>the way to deal with angry muslims
>is by making them more angry
Exterminating an ideology is impossible. The solution is improving the USA's image abroad, and internallly. Especially internally, the US does literally nothing to maintain, or defend it's image. We need more US propaganda, and more propaganda highlighting the time that the US/western societies have helped muslims.
It isn't too late.
naziism's pretty much exterminated at this point? Countless religions come and go.
libcuck detected. Your solution to being constantly attacked is to essentially apologize to muslims.
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>Exterminating an ideology is impossible
Of course it's not. It's very possible, and easily done. It's the pussyfooting around that you talk about that is hard.
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nobody tell him about the neonazis. he must remain innocent.
>liberal ideology
Please get the fuck off /b/ and go to fucking Reddit lel XDDDDD
Nazism is far from being extinct
I support the fighting of Isis, but you don't fight all battles with bombs. Some are fought with the mind.
2.2 billion Muslims wont be going anytime soon.
>>694688908 (OP)
so much sensationalism
There's a minority in western countries. Make it illegal, execute the leftovers and then turn some sand to glass.
Islam is an archaic, barbaric, oppressive cult and it needs to be changed, but since they won't change it needs to be eradicated.
The views that I've been expressing aren't even that liberal. I want to see US domination, and I don't believe in a peaceful multicultural society. I just have a smarter method of achieving my end goals. I'm not a reactionary faggot, like you fags.
>muslims attack us
>we attack muslims, lelelele
>we get them good
Got to start sometime!
If not now then when?
When you're the last white man standing?
Thought you liberals were supposed to be intelligent. Yet I see all of you dying while "retarded" conservatives are surviving with their "evil" guns.
There's 3.3 million Muslims in the us alone, if executing that many Muslims isn't a war threat, than I don't know what is. that's WW3 right there
Sounds like a lot of fertilizer.
The western countries are far too liberal in their governments to even consider that notion.
So terror attacks probably won't stop unless they begin nationwide intrusive surveillance or unless they deport all those on a terror watch list.
They would put every single heterosexual christian white male on the terror watch list and deport them before the muslims or blacks.
Whites as a whole wont fight back, will only have a couple of thousand white war veterans that will, even some of those will side with the liberals.
>>694688908 (OP)
until there are none of us left apparently
I'm a 2nd generation Armenian-American, my parents are from Iraq. They're Christian, as we've been for thousands of years. But they speak Arabic too. I'm friends with a bunch of arab muslims and understand Arabic. I look white as day. My grandma is 85, has lived here since 1990 and does not know more than 3 words of english. My family members discourage speaking english at home (armenian is recommended). Do we deserve to be kicked out of America? Where should we go?
>the solution to islamic terror in france is improving the USA's image
do you even think about the shit you say you ball-less cuck
Who said anything about you?
It's just so damn infuriating to see images like that. I want the qu'ran rewritten without the suggestions of violence against non-believers but I am often told that will never happen. So WW3 is the next best option.
Tfw half the World doesn't acknowledge anything but blood for blood let alone your mind games. Gr8 b8 m8 that fedora is too tight on your head
The FBI when they came knocking on the door of my innocent family members. The USA when my CITIZEN relatives were given a hard time flying back home because it said they were born in the middle east. Fuck that shit
u know that usa created isis right? how does more us be better? do you want to piss of aliens too?
Trust me that will never happen. no muslim will ever agree to that (the quran is said to be free from change since day 1 and will stay that way till the end of time), WW3 it is.
(btw im muslim)
You just said youre an armenian christian?
Also, i dont want to deport you.
Also, i dont even know the fucking answer.
Howabout you chill the fuck out, no one gives a shit about Armenians, just ask the turks.
War threat against who? Sand niggers? There are no Islamic countries that could pose an actual threat to the continental USA.
literally every regime in the history of regimes, has used propaganda as a means to function. You cannot overstate it's value in the modern world. It still has a useful application.
