John Scalzi
John Scalzi is a science fiction author who has been nominated for nine Hugo Awards since 2005. In 2015, Tor Books announced the signing of a decade-long contract with Scalzi for 13 books and $3.4 million.
Scalzi is a self-declared feminist and has attacked those who "use the phrase Social Justice Warrior or SJW to denigrate someone" on Twitter. He also campaigned openly to expel right-wing writer Vox Day from SFWA and refused to pay his dues to the organization until Day was expelled from it.
He is best known in the science fiction community for his inflated traffic figures at Whatever, his blog that at one point was (mistakenly) believed to be one of the most widely read SF blogs on the internet. He is also a past president of the SFWA (Science Fiction and Fantasy Writers of America) where he laid the groundwork for the first attempted expulsion of an SFWA-member in the organization's history.
He has also vowed to turn down speaking and guest of honor invitations at all conventions that do not have a safe space policy, although the policies he approves of in effect allow for pedophilia as long as the adult-child sexual relationship is "consensual."
He not only claims SJW status for himself, he has actively campaigned for the removal and censorship of people from membership organizations and employment.
John Scalzi @scalzi 6:20 AM - 4 Dec 12 Hey, authors of non-traditionally published books! Promote your book to my 50K daily blog readers TODAY
John Scalzi @scalzi 3:33 PM - 10 Aug 13 @gregpak I think if people like the content they will keep coming in regardless. I mean, my site gets 50K readers a day
"Scalzi himself quotes it at over 45,000 unique visitors daily and more than two million page views monthly." - Lightspeed Magazine, September 2010 interview
NOTE: From September 2010 until December 2014, Whatever averaged 12,860 pageviews per day, five times LESS than the 64,516 daily pageviews he was claiming. He never had "over 45,000 unique visitors daily".
Emma Sulkowicz
College SJW who falsely accused a man of raping her, then released a porno intended to reenact the "rape", and carried the mattress the had had sex on around campus for a year as a publicity stunt.
Nitasha Tiku
Currently employed at Buzz Feed. While employed at ValleyWag, wrote an article about then Business Insider CTO Pax Dickinson, calling him racist, classist, homophobic, and misogynistic. Contacted Dickinson's employer and was successful in getting him fired.
Bonita Tindle
Bonita Tindle verbally abused a white male student because she disagreed with his hair style, before physically assaulting him [1] [2].
This blog is intended to [ARCHIVE] for all eternity. To also be used to report and reintroduce the idea of keeping the record available to as many people as possible. Comments that were "of the time".
April 10, 2016
SJW: Archived for life
Ben Schapiro
Ben is Editor-in-Chief of The Daily Wire, attorney and a columnist, writer for He used to be a senior editor for Breitbart News and is considered a conservative.
In an interview with Dave Rubin on his The Rubin Report, Ben Shapiro said the following about racists:
"...and we should target them and we should find them and hurt their careers because racism is unacceptable." This statement begins around the 7:40 minute mark.
Tess Townsend
SJW journalist at Inc. Published two articles supporting SJW effort to no-platform Curtis Yarvin at LambdaConf.
- Indiegogo Campaign Raises $20,000 for Tech Conference Hosting 'White Nationalist' Speaker
- Controversy Rages Over 'Pro-Slavery' Tech Speaker Curtis Yarvin
Chelsea Van Valkenburg
Known under the pseudonym of Zoƫ Quinn. One of three primary instigators to the controversy that eventually became known as GamerGate.
Zoe Quinn's former photographer on her unethical behavior
Zoe Quinn used to be a stripper
Matthew Rappart of TFYC describing his doxing by Quinn
Wil Wheaton
Wil Wheaton was a child actor who, many years after leaving the cast of Star Trek: Next Generation was bullied online and wrote about the experience.
He then helped get Ryan Perez fired from Destructoid for asking Felicia Day if she could be considered a "glorified booth babe." This tweet exemplifies his SJW status:
He then helped get Ryan Perez fired from Destructoid for asking Felicia Day if she could be considered a "glorified booth babe." This tweet exemplifies his SJW status:
"So @destructoid wants "fans" to be "understanding." I want @dtoid to hire writers who aren't ignorant, misogynist assholes." July 1, 2012
Jess Zimmerman
[1] Link is from a TIME article that appeared on website.
Jess Zimmerman is a Social Justice Warrior and writer and feminist. [2] See her trying to harm someone: TWITTER quote: "Confidential to Calvin Trillin and Gay Talese: you had a good run, now retire." or "I mean there's nothing especially remarkable about old white men being racist but I don't want to HEAR about it, I don't want it PUBLISHED"
She wrote about Gamergate: and said "This was a big year for man-hating harpies. We drove an innocent young man to kill through the deliberate denial of sex! We ruined the entire videogame industry, forcing developers to replace all current and future titles about sexy women with games about lip gloss and menstruation! We rose up in a frothing bloodrage simply because we didn’t like a man’s clothing choices, which were entirely without wider resonance! We totally invented rape, which only happens in our minds! We even destroyed ethics in journalism. At least, that was our year according to the minds of the whiny, brittle men who genuinely believe “misandry” – the institutionalized hatred of men – is a powerful force in the world. Here in reality, misandry had a big year, too, but it looked a little different. For us, it was a tool to help create a less oppressive future."
In the Guardian she wrote Back in 2007, before Gamergate, before everyone started to grasp that being a woman online was fundamentally unsafe, Kathy Sierra was hounded off the internet. It doesn’t matter what she did to attract the attention of trolls – as with this summer’s outbreak of abuse in the gaming community, the revenge of the trolls was based on a pack of lies anyway. But that didn’t matter – the trolls had been called down. They sent death threats to Sierra, a well-known Java programmer and software design guru, and Photoshopped her head onto pictures of corpses, and Photoshopped her children into porn scenes, and published her private information and address. The only safe thing to do was to disappear as much as possible, although that wasn’t a perfect solution either, because at that point no perfect solution exists. Now, Sierra has returned with a devastating and widely-shared essay (which she says will soon be deleted but is also here), in which she expresses justified hurt and fury at the men who harassed her – and, even more, at those who excused the trolls or looked the other way. In it, Sierra writes of what she calls The Kool-Aid Point, the point where a brand – or a person – gets so popular that it attracts hate purely because people like it.
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