July 28, 2016

2016 election cycle

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Why is this such a hard decision, /b/
On one side we got a woman that promises paid leave, equal pay, and a lot of other things that benefit our nation.
On the other hand we got a man who promises to keep muslims out of america and build a wall. A man who's a bigot. A man that asked Russia to hack America. A man that cites himself. A mam who idolises Vladimir Putin, who in turn, idolises Kim Jong Un. Jong Idolises people like Sadam Hussein. A man who's daughter plagiarized Michelle Obama's speech.

How is this even a contest? Hillary is who we need for president. If Trump is elected this could be America's last election.
Seriously some people are blind
>>696854894 (OP)
Both are shit
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>>696854894 (OP)
fuck yourself, you fucking sheep
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That's an understatement, both are possibly the worst candidates in US history.
Wage gap myth, bought by saudis and other big companies, clinton cash.

Wants to keep illegals out of country, did not ask russia to hack, since they already have the emails, has never said he idolizes putin.

Fucking retard. Keep watching the clinton news network propaganda.
>>696854894 (OP)
>>696854894 (OP)

Hillary proves that we just live in an oligarchy, our votes count for nothing. Look at what the DNC and RNC have done this election and tell me you like either candidate.
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>>696854894 (OP)
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>>696854894 (OP)
>not voting for the meme candidate 
Vermin supreme would never get elected, so trump is the next best choice. Seriously you can feel pride when your grandchildren come up to you when you are on your deathbed crying, and you can softly say "cant stump the trump"
Do you not quiver with the anticipation of all the normies on Facebook wailing and weeping in November when the results come in that trump is now president?
Can you not feel the rush of laughing at people who might commit suicide because of this?
He is the perfect go fuck yourself candidate, it will be so magically when he wins. Truly a president worthy of lulz
you do not know much about history do you? (also Ben Carson...)
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>>696854894 (OP)
>we got a woman that promises
Do you think you can trust her?
>Wage gap myth, bought by saudis and other big companies, clinton cash.

paid by various companies to give speeches - does not mean bought. Trump on the other hand owned by Putin and friends - no bank in america will lend to
>Wants to keep illegals out of country, did not ask russia to hack, since they already have the emails, has never said he idolizes putin.

Did ask russia to hack the Secretary of States email - begged them to do it. on TV live. also has praised Putin openly - doesn't have to say he idolises - he just says he is a great leader.

Has no regard for the judiciary, the constitution advocates torture and murder of innocents -

no matter how bad you think Clinton is, she is not as bad as this
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A vote for Hillary is a vote for this.
A vote for arabs shooting germans? hell that sounds good. how does she arrange this? is it a CIA plot or something?
she started lots of conflicts in the middle east
kind of shows you that she don't like sandniggers much
although trump wants to stop being world police

ok well vote 3rd party
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>>696854894 (OP)
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>>696854894 (OP)
Your use of the word "bigot" makes it almost believable that you're a true supporter. I'll give you 3/10.
>>696854894 (OP)
kid all she is doing is making promises.
the same promises Obama made.
the same promises.
same promises.
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sure kid. can't give an example.
gore maybe.
>>696854894 (OP)
>on the right we have a defender of child rapists
Fixed that for you
not bought
wew lad
went right over your head
summers here. I could never vote for a candidate whose supporters post shit like this.
so childish.
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>>696854894 (OP)

OP is fag.
Clinton is a federal criminal and no better than a Putin.
Trump is a hotheaded idiot and no better than Kim Jong Un.

This is the year of the third party candidates. A two party political system was always doomed because it's ripe for corruption given the lack of choice. The only power it has is the power we give it.

Vote Johnson or Stein. I don't care which I'd be happy with either over these poor excuses for human beings.

Personally, Johnson for Prez. Conversative finances but doesn't push faith on my social values. Perfect.

Libertarian revolution begins.
Cute. First time I voted I voted for the "other" guy too. But you know what. It's totally pointless. your votes will end up going to trump or hillary in the end. So might as well vote for one of them instead.
>>696854894 (OP)
aww man you dun wan tramp in orifice do ya
best to be voting for hillary
>what is a 3rd party
fuck out of /b/ shillary
voting for 3rd party in us of ayy is the stupidest idea ever
they never got more than 8-10% of support
well wasted vote my idealistic autist friend
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>>696854894 (OP)
fuckin shill
>>696854894 (OP)
Nice loaded question, faggot.
Tell me, do you parent's upstairs know you're a huge faggot?
>>696854894 (OP)
Putin hates fags OP is a massive fag in turn this is just more homosexual propaganda by OP so he does not feel bad about sucking cock
I live in Florida so jokes on you we dont have basements
So are you a Cuban or a Gator cause that's the only two things I know of that live in Florida
>implying i havent lived in america for 28 years
>implying i havent seen enough presidential elections to know this is the case
>implying i dont already know that war crimilly is the next president regardless of who i vote for 
>implying i could possibly be dumb enough to waste my vote on shillary even knowing all these things
No I'm a proud white male
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You stupid cis bigot
So your a Cuban trying to hide from DHS gotcha
>>696854894 (OP)

