reaffirming what we’ve known to be true for decades: nerds should be constantly shamed and degraded into submission" — Sam Biddle (@samfbiddle) October 16, 2014 [3] (original tweet has been deleted)
"* Bring Back Bullying"
— Sam Biddle (@samfbiddle) October 16, 2014 [4] (original tweet has been deleted)
The above tweets caused the software company Adobe to pull their ads from Gawker Media.

Brennan Byrne
SJW CEo at Clef. Supported efforts to no-platform Curtis Yarvin at LambdaConf.
"Everyone I know who is not a white dude who has weighed in, has weighed in on the side of not supporting the conference," says Brennen Byrne, CEO and cofounder of Oakland-based cybersecurity startup Clef. He says programming conferences play a significant role in the careers of engineers, as they do for researchers and academics in other fields. For a startup like Clef, which makes explicit efforts to recruit a diverse staff, it's a problem if minority coders feel uncomfortable at conferences. "We know already that people are being pushed out of this career," Byrne says -- and if minority programmers don't feel comfortable at conferences, that will only contribute to such a trend.

Carpenter Brut
Composer of "Invasion A.D.", a song which was used on the well-known internet documentary With Open Gates: The Forced Collective Suicide of European Nations, created by a user of 8chan's /pol/ known as Gex.
Was against the usage of his song in the documentary, referring to it as "blatant lies"; was spectacularly proven wrong when the infamous Bataclan terrorist attack occurred in his native France the next day.

Tim Chevalier
Also known as: Marie-Christine Chevalier, Kirsten Chevalier, Timothy Jan Chevalier, Marie-Christine (Kirsten) Chevalier [1], catamorphism. There are probably others.
He is on the list because he is
a signatory of Statement to LambdaConf
engaged in an ongoing e-mail campaign to silence those who report his publicly stated political opinions[2].
So brave. He is also a proud 'transsexual man'[3].
"I'm a transsexual man, and I have opinions about sex, gender, and cisnormativity. Occasionally I write about them. Here's what I wrote in 2007 to announce my coming-out. My views have evolved since then; I'd summarize them now by pointing out that cissexual people get to self-report their gender without having to "prove" it by exhibiting their anatomy or genetic makeup, and averring that the same right ought to be extended to everyone.
"As a male programmer who has spent a lot of his life getting perceived as a female programmer, one of the accomplishments I'm most proud of is hosting/maintaining the Male Programmer Privilege Checklist for five years (originally written by Kake, extended by me and others). The current version of the Male Programmer Privilege Checklist resides on the Geek Feminism Wiki.
"For several years I was a regular contributor and moderator on geekfeminism.org and the Geek Feminism Wiki. I aspire to always speak and act with intersectionality in mind, knowing that aspiring is not enough and I'll often fail."
The more our research team gets to know Tim, the more we realize there is to learn: [4]

Arthur Chu
Arthur Chu describes himself as "a social justice stormtrooper". He is alleged to have been responsible for the bomb threat that disrupted the #GamerGate meetup in Washington D.C. on May 1, 2015.
"I wear black robes. I am a practitioner of the Dark Arts. I rigorously manage my own thinking and purge myself of dangerous 'unthinkable' thoughts - 'mindkill' myself - on a regular basis. This is what you have to do to be a feminist anti-racist progressive, i.e. a social justice stormtrooper."
- Facebook, February 20, 2015
Arthur Chus Flikr account has rape jokes
1. https://archive.is/7U5bU

Melissa Click
Assistant Professor at the University of Missouri. Famous for her encounter with a reporter at a BLM protest. "Hey, who wants to help me get this reporter out of here?" Click can be heard saying on the video. "I need some muscle over here."
Video: Student reporter trying to get pictures and a story being hassled by students.
Video: here is where Click does her thing.
Mizzou communications prof calls for muscle against student journalist
Meet Melissa Click the media professor who hates journalists
Mizzou student files charges professor Melissa Click
Missouri professor wanted news photog muscled may lose appointment
Dean David Kurpius comments on students coverage of protest on carnahan quad
GOP lawmakers urge firing mizzou professor Melissa Click

Mizzou professor Melissa Click fired interfered with rights of others
Melissa Click Fired By University Of Missouri
Melissa Click Fired University of Missouri
Mizzou Professor Melissa Click Files Appeal
University of Missouri board upholds Melissa Click firing
Melissa Click one bad professor fired thousands more to go
Fired professor Melissa Click had inexperience with public protests

Lucy DeCoutere
Falsely accused Jian Ghomeshi of sexual assault.

Thomas DiMassimo
Attempted to rush the stage at Donald Trump's rally in Dayton, Ohio on March 12th 2016.
Known for terrorist activity via clandestine support for ISIS, and has defaced the American flag on at least one occasion.

Arielle Duhaime-Ross
Arielle Duhaime-Ross is a journalist at the Verge since December 2013, and wrote the article "I don't care if you landed a spacecraft on a comet, your shirt is sexist and ostracizing."
This article attacked the scientific work of comet exploration by scientist Matt Taylor...because of his wardrobe.
Robert Easter
Denied a professor a tenured position over the professor's tweets Source: http://archive.is/1AtDF

Coraline Ada Ehmke
Coraline Ada Ehmke is known for the creation of the “Contributor Covenant,” an SJW Code of Conduct.
Ehmke Home Page
Why Hackers Must Welcome Social Justice Advocates

GITHUB hires Ehmke to work on anti-harassment
Reddit Behind the Github CoC
Here Ehmke goes after another on Twitter wanting to get him fired from Opal
Ehmkes own words about Opalgate
Ruby hackers in revolt after sjws attempt to impose politically correct code of conduct
A push for adopting Emkes CoC within PHP project
A PHP guy against Emkes CoC and why
Ehmke tries to get COC accepted in Ruby
Sabrina Rubin Erdely
On November 19, 2014, Sabrina Erdely published a Rolling Stone story alleging that members of the University of Virginia's Phi Kappa Psi fraternity brutally gang-raped Jacqueline Coakley. Upon investigation, this story turned out to be flagrantly untrue. In the meantime, members of Phi Kappa Psi "went into hiding for weeks after their home was vandalized with spray paint calling them rapists and bricks that broke their windows."
Rolling Stone eventually was forced to retract the story and Erdely apologized.
On July 29, 2015, three individual members of the Phi Kappa Psi fraternity who had been named and shamed online after the publication of the story, filed a defamation suit against the magazine in New York City, stating that the published story, while not explicitly naming them, provided enough details for people to identify them.
The University of Virginia and Phi Kappa Psi have also filed lawsuits against Erdely and Rolling Stone.

Rachel Feltman
One of the main instigators of the shortlived controversy known as #ShirtGate, where acclaimed scientist Matt Taylor was viciously attacked for choosing to wear a T-Shirt that a female friend has tailored for him.