This makes no sense
>My family members discourage speaking english at home (armenian is recommended). Do we deserve to be kicked out of America?
fuck the French. shouldn't have been pussies in the war
You don't have to leave, but you should work at being a part of our culture. Encourage English as well as Armenian. embrace your new home. Be great full for being invited, don't be rude assholes.
that sounds just a little too harsh.
your family insisting on maintaining their culture is not ok, though. it's devisive and shows a lack of respect for the country from which you're apparently not sure where to go.
i think that some of us's priorities should be
a) minimize civilian casualties while fighting (thatch where a lot of the hate comes from)
b) eliminate all terror groups (isis,taliban, etc)
c) offer help (in the form of education, not weapons) to 3rd world Islamic countries to boost its reputation
d)build borders and deploy troops in these countries along with the aid in training their militaries while teaching them to keep casualties at minimum (<< stress that, us 3rd world muslims tend to not be well educated)
US is now good with most of the muslims that hate them. Global education rises. more countries can support them selves. ereone wins
So why is it extremist groups continue to rise up? These extremists attend mosques and speak to other Muslims and I know someone they spoke to knew it was coming but they say nothing, do nothing. Why? All Muslims are responsible for how their religion behaves. Inaction is as bad as driving that truck.
>a) minimize civilian casualties while fighting (thatch where a lot of the hate comes from)
>b) eliminate all terror groups (isis,taliban, etc)
we could completely give up and give them whatever they wanted and they still wouldnt be happy
they honestly believe the world was put there, just for them, and everyone else should be slaves
theres absolutely no way the world and terrorist muzzies can coexist
You cannot help a nation that isn't ready for it.
Give them freedom and they won't know what to do with it. Give them education and it'll disappear in a single generation.
It's like welfare.
You know the French have been the biggest player militarily in Western History since the 9th century right?
They were outmaneuvered in WWII and had no hope of victory.
Literally every other war they were involved with they shit on just about everyone.
Jesus fuck dont insult a people from a historical stand point if you dont know the history
All Christians are responsible for the Irish. All Christians should pay reparations to the English.
Like me I have Muslim friend who is very distressed by this incident, you may not like the fact that not all Muslins are violent, it's only the few that need exterminating.
They helped us fight the British, so they're owed some form of respect.
read the thread, I am in favour for the killing of terrorists. I am actually saying we should better try to win the hearts, and minds of potential terrorists. We do very little in the way of that.
Good, starting a war against muslims would lead to 2.2 billion less people on planet earth. A religion 1,000 years behind the times would be snuffed out to almost nothing, and we'd reduce greenhouse gasses too!
You really think if the west wanted to, that they couldn't eradicate every semblance of islam? Mecca should have been glassed decades ago. A new crusade needs to happen. And islam needs to burn in nuclear fire.
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You're not islamic filth.
Fuck all religions. How is this relevant? I hate what Christians have done in the past, doesn't mean we should fucking approve of Islam and it's bullshit.
Lol cuck
You're right, but it would be nice if more Muslims stepped up and helped fight this war instead of doing nothing.
There is a constant fear of losing identity among Armenians. There is no home to go to. My ancestors' villages and towns do not exist anymore.
America (especially Los Angeles) is the one place where Armenians can be themselves, have their community, their schools, churches, and even political organizations. The GOAL of armenians is to make sure the next generation remains. It would be an absolute shame to see my children fully assimilate, forgetting their language and history, becoming nothing more than an olive-skinned native who doesn't know why he doesn't belong.
I'm a badass because i understand basic history?
Where did you go to school, Mississippi? Apparently you didnt learn shit in history.
>>694688908 (OP)
Do you ever wonder if they said the same thing about us for so long that eventually they started pulling this shit?
Yep, this!
not everyone is from America. it's a big world you know.
Maybe not, but if you want to get rid of "Islamic filth" you'll probably end up knocking on my door with some questions so fuck off. I'm an american citizen and no american citizen (even a muslim) deserves to be treated that way.
>>694688908 (OP)
The French don't care about those kids. The dead are White. The French care about "migrant" kids. These little attacks don't do a damn thing to change that belief system. In order for France to change, they would need to lose tens of thousands of people in a single attack.
