July 27, 2016

BLM Encounter 001

 07/27/16(Wed)18:40:38 No.696736816

>be me
>chilling with headphones and studying at library
>hear faint chanting in the distance
>it's the black lives matter brigade
>ignore the meddling cunts at first
>niggerette walks up to me
>knocks off my headphones
>mumble "no" and tell her to fuck off
>put on my headphones and continue ignoring
>minute later
>bitch grabs laptop out of my hands
>drops on the ground
>flip out phone
>start recording everything she does
>catch her admitting she wrecked my shit
>also record her taking swings at me
>grab laptop
>go to school administration and present evidence
>bitch get expelled
>has to pay for my new laptop

But why tho. I didn't ask for this.

>>696736816 (OP)
I have a fucking beauty
>working job in abbey road fitting kitchen need some stuff so go to b and q (hardware store for you Americans) in a place called Cricklewood
>wondering around the home depot bit passing time
>All fucking hell brakes loose 
>old white lady at the till gets pushed past by 3 mid 20's/30's black girls
>old lady says excuse me I was hear first
>Black women go into that high pitched squeal hillary Clinton has adopted
>Old lady says something along the lines of fuck off 
>1 black girl bitch slaps the old lady
>old lady's gran daughter rocks up and says she is phoning the police as they assaulted the old lady
>Black girl says "I didn't assault shit if you want me to assault you I'll fucking assault you" 
>Then comes the best time I've ever heard the racist card being used 
>Black girl who open palmed the old lady says "I didn't assault her you're just being racist" 
>walk outside and wait for the black girls get make and model of car and registration plate number walk in hand to the old lady and her grand daughter
How the fuck do they think they can get away with being cunts just because they're black

racism can end, when black lives no mater no moe.

tink aboot it ;3

cuz ebberytin is recist to black peepl, ever, ebebrytin, recism only end wenn black ppl end.

and also crime will end then. at least 85% persent of em crime. the most brutal crimes also this is.

tink aboot it.

no moe black recism. now !


Army Infantry

I was in the Army, infantry, Viet Nam, 1970-71. During the Bush years there was a concerted effort to encourage people to thank a veteran for their "service". Today the push is to call veterans "heros".

In January of 2003 I literally woke up to my military experience. I knew little of politics and policy. I consumed vast quantities of information to develop answers to two questions: Why war? Why do we so proudly send our children to kill other children? The answers came slowly - mostly from books. Howard Zinn's "People's History of the United States" was an eye opener. It was closely followed by two time Medal of Honor recipient Marine Major General Smedley Butler's "War is a Racket". Many other books, DVDs, and conversations followed. The bottom line, as I see it, is that war is about money and markets. The cabal that runs this country spends a lot of our tax dollars trying to convince us that war is honorable, heroic, and the "only way" to insure "freedom".

Robert Mcnamera's film "Fog of War" showed me that the Gulf of Tonkin never happened. I met a Navy officer who was on the Maddox. He resigned his commission when he saw the lie. Thus we invaded and destroyed a country, killed four million, "lost" (physically and mentally) hundreds of thousands of our own - because some group wanted war. I also recommend the DVD "Vietnam: An American Holocaust".

Service is what the person does who fixes your car. When the word "service" is applied to the military it helps to justify violence as a method for conflict resolution. Like "defending our freedom" or "bringing democracy" the word "service" is used to lower the barriers of aggression. My motto is: If you have to hurt someone to solve a problem, you are the problem.

The military solution to conflict is death and destruction. That's not service. Call it what it is - the military.
Chicago, IL