are you a faggot or a huge faggot?
Literally no
Part Spanish(Spain) part Irish
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Fucking EDGY my man. Id like to take you out for a hot cup of bleach, on me.
>>696854894 (OP)
>She "promises"....
this is the problem with her and the rest of the democratic party, nothing but empty promises. Fuck those faggots.
They're both self obsessed and only seek the presidency for their own self aggrandizement
>>696854894 (OP)
LOL! Where do you get your info; from that old drunk living in the park down the street from your place?
The daily show with trevor Noah
related discussion:
Who Should Bernie Voters Support Now? Robert Reich vs. Chris Hedges on Tackling the Neoliberal Order
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jr4cXH3Fil8 [Embed]
"Did ask Russia to hack the Secretary of States email" - it was joke you fucking faggot. If you don't know what sarcasm is you shouldn't be allowed to vote.

However both your candidates ar shit. If Clinton win WW3 will start. And if Trump wins Russia atacks E. Europe and WW3 will start. Congrats USA all world will be fucked because of you
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I see the resemblance
>>696854894 (OP)
Hey freeloader, my job already offers paid leave and a structured pay scale. Your argument is invalid.

Equal pay = communism

You lazy fucks just want an excuse to continue to do literally as little as possible to survive. You wanna make more money? Fucking work for it.

All of the free shit Democrats promise has to come from somewhere. And that somewhere is the wallets of working class citizens.

Hillary appeals to people like you who have little to no understanding or knowledge of economic systems. You can't just suddenly increase wages for half the population without something else plummeting. Higher wages means less profit. Less profit means less business expansion. Less expansion means less jobs. Less jobs means jobs are harder to get for people with no skills or work history like illegal immigrants. And now you are right back to square one.

You can't draw blood from a stone. There is no secret bank account that can be tapped to increase wages.

Don't declare your opinion is the only truth. Equal pay doesn't benefit everyone.
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Hey Trump supported watch the convention tonight so you can see what real leadership looks like!
>>696854894 (OP)
Hillary is a puppet just like Obama was, she is guaranteed to continue the war business, people killed, more terrorist attacks, maybe even a war

i'm not saying vote for Trump,i'm saying don;t vote for Hillary
>>696854894 (OP)
It isn't about what they say, it is about what they will do. We have all seen it in the past with other presidents. They promise to make America better and nothing changes. Clinton has a track record of Lieing and selling out the nation. She is corrupt and has only big money interests. That is why we don't want Clinton.
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i'm serious, don't be a troll when it comes to the future

i'm not saying the emails are 100% real, i'm saying what if they are
Her track record says otherwise . As is always been said innocent until PROVEN guilty . PROOF NOT NAME CALLING NOT HE SAID SHE SAID PROOF! Thats America Bitch!!!
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that's weird because (as a non american) seeing it from a neutral perspective, that's exactly how they got you to vote for obama

They were saying stuff about Mit Romney as well, difference is Trump is making it way easier. They are playing you at your pride and you;re falling victims ameri-dumb, and if it was just for you i wouldn't care, but you're killing the rest of the world too with that vote

carry that with you
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If Trump Wins PUTIN will FUCK The Boltic states , Down play NATO and undermine American security. Russia will fuck us in the ass . He will cost 100,000s if not millions of lives
Well Putin was fighting ISIS when england, france, germany and america were silent. Then the Hillary emails.

Maybe it's time someone put things straight, those who did wrong all those years and made business with war deserve whatever they are going to get
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The Democrat party has become a criminal operation. It is full of liars, cheats and thieves. Watch Clinton Cash documentary for the shocking truth.
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>>696854894 (OP)
It's not a hard choice at all
Yeah he helped assad instead of the rebels? But he in fact saved thousands of civilians. Its not about assad, its Isis thats the problem. Assad is just another shit ruler the US doesnt like but has no business messing with.
i don't care for Trump, he's inhuman piece of shit with not care for human life.