The Leftism has infected the brains of the French people. You cannot help them because they do not want to be helped. How do you convince a faggot that he is being raped when he loves getting it up the ass? You can't.
knew what was coming?
these assholes are misguided warmongers, they dont listen to reason. I dont give a shit if they claim that they abide to the religion that i am a part of. they need extermination. Going to a mosque and speaking to other doesnt mean shit when your imam (the guy ;eading the prayers and speeches in the mosque) is telling them to kill others. Furthermore, the people they talk to all share the same intention: islam or nothing. I was taught to preach islam peacfully like it was meant to. I was taught to never resort to violence and to this day i havent intentionally go out to hurt someone.
now that ive read your comment a few more times, impretty sure you refer to the attack in nice. these extremeist will talk to their extremist friends. no extremist is gonna sabotage their lifes purpose. if i was in that situation where i knew that was gonna happen, it tell the police asap. my parents would do the same. my borhters would do the same. my muslim friends would do the same. as i said before, they are being taught one thing and that thing is a bad thing.
And wtf are we supposed to do? I'm 45, have not stepped foot in a mosque in 35 years. I do, however, have a very muslim name. I also like french beers, the Kronenburg blanc and Rose are my favorites.
But he would belong if he joined the community.
>who doesnt know why he doesnt belong
Exactly why you need to leave. You, as an immigrant, belong here. But if you propagate the idea to your children that they do not belong simply because their ancestors were born on some patch of dirt a million miles away, then you do not understand or respect America.
Teach them your language, your culture, your beliefs, so long as they do not contradict with the basic principles of American liberty. If they do, then leave.
Greece 219
Norway 61
France 43 (The superpower at the time)
Poland 30
Belgium 18
Holland 4
Yugoslavia 3
you were saying pussy fag?
>>694688908 (OP)
If people get a bit more educated religion will disappear.
>>694688908 (OP)
I can't tell who's out fir blood more, jihadis or murricans. Both have their reasons, and I'm inclined to let them both have their way.
Then you should be even more ashamed of your lack of historical knowledge, if you are not from america. Americans are stereotypical ignorant of history. But i guess youre showing that isnt exclusive
>>694688908 (OP)
I know a lot of muslims who have turned atheist and publicly announced their departure from that evil way of life,we need more people like that.
>>694688908 (OP)
|religion of peace ||l “”|””\__,_
Religion as a whole is the problem,good point
You DID read his post right? Have you checked your reading comprehension, lately?
There is no room for Islam in this world in 2016. In a straight up war, Islamic countries would be demolished by the US. If you add the rest of the West, it's a massacre. Pakistan has nukes, but the second they tried to use them against the US, they'd be nuked by India. 2.2 billion Muslims is a lot, but I think we could cut that in half within 6 months.
>>694688908 (OP)
Humanity has brought this upon itself. And now, theres nothing that can be done to stop it.
>>694688908 (OP)
As long as we keep pretending there's enough room in Western society for progressives and the rest of people.
I disagree. The average frenchman despises these migrants. Maybe (and im surprised that ive come so far to this position) for good reason.
The reactionary right is coming, my friends.
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>>694688908 (OP)
The same reason the south didn't win the civil war.
White liberal cucks.
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>>694688908 (OP)
I guess you misunderstood what I meant. I don't think he doesn't belong, but everyone around him does because of his olive skin and his middle eastern features. If he at least knows his own story (WHY he's olive skinned and what makes him different from the "white" majority) he'll be comfortable knowing that there is solidarity. If he loses his culture and becomes a unilingual, hot-dog pb&j eating dark dude, he will literally have no refuge from the irrational sectarian hatred. I think the beauty of America is that everyone belongs. Sadly, that seems to be a minority thought.
Iraq war 2 killed (lowball) 150,000 muslims. Who did? 'mericans
Why? Not sure, 9/11, but then they invaded the wrong country.
Isis kills muslims, mostly.
I know one guy like this. He's a fucking cool guy. Dated a Jewish girl just to piss off his backward goat-fucking Yemeni family.
Something, anything. It doesn't need to be a physical act, but could be about an attitude or beginning a conversation with someone you know, family, etc. it has to happen somewhere. You're more able than me. I also blame Catholics for supporting a church known for molesting children. They should be protesting by not giving money.
And again, WHERE do I leave? As a natural born American citizen who loves the red white and blue, where do I go?
Sounds like a mature individual. No... sounds like a silly child.
I'm a left leaning progressive with Muslim friends. I love my Muslim friends; they're just like other Aussies except once a year they starve themselves and occasionally attend mass.
But even so, more and more senseless violence is being carried out in the name of this religion. Islamic leaders have a fucking responsibility to sort out their shit. If Westerners can't even criticise such a barbaric and backwards belief system, let alone fight it, then Muslim leaders and countries need to do it. There would be nothing wrong with emigration if it weren't for the threat of fucking cunts blowing shit up and killing innocent people.
