September 20, 2016

My teen boys are blind to rape culture

SupermanvsGoku 17 hours ago#1

“Oh boy,” my son said, rolling his eyes. “Not rape culture again.”

We were sitting around the dinner table talking about the news. As soon as I mentioned the Stanford sexual assault case, my sons looked at each other. They knew what was coming. They’ve been listening to me talk about consent, misogyny and rape culture since they were tweens. They listened to me then, but they are 16 and 18 now and they roll their eyes and argue when I talk to them about sexism and misogyny.

“There’s no such thing as rape culture,” my other son said. “You say everything is about rape culture or sexism.”

I never imagined I would raise boys who would become men like these. Men who deny rape culture, or who turn a blind eye to sexism. Men who tell me I’m being too sensitive or that I don’t understand what teenage boys are like. “You don’t speak out about this stuff, mom,” they tell me with a sigh. “It’s just not what teenagers do.”

My sons are right about that much. Teenage boys, by and large, don’t speak out about slut-shaming or rape culture. They don’t call each other out when they make sexist jokes or objectify women. It’s too uncomfortable to separate themselves from the pack so they continue to at least dip their toes into toxic masculinity. In their discomfort with action, they remain passive, and their passivity perpetuates the same broken system that sentenced Brock Turner to only six months in jail.

When I first talked to my sons about enthusiastic consent, they laughed at me. “No one is going to ask a girl before having sex with her,” they said. It’s too awkward and uncomfortable. Besides, they reassured me, you can tell whether a girl is consenting without having to ask her. But then one of my sons texted his sexually active friend to ask him whether he got consent from his girlfriend before they had sex. His friend quickly replied that he had to “encourage” her to do it a lot before she finally agreed.

My son didn’t call out his friend. He didn’t remind him that lack of enthusiastic consent means there is no consent. He didn’t say a word to him about consent at all, other than to ask the initial question, and that inaction hung heavy in the room between us. My sons, who are good boys and who know all about consent, do not speak out about consent. Not when it’s uncomfortable. Not when it might jeopardize their social standing. My sons who hate hearing about their own privilege nestle inside it like a blanket and accuse me of making up its existence.

My sons are part of the problem.



September 18, 2016

Comparing Gen 1 and Gen 5 critically and objectively

Illuminati 5 hours ago#1
There has been much talk about which of these two Generations is superior, creating a rift between the users here. I have decided to step in, and lay out the facts for all to see.

Gen 1:

-Brought the entire series into existence. Established several game mechanics that are still a major part of the games today.

-Has memorable, likeable Pokemon designs which are recognisable to casual, and even non-fans of the series, such as Pikachu, Charizard, Snorlax and Squirtle.

-Contains minimal story, allowing it to have a simple, timeless appeal, and allows all different kinds of people to enjoy it. 

Those who just want to play the game for its gameplay can make their way through it unopposed and unhindered. 

Those who want a richer story experience can go out of their way to talk to NPCs or read diaries, expanding on the world's lore. They can also use their imaginations to flesh out the world too.

Gen 5

-Attempted to reboot the series, but failed miserably. Actually introduced the least game mechanics of any generation, with only Hidden Abilities and a few significant items being additions.

-Has horrible, unlikeable Pokemon designs which caused major outrage, due to essentially being inferior clones of the Gen 1 Pokemon, and Game Freak trying to replace the originals with them. 

Black and White 2 quickly backpedaling on this change, and reintroducing the originals proves this idea was a failure and universally disliked.

Additionally, Gen 5 Pokemon are only recognisable and appealing to a small, niche clique of hardcore fans. While this outlier group will claim that Pokemon such as Volcarona are the pinnacle of design, you will be hard pressed to find a single casual or non-fan who could tell you what a Reshiram or a Conkeldurr is.

-Forces cringeworthy, poorly-aging melodrama down the player's throats. The large amounts of unskippable text that appear in these games make them unappealing to those who just want to enjoy the games for their gameplay, and make them too convoluted to be truly memorable.