July 27, 2016

all whites go to the back

Language like "take your rightful place behind us" uncalled for. I'm sure the person wasn't really being serious but he should have known that wasn't cool.

That said, people who are comparing this to Rosa Parks are insane. That was a situation in which blacks were forced to live in a constant state of inferiority to whites throughout their everyday life. They couldn't even ride the bus without being FORCED to put themselves lower than white people. And this was enforced by law.

To say that this is the SAME THING as being ASKED, while you are at an event demonstrating in favor of black rights, to step aside so that the people prominently displayed in photos of the event will not be a bunch of white folks, is madness. This is not oppression.

Could the woman with the loudspeaker have been a little nicer and more polite? Maybe. Were the people using language of the oppressors out of line? Definitely. Is this in any way equivalent to Jim Crowe segregation? Good God, no!!

July 26, 2016

how is trump racist debunk cut and paste

"Here's a list of things that Trump did that's racist!"
"Wtf most of those are bulls*** and not at all proof Trump is a racist"
"Well what about the housing one?"
"Trump himself probably isn't the one hand picking the lease applications"
"Well what about that time he called all black people lazy?"
"That was a secondhand account written years after the fact by a disgruntled employee, soo.."
"Ok, maybe you're right."

^ How this topic should have gone were it not for the mental gymnastics of these libs