America needs to break the democrat or whatever the fuck the other party is for the first time in forever

but whoever is behind this will probably rig the elections no matter what you guys vote and the craziness will continue, so hurray! It;s all going to shit and there's nothing we can do
On the other end we have a psychopath named Donald Trump. And on the other end we have a sociopath named Hillary Clinton.

And in the ring, we have millions of mindless nutjobs ready to fist fight each other because of a mere monkey. And then bring out their guns.

None of you are correct.
Why did you yell drop the microphone? Why are you yelling at all?
She's a woman who got cheated on, she cannot lead.
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ASSAD was doing genocide on his own people !!! What country are you in ????
dumb americans can only communicate in media merketing language, that's how fried their brains are
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Donald Trump has done nothing but destroy families for his own gain !
i'm with you brother, thing is, what can be done?
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>>696854894 (OP)
hillary's whole shtick is "im a woman" and "im not donald trump"
trump's whole thing is "im not hillary clinton"
they're the same choice either way
save the planet
save democracy
vote green
vote jill
>>696854894 (OP)
Fuck them both. I am not going to bother to vote.
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>Trump loses and the Dems get 4 more years in the White House AT LEAST
>Trump wins and ruins the fucking country and the GOP dies
Dems win no matter what happens, you REALLY fucked up GOP
Gary Johnson and the Libertarians are weak as fuck. They take it up the ass for Big Oil.
Vote Green, and make a difference.
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>On the other hand we got a man who promises to keep muslims out of america and build a wall.

Why did you make this so easy?
Yeah, that'll show 'em
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One has a record for fighting for human rights children families and the poor . TRUMP FIGHTS FOR TRUMPS AND DOES NOT CARE WHO HE FUCKS IN THE PROCESS !! YEA THEY ARE REALLY THE SAME ! GOOD GOING THERE KID!
Went to a Trump Rally last night. His whole thing is "I'm Donald Trump" and it's working.
>>696854894 (OP)
Ask shitlery if bill paid a fair wage to monica for her "service"
>>696854894 (OP)

Yeah, but /b/ is full of suburban white 12 year olds who are terrified of anyone who doesn't look like their dad, and their entire lives are experienced though TV, video games, and the internet, therefore they consider it all to be an irrelevant spectacle yelling in an autistic fugue state "TRUMP 2016" because they're afraid of black people and the poor. Republicans cried tears of blood over Obama's lack of experience when he was elected, and now you have a reality TV show host with literally 0.00% experience as their nominee with a platform of demagogic rhetoric consisting of bullshit platitudes like "I'll give you all jobs!", "I'll make everything so great you won't even know what to do with yourselves!" Seriously, guys? Seriously? His bullshit is so transparent, it'd be hilarious if it wasn't so potentially destructive.

I'm not a fan of Hillary, but Trump is a fucking caricature, a con-man, and a bad joke that's long past stale. If you truly support him, you are exactly what's wrong with this country.
>>696854894 (OP)
>Wants to increase payroll tax to fund the leave
>Only wants it to go to people with kids
Fuck this bitch
why not vote for anyone else besides those two then? another party
She and Bill pushed to deregulate the banks, which cause the economic crash of 2008. Syria and Lybia is beyond fucked. She voted for the war in Iraq, the Patriot Act, and the re authorization of the Patriot Act. Not to mention all the Big Money, and fuck man she's for fracking, which poisons the earth and your water, to get a finite amount of natural gas, that shit causes earthquakes and pollutes the water supply. Voting for Hillary would do just as much damage as Donald Trump.

Because it's not realistic to assume it's going to be anyone other than Trump or Hillary, and Trump would be far, far worse, therefore I'm obligated to vote for his opponent.
She's also pro TPP which move millions of jobs to the Pacific. Places such as Thailand, China, Cambodia, and Korea.
thing is that Trump is wayyy too bad, in fact he is so bad that it all seems like a sceme to me.

For obama it was a "he's black" thing so if you voted for him you were "a good human being". As we all know Obama made everything worse by starting the syria bombings.

