August 15, 2016

BLM Klan Equation

1 hour ago#46
Ever since these guys started burning stuff down and walking around with hoods (complete with a creepy hoodie image on the cover of Time magazine), I wondered how this movement is any different from the klan. They loot and smash, then get mad that everything around them is in such bad shape. They burn stuff down and scare people off, then get mad suburbs exist. They complain about "white flight" if nobody builds, but complain about "gentrification" if anyone does.

There hasn't been a Republican leader elected there in decades, free rides, free money from everyone else, everything should be paradise. But it turns out all the money in the world doesn't matter when a failed society just decides to spend it on drugs and killing each other. All their problems are 100 percent their fault. They made the bed they now sleep in. If they want to complain they should stop blaming scapegoats and look in the mirror.

Very sad that Obama doesn't look for good examples and instead gave a presidential medal of freedom to a guy who said all white people are going to hell. He even praised BLM and one of his honored guests had an ankle bracelet that actually went off during the visit. When he encourages criminality, more of it happens.

Did you guys hear about the white BLM protester that got shot in the neck in Milwaukee?

He's alive but I wonder how dumb he feels right about now for being a naive SJW.

He probably thinks it was a false flag illuminati conspiracy to make the protesters look bad, as if they need any help with that.
Hero/Legend of 261. Lover of life,free speech,etc.
The man who cared too much. Providing trickle-down knowledge since 2009

do you ever feel like a red pilled stanley kubrick

1 hour ago#17
Evo2k17 posted...
Saw this cute girl, met for coffee. Told me she has a 2 and a half year old son.

Hey man, at least give her credit for that much. That's some nice honesty to see tbh.
Says she's got experience enough to just be up front about it and not waste time.

Some single moms these days...they don't want to face reality. So they try to stealth slip the kid into the picture when they figure they finally got you on the hook. Or they'll drop it on you in front of their friends, so you feel like s*** if you're not 100% on board with it. They try and bait you into a bunch of situations that basically translate to: "man up and accept my burden or you're trash". And it's wrong. It's dysfunctional. It doesn't set a good precedent for how honest they're going to be in a long term relationship. That's a woman you want to avoid.

I've sit back and watched a couple of my friends pull this kind of s*** with their boyfriends and I'm just like girl you don't want a man, you want a pack mule for your problems that you gave yourself.

Still, I don't believe just being a single mom should be an instant dealbreaker for every guy. Especially the gals who are being up front about it. Not all of them are golddiggers looking for a sucker to sponge off of and spoil their kid. Not all kids of single parents are absolute nightmares to make peace with. It doesn't really hurt to date the gal for a while longer to see how things go. And if her and the kid are crazy, you back out anytime. As long as you're not stupid, you always have the option to leave. Some guys might even learn some parenting skills for when they really want to settle down. It's good to have that kind of exposure because it can give you insight on whether or not you can deal with a family arrangement at all. Ending up married with kids when you don't want to be a family man...that's a huge bullet to dodge right there.

But hey, if just the fact that a woman has a kid at all is like voodoo to you, then yeah you're not ready for that kind of deal anyway. Bail. It's better for everyone.