July 23, 2016

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  • Those who 'Control' Disqus Twitter Facebook Youtube every level of Government are Democrat Liberal SECULARISTS LGBT Feminists Feminized males Lesbians Homosexuals Collectivists Socialists Marxists Communists. They are the Greatest Immediate Threat to Western Civilization and our Freedom.
    Russia China NKorea etc.. are NOT the 'Greatest Immediate Threat' the SECULARISTS Collectivists Marxists Communists Feminists LGBT Feminized males Homosexuals Lesbians are the Greatest Immediate Threat to Western Civilization and Freedom 'they' Control Every Level of Government, Courts, Police, Media. We have ALREADY Been Conquered but the feminized population can not 'SEE IT'. UK CANADA FRANCE Were Culturally Destroyed (Obliterated) and Conquered in the 1980's.
    We Will Feminize and Homosexualize Tens of Millions of Your White Sons.
    Globalist New World Order 1969
    Disqus continually Ban these Alex Jones Matt Bracken interviews.....

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        We have been conquered by the Marxist Collectivists Socialists LGBT Feminists Feminized males Lesbians Homosexual Communists

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          See Fat Boy Cenk is kissing Hillary azz now. Because Granny Bernie Sanders the sellout make his supporters into SUCKERS and Fat Boy Cenk made Bernie Supporters into suckers too. Yep, Fat Boy Cenk was crying and you can see his tear on his video on you tube. Fat Boy Cenk shouldn't be at RNC at all and Fat Boy Cenk reason to be there is to make Trump looked bad or Trump Supporters looked bad. If I was the security guard at RNC? I would kicked Fat Azz as Fat Boy Cenk on the streets with a boot in his Fat Azz.

        hidden crap

        the risks of being rejected far outweigh the rewards. Women have tons of friends, men and women. Both of whom will do everything they can to make sure you dont' have a relationship.

        Not only am I competing with average desperate dudes, but i'm competing with Chads and the typical good looking man.

        Perfect people do not get rejected. They get everything in life. So if i'm competing with those people, what's the point?

        The reality is that most of us are destined to fail with women because we aren't good looking enough. Most of us are average or above average. And with women, that simply isn't enough.

        Women have such high standards that it's damn near impossible to meet them. And as a result, the best way to handle the situation is to stop trying and give up

        Or else you'll continue to get rejected. And contrary to what delusional people think, rejection doesn't help you. It hurts you. And it doesn't get better.

        It's impossible to have "no trouble with girls" as an average guy unless you're dating 1/10 Fat wilderbeasts, or you're rich.

        Women don't settle for average guys. they all want good looking 6'2 model looking men.

        And social media, along with tinder and online dating sites are making it harder than ever for the average guy to succeed. Women go for the best of the best for online dating. Being "average" isn't enough

        good personality isn't enough

        hobbies are not enough.

        dare i say..even money isn't enought

        why even try faggot just kill yourself

        yeah, a self murking would be nice.

        i wake up to find out im still here and i haven't died in my sleep yet. fuck.