April 25, 2016

Millennials: the failed generation

Are the millennials a failed generation?
>>1212702 (OP)
If you even have to ask you probably fall into the demographic
I'm towards the tail end of the millenials and I hate the rest of us fuckers. All they do is bitch about how depressed they are and debt and all kinds of shit. They don't know how to take responsibility for anything.

Gen X is a failed generation.

Boomers are a failed generation.

Greatest are a failed generation.
>>1212702 (OP)

This is not /pol/ nor /soc/ please refer to rules before posting for christ sake. Stay away from my /biz/, /pol/tard.
>>1212702 (OP)
No, most are just content with being wage slaves and living in debt but they aren't failed. I think millenials will be fine, a handful are pretty money hungry. Millenials just seem to have a higher concentration of stupid people who consider themselves intelligent than other generations. Almost every millenial I know consider themselves part of the upper echelon of intelligence. It's the pompous generation so far but not all of them are bad, I work with a kid who's 25 and he's one the most genuine and hardworking people I know.
>>1212702 (OP)
Honestly, we're the only ones keeping the fucking ship floating.

Boomers didn't keep any maintenance or train the staff and instead decided to ream it into a few icebergs trying to find plunder, and now they're just a worthless crew member stealing our lemons on board a broken, barnacle-ridden, non-disciplined fleet of yahoos.
They are the thinnest-skinned generation that's for sure. Everything offends them. They even got Harvard to change the residential title from "Masters" because it reminded them of slavery. What happens if you want a Masters degree? And then morons at Yale got offended at Halloween costumes. I don't know why schools are listening to these retards.
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>>1212702 (OP)
>>1212702 (OP)
"Good times breed weak people. Weak people create tough times. Tough times breed strong people. Strong people create good times"
Because they're retards with money, it at least student loans.

But yeah, I hate how this has become the generation of social media and entitlement. Every special fucking snowflake knows exactly what they're entitled to but nobody wants to accept duty or personal responsibility: we're so permanently attached to the feminist nanny-state's nipple that even as adults we demand to have access to every level of Maslow's hierarchy as a basic right. We're taught that everybody is beautiful, everybody is smart; every kid gets a medal because feelings are more important than facts and free speech is voluntarily waived because of the potential that somebody might take momentary displeasure in what they're hearing. We are the generation whose fathers will never be proud of us.
ITT stereotypes /biz/ made up to feel good about themselves
"Thinnest skinned" generation...
>quoting for emphasis

Millennials are entitled, lazy, and stupid... And I'm one of them.
Is this a new ebin maymay or does one autistic fuck keep spamming these threads on /biz/ and /pol/

This same thread, word for word, shows up three times a day on /pol/. I've seen it once on /k/ and /g/, and I'm sure it's on other boards too.
it's like 4chan got a new word and group to meme/hate
>>1212702 (OP)

god, how I'd rape that brown angel's tender asshole
>>1212702 (OP)

I love millennials because they have... dare I say it... standards. Self worth.

The world needs more of this and less small jealous assholes who act out their powerlessness because they are too fucking scared to stand up and assert that they are human beings.

> less small jealous assholes
> too fucking scared to stand up

Don't talk about gen x that way.

They'll be in here soon to assert themselves.
The oldest millenials are around 35. NOTHING can be said about this generation's success or failure yet. Much stands to be seen when we take the reins of power.

I am gen x and yes my generation is pretty pathetic indeed.
shitty parents raised shitty kids that raised shitty kids that raised shitty kids that raised shitty kids and so on

It's clearly failure. It has been that way since the first millennial was born.

Not due to themselves, but due to their upbringing.
>>1212702 (OP)

every generation thinks the one following it is doomed and the worst generation of all time

we'll be fucking fine, just like everyone else. All the pot smoking hippies in the 1960's were far greater fags than any current millennial and yet they largely turned out okay
Wew! Cycles of abuse! I buy that theory.
Worst Generations in order

>baby boomers
>ww2 generation
>generation X
>generation Y

Millenials haven't even had a chance to prove themselves. They're just noe starting to get out of college and people are flipping out because kids raised by reality television and video games are more openly narcissistic than the previous ones. Key word is openly. Baby boomers like to act all wise, but they will shit their pants if you know more about a subject than they do.

