August 11, 2016

Wow, women on facebook know who looked at their pics

23 minutes ago#1
It's a feature offered to women on facebook. Basically the way it works is that they have an algorithm that looks for unique females based on pics posted and other things. So you can't just get this feature by making a fake profile.

And it tells them all the people who looked at their profile + an individual count of who looked at each of their pics. 

So if you're an average guy you better think twice about looking at your hot friend's pics.

August 10, 2016

Safety FTW: The Pokémon In Pokémon Go Will Now Scream When A Player Is Within A Mile Of A Registered Sex Offender

According to a popular spanish speaking Youtuber, a cyber security company called Looking Glass Cyber Solutions is apparently offering a service to remove Pokemon from your private property for a fee. The thing is that to do that, they specifically ask Niantic Labs to do so.

The money that Looking Glass perceives never gets into Nintendo's pockets or Gamefreak's, it's all money on the side between them and Niantic, who is the main developer of Pokemon Go.

If this is true, those guys are Geniuses.

Flash cannon. A Fuj$%king steel move. Been grinding since day one and it's useless.
PSN: Unholyperfection.
1 day ago#2
Mine has flash cannon and watergun :( 

Luckily I found this one didn't evolve it I need about 5 more squirtles and I will have my evolved blastiose 

I lucked out with venasuar has vine whip and solar beam IV's be damned great moveset
If it doesnt have Water Gun/Hydro Pump, it's automatically trash.
FIRE EMBLEM FATES MYCASTLE CODE: 13579-82059-13410-14149 
3DS Friend Code: 5215-1324-3241. PM me first before adding me.
1 day ago#4
Don't even feel playing after that. Weeks of grinding and your pokemon can turn out useless
PSN: Unholyperfection.
1 day ago#5
Yeah I feel you. Took me a whole month to get enough MK for a Gyrados and his moves are Dragon Breath & Twister.

DB seems to be a decent spammable move in combat, but Twister is utterly useless, especially compared to Hyrdro Pump.

I don't live in a plentiful water area so there's no chance I'm ever going to get another Gyrados
1 day ago#6
Perfect_flame posted...
Don't even feel playing after that. Weeks of grinding and your pokemon can turn out useless

Blastoise with Water gun and Flashcannon is actually not that terrible. Sure I'd also be disappointed if I got those 2 moves on a Blastoise, since a Blastoise without hydro pump just seems wrong. But according to this spreadsheet( ) it's still quite strong.(Just not as strong as it could be)
1 day ago#7
My Blastoise ended up with Bite and Ice Beam, which is literally the worst possible moveset. I feel your pain.
PSN - iRage89aLLday
1 day ago#8
Batto13 posted...
Mine has flash cannon and watergun :( 

Luckily I found this one didn't evolve it I need about 5 more squirtles and I will have my evolved blastiose 

I lucked out with venasuar has vine whip and solar beam IV's be damned great moveset

My girlfriend caught a f***ing Venusaur with vine whip and solar beam at our house yesterday. Just as I was getting to work...
If you're looking for a for real-for real RPG, check out Divinity: Original Sin EE on PSN, thank me later. 
-- PSN: WretchedOwls
iRage89 posted...
My Blastoise ended up with Bite and Ice Beam, which is literally the worst possible moveset. I feel your pain.

best combo. I was fighting a blastoise with my victreebeel and that freaking icebeam was killer. its good to have mixed moves to stop people in their tracks like that. water gun and icebeam is better then hydro pump in my opinion. nobody uses rock types and people barely use fire type and they wont use fire against a blastoise. they will use grass type or another water type.
FC: 3609-2443-9791
hey guys sorry to go off topic but if i just caught a venusaur with 101 cp is it kinda useless?
I lie i cheat i steal
FC: 2895-6462-5419
21 hours ago#11
lyhthegreat posted...
hey guys sorry to go off topic but if i just caught a venusaur with 101 cp is it kinda useless?

Yeah unless it's 100% IV with vine whip and solar beam.
PSN: Unholyperfection.
21 hours ago#12
With what it takes to evolve the starters you should hold out for something over 600 cp to start.
21 hours ago#13
I hate the constant use of RNG in this game.
PSN: falbes, 3DS FC: 4296-2981-8490
Feminism, BLM, and political correctness are cancers to society
21 hours ago#14
lildragon0 posted...
I hate the constant use of RNG in this game.

That's what makes Pokemon, Pokemon. If everyone could choose their movesets, it would be even lamer than it is now. We'd then know what every single gym guardian's moves were.
SM4SH // Friend Code: 1950-8266-6197 // FOXX
My Venusaur I worked for forever ended up with Razor Leaf and Sludge Bomb.

I was a little bummed at first, but it grew on me. Give it a chance.
21 hours ago#16
Just be happy you're finding starters.
21 hours ago#17
CptnStarFox posted...
lildragon0 posted...
I hate the constant use of RNG in this game.

That's what makes Pokemon, Pokemon. If everyone could choose their movesets, it would be even lamer than it is now. We'd then know what every single gym guardian's moves were.

Yeah, no. There is a HUGE difference between Pokemon Go and pretty much any of the handheld games we're used to.

Just some of the examples of what the handheld games allowed:
- Complete control over the long-term move sets. We could pick stuff both through evolving them and through stuff like TMs/HMs.
- The ability to breed stuff as much as we wanted. Once you got something like a Squirtle, you could build yourself an army if you felt like it.
- Leveling and powering up through experience and consumables (PP Ups, Attack Ups, etc.). 

Huge difference from Pokemon Go, where move sets are randomized, where Pokemon can only be leveled via catching a ridiculously absurd amount of that exact same Pokemon, where you're basically SOL if you live in a rural area, etc.

The fact that anyone would have the gall to try to compare the two is mind-boggling.