Haha fuck yes that's the sort of people we need.
Remember 9/11 tho? I don't recall the buildings surviving the attack....
it is not neccessary to exterminate them all. just deport them out of europe. reinforce the borders to muslim nations. and shoot if they try to sneak over.
Uh, hey retard.
Which countries got the full force of the fresh german war machine?
Didn't fucking help that the french borderlands had just been given to german immigrants to farm, & when the krauts showed up, most of them spoke the same language and just stepped aside & joined em. Not a ton France could do.
please can we remember to keep checking for dubs? even if you are going to sit here and argue all night.
No, you fight them with bombs and guns. Dont forget napalm, chemicals and infantry. Fuck civs, they sure dont care about us. Fucking bomb those fucks and finish them off with bullets, shells and fire.
you know youd have to be killing more than 6 million muslims each day for 6 months to acomplish that right?
The European male wrath is extremely brutal. Look at WW2 and WW1 for the consequence of fucking with us. We are very lenient and take shit for a long time then we snap and will destroy your civilization.
The turks apparently gave enough of a shit to try to get rid of them
its about god damn time for ww3.
Fun fact, the original french flag was just red and blue.
You added the white stripe in the middle so you could fold it in case of emergency.
Was there a point in there somewhere?
Your culture died for a reason. Create a new culture, dont live in the past.
this kind of thinking doesn't make sense to me.
although i'm perfectly willing to admit that were it not for the thin veil of civilization we live under i'm not sure i would thrive or maybe even survive. I'm not the kind to identify with groups. i like to deal with individuals.
one friend even asked me to apply for Mensa. i don't see the point. i also can't get excited about sports teams or even my own nationality.
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This is it we make A STAND against MUSLIMS
> BUy thin paper make your logo and write 3/8/2017 we stand and rise agaisnt muslims blabla bla print it
> Buy a drone attach the printed papers under the drone release the papers while flying above city areas with populated people if we do this at the same day all over the world we will start a new era AN ERA OF CLEANSE
>>694688908 (OP)
dude he just played pokemon go while driving, calm down ya'll...
>Number of men killed in WW1 by country
British Empire (including colonies) 908,371
Italy- 650,000
Your point? The French have a very valiant history of warfare and were the premier military force for most of modern history.
Go to Iraq if you can't identify as an American! You were born there, you're not Muslim and you're not a terrorist...where's the problem? You think those against Islam are just racist and will target you for your name and appearance?
speak the language of the country you live in. besides that shouldnt you armenians be especially salty about muslims considering they tried to exterminate you?
You have no idea of how different that culture, worldview and lifestyle was, if youre jumping in and taking credit fir that generations actions.
Read more, speak less.
Attitude? Fuck you.
I drink beer, watch hockey (maple leafs) eat pork. How much more do you want me to fucking assimilate.
You fuckers don't care. Me, I hide it now cos it only brings up problems. I am not responsible for the actions of a death cult.
You fucking Christians, are you responsible for the nazis? according to the current logic, you are.
Fyi, this is nothing new. In the 70s and 80s it was communists (red army faction, etc), IRA, basque.
thats kinda what he said and that happend
Easily doable. Remember, if you can dream it, you can do it.
tell that to the guy that was driving the truck.
he dreamt that he was a pro driver.
Terror attacks will happen regardless. An actual war with any Arab nation would be over in a hurry (assuming reasonable ROE and no nation-building bullshit).
what about the prussian french war?
I get not wanting to lose your culture, but don't you understand that misunderstandings between cultures creates conflict? By not assimilating, your family is contributing to this never ending cycle of bullshit. Have them at least learn English. Fuck.
We could kill them all and bomb their country. Cremate the muslims that live in white countries alive, 2 birds 1 stone.
Yeah, you should see my twitter feed. Right wingers and newt fuckin gincrich asking "when we're going to start the war"
lol what the fuck do they think we've been doing since Operation Ajax? Twiddling our thumbs?
also, thats 70 muslims per second nonstop the entire day
Thats 2milliom a day for not even 2yrs. Better get started asap
You have me there with the franco-prussian war
What im saying is that they were a military to be feared, not this meme of a white flag people (mostly americans) believe simply due to being outmaneuvered in WWII
First of all, I was born here in the USA. I have no ties to Iraq as I am ethnically Armenian. My parents were simply born there.