But, all in all, pretty much every generation is shitty. The pendulum of civilization seems to swing back and forth from genocide to cuckoldry. There are a few generations in the sweet spot where neither form of societal decay is prevalent.
except the pot smoking hippies were not literal fags.
Bud, gen Y is the millenials. 1980 to late 90s.
>>1212702 (OP)
>All the pot smoking hippies in the 1960's were far greater fags than any current millennial
And we had better music than you fuckbirds! We actually showed our dicks to girls as opposed to sending her a picture of it on a smart phone like you dickbeaters!

I want to end this cycle.
>>baby boomers
>ww2 generation
>generation X
>generation Y
The fucking baby boomers are the best generation. Millenials just know how to make a duckface on a selfie.
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>Damn those kids and their devilish rock music!
>This generation is a disaster!
>No generation has ever been this kind of a failure before!

Never mind the fact that EVERY generation said this about the one after them.
>>1212702 (OP)
Failed in the sense that their progenitors have failed them
>>1212702 (OP)
I'd say so. I'm ashamed to be considered one of them.

They consider anything someone does related to work and bettering themselves as "suspicious".
Naw. I'm generation x and I knew ww2 generation and baby boomers were better than us. I had the upmost of respect for my grandfather. That guy had some incredible work ethic. Woke up at 5 am every morning to make breakfast and work in the yard for a bit before he got ready for his actual job. Wore a suit and tie to work and when he wasn't working he wore a polo shirt with slacks. Was total class personified. He never procrastinated on something he could get done right now. Always had a story for every occasion. He served in the war before he had my father and never once complained about having to serve. He was a lone survivor because his whole squadron was shot down. Everyone loved him because of his charm and wit and because he treated everyone who deserved respect, with respect. This is someone who survived the great depression.

Our generations are getting progressively worse and I don't see that changing until one of them gets so sick of the previous one and returns to traditional values. Millennials are an absolute terrible generation. As a whole they don't respect anything or anyone and think that everything should be handed to them just for being alive. They live in most prosperous, most technologocally advanced time that our world has ever known and take it completely for granted. To top it all of they whine about how hard they have it. Social media is the worse thing to ever happen to our society as a whole because everyone feeds off each others sense of entitlement like its the new normal. Someone should just shut the whole thing down as a failed experiment.
Who gives a fuck. Everyone are dollar symbols to me. I dont give a fuck when you were born
>My anecdotal evidence means it's all true!

Boomers lived in the easiest time and then fucked it up for everyone else.

It's not really surprising that millennials don't feel a need or desire to bust their ass when you need a degree + years of experience to earn barely enough to live off in a job that used to be obtainable with barely a highschool diploma. Can you really blame them?

>Everyone are dollar symbols to me. I dont give a fuck when you were born

Would you say that is everyone simply a pawn in your game of life?
They should be feeling it more since that degree ensures their survival.

Mommy and Daddy might throw their parasitic asses out at any minute and drop dead so if they don't work harder they will literally starve and die.

The fact they still decide not to work shows that there is something fundamentally deficient in their generational ethic and culture.
>b-boomers had it easier!
This meme needs to die.
More like people are tired of working hard and only get their jobs shipped off overseas to Pajeet and Rajesh, or replaced by Mexicans or people on work visas who will take any shit just to send a little money back to their home country.

Would you really choose that over taking the path of least resistance and playing videogames all day?

But they did
Is this bait?
Boomers fucked everything up by protesting for civil rights and against the draft in a war that made no sense?

Pawn in your game of life wtf?

The only reason for even talking about generational differences is to understand different markets to sell them products because this is/biz/ and folks have product ideas..... I mean really am I actually responding to you? Pls go.
Then work harder to make yourself more competitive.

I've never had a problem getting a job since I actually do work, competently at that, and have useful skills I gained through schooling and working which my millenial trash peers don't have since they spent all their time partying like fucking degenerates.

And they have the gall to "complain" about the reasonable consequences of their stupidity. It makes me sick.
>But they did
>wah wah wah

Naw. You guys are just complete pussies. I can't name even one generation in the last couple millineum that had it easier than you faggots.
I'm just saying I can see why people would choose that path.