Hillary is the same business
that undermines democracy my friend. you're not voting your conscious?
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>>696854894 (OP)

The guy is mentally deranged. All egotists are. They only serve to better themselves, at the cost of everything else: family, religion, country, etc. Trump only serves to better Trump.
>>696854894 (OP)
>Hillary is who we need for president

At this point it is like having a gun or a knife to kill yourself, and you are trying to convince us the knife will fix all our problems
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Trump supporters want security like Russia, China, Trump get together to end Islam!
We also want economic security the past 8 years, do you feel better off? All this free shit they are promising, where will the money come from, the backs of the middle class! Clinton says shes for moms and babies, let their DADDY pay for them, and if not SHE FUCKED UP!
woman leader seems like a very bad choice to be honest
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>>696854894 (OP)
"Ase-uh beeza boatin' fuh
Hillbuhree Rodman Clibuhmuhtun!"
no, there is no reason at all to make that comparison. again typical Trump style tactic - tell a lie wrapped up to look like a fair comparison. keep repeating the lie until people believe it. fling mud till it looks like it sticks.
cruise control: the ultimate argumentative tactic
>being this much of a faggot
You do realize Trump has no platform, and you can't "end Islam" for it falls under the first amendment right to freedom of religion. Stop being ignorant. As for "all the free shit", it would come from a coal on tax, and having the 1% pay their fair share of taxes.
Millions of jobs would be created by switching to clean renewable energy, and rebuilding our infrastructure, that and having the jobs be a livable wage, would not only increase economic opportunities for the middle class, but you would see a rise in overall morale and production. Ending disastrous trade deals such as NAFTA, and replacing them with improved trade agreements to make trade more fair, would also bring back more livable wage jobs.
As far as I know, Trump only supports new trade agreements. Also he doesn't believe in climate change.
islam has no place in a first world civilized society and it's unconstitutional by itself.
my choice
the correct word here is 'sandniggas'
Okay, I have to explain.
There are two different sects of Islam. Shi'ite and Sunni.
ISIS is mainly Shi'ite and the Muslims who do support ISIS are also Shi'ite. Shi'ite Muslims make up about 10% of all Muslims and mainly live over in the middle east. Whereas Sunni Muslims mainly make up the rest of all Muslims and live here, and they do what me and you do everyday. They get up go to work, live their lives, have families. They just believe in something different man.
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>not voting for Trump because it'll stir up the biggest shitstorm

Since when was /b/ filled with faggot liberal cucks?
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>>696854894 (OP)
believing anything sHillary says
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-dY77j6uBHI [Embed]
Not liberal my friend, Progressive.
>>696854894 (OP)
All this "fear Trump" bullshit is getting old. That's Hillary's whole campaign "at least I'm not Trump, we have to defeat Trump, Trump is a bigot, Trump is a misogynist."

Trump isn't going to do shit. It could be America's last election? Are you out of your fucking mind? Trump wants the title of president, his administration is who will run the country. How the hell is Trump going to make this "America's last election"? You really think he has that much support? It's nonsense. Clinton's no better.
Oh well, I should base my decisions on Youtube videos.

Fucking 12 year olds
haha, nice try faggot. trump's campaign is the one based on fear.

fear hillary
fear islam
fear mexicans
fear blacks

oh dear! you better vote for a retard to save the day.
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>>696854894 (OP)
>Seriously some people are blind

no some are retarded and their all Hillary voters
If you know who and what she is and vote for her fine. But 99% of you know nothing that was spoon feed to you by the pro Hillary liberal media.
>>696854894 (OP)
We always had equal pay you leftist bigot
beta drumpf supporters are beta
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First amendment / thats why get with Russia, China they hat Muslims!
Tax on coal ? Coal is already in decline in USA not going to get much revenue there!
On jobs Pres. Obama has already been doing this, where are the jobs even fracing is in decline (low oil prices). Stock market all time high, with no real jobs (busniess answer to Obama care?). Trade agreements ask your parents do they feel better off since NAFTA the first trade agreement?
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I should base my decision based on what the liberal media says about their poster child. Screw the facts or whats real. heaven forbid you grow up an take some time to learn about her you self. I've fallowed her for decades fucking ignorant people annoy me sorry.
I'M SO SICK OF WOMEN SAYING awhhh I make 2 cents less
Listen, I'm a woman, I work the exact same job as a man, my cowrker and i compared paychecks. Guess who makes more?
It's not much, but this whole equal pay argument is invalid
Women need to quit bitching.
Even worse, still die
Yeah, it sure is. I'm not supporting either of them, because they're both one in the fucking same. They both are trying to convince everyone that they're at least better suited for the job than the other. It's no longer about who's the better candidate, it's become about who is worse.
oh because some emails were "supposedly" leaked amirite? there is no basis on fact there, no confirmation that they are even legit other than a very small few. how hard would it be for a hacker to mix in a ton of fakes with some real ones? not hard at all.

