August 12, 2016

The Donald

Why are EU such huge pussies compared to USA?

Two years ago, the russian army, disguised as pro russian separatists, shot down an airplane killing the little girl in pic related and 297 other human beings. EU's response was making it a little more diffucult for russians to buy french cheese and dutch wooden shoes

If the russians shot down an american plane, freedom and democracy would have been delivered to ukraine and probably belarus as well, teatching Putin that such behaviour is unacceptable

now we're pretty fucked if Trump wins and USA stops protecting us

Stephanie McMahon to FORCE gay/lesbian characters

14 hours ago#53
Skye Reynolds posted...
Pro wrestling, the WWE in particular, has had a long history of homophobia.

Back in 1987, Roddy Piper and Don Muraco debated over whether open expressions of homosexuality should be allowed on wrestling television. Bad guy Muraco got a cheer from the crowd when he argued in favor of freedom of expression; citing "This is America." Roddy Piper, the good guy in the debate, shook his head and shouted about how he didn't want his son seeing that and thinking that it was okay.

The 1990s had Goldust fondling men against their will. The 2000s had oily tag team Billy & Chuck played for laughs. It wasn't until 2012, when GLAAD called out top star John Cena's use of homophobic insinuations, that the WWE finally changed its tune.

Maybe WWE owner Vince McMahon has changed his views. Maybe this is purely political for him. But his daughter Stephanie, the one quoted on saying how vital this is, has always been known to be more accepting. It's a new generation. Stephanie and her husband practically run the company at this point. Maybe there is hope for the company in spite of its history.

I can't pretend that they're starting out with a clean slate, but it's nice to see inclusion in a company that has thus far been seen as one of a perpetrator of homophobia. With LGBT acceptance being a part of wrestling and children's animation, I think we might really be starting to make headway against intolerant attitudes.

There is just a lot of homophobia is male sports (We'll include WWE as a sport here) in general. A player being openly gay affects their chances of being drafted and being popular worse than them being adulterers, women beaters, animal abusers, drug addicts, or even murderers (because being good at playing ultimately a trivial game excuses that). I'm welcome any attempts to try to change this culture to be more accepting.

I don't know anything about WWE, but I now greatly respect John Cena for what he did above. I knew he was a great person with the make a wish foundation, but this just makes him incredible in my eyes.