2. I do think that those against Islam are just racist, because they DO target me and my family and friends for our appearances. My best friend was stopped and harassed by a dumbass with a swastika on his neck. The guy's not muslim, he's not arab; in fact he's more caucasian than the neo-nazi dude harassing him (not that it fucking matters).
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>The USA when my CITIZEN relatives were given a hard time flying back home because it said they were born in the middle east.
Well, if they were good US citizens they would understand the necessity of the extra scrutiny to keep them and their fellow Americans safe.
If most terrorists were brown hair, brown eyed, 6 ft 26 yo males of Irish decent, I'd be quite understand of the extra attention I'd get.
I'd actually be a bit pissed if I didn't.
'Cause that's the way a GOOD American would think.
>>694688908 (OP)
They say children were killed in the attack, but that baby is obviously plastic. how stupid do they think we are?
Conservatives love using military power to solve conflicts. Gotta love the hypocrisy.
That is the dumbest statement I've seen in a long time
>for thousands of years
It's only 1690 years old anon.
It's a kid's doll you fucking autist.
6 months = ~180 days
(half of the muslim population)= 1.1 Billion
1100000000 / 180 = 6111111.11111
86400 seconds in a day
6111111.11111 / 86400 = 70.7304526749
That's not war, that's business. Oil presidents invade oil-rich country. Oil supply drops but at the same time, demand for oil skyrockets (war needs a lot of oil). Lota profit for anyone associated with oil.
muslims hate us for our freedoms...NO, they hate you for destroying their lives for profit.
>using military power to solve conflicts doesnt work
what are you, a cuck?
do you know what the word "conflict" means?
Military power has solved conflicts since the dawn of time you nitwit.
When was the last time they gassed a jew?
this guy
You sound drunk. And cowardly.
Don't have to be mean or call me names. I'm just thinking a Muslim (apparently not you) involved with Islam or with Muslim relatives might be able to encourage some conversation, to do something instead of sitting around in silence.
Germans who did nothing were cowards, there's no excuse.
They know english. They speak english at the DMV, and at work. My grandma is retired and doesn't need to know english. She lives in a community of 500,000 Armenian-americans with dozens of newspapers, TV channels, schools, community centers, even retirement homes. Why does she need to learn english? She's a citizen BTW and loves America -- it's her home and she agrees with all tenets of the constitution (none of which say anything about language)
no, they hate us because infidels
World war
Reduce greenhouse gases?
Lol do you even history....
>Conservatives love using military power to solve conflicts. Gotta love the hypocrisy.
Anyone who clings to the historically untrue -- and -- thoroughly
immoral doctrine that violence never solves anything I would advise
to conjure up the ghosts of Napoleon Bonaparte and the Duke of
Wellington and let them debate it. The ghost of Hitler would referee.
Violence, naked force, has settled more issues in history than has
any other factor; and the contrary opinion is wishful thinking at
its worst. Breeds that forget this basic truth have always paid for
it with their lives and their freedoms.
-Robert A. Heinlein
Fine, since 301 AD
How does one torture a terrorist?
With pig shit?
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I love Muslim cock, send me nudes!
most of modern history?
what do you consider modern history? post 1800? before that?
they got wrecked in the franco prussian war, ww1 was a stalemate for years, and ww2 they got steamrolled. not saying the french are incompetent at warfare but I wouldnt consider them the premier military force for most of modern history. only napolean really sticks out in modern history.
And as long as there are impressionable simpletons like you that think allconflicts are as simple as a that, they will continue.
The new culture includes bits of the old. That's armenian-americanism. We don't have the luxury of fully assimilating, because we don't look like you. We will never be accepted as one of you, because we look different. That's why we as a minority need something to keep us alive.
>You think those against Islam are just racist and will target you for your name and appearance?
Knew a brown kid who had his skull cracked by a bigger white guy who thought he was an arabic muslim. Shitskin was neither an arab or muslim and was born here. If i was a muslim id carry a knife or gun at all times and would probably be pretty fucking trigger happy.
Thats why i think we should deport them and bomb their country
id say 1700 onwards. Franco prussian they performed poorly, yes. But WWI they mostly did very well at defending their front.