pull your head out of your ass.
You do realize that the Trump supporters on my Facebook wall just shitpost the dumbest Trump meme pictures all day. Combined with their ad hominem, weasle word filled, right sided angry rants all the time, it's hard to take them seriously. I mean I don't support Hillary either but he doesn't make a good case for Trump shitposting Trump and NGE and wining like a baby everyday. An example of his childish antics: posts memes and rants about Hillary deleting emails and then proceeds to delete conversations off his Facebook because they upset him or he lost the debate and wants the world to think he's never wrong. Claims it's "damage control", but I know it's because he doesn't have consistent values and is a living troll that has an image and nothing more going for them ATM.
I never understood the mentality of this. Yes Obama has tried to do a bunch of things and was stonewalled by a Republican congress for many of them. Doesn't change the fact that many of the things he tried to do was good, and it certainly shouldn't feed into voting for his opposition in an attempt to get something done.
It isn't just a Youtube video. It's video after video of Clinton contradicting herself. You mean to say that if something is uploaded to Youtube it must not be of an substance in an argument?
It literally is just video after video, Hillary says one thing, the next video is of Hillary saying the exact opposite. I'd say that's pretty good evidence that she's a fucking liar, how could you argue against that?
>>696854894 (OP)
>Implying the majority of the country doesn't have the same beliefs as Trump
Most Trump supporters keep their mouths shut about politics because they don't want to get in huge pointless arguments. Voting is anonymous, Trump will probably dominate the polls honestly if it's not rigged.

>what is video editing?

>it's on the internet, so it is real
Hag clinton promised to ban guns. 2nd amendment precludes this. Besides she is a serial killer. Who would vote for a serial killer?
I guess the payments started for DNC trolls I read about in the hacked emails.
Tell me, show me where in that video is Hillary taken out of context? I'll repost the link for you, point it out to me. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-dY77j6uBHI [Embed]
>>696854894 (OP)
voting trump to piss off the normies
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vqYJRc0TJkQ [Embed]
This anon gets it.

If we could only have a policy banning lies from YouTube, Trump's campaign would have never even made it off the ground.
>>696854894 (OP)
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The fucking guy is a used car salesman.
Empty statements and promises.
The only people who want him are brain dead rebulitards.
I've been a republican for 20 years.
Our party has become infested with idiots.
>>696854894 (OP)

>On one side we got a woman that promises...

Show me the last time any Democrat actually kept a promise that they made?

>Protip: You can't.

>Also, this just in: Wikileaks has said they will be releasing phone mails from Killary and the DNC that could easily blow that entire party right out of the water.

Here's a funny thing: Assange and Wikileaks have yet to find ONE SINGLE THING on Trump! Yeah, think about that a minute!

>Truth: All Democrats know what a crook and liar Killary is.

>The terrifying thing: They don't care! 

>(You just want to keep your welfare checks coming!)
I don't know why unconstitutional, but I have to agree Islam, Christianity and all religions have no place in a first world country. sadly however, they are here and it will take a long time to get rid of them. radical antii religious legislation 9make them pay taxes to sart with) is needed. neither T-rump not Clinton will do that though. But at least Clinton does not lick the right wing christians asses.

>Our party has become infested with idiots

Who can't spell or use proper grammar?

what is its a has up of clips from her videos over the years but you dumb ass hillary supoorters rather dismiss then take the time to look up the orginal vidoes and view them.

They did not edit what she said they merely took clips and massed them so you could see the she has taken every position on every major topic the ultimate flip flopper

just like the joke " he came he saw he died"
video where shes joking about the ambassador in Benghazi

Or the tapes of her interview "boasting" about getting a off a child rapist on a technicality

she is scum
trump is shit too
but she make trump look like Jesus in comapirson
Wake up!
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wbkS26PX4rc [Embed]
>>696854894 (OP)
because the first one is a pathological liar.
>>696854894 (OP)
>Implying hacking Hillary means hacking america
>>696854894 (OP)
It depends on wheter or not you want a shit flavored sandwich or a sandwich flavored shit? Either way, youre still eating shit
so all that passing legislation to help people in the past has been what? a front? all that campaigning for minorities and equal rights? just doing what her handlers tell her? yeah, right. but please, do repeat some more Republican talking points for me

I'm not reading a right-wing rag that has only a slightly higher standing than a basement blogger.

But hey, just keep buying into the GOP bullshit anon.
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What the Democrats don't realize (because they don't think, they just follow the commands of their overlords) is that Trump is actually the new FDR except better!

Trump is a tough, no-nonsense, straightforward candidate that this nation needs.

>Killary as president: would totally roll over to any foreign leaders and let them run all over her.

>Trump: Tough, won't take shit from anyone!