Option 1;
>Work your ass off to barely get noticed and rewarded for years just to get somewhere and buy a bunch of shit you don't need to impress your neighbors 

Option 2:
>Work a laid back minimum/close to minimum wage job with no real requirements or responsibilities that lets you afford your hobbies and gives you the time and energy needed to do them

Geese I can't figure it out!

Not even everyone is a "wolf of wall street" "money hungry" tycoon like you and the neets on /biz/
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>making insane bitcoin gains
Obviously you missed the part where the Millennials graduated into the worst economic crisis for two generations (still ongoing).
You are a selfhating millennial tho. Must be projecting your own inadequacy.
Looking forward to the economic fundamentals swallowing your gaping anus of a generation.

When the mass suicides start I'll be laughing my arse off.
And I'm just saying that path is degenerate and those who choose to actually work should look down on those who choose to waste their lives, as I do.
I don't really think anyone cares about your opinion though.

In all likelihood you're probably in college studying Finance trying to become le Jordan Belfort, not yet stepped out into the world.
>my opinions
My employers sure do and they agree.

>studying finance
Whatever helps you sleep at night. Make sure you turn off the screen on your iphone your parents bought for you after wasting more time on fagbook. I hear the UV coming from the screen makes it harder to fall asleep.

> Millenials just know how to make a duckface on a selfie.
> duckface on a selfie

That's the problem, Baby Boomers think they're not the problem.
as someone graduating in a month, it really concerns me how dumb most of the people i am graduating with are

and not just dumb, but incompetent. completely unreliable, unable to make decisions on their own, dependent on specific instructions by team leaders and authority figures, etc.

it's a generation of human golden retriever puppies.
>Millennials graduated into the worst economic crisis for two generations 
Oh no! For 2 whole generations? Protip: there is a financial crisis every decade or so. Suck it up pansy. You should be ashamed for even calling this a financial crisis. You faggots literally live in one of flourishing, financially vigorous times ever. Money is practically flowing in the streets. People who lived through the great depression are /facepalming you right now.
> le Jordan Belfort
>wolf of wall street
>those who work hard are scamming criminals

Da fuq? This is exactly something I would expect a millenial to say. If anything, Bellfort embodies the millenial aversion to honest work more than anything.
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>My employers sure do and they agree.

Make sure you lick their ass harder, maybe they'll even give you an extra 10-15 hours a week to work so you can afford your new fancy car that you'll have even less time to use with your updated work schedule.

>Whatever helps you sleep at night

If you are supposedly such a successful /biz/nessman then why are you on /biz/ with all these "millennials" you supposedly hate so much, Mr. Belfort?

Don't kid yourself. You're just a self-hating millennial desperately trying to convince yourself that you're better than everyone else and smarter too, ironically enough you're doing it ON 4chan. - A website consisting of NEETs, mentally ill people and social outcasts.

Need I remind you that according to the last big poll around ~50% of this board was unemployed?
~50% unemployed

Guess you know which 50% I was in then.

Even if most of this site is full of unambitious workshies there's still a few people here worth associating with. Not to mention stirring retards up is pretty entertaining.
>>those who work hard are scamming criminals

I never implied that.

I just meant that it's quite clear people who are "successful" here are at most in college expecting to become investment bankers and picturing days of strippers and fast sports cars.

Eventually they get out into the world and realize that no, you're rarely ever rewarded for your hard work and it requires many years of hard and unnoticed effort to finally get one of those "respectable" positions.
The Great Depression cleared the market. It was a reset. We got a faux recovery, stagnating wages and a whole lot of our time (and earning potential) eaten up.

Meanwhile, Boomers got: their 401ks saved, their earnings maintained, their portfolios rescued etc. Pensions rescued.

We'll have the "privilege" of a World War and massive civil unrest to live through too.

Meanwhile you faggots will be crying about losing your house values and how we are the worst generation ever. If I could, I'd throw every boomer into a wood-chipper and raise my kids (which I could then afford to have) with the knowledge of the massive faggotry that one generation inflicted upon society.
Nice damage control.

