Okay so a few disclaimers:
>not a fat virgin nerd, but I am a "nice guy" (but can be an asshole if pushed)
>attractive and fit
>plenty of decent female friends that want the d
>she basically only has one other friend other then me (female), all her other male friends just want to fuck her
But I got friendzoned by this clause vain bitch. 7 years of time, money, and emotional investment on my part down the drain. She's one of those girls that's a virgin but "does stuff", however she mostly has no sex drive atleast around me.
Basically I felt bad for this bitch and allowed her to use me for 7 years under the excuse that she was my "best friend". I took her out to eat, shopping, and picked her up from work at 11 pm almost everyday and took her to school in the mornings before going to my own school.
Anyway, basically she has zero respect for me. She treats guys that do less than shit for her like kings while she walks all over me. One night, she basically just says to my fucking face "I don't fucking like you Anon, leave me alone.". So I did, and a week later when I'm working out with a girl I'm trying to fuck later she texts me pic related.
So trips decides what I say, if I should even say anything at all I fucking hate this cunt man.
>>694134043 (OP)
say "sorry i'm a little boy and i'm going to go kill myself"
YOU put yourself in this position, she did not do this to you. you are a beta, you did beta shit, you played the "friend" role trying to insidiously worm your way in for years
im going to teach you something and its sad you dont know this becuase you are apparently in your 20s?
if you arent dating a girl within about 2 weeks of meeting her, you never will.
>>694134043 (OP)
>7 years
>>694134043 (OP)
7 years anon fucking kek open your eyes m8 you'll never fuck her unless you drug her.
Top fucking kek little anon complaining because he was blind for 7 years.
Hahaha hahaha, Jesus Christ. So you wasted both your time and her time, and got fuck all out of it? Maybe learn a thing or two about women, you little disease. I bet she's not even a virgin. Probably gets rear ended by everyone BUT you
>>694134043 (OP)
You are also a male friend that just wants to fuck her.
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>>694134043 (OP)
you say nothing. you let yourself be put in this position. 7 years? SEVEN YEARS!?!? you've been secretly pining away for this bitch for SEVEN YEARS, being the "Perfect Guy She'll Realize She Wants and OMG He Was Standing Right There The Whole Time!"
Move on. You're never getting this girl's pussy. Don't waste 7 years next time. Make your intentions clear and if the girl doesn't want the D or return your feels, move the fuck on.
fuck i can't believe i'm reading this shit, this HAS to be bait.
Man I know that now. This is the last piece of my beta past. I know how and where I fucked up at every point.
>>694134043 (OP)
>all her other male friends just want to fuck her
>you don't
Seriously though. Tell her you don't really care to be her friend; that it's not what you want. Forget about her.
I was in the situation but instead of seven years it was four.
During that time this situation occurred twice, and the second time I got the fuck out of dodge and stopped talking to her. In my case, though, she was the only girl I was close to and I went to highschool with her. So four years was somewhat justifiable considering I was around her constantly. She was basically the only pussy I could chase.
In your case though OP I don't know. Tell her to fuck off and move on with your life. Don't spare her feelings, she didn't bother to spare yours.
As for the rest of you here, you're all cucks too, you're posting on /b/. Half of you shitlords are probably more pathetic than OP.
I genuinely felt sorry for this bitch since we were kids. I've been fucking other girls this whole time so I didn't really care if I fucked her or not, but I feel unappreciated by her, and honestly that's the worst part.
I did the same shit... well i didn't take 7 years like a complete sperglord, but about 8 months.
One day I flat told her that we should date. She said she didn't want our relationship to change, so I dropped that ass like a bad habit.
b-b-b-b-but if i just be there for her and be everything she needs all the time and be her besty she'll suddenly realize she's in love with me and omg then she'll finally fuck me!
she'll realize that this fucking creepy fucker pretended to be her friend, did nice things for her not out of generosity and compassion, but out of a self-serving interest and sexual obsession that lasted seven years and RUN THE FUCK AWAY FROM YOU. you're worse than the guys that just want to fuck her. at least they're not wearing a mask for 7 years to do it.
>>694134043 (OP)
>7 yrs
God, the humanity was she at least hot?
Feeling sorry for her is a great foundation for a relationship.
Are you actually this mental?
Re roll
>>694134043 (OP)
>Basically I felt bad for this bitch and allowed her to use me for 7 years under the excuse that she was my "best friend". I took her out to eat, shopping, and picked her up from work at 11 pm almost everyday and took her to school in the mornings before going to my own school.
the fuck is wrong with you? My best friend is also female, but thats what it is. She pays more often then I do when we go out, we do stuff together we both enjoy, but know there will never be more. We even compete with hooking up with girls when we're out every now and then.
If she's a friend to you, treat her like a male friend and don't do more for her than you would do for a guy. If that doesn't work, don't bother.
Re rolllll
Hopefully this will be the worst fuck up if my life until I get married and feel the true cuckening. Thanks for the understanding though man. I'm never letting some shit like this happen again.
Considering plenty of girls consider me a catch, this bitch really fucked up. Her best trait is her looks, I had to teach this cunt how to drive.
>if you arent dating a girl within about 2 weeks of meeting her, you never will.
That's definitely not true.
Re re roll
Dont reply anything you betafag
Just move on
>had to teach her how to drive.
Omg are you me? Does she paint and have odd fashion sense too?
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She doesn't like you like that get over it faggot no need to quit being friends.