>germans who did nothing were cowards
and germans who did something were traitors.
325, if they wrre Romans.
Saw where a US marine used to rub bacon grease on his ammo before killing goat fuckers. I personally find that hilarious.
Stop looking so fucking suspicious and foreign and act chill you retard. It's like when niggers ask why cops shoot them after they do something stupid
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sorry bro, I got all excited there. I got dubs!!
No you stupid shit, conservatives should traditionally want to stay the fuck out of the affairs of other countries and protect the homeland. It also saves the country a fuck ton of money to stay out of war. Good example of the hypocrisy of conservatives: George W Bush getting us involved in Iraq and now the entire world is fucked up with more terrorism. Also cost the US people a fuck ton of money. Do you not see the hypocrisy here?
please tell me this is sarcastic
Are Muslims those rocks that we pretend don't exist but do? But they mean nothing obviously...
Satan's trips, you're obviously lying. GTFO.
Obviously iraq was bullshit.
Im saying that it is simple cuckoldry to imply military power does not solve conflicts.
also, protecting the home without protecting foreign interests is futile.
The people who tried to exterminate armenians were turkish nationalists. They wanted a turkey for turks only. Armenians are salty about turks as a consequence (for kicking us out of our "homeland").
On the other hand, Armenians have lived side by side with muslims since the days of Mohammad. They have always been respected as a "protected" minority and still are in places like Iran. So no, muslims are okay to us. I personally have many muslim friends and we get along just fine.
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and Saddam killed 500K+ Iranians, several hundred thousand Iraqi civilians, 500K Iraqi soldiers.
Plus he was the cause of the (lowball) 150K deaths that you cite. Why did they get invaded? Because Iraq did not comply with UN resolutions compelling him to account for the WMDs he did in fact have at one time.
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>>694688908 (OP)
Liberal. Actual liberal though, as in,nI entertain many ideas, instead of the narrow path. ...not "liberal" as its become now: the opposite of a republican...
We had less reason to nuke the Japanese than the workd does to nuke Isis territory at this point.
>Do you not see the hypocrisy here?
Do you know what "hypocrisy" means?
Yeah nazi's are terrorists too and should also be ended. Peace.
Expanding the empire implies big government. TRADITIONAL CONSERVATISM DOES NOT VALUE BIG GOVERNMENT.
Yes this is true, this is what people need to KNOW
How was he looking suspicious? He was simply crossing the street by his university. Wearing regular attire, a backpack, nothing really. He just looks middle eastern, what's he going to do about that? Bleach his skin? Dye his hair?
the UN is a Joke
Thats because you are trying to conserve the past, by clinging to your outdated worldview and understanding of how the next workd war will go.
Guns will not help you.
>| #ReligionOfPeace ||l “”|””\__,_
Any vids of the attack? But not the balcony one, that's too far.
still working on formatting
Give up
Armenia converted to christianity in 301 AD https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Armenian_Apostolic_Church.
Amazing. Before the bible was even written.
>How was he looking suspicious?
>He just looks middle eastern
>Wearing ...a backpack
Nothing at all suspicious about a mid-eastern wearing a backpack.
Stupid fuck. Conservatives got us into one of the most expensive fuckups in history. Conservatives have a terrible fucking record of keeping us safe and out of war, which is opposite conservative values. Hypocrisy is calling yourself a conservative and then wanting to rush to war. What don't you understand fuck tard?
In your mind you look "White as day" but to a White person like me you don't look White.
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An ideology yes. But you kill everyone and then every one found later that was in hiding you kill them too. You kill men, wemen and children. I know it sounds sad and barbaric but the fact is if you want to get rid of the weeds you also have to kill the seeds or you will never get rid of them.
Haha thanks for sharing.
You're a special kind of retarded aren't you? The west has tried that approach numerous times, and it is always followed with counter rhetoric.
They have made it clear that the only way to deal with Islam is to ban it in Western Nations. Dr port Muslims to countries where Sharia is law, cut off support to them and kill those who try to expand beyond those borders or refuse trade for resources.
Islam has to be stopped, bottom line.
>What don't you understand fuck tard?
I don't understand why you're allowed to touch a computer without adult supervision.