You definitely did, by calling a person with ambition and work ethic the name of a convicted fraudster here >>1213169.
>massive faggotry that one generation inflicted upon society.

Hint: this generation was the boomers.
>Even if most of this site is full of unambitious workshies there's still a few people here worth associating with

The ones who lie and make up stories about being rich on /biz/ and then when asked for proof they coincidentally disappear?

Don't kid yourself, this would be believable and all if you said it on any other website than 4chan, but here it's just not really feasible.

I can only imagine the type of "successful" person who spends any considerable amount of time on /biz/. I mean I can see the appeal in Trump Coin, Pepe coin and Wojak coin threads for an aspiring businessman but I would imagine that an already successful business man wouldn't waste his time reading about how Ethereum and Pepe coin are about to hit the mopn
Tell me about it. I'm at the point where I'm ashamed to say I'm graduating from my program at my college. I'm not even going to wear the department sash to graduation since I don't want to associate with the garbage those administrators somehow graduated with me.
le born in wrong generation amirite, hit like if u would trade justin beber for the beatles any day!
>forgets "stirring retards up is pretty entertaining."
Please read the whole post before shitposting a trite response.
Thanks! It would save you from an otherwise necessary slapdown.
That's very edgy and insightful, anon.
Every generation has degenerate garbage. It just so happens that millenials have a lot more than average.
You haven't stirred me up though.

You're just a selfhating millennial who thinks he's superior to everyone else because you read a couple of investopedia articles and learned about trump coins
>Then work harder to make yourself more competitive.
Spotted the Jew that wants to pay 3rd world wages while charging 1st would prices for everything.
>It just so happens that millenials have a lot more than average.
Nah i think it's just more visible with social media and the internet generally.
>you boomers
I'm not a boomer, idiot. I also have not heard one boomer ever complain about declining house prices. My parents bought a house for $80k and today that house is worth $550k. You do realize that the housing market is still in a bubble, right? I can't even respond to any of your arguments because they are all strawman.
And social media culture has bled out into real life. That means it's more visible in real life too.
>I also have not heard one boomer ever complain about declining house prices

Because they are about to enter a 15-20 year bear market.

There's a dipshit boomer on /pol/ (probably a mortgage broker or real estate agent) who keeps posting repetitive threads about how millennials suck and how he hates that they cannot afford mortgages etc. etc.

They aren't all strawmen. QE has been a giant exercise is propping up asset markets. And as the Boomers currently occupy most of the top positions theyare cashing out while everyone else is getting laid off, or eating massive pay cuts. And they do this while disparaging the youth today.

Most of the Boomers were busy chatting shit and rutting in the mud at Woodstock. They are an awful, awful generation. Corrupt in political office. Corrupt in corporate office. Responsible for cultural Marxism, many of them are closet Marxists and are anti-free speech.

And they are pushing these junk ideologies onto an impressionable youth today.
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>All these damn kids staring into their iPhones and that green robot thing these days!
Looks like I have considering you made an asshurt millenial defense post here >>1213213

Gen·er·a·tion Y
the generation born in the 1980s and 1990s, comprising primarily the children of the baby boomers and typically perceived as increasingly familiar with digital and electronic technology.

this anon is correct.
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Honestly? Millennials are fucked in their own way. Boomers are fucked in their own way. Gen x are fucked in their own way. We all have shitty fucking habits derived from what the culture was doing during our formative years, but boomers are the ones fucking us now and millennials will be the ones fucking us twenty years from now, so pick your poison.
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Good thing I'm a rugged individualist, objectivist tycoon who will dominate the millenials and make them my slaves (from the comfort of my mommy's basement).
And you made an asshurt boomer defense post. What's your point?
Mah nigga
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That post was a statement of fact. You should put away that phone and pay more attention in school.

I mean how the fuck do you fail English? You speak it, oh wait.
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My post was a statement of fact. - See how easy that was? I can just say it's a fact and that means it's true and that you're wrong.

You're a soon to be fresh graduate and you're claiming this insane superiority as if you're a Wallstreet professional with over 10 years of experience. Like what the fuck? you haven't even accomplished anything besides writing rants on 4chan yet.
Except it was, the fact that you are asshurt is palpably provable.