We're at a critical point in our national history where we need to show real strength to the rest of the world.

>Killary can't do that.

>Trump can!
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or how about Hillary talking about deporting illegals
Building barriers aka WALLS, securing our border with mexico sound like anyone you know? LOL

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_uXJ1mgkyF0&feature=youtu.be [Embed]
>I do not know how to fact check
You really ought to just fucking hang yourself
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>Washington Post


Fact checkers continually put both Hillary's and Trump's statements to the test. Guess what, Trump lies WAY MORE than Hillary according to the experts.
Russia won't start shit, all that russian people want is peace and moneis, since we are poor as fuck. All offensive wars/operations in the past decade were started by the West
The FBI thing has absolutely nothing to do with the latest DNC hack that people are talking about.

We're not talking about the FBI stuff and the private server.

Try to keep up.
no, it is about a narcissist who has no self control and no attention span being given power - against a very smart, dedicated, if power hngry, woman who will, to keep power, do what people want - ie - govern efficiently and well. pragmatism is ok, when it serves the people. being a douche who attacks the judiciary because they won't do as he wants is not. Trump is unfit to rule, and has never served.
>>696854894 (OP)
I know this troll post but still she couldn't even do this
“I, [name], do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will support and defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies, foreign and domestic; that I will bear true faith and allegiance to the same; that I take this obligation freely, without any mental reservation or purpose of evasion; and that I will well and faithfully discharge the duties of the office on which I am about to enter. So help me God.” 5 U.S.C. §3331 why would I trust her do this?
“I, <name>, do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will faithfully execute the Office of President of the United States, and will to the best of my ability, preserve, protect and defend the Constitution of the United States.”

You are more proof that Democrats are incapable of logic or critical thinking.

>Also, labeling something with the intention of demonizing it doesn't make it so!

>Stop trying to destroy all the things you don't understand or disagree with you!
>"Washington post is biased"
>Posts politifact
Now I know you're trolling
And what test is it, genius? Your 'experts' could say bigger BS that the meme lord himself, so not an argument.
Fucking kekked, my man
>Trump lies WAY MORE than Hillary

>Because it's true or because you say so?

Serious citation needed here.


("Beyond a reasonable doubt" will do nicely.)

>Protip: You can't!
>>696854894 (OP)
A bigot and a liar
cross the possibly
>>696854894 (OP)
Because big T is better than some crooked cunt
there is a difference between being inconsistent over decades and "being a fucking liar". if you lived your life on camera the way she has you would be easily shown up to be inconsistent, and probably, a big fucking liar - so what that a politician changes their mind as times change. better than a stupid idiot who sticks to the same view even when shown contrary evidence. >>696873973
no she has promised to increase gun control in a way consistent with 2nd amendment. so a> you are lying and b> the second bit about serial killer is just fantasy and lies.
Helping the poor = being paid to defend the black panther assholes.
I'm not saying you can't evolve your opinion when presented new information. Everyone should. The problem is that she won't admit it. She's claimed to have been consistent throughout her entire career. Now, that is the real bullshit. Changing your opinion based on new evidence is a good thing. Saying you always held that position is a lie.
lol, you think ayone would pay to have people troll this board.

oh dear gods, how sweet. you think /b/ matters to anyone
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just like when she used the word NIGGER
or does business with place likes Saudi Arabia who fund her and have such great gay a wemons rights. What she does and what she says are two totally different things

she not he official canidate of the KKK for nothing after all speaking at the funeral of the grand cyclops of the KKK. Several TOP KKK clan offices have publicly endorced her and she has accepted MILLIONS from the KKK
Bernie was the best you could have hoped for (Britfag here)
>>696854894 (OP)
WELL she also indirectly murdered one of our ambassadors in benghazi by refusing to send help when they were being attacked. She also broke security laws in the whole email thing, has a history of lying, and can't be trusted. we don't know what trump will do, but we DO know what hillary will do, and she WILL ruin this fucking country.
I'd like to see what happens if trump wins. I'm just curious af. I'm a eurofag tho so who cares
Trump is unfit to rule, and I would never support the Republican party, who tend to do anything to get their way. Hillary almost definitely is more fit to be president. I just wish it wasn't her.
Smooth, troll. Smooth
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fact checkers 90% of that liberal media shrills
Funny the non liberal media fact checkers have different overall results
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you think Assange and Wikileaks are looking for anything on Trump?

and if they were how about Trump University, or the guys he refused to pay, or the partners he sued to bilk them out of profits, or the banks he sued to renage on his debts, or the judges he has smeared - (attacking the independence of the judiciary - he wants to be President?)

it doesnt need wikileaks to show what he is like.
Someone's been watch too much tds
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can i be presidents
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just shit posting this to propagate, ignore
>Or the tapes of her interview "boasting" about getting a off a child rapist on a technicality

no such tapes exist, because she never did this. this is a stright lie.

listen to the tape where she taks about it being a terrible case which she hated having to do, and her laugh is about the man passing a lie detector - she laughs and says she has never trusted a lie detector since. the man was offered a plea bargain and took it - she did not get him off.