Back then Christianity was a pretty spooky semi-pagan mystical religion
Life is a series of choices
Actually it was the liberal democrats. Just try and disagree with one and you will see how fucked up they really are.
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"religion of peace"
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>>694688908 (OP)
When we finally begin the 11th crusade. Soon my brothers
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I say we just build a wall
You responded to my post in which I said conservatives love to go to war which I implied makes them hypocrites. You called it cuckoldry to not use force. Why did you respond to me if your response had nothing to do with conservatism?
How the fuck can you be racist against a religion you fucking autist? Calm the fuck down about the racism shit, no one cares about you holding on to your heritage, if you live in the US, be American... my family is from Sicily, I was born here, I eat pasta, but love guns and bald eagles, 'murica!!
>>694688908 (OP)
Atheism is the only answers. It's a shame that nu-4chan is mostly Christfags.
Personally I'm pretty pale, more than other "white" people. You'll probably know I'm something else because of my nose or eyebrows though, and some of my family members are pretty olive skinned, so I'm sure if I have kids it's a coin toss. Again, please escort my natural-born ass to where you think I belong, because I don't really think I belong anywhere outside of the US
>expecting armenians to have accurate recordkeeping past 30 years.
>much less 1700 years
>chuch was a minor spanish moor cult at the time
>barely even made it to Roma
>suddenly in the 1300s "originalism" put every converted bation in a race to be the earlier, truer christianity.
Fucking russian dopes think they're practicing the one true orthodoxy as well. And the greeks. And the dacians... Etc etc etc Apocryphal.
Aloha snack bar Kek gonna start using that in Muslim YouTube vids
>>694688908 (OP)
The San Bernardino massacres were done by Muslim
-The Mali Attackers were Muslim
-The Paris Attackers were Muslims
-The Shoe Bomber was a Muslim
-The Beltway Snipers were Muslims
-The Fort Hood Shooter was a Muslim
-The underwear Bomber was a Muslim
-The U.S.S. Cole Bombers were Muslims
-The Madrid Train Bombers were Muslims
-The Bafi Nightclub Bombers were Muslims
-The London Subway Bombers were Muslims
-The Moscow Theater Attackers were Muslims
-The Boston Marathon Bombers were Muslims
-The Pan-Am flight #93 Bombers were Muslims
-The Air France Entebbe Hijackers were Muslims
-The Iranian Embassy Takeover, was by Muslims
-The Beirut U.S. Embassy bombers were Muslims
-The Libyan U.S. Embassy Attack was by Muslims
-The Buenos Aires Suicide Bombers were Muslims
-The Israeli Olympic Team Attackers were Muslims
-The Kenyan U.S, Embassy Bombers were Muslims
-The Saudi, Khobar Towers Bombers were Muslims
-The Beirut Marine Barracks bombers were Muslims
-The Besian Russian School Attackers were Muslims
-The first World Trade Center Bombers were Muslims
-The Bombay & Mumbai India Attackers were Muslims
-The Achille Lauro Cruise Ship Hijackers were Muslims
-The September 11th 2001 Airline Hijackers were Muslims
Yea good old liberal GWB got us into the Iraq war. Fucking stupid man.
Think of it:
Buddhists living with Hindus = No Problem
Hindus living with Christians = No Problem
Hindus living with Jews = No Problem
Christians living with Shintos = No Problem
Shintos living with Confucians = No Problem
Confucians living with Baha'is = No Problem
Baha'is living with Jews = No Problem
Jews living with Atheists = No Problem
Atheists living with Buddhists = No Problem
Buddhists living with Sikhs = No Problem
Sikhs living with Hindus = No Problem
Hindus living with Baha'is = No Problem
Baha'is living with Christians = No Problem
Christians living with Jews = No Problem
Jews living with Buddhists = No Problem
Buddhists living with Shintos = No Problem
Shintos living with Atheists = No Problem
Atheists living with Confucians = No Problem
Confusians living with Hindus = No Problem
Muslims living with Hindus = Problem
Muslims living with Buddhists = Problem
Muslims living with Christians = Problem
Muslims living with Jews = Problem
Muslims living with Sikhs = Problem
Muslims living with Baha'is = Problem
Muslims living with Shintos = Problem
Muslims living with Atheists = Problem
then we'd argue on which theory is the most correct.