I mean you just keep responding.
Except it was, the fact that you are asshurt is palpably provable.

I mean you just keep responding.
>so pissed that he's just copying what his mental superiors say. 

This is how I can tell you haven't even graduated high school yet.

The most damning proof of your asshurt status was this retardation here >>1213213 which was completely uncalled for.
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It's almost like retarded subcultures have been around forever you beatnik...
Now I'm going to step away for a few minutes, and I bet that rraUoUCb here is going to be making some victory claim.

Just watch, autists like this are very predictable.

Except this isn't a subculture, it's the entire fucking generation acting this retarded.
>He accuses me of being butthurt and that i keep replying
>He also keeps replying


Sure thing mr belfort. I am sure you'll be much more successful than your fellow students you look down so much on. You have a great attitude for success!(everyone is dum except 4 me)
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>Except this isn't a subculture, it's the entire fucking generation acting this retarded.
Citation fucking needed.
Wow not even 10 seconds. And another baseless accusation to boot. Yet another classic case of an autist vainly flailing and failing at damage control.
It's pretty clear that while I may not be the smartest person, at least I'm miles ahead of a dolt like you.
Shit like that is practically mainstream nowadays.

Here's where I got that image from:
Who needs a citation when youbhave evidence right in this thread?

>exhibit A
For that matter, the only millenial "subcultures" I can think of are the spergy alt-right/redpiller types and their tumblr counterparts.
But you have made just as many baseless accusations.

What accusation did I make? You admitted you are soon to graduate college and you are "embarrassed" of the people you will graduate with.

I'm sure you're much better than them for posting on 4chan's /biz/, you have a great future ahead of you.
>mr belfort

There is is right there. Like all millenials with an aversion to honest labor, you regard all attempts at self improvement and advancement as suspicious.

Doing things like that surely paints an appealing picture of your failed abortion of a generation.
>Like all millenials

Like you? You're one of them tho

>you regard all attempts at self improvement and advancement as suspicious

What is your major, what is your school's rank for your field, what is your GPA, how many (prestigious) internships have you done and what are your other current accomplishments?

Let's see hear this.
>thinking I'm going to post personal info
>on 4chan

Yep typical retard millenial detected and confirmed. I think the kicker is that while others have posted positive contributions other generations have made, not a single person can find a single good thing about millenials ITT. At best they get apologist faggots like you.

Truly millenials are the failed generation.
>I think the kicker is that while others have posted positive contributions other generations have made, not a single person can find a single good thing about millenials ITT

Name one of your positive contributions m8.

>At best they get apologist faggots like you
Better than selfhating ones.
Dat trewf, doe.......
Um. Aren't you a millennial?

Are you calling yourself a failure? Which generation do you belong to?
>thread dedicated to complaining about millennials

Seriously? I thought /biz/ was the less autistic side of 4chan.
What made you think that?

First day on this board?
Really? All I see is millenials bitching a lot ITT. That's like 99% of the argument against them, that they are whiny.
>Really? All I see is millenials bitching a lot ITT

Everyone who uses this board is a millennial.
But you're a millennial m8
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I think the first mistake was assuming there weren't autistic sides of 4chan
daily reminder ever frogposter thread ever made was by a millennial
This is a website for millennials.

If you are not a millennial and you go on 4chan you have to be quite fucked up desu
Naw nigga you got it backwards. Gen x run this shit since 2003. You are our guests.
Moot was like 16 years old when he founded 4chan
>implying moot aint nothin but a bitch trick
Nigga please. He may have wrote the code but we run this shit.
That's nothing to be proud of

Are you a wizard then?
I'm the mothafuckin grand wizard cuz. Dont get it twisted.
>>1212702 (OP)
>t. Millennial
>wrote the code

>implying he didnt just translate the code from 2chan
>>1212702 (OP)
i really can't tell senpai.

on the one hand i had literally 0 competition going into the biotech industry. my resume was dogshit and my education had nothing in common with what the laboratory required me to do. after 3 months i was promoted to quality manager, and in 2 years i was doing research work at the same exact level as phd's in that field minus the authority.