Big Lie, again. Well done Trump Shill
>>696854894 (OP)
>A man who's daughter plagiarized Michelle Obama's speech.
It was his wife you twat

Also it probably was just some guy who wrote the speech for her and lost his job

Also gr8 b8 yhread m8
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oh they keep on coming, please, it hurts my sides, stop, I can't take anymore!
Just wait until a very special something happens at the Democrat National Convention tonight. Trump has even tweeted telling his supporters NOT to watch it.

I hear that the DNC has got the bombshell of a lifetime being announced tonight.

Trump is dead in the water once this news hits.

It doesn't even matter if his supporters watch or not, because it will dominate every single headline tomorrow.
Vladimir, is that you? Now we talked about this - lying to your own people is ok, but stop doing it to innocent idiots on /b/. they might believe you....
The critical difference between Killary and Trump:

>Killary is a long-time insider politician

>Trump is NOT!

>Granted, Trump's a Washington outsider but, really, that's exactly what we need in this country right now: an outsider!

>Why? I'd as you Democrats to think about it but I know you can't so I'll explain it.

Washington is riddled with special interest politicians who are owned and belong to various US corporations and those politicians do the bidding of those corporations, NOT WHAT THE AMERICAN PEOPLE WANT!

Trump's father was a successful New York contractor. From an early age Donald Trump learned

1: Hard work, working with his hands on construction sites. (He knows how it feels to work on construction.)

2: By age sixteen Trump could build pretty much anything and knew the contracting business inside and out.

3: Dared to go where his father feared to tread, taking steps to make Manhattan great again, which he did.

4: Single-handedly transformed Manhattan from Fail to Success at a time when that city needed it most and no one else could.

>Trump is a WINNER! He SUCCEEDS!

>Killary is a liar and a snake who has NEVER SUCCEEDED AT ANYTHING!

Really! She hasn't! If you look at her political history it's FULL OF FAIL!

>Now, who do YOU want for president? 

>A failure?


>Your call.
>>696854894 (OP)
>promises paid leave
We have that now.
>equal pay
We have that now. Stop getting upset your liberal arts degree from Cuckold University doesn't warrant the same pay grade as the automation engineer's degree does.
>and a lot of other things that benefit our nation
You mean increasing tensions with Russia and North Korea? Ignoring flailing south american nation-states when we could clearly help them and in turn develop good trade relations?
Do you mean like closer ties with Europe as it fractures and brings in member-states that have active military coups?
>A man that asked Russia to hack America.
Russia's been doing that since the KGB was a thing (still technically is).
America has been getting cybernetically ass-raped by Russia since we figured out BNC connectors are fucking retarded and RJ45 is better.

>A mam who idolises Vladimir Putin
His country doesn't have a million gay men dancing on parade floats naked waving their dicks at children.
Or trannies doing the same.
Or lesbians doing the same.
Or safe spaces.
Or Social "Justice".
Or third-wave feminism.
Or a country so morally fucked it cares more about a shot gorilla than its crumbling educational system.
His country could also go toe-to-toe with the United States because drones just don't really fucking do all that much. They're insanely ineffiicient for the damage they cause, requiring entire crews of people to maintain and operate one drone to drop a few payloads.
>Jong Idolises people like Sadam Hussein.
Removing Sadam de-stabilized the entire Middle-Eastern and Western-Asiatic regions. We are still feeling the effects of this today.

>A man who's daughter plagiarized Michelle Obama's speech.
Obama has employed plagarism in four of his speeches.

>Hillary is who we need for president.
You're a cuck. Tell your wife I'm coming over in an hour. You can watch us if you keep quiet, otherwise I'm locking you in the kitchen pantry again.
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The problem is, technically by living in San Francisco my household qualifies as "the 1%" when, I can assure you, we are lower middle class when costs are considered.