They're not happy in Gaza
They're not happy in Egypt
They're not happy in Libya
They're not happy in Morocco
They're not happy in Iran
They're not happy in Iraq
They're not happy in Yemen
They're not happy in Afghanistan
They're not happy in Pakistan
They're not happy in Syria
They're not happy in Lebanon
They're not happy in Nigeria
They're not happy in Kenya
They're not happy in Sudan
***So, where are they happy?...
They're happy in Australia
They're happy in England
They're happy in Belgium
They're happy in France
They're happy in Italy
They're happy in Germany
They're happy in Sweden
They're happy in the USA & Canada
They're happy in Norway & India
They're happy in almost every country that is not Islamic!
And who do they blame? Not Islam... Not their leadership... Not themselves...
Sssh. No one tell him who started Vietnam, and then fucked it all up!
>hint: no conservatives were involved
LOL you think it was him? it was the democratic congress that was the ones to say ya go for it. You must be retarded.
And they want to change the countries they're happy in, to be like the countries they came from where they were unhappy.
I'm sorry, I'm completely stumped...... Any idea who's causing the problem???
You want to add anything of actual value to your response or are you just going to be a typical uneducated faggot and rage against liberals with fallacies as arguments?
>my family is from Sicily
Prove it.
Make me an offer I can't refuse.
ive heard irish had some terrorists but forgot what they wanted
>Before the bible was even written.
That's simply not true.
Maybe before it was all canonized, but certainly not before it was written.
>>694688908 (OP)
It's time to start colonizing mars.
Oh FFS. Yea, you are right. It was totally a liberal agenda to get us into the next Iraq war. No it had nothing to do with the fucking retarded conservative administration under GWB pushing for war with false evidence.
There are a lot of preserved texts from those time periods. Also, christianity began in Jerusalem so it makes sense that it spread to rome and armenia and greece quickly. Finally, everyone used the Julian calendar back then so we can be pretty precise when it comes to recordkeeping (with about 2 weeks of error)
Anericans are way worse than Muslims. Some cunt needs to glass you cunts instead. You're much more dangerous.
Oh, sure. Let us all fall over ourselves to bother with cogent responses to Msr. "You're all fucktards!"
Utter waste of time. Much like your waking hours.
>false evidence.
Like this?
http://www.cnn.com/2008/US/07/07/iraq.uranium/index.html?iref=allsearc h
>Hindus living with Christians = No Problem
I dont have a source handy but I do recall a case about a year ago where some christian guy was lynched in a village in India because of rumor he ate beef
>Christians living with Shintos = No Problem
Shinto-Christian wars were a thing during the late stages of Sengoku era. although admittedly the issue was more complex than just religion, it about westernization as a whole and Japanese isolationist policy.
Rome added the pagan bits in 325 when they amalgamated all the wealthiest and most powerful cults in the empire into one state religion and rebranded everyones holidays in the greatest masgup of all time, the Council of Naecaea of 325, and issued the Bible. Before that it was just the spanish moors (moroccans & portugese) and their christs and the fisherman parable. Later he was decided to be a carpenter. Later he was decided to be a philosopher based on Aristotle, and that plagiarized a shitload of Chinese taoist literature once the silk road was really hopping.
No one but the varican has any trace of what christianity looked like beyond that, before 325. Scholars have been looking fir centuries, only to find the medieval catholic monks beat them to it centuries before. For a very long while, the church was nothing if not thorough.
>Anericans are way worse than Muslims.
>You're much more dangerous.
Which is it?
You need more sand niggers to make glass, nice try tho.
So you respond to me initially with an insult and ad hominem, I respond back in kind to level the field, and now you are backing down because you can't bother.
>We need more US propaganda, and more propaganda highlighting the time that the US/western societies have helped muslims.
No we don't. We just need to protect the first 12 Amendments and get rid of the 13th and those after.
Good thing whatever shithole you come from is no threat to the US.
I'm not even the same guy, faggot.
Also, you appear to be confused on what "ad hominem" means. Which is not really surprising.
>>694688908 (OP)
It can#t be, that there are no videos from this incident, can it?
Preach on Brother!!
>implying there is one bible
>implying the gospels were written before they were
>impkying they weren't hacked up and bodged and rewritten quite poorly into the bible before the council @ 325.
Niggers, you could not get a bible before 325, because there was no sych thing before the unification of Constantine.