growing up i was always one of the top 10% or whatever of academic achievers and athletes around me. a good half of those top 10 were immigrants and/or really rich kids. and i fucking hated studying or playing sports, i just thought it was something i had to do and put the bare minimum effort in and wow that test was just like the homework and the homework just repeated what she said in class. wow getting better in sports is just practicing the motions over and over.

i didn't think i was smart or hard working because i spent most of my time playing world of warcraft and trying to fuck girls and there was still competition among the overachievers and all that. i did not notice how many people were wasting even more fucking time sitting around and eating and watching tv and waiting for something to happen in high school and college. i just thought they cared about other things and focused there.

on the other hand i meet a ton of young guys who might have thrown their childhoods away to cheap entertainment, but developed into normal adults and caught up quickly. i don't believe that spoiling kids actually fucks up their brains that much, and for many if not most of them, they have no option than to adjust and grow the fuck up after school. and i don't know about how the social media trends correlate with reality, but this generation is really starting to be conscious about how health and hard work are the most valuable parts of adulthood, even before considering quality of relationships.
boomers were the failed generation. they destroyed culture, economy, gender relations and a proper future

millennials are simply the products
This tbqh.

>Raises generation
>translating chink language

lmao good one famalam. Good luck translating all those weirdly shaped and positioned sticks.

Investing in E-sports

I'm going to preface this thread by saying I know nothing about investing and have limited knowledge when it comes to eSports.

Recently I've been getting into eSports, mostly League of Legends. I've seen enough to know that it's an addicting game, it's been around and growing for half a decade, and it has a dedicated fanbase. More importantly there seems to be a growing infrastructure not only around League, but around esports in general like CS:GO and Hearthstone. Streamers on Twitch get tens of thousands of views every night and shill different products for hours on end.

I guess I have two questions: 1. Do you guys think it would be a good idea to invest in esports like League? and 2. What would the best way to go about investing/getting involved for the average person who can't just go buy a team?
For those interested in a potential esports success story, this kid started an esports franchise, got venture capitalists and angel investors involved, dropped out of Northwestern and is now CEO of one of the biggest success stories in League history. His team killed it this year.

A dying fad imo but that's just like, my opinion man. I used to be real big into esports but now don't even give a fuck, same with my friends.

Sure certain marquee events like Evo and The International will continue to grow to crazy levels, but I don't think there's much of a market for new players in the scene.
>mostly league of legends


1. Absolutely fucking not
2. Suck somebodies dick outside for some money.
>>1211238 (OP)
Kill yourself
with this approach at least you get outside

>>1211238 (OP)
fuck no unless you get to meet Stephanie Joosten in person
>A dying fad

The game is probably losing players or just keeping the ones who are dedicated. Think about it, its pretty much the same game/map as when it was released. The only novelty is the new champions and skins they release. This and they have to compete with Dota 2 and Hots(lol).

If you are serious about this then you could try applying to one of those e sports teams as a manager or take a shot at streaming a game, but if I were you I wouldn't put any money into it.
>>1211238 (OP)
You didn't read between the lines about this sucess story.
>Went to northwestern, a heavily funded and elitist school
>had friends in LA who worked in venture capital
This little loser is not a rags to riches it is a riches to riches. So his team is doing well because he threw enough money away to buy the best.
He isn't running a company, he is young, which is what investors want and being puppeted through the whole thing.

If you want to be like him, change your last name to Levi and start dating a nice jewish girl.
>>1211238 (OP)
you are extremely late to the game, friendo

league of legends is ripe for disruption. the game is quite old now

esports will continue to be a thing, though. I don't think people realize how much the current business model is driven by the type of game that is popular right now

WoW dominated everything from 2007-2011 and now that it has receded, it has made room for league. watching arena games in wow was boring as fuck and who's to say that the next generation of games will be entertaining to watch or that teams will continue to consist of 5-7 players

the next game might be guild-based and rely on large 30-40 man parties which would kill the current business model of "pro teams"

"esports" is extremely transitory. sc2 is also another tale of something that blew up and then dropped off hard within the span of a few years

it's a horrible investment for outsiders like yourself. the only way to make good money would be to be a pro gamer who is in the top 0.1% and can attract a large audience on twitch

All of this is kind of what I assumed, everything you wrote makes a lot of sense.