I'd rather see new bracket & higher taxes on millionaires/yr up and some form of cost of living adjustment for the true middle class that falls below it.
Absolutely delusional BS.
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>All these years and why hasn't anyone thought to call her

because Hillary has given forty years of her life to public service, is a lawyer who has read the constitution... while Trump does not even know how many articles are in the constitution (he said 12!) and has never done anything to protect or serve anyone but himself...
I love how everyone who cites Hillary as a criminal; Trump has been evading taxes using international safe-havens.

"But oohh that's fine - fuck the country we live in, the rich deserve their riches cuz they work hard" - Every non 10% cuck conservative
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This is the ugly truth. Backed up with validation.
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7LYRUOd_QoM [Embed]
Validation: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1psPUpnycllEOLCxPnWWgzqd-FVvFas3F-i5UPO6uZq8/edit?pageId=109924266109730538575
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Thanks for admitting the presently damaged state of your mind, I do appreciate your honesty regarding that.

>Sadly, your statement is probably the last moment of HONESTY we'll see from any Democrat ever again!
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>>696854894 (OP)
with bait like this who needs mudslimes

>Using LEGAL tax shelters
>Leaking TOP SECRET documents, endangering national security

Gee..... let me think about this a minute....
every fact checker says so - but hey that isn't proof - I'll just raise the bar - proof would only be if you personally check every fact ever and present it to me in gold leaf pages written with diamonds

fuck off troll
Hey look. A liberal trying to call non-liberals cuck.
Nice try. What's Tyrone's nut taste like mixed with your wifes' cunt-juice?
>mfw liberals try to call others cucks
>mfw liberals are nothing but cucks
>mfw liberals pretend they actually satisfy their partners
>mfw no face
Hit the nail on the head. You can't get any more accurate than that. Anyone with an IQ past 3rd grade can clearly see Trump is turning this election into Jerry Springer. Reached an all new low. I think Trump's campaign is more vulgar and cancerous than /b/ on 4chan LOL
>Leaking TOP SECRET documents


nice try though
>equal pay
For whom? Everyone is already paid equally
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Coming through guys!!!!!!!
nope, bad bait mate. Obama care was largely her creation. veterans care bill - Hillary. economic regeneration of New York upstate - her plan.
>Points out spelling errors and grammatical errors that are either minor or do not exist. 

>The rebulitard version of a counterpoint.
Hillary vs second term Dubya
But none of them are really in the running for top 10 worst candidates.
You're forgetting all the independents and various other parties' candidates.
And also like all of the 19th century with a few noticeable exceptions.
The FBI literally came out an admitted that top secret documents may have been leaked. Go fuck yourself
She cheated him out? Fuck, he would have helped America so much.

How very typical to be so closed and narrow minded.

It just makes the use of the word "liberal" so incredibly and cringingly ironic, doesn't it?

>Liberal: hateful, narrow-minded, judgemental, dictatorial, power-hungry, wants to run and control everything. 

Don't forget that Stalin was a "liberal."

>Also, if you want gold and diamonds you're going to have to get up OFF YOUR ASS, WORK FOR IT AND GET IT FOR YOURSELF.

>I'm not just going to give it to you, you welfare-mentality faggot!
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Not that anon, but I think he made his point perfectly clear.

The original post was the "I'm smart, you're dumb" meme, and the poster for being so smart can't even correctly spell.

Irony. kek.
everyone does business with the Saudis - they are American allies. sadly.
>economic regeneration of New York upstate - her plan
As someone who lived in both Itchaca and Brooklyn, this plan has failed astronomically. Nothing has changed.

>Obama care was largely her creation. veterans care bill
As someone whose gf is a VA ANP, veterans get treated like absolute dogshit. Russia and China have FAR better veteran affairs departments and policies. They actually appreciate the people whom server their country.
Not progressive, Intelligent is the better word. You confused the faggot
>may have

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Why the derogatory hate speech? I thought you liberals were against this sort of thing.
>>696854894 (OP)
she wrote her senior thesis on this guy
He also had a major influence on Obama

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>>696854894 (OP)
Oh yes I'm sure the fact that wikileaks having thousands upon thousands of her emails is just a coincidence.

They said the FBI will have to reccommend and indictment after their next leak
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Oh let's deflect again now shall we?

A favored tactic of the right.

Thanks for breaking that down with intellect which I can see is like a needle in a haystack to find in this board.
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setting aside the DOZENS of lies and shady deals over the last 30 years , I knew I would never support her when she said " what difference does it make ?" when asked about bengahzi
No actually he made no point as he did not even state what great grammatical/spelling infractions occurred.
And also is to stupid (just like you) to understand perfect spelling/grammar =/= intelligence.
But you keep hiding your moronic minds behind what you in order to feel better.
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>>696854894 (OP)