>>694134043 (OP)
sounds like a delusional beta to me
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Live and learn anon, good to see you moving on.
I'd say something along the lines of "It took me 7 years to realize your a horrible person. Go fuck yourself", and then end all communication. I'm a nice guy myself, but I hope this experience helps you draw the line. Everythings give and take, put your foot down whenever anyone (no matter how hot they are) just takes.
This. But then she'll know you are mad so maybe respond saying you wanna keep being friends but gradually stop talking to her making her feel less important
Yeah OP here, I've actually gotten out of the friendzone with another girl. Fucked her plenty of times and got the succ. That was a 4 year friendzone tho.
Ive come to realize this one is just a fucking bitch but I'm not sure what to do with her anymore.
Its more 6 weeks
I was thinking about doing this, but my female friends (that I am fuvking), just tell me to straight up ignore her.
>>694134043 (OP)
Just don't respond. Fuck her she needs to know you don't give a shit about her. Move on, if you can really be fucking other girls then just forget about her and get that other pussy mane. Block her number. Unless op, maybe she is the one.
Okay it's already been established that you're a faggot for putting up with it for seven years and you don't have the slightest chance of winning her over, here's how you make yourself feel a little better. Take a few minutes to calm down and start thinking really violent, masculine thoughts. Imagine yourself as a sex/murder god with infinite emotional control. Then compose the meanest, coldest response you possibly can that tells her how little you think of her. It can all be lies but as long as you believe it when you write it will be powerful. Leave out any emotions or little boy shit, make it powerful and ice cold.
Then go jerk off or something.
>>694134043 (OP)
y'know, i let women and their shitty pathetic emotions jerk me around for just over 2 years until i couldn't take it any longer. A very close friend of mine sat me down and gave me a talking to, as he doesn't take shit from women either. The talk consisted of "bitches ain't shit but hoes and tricks", and for some reason something clicked with me. It's been around 5 years and I haven't looked back.
Don't waste your time on shitty people. If you're even entertaining the idea of "working it out" it means you still care about someone who you let walk all over you.
Fuck that bitch, man.
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>That's definitely not true.
...but it's close enough for most reasonable use.
She knows within minutes of meeting you whether she's going to fuck you or not.
If not then it is very unlikely to happen unless something significant in her life changes (i.e. can't get a bf so "settles" for your ass)
Basically if you want to fuck her and she isn't interested then walk away entirely. This at least is something she can respect.
The friendzone is a prison you create around yourself.
Girls will take advantage of it because it is in their nature to do so (self-entitlement and narcissism), but it isn't in your nature to be so constrained.
Be the better man and walk away, she will actually respect you more.
Roll it
Have you ever even been in a situation where you've lay down with her and watched a movie or something OP? Have you tried to take any actual chance to touch her body?
Jesus fuckin Christ I doubt you are really seeing other girls because to me it sounds like u have no fuckin clue.
Portion, next time:
>Make sure she laughs at your jokes
>Ask her for relationship advice with other girls, state you frustrations with them maybe (making sure it's clear you're sought after, making her feel above them)
>Don't force physical contact (hugs)
>Propose meeting somewhere private for FUN NOT INTIMACY (your house/her house or something)
>See if you can get relatively closer
>See if you can lay down with her
>Plant a slow one on her neck
At that point it's all good. If you don't manage it though:
>Continue talking to her as a friend
>Drop any hints of intimacy until you're getting any kind of suggestion from her
Tl;dr don't demand affection you fuckin retard, just place yourself in a situation where it's very likely.
There's more to it but u know this is a vaguely good place to start
omg same here dude wtf is wrong with those types
Oh, before ">see if you can get close"
Ya gotta get a film or something going my dude
Also don't embarrass her with friends ever
Seriously guys that think they're getting anywhere by taking a jokey piss out of a girl in a social situation are lucky if they get anywhere
>>694134043 (OP)
Just say yes and move on. If you don't like where your relationship is with her, drop it. Who cares?
Tried that shit. She's a cunt. She was with an actual boyfriend for a whole year that she never fucked and he beat the shit out of her for it (though I'm sure she was being a bitch)
Ohh and for that whole year she cut me off because she was in love with him and he didn't like her having s make best friend. I actually got over her then, but she ended up getting back in contact with me after he kicked her to the curb and we slowly went back to best friend terms. So those 7 years are really closer to 6 years.
Fuck her only friend and make sure she know it
OH and if you want to stand a chance with this girl you better play it off something like this (ya believe it or not you still very much stand a chance by the fact that she's messaged you back)
"Nah, I was just kidding :)
Where you been? I haven't seen you ages!"
1. Rule, stop asking for affection you cuck
Do this OP
>>694134043 (OP)
Honestly, just ask her to suck you, and blow a load on her face, and just leave
>Move on. You're never getting this girl's pussy. Don't waste 7 years next time. Make your intentions clear and if the girl doesn't want the D or return your feels, move the fuck on.
>fuck i can't believe i'm reading this shit, this HAS to be bait.
> Anonymous 07/11/16(Mon)19:38:13 No.694134697▶>>694136046
>Man I know that now. This is the last piece of my beta past. I know how and where I fucked up at ev
trips get
you're making it worse OP
Have you ever actually been in a situation which could lend itself to the possibility? Private, kinda romantic, close together?
Actual genius right here
>>694134043 (OP)
You're a fucking pussy dude