I'm not looking to specifically invest in League of Legends, although one thing I've noticed about League is that Riot seems to have a "vision" that involves League being around for a very long time - I kind of see it like how Pokemon has become somewhat of a generational thing that has stuck it out over a decade. I think Riot has a similar vision for LoL except with the whole competitive side thrown in.

I wouldn't even know where to start in terms of "investing" in League, nor am I in a position to do so, but I just wanted to hear creative ideas about getting involved in streaming or eSports that weren't "become a pro gamer" or "buy a team", seems like there aren't many here
Sup OP.
So, I work in esports (sponsor acquisition for independent players, broker signings to teams, formerly worked at a decently sized sponsor, occasional tournament logistics staff, content production for teams), and I'm here to tell you: Abandon all hope, ye who enter here.

esports is hella top heavy. Unless you own a high performing team, you're making jack shit, and you'll likely be losing money at times. Even when you have a decently performing team, the required time investment is so high that the $/hr is shit tier, honestly.

If you don't have enough money to buy a team, you have a few options:
1. Invest in the scene itself (providers, sponsors, producers)
2. Start a team and hope for the best
3. If you have decent capital, look into starting an ownership group for a team.

I'll break these down below. But as a general warning, just don't do it unless you really enjoy the work. It's long hours, weird time zones, lots of stress, all for a pretty small return. From freelancing to full time work, I could have made far more money in traditional industries doing the same jobs.
In addition, investing in esports is also really janky due to the life cycle of games. In 2012, you would have been looking to invest in SC2. In 2013, LoL. In 2014, Dota. In 2015-present, CS is the way to go. Now we're seeing some big gambles on OW (and there are more to come). There is a large chunk of it that's a guessing game.
>the next games will be guild based
Whoa now, let's not get ahead of ourselves.

Anything with a 40 man team is extremely bandwidth/netcode limited and it would constantly get shit on by games with more surgical netcode.
>Investing in the scene
esports is a minor player in the gaming sector as a whole, but it is growing. The pleb tier esports investor is better off just putting their money into ATVI, AMD, INTC, 0700 (Tencent), AMZN, etc. etc. Tencent trades on HKG, so you would need to ensure your broker offers access to it. These buys will let you profit off the marginal income that esports generates for these companies, even though it's pennies compared to their core businesses. The success of a game as an esport doesn't seem to have a major impact on the game's overall success, as the fanbase is such a minor part of the overall playerbase, and an even smaller part of the gaming audience as a whole. Even Twitch represents a relatively fractional part of Amazon's balance sheet. This is your play if you truly believe in the long term growth of esports and the ability for the parent companies to profit off of it to the same scale as traditional sports.
>Start a team
This is how you'll have a shot at making some real esports skrilla. Except you probably won't. You're going to have to take a loss at first, putting up cash to sign unsponsored players or rosters to your new org. Unless you have a serious bank account, you'll most likely only be offering equipment and salary, no travel support, especially if it's a team game. You need at least a few decent results before you can actually talk to sponsors worthwhile. But even then, they won't be giving you much. All the low tier teams that you see with Razer and G2A sponsorships? Yeah, those are just free gear + referral links. We're talking non existent or minimal cash flow.
This is actually where you can start to be a real businessman though. Smaller gear companies, smaller "geek" brands are willing to pay for low tier teams. It's going to be shit pay, but it's a cash flow. Fighting game players are some of your best bets because of this. They tend not to ask for much and there are plenty of stick/pad makers that will pay. Look into brands that are currently in the scene and then approach their competitors. Shit's fun.
Sadly OP, you won't make much off of this. Let's assume that you even manage to get a player with CPT points, a CS team that gets in ESEA Premier, maybe even a Starcraft player who gets top 32 at DH. You're looking at $300/m salaries for these players. Your sponsorships might total a few grand a year. Your first year of profit will likely be at maybe $2500.
Weigh all of this against the thousands of hours you put into contract negotiation, booking flights, coordinating with sponsors, managing social media, working on sponsor decks and negotiating with prospects, doing scouting research for new players, etc. etc.
Unless you're Alex Garfield and tap a huge new sponsor market, Regi Dinh and brand the top team in a new hot game, or Nazgul and have literally perfect market timing, you won't make significant money. D:
>Ownership Group
This one is actually really exciting because it's finally starting to crop up. If you have a decent bankroll to throw around ($60-75K minimum), find 9 of your best friends and start an ownership group. From here, you have two options. Either buy out a previously existing organization and simply assume control or you can start a new org. Starting a new team will be easier, because with your combined bankrolls, you can actually afford non-shit tier players/teams. You're going to be able to pick up CS Minor teams, top 20 CPT players, top 8 DH Starcraft, maybe even a Dota Major qual team. If you go the LoL route, you're going to cough up half a mil for a Challenger slot, probably another quarter mil for the team to fill it.
You'll be able to get big money sponsors, as well as have the ability to pull in new, big sponsors. That said, it will take time to see profit. Running a major scale team takes a staff and those cost money. You're going to be splitting 10 ways now, so it's going to be minimal income, maybe $8K a year, after management salaries are paid. Tbh, the instagram pics alone are worth it tho, hoes love globe travelers. Also Shaq selfies.

TL;DR - Don't fuckin do it
>no one talking about heroes of the storm
>>1211238 (OP)
Before you get into that many specifics when you're talking about a potential investment start with identifying a revenue stream.

Let's be honest - most gamers are broke NEETs; generally speaking.

Major competition/team sponsors are only on board to sell product to their target audience (Nvidia, AMD, others misc computer hardware companies). Since that's not you I'm not sure what you would profit from.

Sponsor a team with the hopes they'll 'make it'? Even if they do.. by the time you factor all of the money you'd have put into getting them gear, possibly flying them to events, promotion etc. you'd probably make a really small profit.

Toss in a kid that's not good at hiding his cheats and your teams reputation can be destroyed the blink of an eye.

Not worth it senpai. No real money to be made there unless you're shilling computer hardware/software.

This was super interesting and informative. I'm glad I came back to check on this thread. Thanks a lot for the info senpai
No problem! I really love what I do, but I've seen plenty of people get sucked in and lose thousands trying to profit off of the upswing. It's a tough, competitive world, with narrow profit margins until you hit the absolute top. The days of the Wild Wild West are over. D:
Glad you enjoyed. I'll probably post more info the next time this issue comes up.
Hey, man, what about just starting a Twitch channel and try to scam people into giving you donations?

>I'm a guy
>I want to play my favorite RPG games and maybe new Unreal Tournament + CS:GO
>My voice is fine, but I don't have a cam

Will I make it? And how much time should I invest in this bullshit scheme?
Only Blizzard cucks play HOTS
there was a guy who was scamming twitch pretending to be handicapped and in a wheelchair, one day he just stood up on camera thinking it was off.

twitch banned him and refunded all of his viewers their subscriptions.
>>1211238 (OP)
FWTW this one guy in a Hearthstone game named Reynad always said he'd love to buy a LoL team but it would be too expensive and this is a guy who owns a popular website and can easily pull down 5k in a night if he does text to speech.

I would suggest you try to grow a Overwatch team or Hearthstone has a lot of random players with no team who'd probably join for just flights and a place to live.

Also OP, if you could make a Bad Boys team I'd love to see that, just tell them they get extra cash for getting into internet trouble, wearing sunglasses and saying deal with it after a win, or remembering a script where they taunt their foes with WWE style smack talk, you'd be everyones hero if you get really slick and creative with it.
People always cling to the fragmented and heavily modified "success" stories when it comes to starting a business. The stories you really want to hear are the failures. Chances are you won't find them because people don't like writing about the downsides, they don't like telling the tale of their failure, and truthfully people don't eat the bad up like the polished good. But you learn more about starting a business from the fallen than the risen. As one anon points out there is a lot of story between the line that you didn't catch because you are too invested in the day dream of making millions for playing a video game.
As others have said eSports is niche as fuck, everyone looking to bleed money out of it are already at the table and for anyone new to get in and not fail would be sheer luck.
But if you still feel that you can at least get in some way some how then by all means try, just don't expect it to end like the guy in the article.